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SW:Rebels - season II


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Rumors are already swirling Rebels might be done after 3 seasons with a new series in development.


Those are just rumors, but Freddie Prinze Jr. said he thought ideally they could go for 5 seasons.


We'll see.


Rebels has the Capacity of going throughout the entire time of the Rebellion. Granted some of the faces may change, but this show done right could weave in and out of the movies quite well.


In between 4 and 5 was a 3 year gap IIRC, atleast 2, and between 5 and 6 was another year at least.


Plenty we could see this show fill in with.

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I don't think they could really bridge the gap between rebels and OT (or rogue one for that matter) in just one more season. 5 does seem more realistic.


Like you said though, we'll see.


It's only a rumor, but from what I gathered it had to do in relation to the movies exploring, etc.


No one can say for certain at this point. I'd personally would like 5 seasons at least.


I'm sure they've planned for at least 4 or 5. I want a decent series finale, something the Clone Wars didn't get.

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Rebels has the Capacity of going throughout the entire time of the Rebellion. Granted some of the faces may change, but this show done right could weave in and out of the movies quite well.


In between 4 and 5 was a 3 year gap IIRC, atleast 2, and between 5 and 6 was another year at least.


Plenty we could see this show fill in with.


I agree with all that.

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Viewed the episode 2 times now, on the note of Ahsoka's fate; well I don't think she is dead. Vader looked pretty banged up, taken. Up to this episode Ahsoka is the only one, as far as we know, who managed to inflict Marks of Contact on Vader, mind you that I separate Anakin from Vader in this description. Ahsoka managed a Shiim or maybe several and, yes, it's inferior to all other Marks of contact, but a significant accomplishment against a powerful opponent!! We see a glimpse of Ahsoka as Vader leaves the temple and, as Filoni states, Vader is stronger than Ahsoka; so the question is - What kind of Marks of Contact did he manage to inflict on Ahsoka? but dead, nah, to much story that remains to be told here, they won't make the same mistake twice, the first being killing of Boba Fett in RotJ!!


And as for the debate on Vader's saber skill, I would say that they kept it true to the style and form that was presented in the OTs, only with higher intensity! And a discussion thereof really boils down to a subjective interpretation of what we all see, as is the fate of Ahsoka really! And how much I love to see how they merge the OTs with TCW in this episode.


The one moment that sticks to memory the most tho is another kind, it is the one with a blinded Kanaan wearing a temple guard helmet and in a moment becoming one with the Force, trusting his instincts, letting the Force guide him in the parrying and countering of Mauls attacks. In that way dismissing Maul pretty much in the same way Vader dismisses Kanaan in this seasons first episode - that my friends was an epic moment in this seasons finale!!!


I've seen a lot of people pointing to that scene where Ahsoka is seen walking into the temple as evidence she's not dead, and if you view the scene literally then yes thats what it seems to suggest. However, symbolically it reads quiet differently. At the end of the episode you see Vader limping away from the battle into the harsh light of day, this scene is very much grounded in reality but the next scene's take on a heavy symbolic context. We immediately focus in on an Owl like creature (A Convoree, named after the Headwriters wife) that we see from behind stretch its wings and fly off into the black smog.


For those that are unaware, birds in literature (in particular white doves, but there are no doves in Star wars so instead we have Convorees) are symbols of death. In the scene that directly follows the owl, we see Ahsoka from behind walking away from us and into the blackness of the temple. The same scene effectively repeated twice, showing the exact same thing. Its a symbolic reference of death.


Now, for those that don't like this interpretation or approach to 'Ahsoka's death' and feel it should have been done more literally don't worry. A symbolic death is very easy to undo down the road if they decide that they actually don't want her to be dead. The scene was written this way to appeal to both possibilities, on the one hand Ahsoka is symbolically dead but on the other hand its still entirely possible she will turn up alive at some point in the future. However, Filoni has stated that Ahsoka is done on rebels. He's also said that plans change and she may turn up i the future, but he's made it clear he currently does not have plans to bring her back on the show after the other nights finale.


Given all of this information, I personally have no choice but to see her as effectively dead until such a time they decide to undo it and honestly I really like the way they did it too. But them I'm a writing major and I enjoy symbolism, so I may be biased.

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My question is, are we going to start seeing more of the Rebel alliance now from what we've seen in the movies, even if it's only Cameos like Red Squadron, Mon Mothma, Garm Bel Iblis, maybe see Ackbar, and who knows maybe it's the Ghost team that rescues him?


Might even see Galen Marrek slide into the show?! Ram Kota? Some big possibilities out there. See Boba Fett some?


Really hoping season 3 really opens up the story more much like season 2 did.

When Kanan lost his sight I thought, eh, the LA guys do all the time exploit and refurbish the Legends Universe. A blind Jedi general working with the Rebels, hm, ... kind heard already from that guy, but just a different name.


Are we going to see the big guys from the rebel Alliance? Mostly in cameos if even. Dave Filoni said it often enough to be quite clear, this show is not about the Rebel Alliance but about the band of Rebels from the Ghost. Those are the main cast and the center of the storyplot.


Seeing Boba Fett is quite on the same overkill level as seeing Vaderin the show. Boba doesn't play around, he is the most efficient bountyhunter of his time and lost just once.


We're definetely will not see Starkiller, since the entire TFU series was clearly taken out of continuity of Star Wars. But maybe the idea will be also refurbished somehow. Seeing some quite skilled and powerfull Inquisitor who turn sides...who knows?


I don't think they could really bridge the gap between rebels and OT (or rogue one for that matter) in just one more season. 5 does seem more realistic.


Like you said though, we'll see.

I think to remember tere are already 6 Seasons planned and orderd frome DisneyXD

Since I can't figure out where I read that, let's keep it in mind that could be just a rumor cought up.

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Further Ahsoka musings. I keep looking at the final scene with the figure inn the temple and I don't see how anyone could guess that was Ahsoka except via process of elimination since we plainly see Vader and Maul leave.


The force ghost thing sounds like a stretch to me since if that was the case I would feel they would want to add certainty and drama to it. Like basically have a scene where Ahsoka is standing on the ledge of the temple watching a wounded Vader stagger off and suddenly a familiar, ghostly voice calls to her from behind and it turns out to be a force ghost of someone from her past...maybe Ventress, a redeemed Bariss or the Jedi Master that trained her as a youngling....Ahsoka then smiles and walks off with said person and you see the two of them disappeasr into thin air together.


Here is another weird thought I had. What if Vader and her actually came to an accord? She claimed she was not a Jedi anymore and even said she was willing to kill him. Maybe the fight was actually meant to be her proving herself to him and that all this time she can't still let her "Skyguy" go. Maybe after the explosion cleared, they fought to some sort of a standstill and he finally decided to accept her and let her stay to watch over the dark side temple and maybe that is why we see her stroll casually into the place if that was her.


Only other theory I have about that figure is maybe Vader left ehr for dead in that place and some mysterious figure has come to save her.

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Further Ahsoka musings. I keep looking at the final scene with the figure inn the temple and I don't see how anyone could guess that was Ahsoka except via process of elimination since we plainly see Vader and Maul leave.


The force ghost thing sounds like a stretch to me since if that was the case I would feel they would want to add certainty and drama to it. Like basically have a scene where Ahsoka is standing on the ledge of the temple watching a wounded Vader stagger off and suddenly a familiar, ghostly voice calls to her from behind and it turns out to be a force ghost of someone from her past...maybe Ventress, a redeemed Bariss or the Jedi Master that trained her as a youngling....Ahsoka then smiles and walks off with said person and you see the two of them disappeasr into thin air together.


Here is another weird thought I had. What if Vader and her actually came to an accord? She claimed she was not a Jedi anymore and even said she was willing to kill him. Maybe the fight was actually meant to be her proving herself to him and that all this time she can't still let her "Skyguy" go. Maybe after the explosion cleared, they fought to some sort of a standstill and he finally decided to accept her and let her stay to watch over the dark side temple and maybe that is why we see her stroll casually into the place if that was her.


Only other theory I have about that figure is maybe Vader left ehr for dead in that place and some mysterious figure has come to save her.

I highly doubt Vader would just let her live, that would be stupid for his story. No, he made up his mind when he said "You will die".


The logical explanation if she is alive is that Vader and Ahsoka got separated from that explosion and Vader decided to leave due to either being too injured or he just assumed she was dead.

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I highly doubt Vader would just let her live, that would be stupid for his story. No, he made up his mind when he said "You will die".


The logical explanation if she is alive is that Vader and Ahsoka got separated from that explosion and Vader decided to leave due to either being too injured or he just assumed she was dead.

I agree. Both simply can't go their way in peace. She is a big part of his past, Vader want to eridicate. There is Ahsoka and Obivan who eluded him. Now he had the chance to destroy Ahsoka. Who would really belive deep Dark Side Vader would let her go?


On the other side, Ahsoka is definetely feeling guilty leting him fall. She has the opportiunity to put an end to all of this. She definetely won't leave with unfinished business again. This is a showdown duel. If Vader came out so messed up from the temple, this was quite certain a epic duel. And if he looked like that, how could Ahsoka ended up? (rethorical question) The point is, if he walkes away, then he has finished the task. By the look of his injuries, this must be one of the hardest dueles he had. So Ahsoka is not just a wannabe forcewielder, but an outstanding one and an outstanding duelist.


The duel itself was shown only partially, before the temple closed. Thatfore everything beside that point, how epic or not the duel was is up to debate. I won't even dare to compare it to Duel of the Fates from RotS.


If Barris, or Ventress are dead is unknow. I wouldn't wonder if Barris is also some kind of Desciple for the Emperor. Ventress is a survivor. Hard to belive she would ever encountered Vader. Most likely she kept a low profle, maybe something like Hondo. As we learned through Filonis interviews, Ventress will most likely have no part in Rebels. :( Sad, because, she could teach Ezra a lot of fighting techniques. After all she crossed the swords with a lot of outstanding Jedi and Sith and survived.

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I agree. Both simply can't go their way in peace. She is a big part of his past, Vader want to eridicate. There is Ahsoka and Obivan who eluded him. Now he had the chance to destroy Ahsoka. Who would really belive deep Dark Side Vader would let her go?


On the other side, Ahsoka is definetely feeling guilty leting him fall. She has the opportiunity to put an end to all of this. She definetely won't leave with unfinished business again. This is a showdown duel. If Vader came out so messed up from the temple, this was quite certain a epic duel. And if he looked like that, how could Ahsoka ended up? (rethorical question) The point is, if he walkes away, then he has finished the task. By the look of his injuries, this must be one of the hardest dueles he had. So Ahsoka is not just a wannabe forcewielder, but an outstanding one and an outstanding duelist.


The duel itself was shown only partially, before the temple closed. Thatfore everything beside that point, how epic or not the duel was is up to debate. I won't even dare to compare it to Duel of the Fates from RotS.


If Barris, or Ventress are dead is unknow. I wouldn't wonder if Barris is also some kind of Desciple for the Emperor. Ventress is a survivor. Hard to belive she would ever encountered Vader. Most likely she kept a low profle, maybe something like Hondo. As we learned through Filonis interviews, Ventress will most likely have no part in Rebels. :( Sad, because, she could teach Ezra a lot of fighting techniques. After all she crossed the swords with a lot of outstanding Jedi and Sith and survived.

Barriss is uncertain, she was in a prison cell at the end of the war most likely, she would have been an easy kill.


However I guess you don't know but Ventress is already dead... She died in Dark Disciple near the end of TCW.


I'm not really convinced Ahsoka was that much of a match for him, Vader was never in a position where it looked like he could possibly lose. Vader was always on the offensive and Ahsoka was just trying to block his attacks.

Edited by Newyankalt
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Barriss is uncertain, she was in a prison cell at the end of the war most likely, she would have been an easy kill.

Hard to belive they would kill a potent dark Desciple but hire a fallen Templeguard to be the grand Inquisitor.

However I guess you don't know but Ventress is already dead... She died in Dark Disciple near the end of TCW.

Inded I never heared about this novel.


I'm not really convinced Ahsoka was that much of a match for him, Vader was never in a position where it looked like he could possibly lose. Vader was always on the offensive and Ahsoka was just trying to block his attacks.

Then how do you explan how banged up Vader went out?
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Hard to belive they would kill a potent dark Desciple but hire a fallen Templeguard to be the grand Inquisitor. Inded I never heared about this novel.Then how do you explan how banged up Vader went out?


Because Palpatine doesn't like anyone who could be a threat to his plans, he saw Ventress was getting powerful and wanted her eliminated. Barriss was decently strong.



Vader got blindsided due to focusing on the Holocron, it was not during the actual battle when she hit him. And the explosion likely did most of the damage afterwards.

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Because Palpatine doesn't like anyone who could be a threat to his plans, he saw Ventress was getting powerful and wanted her eliminated. Barriss was decently strong.

I'd rather put her on the same level as the grand inquisitor. But even more formable into the shape Sidious could want her.


Vader got blindsided due to focusing on the Holocron, it was not during the actual battle when she hit him. And the explosion likely did most of the damage afterwards.

That's not what I meant. The last scene, when he is leaving the temple he can barely keep on his feet.


All we saw in the duel is quite debatable. Some people think they saw him just playing with her, other people think she had the upper hand, and other like myself argue that they are quite on par (for a duration of time). I for one am not searching for excuses how she could be able to crack his mask. It's a freaking duel to the death. You either fight or you behave honorable and have lesser chances to stay alive. I think she is not so honorable as a Jedi anylonger. This was from the start not that gentelman kind of duel. In my opinion Vader and Ahsoka fought way to greedy and exploited any opening they got. I never said the duel was fair, but balanced (at lest for the time we could follow). This doesn't mean at all, they fought like Kun Fu Masters in Wuxia Movies, where any attach has a counter, and any counter has a counter as well. Balaced I mean, they shared blows and took blows. For me this duel was more of a box fight.

Edited by Isnogut
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I'd rather put her on the same level as the grand inquisitor. But even more formable into the shape Sidious could want her.That's not what I meant. The last scene, when he is leaving the temple he can barely keep on his feet.


All we saw in the duel is quite debatable. Some people think they saw him just playing with her, other people think she had the upper hand, and other like myself argue that they are quite on par (for a duration of time). I for one am not searching for excuses how she could be able to crack his mask. It's a freaking duel to the death. You either fight or you behave honorable and have lesser chances to stay alive. I think she is not so honorable as a Jedi anylonger. This was from the start not that gentelman kind of duel. In my opinion Vader and Ahsoka fought way to greedy and exploited any opening they got. I never said the duel was fair, but balanced (at lest for the time we could follow). This doesn't mean at all, they fought like Kun Fu Masters in Wuxia Movies, where any attach has a counter, and any counter has a counter as well. Balaced I mean, they shared blows and took blows. For me this duel was more of a box fight.


When he can barely keep on his feet is probably due to being in such close proximity to the explosion. And given all of Vaders cybernetics it likely had a great deal more effect on him than Ahsoka.

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As far as I am concerned Filoni probably stated Vader was more powerful than Ahsoka just so the Vader fanbioys won't get their panties in a bunch. Vader ceased being a God among force users in my mind when they let Hayden Christiansen play him. I even respect Darth Baras more than Vader now.
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As far as I am concerned Filoni probably stated Vader was more powerful than Ahsoka just so the Vader fanbioys won't get their panties in a bunch. Vader ceased being a God among force users in my mind when they let Hayden Christiansen play him. I even respect Darth Baras more than Vader now.


Yeah ok... Vader >> Ahsoka...




And here we go it's the Hayden Christiansen hate... He isn't even a bad actor it was the terrible script given to him by George Lucas, the prequels are a great example of why one man should not have 100% control over every aspect in a movie let alone a trilogy.

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As far as I am concerned Filoni probably stated Vader was more powerful than Ahsoka just so the Vader fanbioys won't get their panties in a bunch. Vader ceased being a God among force users in my mind when they let Hayden Christiansen play him. I even respect Darth Baras more than Vader now.


Actually no, It was George Lucas who made that call, not Filoni.


Frankly, I'm glad GL is now out of the picture. He did great work creating the universe, but he refused to accept that it had evolved beyond him. Hayden is a perfect example of this. It wasn't his fault that Anakin was a whiny *****, it was Lucas.

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As far as I am concerned Filoni probably stated Vader was more powerful than Ahsoka just so the Vader fanbioys won't get their panties in a bunch. Vader ceased being a God among force users in my mind when they let Hayden Christiansen play him. I even respect Darth Baras more than Vader now.
It is way better for story and suspanse reasons to build Vader something similar like in the newly released comics. The toughgest of the toughest guys but not overpowered. Being that wy build, someone could belive "That Jedi" could actually get on top of Vader and possibly win? - Of course "that Jedi" won't win, but it make this encounter more reliable.


And here we go it's the Hayden Christiansen hate... He isn't even a bad actor it was the terrible script given to him by George Lucas, the prequels are a great example of why one man should not have 100% control over every aspect in a movie let alone a trilogy.

I saw Hayden in several other movies after Star Wars. He is acutally not a bad actor at all! But it is well known that GL guide his (unexperienced) actors be quite wooden. Same thing I had the impression for Marc Hamil playing Luke in AnH. He was awfull. Awfull! And Marc Hamil was at this time a quite good actor.

Haydem Cristiansen had soemhow the same crux. Lacking of experience as a newcomer and beeing tossed with such a non communicative director as GL.


Don't get me wrong, GL is one of the greatest storyteller of our time, a visionary and dramaturg but he definetely lacks of communicative skills needed s a director. Unexperienced actors working with him seem rather confused in their acting.

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I thought almost all the acting in Ep 7 was wooden too. No George Lucas there hm?
And I didn't. All actrors were fine. Maybe Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford were quite icy with each other, no real chemistry between the two like in TEsb.


TAotF had other problems, like the missing touch from GL. Something was missing. Was a fun movie but for me it wasn't a real Star Wars movie.:( Simply it didn't felt that way. Funny thing I had exact the same impressions from the JJ Abrams Star Trek movies. Fun but also no Star Trek. And all 3 were not even fit for a homage for the franchises (On the second one he was "only" producer, even though, Justin Lin copied his work perfectly. You could think it was directed by Abrams himself :p). I have seen way more in depth fanmade movies on youtube, who are lacking of special effects but beside that they got the wibe perfectly. And while I hack around on JJ Abrams, Super 8 was actually a homage to the movies made by Spielberg, ...and again, looked like it, didn't felt the vibe from Spielberg. On the other hand Filony with his "kids show" got the wibe from Star Wars perfectly. First because GL had a word in it, but even without GL, Filoni did it right with Rebels.

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I still say someone like Matt Damon would have done Anakin better than Hayden. He was always able to act out some brash, young up and comer without seeming too emo or annoying. AQnd please don't give me the "He's too old" argument. With his looks, Matt Damon can still pull it off probably even today let alone back in 2002/2005. He played a young, brash, up and comer in the Adjustment Bureau which took place after those two movies and eve in the Martian still looked pretty young.
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I still say someone like Matt Damon would have done Anakin better than Hayden. He was always able to act out some brash, young up and comer without seeming too emo or annoying. AQnd please don't give me the "He's too old" argument. With his looks, Matt Damon can still pull it off probably even today let alone back in 2002/2005. He played a young, brash, up and comer in the Adjustment Bureau which took place after those two movies and eve in the Martian still looked pretty young.


Not Matt damon, but probably James Franco.

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I still say someone like Matt Damon would have done Anakin better than Hayden.


They'd still have to contend with Lucas.

About half of Christensen's performance was because of Lucas, both with the script and how he was being directed by Lucas.

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