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Nerf marauder immediately omg so broken!


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Good people of the Old Republic, please cut your losses and acquiesce to my demands or detrimental action WILL be taken. You're all looking for someone to blame huh? Noobs? Trolls? The supposed 12 year olds that play this game (the proverbial big foot If I may say so myself).


Well here I am a 17 year old, noob, troll WHATEVER! The perfect personification of everything that you hate rolled into one. So blame it all on me if it makes you feel like a big strong man! So you're looking for someone to blame?


Because that's what really matters right? Not fixing the problem only placing the blame! If that's the aim? Give me the blame! Give me the blame! Someone to blame for your own short comings of sitting idly by while others who actually have a voice get up and speak!


Of course there are people who don't want me to speak! Blaming someone who is innocent, someone who is a victim, who has been victimized OVER AND OVER OVER AND OVER. NONSTOP by people without a conscience , without that little voice in their head that says "OK! It's time to stop now I think they've had enough! We've had our fun" but no! blame me for the loss of Freighter fly by! Blame me for Power tech/ Vanguard unload! Blame me for them taking away darkness assassin self heals, BLAME ME FOR Sorcerer FORCE STORM NERF!







Blame me for all these things but don't blame me for your own short comings. That's all on you.


I'm so sick and TIRED! SURELY! Surely! There must be one be one among you who is not so lost? Not so blind to the truth? Because if you're looking for someone to blame you only need look in the mirror.

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this tread and you. I had my laugh for the day thanks


Definitely. Tank spec complaining about dps . Lmao. Looking at his tool bar , he obviously doesn't know what he's doing. If I looked at his gear I'd probably laugh harder. I did like the Juggs numbers which he failed to rage about. lol This is funnier then the Sent rolling resolve stim yesterday in pvp. :D

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Definitely. Tank spec complaining about dps . Lmao. Looking at his tool bar , he obviously doesn't know what he's doing. If I looked at his gear I'd probably laugh harder. I did like the Juggs numbers which he failed to rage about. lol This is funnier then the Sent rolling resolve stim yesterday in pvp. :D


what is wrong with my toolbar? I bet u can't find 1 thing wrong with it.


All defensive cds are in one place while the combative ones with shortest cds and procs are in the other please close your mouth if you can find anything to scrutinize everyone sets up their gui how they like it.

Edited by charlieferari
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I am sick and tired of the imbalance in this game, yes marauders are bad but that is only pre lv 45 after that are completely unstoppable and BROKEN!!! They are following the lead of Vanguards/Power techs by coming to the forums and fabricating parse sheets and information to trick bioware into thinking they are under performing and NOT nerfing them!


Look! Here I have proof! I was pvping in regs on harbinger and JUST take a look at the match results! lookith!




Look at the measly damage I did!? Obviously they are resposible and must be nerfed! if there were more people to kill my damage would have been hire but they stole ALL the kills!


These people are disgusting! I worked hard to read every toturial available about darkness assassin only to be out done by keyboard,face smashing; booty scratching monkeys in pseudo fotm classes and I WON'T have it 1 second more! As of now I am cancelling my sub until this issue is rectified!


FURTHERMORE! I will not tolerate any desrespect from anyone in this topic concerning issues of:


1. L2P Issues- because I KNOW my rotation it's: shock, wither ,discharge, melee attack then face to face maul then fully procced force lightening plus recklessness ,rinse and repeat so please close your mouth thank you very much.


2. Trolling - the picture is there and so is the evidence so no one can say I lied SEE FOR YOURSELF!


3. LOL noob - I have been playing this game for 2 years and have 2 characters each with a total of 100 VALOR POINTS so I know what I am doing so please shut up!


Please nerf Marauder by increasing the CD of force leap by 10 seconds , removing ravage root and stealth (their not a stealth class! why do they have this?) and reduce overall damage by 20% and then maybe I'd be satisfied, MAYBE.


Failure to meet my demands will result in my permanent retirement from this MMO. IMMEDIATELY!


Few things to tell you:


Marauders and Snipers are SUPPOSED to be the highest parsing. They're a dps only class.


You're darkness right? If I'm not mistaken, that's the tank spec, you will always deal less dmg than dps specs, at least in most cases.


Canceling your subscription is barely $15 less for BW/EA per month


100 valor points across 2 characters? I sure hope you mean levels...


Marauders don't have stealth, it's just the animation.


Their force leap is basically their opener, nerfing it by a whopping 10 secs would bring inbalance.


Reducing overall dmg? seems fair. 20% no. 1-5% would be fine, but 20% man, geez, it's already hard enough to level one, let alone have a tough one in this case.


You say you won't tolerate disrespect, then why are you a troll? It's clear enough, from your ''rotation'' you're not using taunts. That's a measly 1.4K in protection, are you taunts 2 seconds long?


EDIT: Frankly, I'd be more concerned about that 1 million dmg dealing Juggernaut... with WAY more protection rating than you.

Edited by Budderderrange
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I am sick and tired of the imbalance in this game, yes marauders are bad but that is only pre lv 45 after that are completely unstoppable and BROKEN!!! They are following the lead of Vanguards/Power techs by coming to the forums and fabricating parse sheets and information to trick bioware into thinking they are under performing and NOT nerfing them!


Look! Here I have proof! I was pvping in regs on harbinger and JUST take a look at the match results! lookith!




Look at the measly damage I did!? Obviously they are resposible and must be nerfed! if there were more people to kill my damage would have been hire but they stole ALL the kills!


These people are disgusting! I worked hard to read every toturial available about darkness assassin only to be out done by keyboard,face smashing; booty scratching monkeys in pseudo fotm classes and I WON'T have it 1 second more! As of now I am cancelling my sub until this issue is rectified!


FURTHERMORE! I will not tolerate any desrespect from anyone in this topic concerning issues of:


1. L2P Issues- because I KNOW my rotation it's: shock, wither ,discharge, melee attack then face to face maul then fully procced force lightening plus recklessness ,rinse and repeat so please close your mouth thank you very much.


2. Trolling - the picture is there and so is the evidence so no one can say I lied SEE FOR YOURSELF!


3. LOL noob - I have been playing this game for 2 years and have 2 characters each with a total of 100 VALOR POINTS so I know what I am doing so please shut up!


Please nerf Marauder by increasing the CD of force leap by 10 seconds , removing ravage root and stealth (their not a stealth class! why do they have this?) and reduce overall damage by 20% and then maybe I'd be satisfied, MAYBE.


Failure to meet my demands will result in my permanent retirement from this MMO. IMMEDIATELY!


I love everything you said here. It's hilarious and I thank you for the lulz. I especially liked your final demand. Gold.

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Few things to tell you:


Marauders and Snipers are SUPPOSED to be the highest parsing. They're a dps only class.


You're darkness right? If I'm not mistaken, that's the tank spec, you will always deal less dmg than dps specs, at least in most cases.


Canceling your subscription is barely $15 less for BW/EA per month


100 valor points across 2 characters? I sure hope you mean levels...


Marauders don't have stealth, it's just the animation.


Their force leap is basically their opener, nerfing it by a whopping 10 secs would bring inbalance.


Reducing overall dmg? seems fair. 20% no. 1-5% would be fine, but 20% man, geez, it's already hard enough to level one, let alone have a tough one in this case.


You say you won't tolerate disrespect, then why are you a troll? It's clear enough, from your ''rotation'' you're not using taunts. That's a measly 1.4K in protection, are you taunts 2 seconds long?


EDIT: Frankly, I'd be more concerned about that 1 million dmg dealing Juggernaut... with WAY more protection rating than you.


I know that I'll never reach 1 mil damage so there's no point in trying, Its better to get the marauders nerfed down so i can climbs the ranks a bit.

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My friend,


I dont even have a 60 and I didnt even need to look at your image to know that you a l2p situation.


Just quit your stubbornness and become a man in life. Learn to deal with whats thrown at you and make the best of it.


I swear if you get to apply that attitude you will have a much better time gaming in general.


Or you could just be a troll....and i think you are.


If you are not....you have 2 choices: Uninstall or Change everything else you do.



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The sad thing is, if maras get anywhere near competitive again threads like these (minus the trolling) will start popping up like wildfire. Back in season 1 maras were in the top 4 performing classes in solo ranked but from these boards you would think they were hatred pts on steroids + pcp.


This... Imagine the QQ threads that will pop up just with the small buffs they are getting... LoL

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Marauders are neither under or over powered right now. well maybe annihilation is underpowered in pvp. Carnage hits like a bulldozer, but can be a bit squishy. All in all Carnage is reliable and powerful but by no means overpowered. I am not so sure about Smash marauders. THey don't seem as popular as they once were. Edited by DARTHOSIRUS
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