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Starfighter is broken.


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In the past, when Star Wars Galaxies existed, the best thing on there for myself was the star fighter battles. So when STWOR added Starfighter to the game, I was so happy! I have logged many hours just playing that... Sadly, now it's unplayable... The idea of star fighter pilots pitting themselves against each other in mortal combat in atmospheric and space battles is wonderful, and something many enjoyed from the films, to copy that experience just adds to the pleasure to the game...


Now... With the new tactic that people are exploiting in the game, aside from just sitting and farming, breaks the experience and kills the pleasure of the game. The new tactic I see is 2-3 gunships beefed up, sitting away from battle, an being snipers. I have tried to combat this tactic many times, but with little to no success... This last battle went 50-0! All kills by the gunships, none by our side! This shows the game is broken! Sadly, I can not play this way and wont play till I hope the DEV's fix this. either by nerfing the gunship or by adding something to other ships that allow us to fight back...



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In the past, when Star Wars Galaxies existed, the best thing on there for myself was the star fighter battles. So when STWOR added Starfighter to the game, I was so happy! I have logged many hours just playing that... Sadly, now it's unplayable... The idea of star fighter pilots pitting themselves against each other in mortal combat in atmospheric and space battles is wonderful, and something many enjoyed from the films, to copy that experience just adds to the pleasure to the game...


Now... With the new tactic that people are exploiting in the game, aside from just sitting and farming, breaks the experience and kills the pleasure of the game. The new tactic I see is 2-3 gunships beefed up, sitting away from battle, an being snipers. I have tried to combat this tactic many times, but with little to no success... This last battle went 50-0! All kills by the gunships, none by our side! This shows the game is broken! Sadly, I can not play this way and wont play till I hope the DEV's fix this. either by nerfing the gunship or by adding something to other ships that allow us to fight back...




It's only fair SF get to experience the swtor PVP experience properly! Bout time...

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In the past, when Star Wars Galaxies existed, the best thing on there for myself was the star fighter battles. So when STWOR added Starfighter to the game, I was so happy! I have logged many hours just playing that... Sadly, now it's unplayable... The idea of star fighter pilots pitting themselves against each other in mortal combat in atmospheric and space battles is wonderful, and something many enjoyed from the films, to copy that experience just adds to the pleasure to the game...


Now... With the new tactic that people are exploiting in the game, aside from just sitting and farming, breaks the experience and kills the pleasure of the game. The new tactic I see is 2-3 gunships beefed up, sitting away from battle, an being snipers. I have tried to combat this tactic many times, but with little to no success... This last battle went 50-0! All kills by the gunships, none by our side! This shows the game is broken! Sadly, I can not play this way and wont play till I hope the DEV's fix this. either by nerfing the gunship or by adding something to other ships that allow us to fight back...




Agreed, snipers OP nerf pls.

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Starfighter is beyond broken,and the amount of exploits are outrageous, my entire team on several occasions has seen a certain individual that was able to take out fully upgraded gunships in under 1 second as a scout, user was reported, nothing was done.
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Firstly, wrong forum, there is a GSF forum elsewhere on the site. Secondly, its GSF, not SF.

Thirdly, Starfighter is written together.


Fourthly, that tactic has existed for ages, and it is not an exploit, it is a legitimate tactic, which has counters in the form of Battlescouts. Learn to fly one, you can solo a gunship line.



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