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I gave it a shot, but screw GSF


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From memory here is what I normally run:


LLC/Cluster MSL

Retro Boosters

Distortion Field

Copilot evasion move

Something else I can't remember


Lightweight armor

Large reactor

C2n2 in engineering


I got a lot of feedback in game last night. Couple of you grouped up with me and we ran missions. Another thing I realized I need to work on is spacious awareness. At some points I don't even know what direction I'm facing or which way is back to safety. Ended my final death match last night as 3/8/1, Paxjedicron kept stealin' meh killz. ;)


I would suggest you to switch to BLC.. It won't affect your playstyle a lot and will help you in very close range fighting with the wider arc and lesser tracking penalities. BLC also enables the point and shoot playstyle without having to keep a hold on your opponent. I would also suggest you to run with Booster Recharge until you are efficient enough with your engine.

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Well... I'll post here my new Slinger toon here.. I'm likely gonna redo Amy'atha and her Quarrel ;) Just because I miss facerolling in a Sheep ;)


EDIT : Search for Snap'py ;)


Excellent. You must join me, Snap'py. And together, we will destroy the Sith!

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From memory here is what I normally run:


LLC/Cluster MSL

Retro Boosters

Distortion Field

Copilot evasion move

Something else I can't remember


Lightweight armor

Large reactor

C2n2 in engineering


I got a lot of feedback in game last night. Couple of you grouped up with me and we ran missions. Another thing I realized I need to work on is spacious awareness. At some points I don't even know what direction I'm facing or which way is back to safety. Ended my final death match last night as 3/8/1, Paxjedicron kept stealin' meh killz. ;)


Glad to hear it. I was actually looking out for you yesterday, but since I played mostly imp side, it's probably for the best that we didn't run into one another. I'll expect to be pub side a bit more frequently today.


One of our server's most knowledgeable GSFers told me he grouped with you at some point - not sure if he was playing as Rakun or Obiwanrakunobi - but whatever he told you, listen to it.


Similarly, I agree with ryuku, you're likely to get more mileage out of BLCs. They're generally easier to handle and pack a lot of punch.

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One of our server's most knowledgeable GSFers told me he grouped with you at some point - not sure if he was playing as Rakun or Obiwanrakunobi - but whatever he told you, listen to it.


Nah... K'or was on a new alt.. He grouped up with me and Leo tagged along a few matches.

Edited by Ryuku-sama
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Yeah, Obiwan whispered me while we were in a match and he gave me some tips on which upgrades to shoot for next. I was in a match with him when Snap'py (Ryu) messaged me and grouped up with me. We queued most of the night.


If I turn up in your reticle, don't hold back, help me push my limits. Just don't gun for me the whole time, not that I feel anyone does.


See you up there, and if you see me online say hi. /wave :o

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Then I may be mixing up people.. It wouldn't be the first time :o


lol, no, sorry, I think I'm just confusing you. I have as much trouble as anyone keeping people's alts straight (as you're well aware), but this much I'm certain of:


k'orvith/cevanik/selvik-or/valian-kor (imp) = rakun/obiwanrakunobi (pub)


I feel like I'm missing an alt or two, but I think that's most of them.


So, yes, you and OP grouped with k'or's new alt yesterday. He was probably sporting RFLs.

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lol, no, sorry, I think I'm just confusing you. I have as much trouble as anyone keeping people's alts straight (as you're well aware), but this much I'm certain of:


k'orvith/cevanik/selvik-or/valian-kor (imp) = rakun/obiwanrakunobi (pub)


I feel like I'm missing an alt or two, but I think that's most of them.


So, yes, you and OP grouped with k'or's new alt yesterday. He was probably sporting RFLs.


Nah.. The guys in question was on a Condor... And was named Valian-"smt".. I don't remember well.

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In a match last night, three of us spent much of the match begging our team to work with us. Two listened and ended up with a handful of kills and fewer deaths, so a positive contribution. Three didn't and died 25 times between them for zero kills, and surprisingly, we lost that deathmatch. And before anyone says 'we need to learn somehow', yes, we all do, but charging gunship groups teaches nothing. Flying escort to your own team's gunships and chasing off anyone who comes to harass them might not be as glamorous as getting the kills, but it can be the difference between a win or a loss, and earn your teammates respect.


Was that on Ebon Hawk around 10 pm EDT? I was in a match exactly as you described where we lost 48-50. As a 3 shipper I absolutely hate TDM because of the dominance of GSs. I was lucky I only died twice, but I had very little fun just trying not to be killed (and doing my part to draw ships into our handful of strong pilots).


Played three matches last night. All three were TDM. All three were losses. Only the last one was even close. Had very little fun.

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Was that on Ebon Hawk around 10 pm EDT? I was in a match exactly as you described where we lost 48-50. As a 3 shipper I absolutely hate TDM because of the dominance of GSs. I was lucky I only died twice, but I had very little fun just trying not to be killed (and doing my part to draw ships into our handful of strong pilots).


Played three matches last night. All three were TDM. All three were losses. Only the last one was even close. Had very little fun.

Would have been Jedi Covenant, not The Ebon Hawk.

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So, I faced OP in a couple of matches last night...he was grouped with some high-quality pilots, so the games were fairly easy wins for him. But (as we discussed a bit afterwards) I think I provided a couple of teaching moments. So, @OP:


1) when you ran into me just outside that door at B in the Kuat Mesas dom - coming right at me in your flashfire was probably not the right call. Had your BLCs been mastered, or at least up to the armor-piercing upgrade (I'm guessing they were T0 or T1) you could have taken me. But there, if I were you, I would have boosted past me, come around, and tried to melt me from behind. You still have a maneuverability advantage, so use that.


2) the only other times I got you - I think once in the aforementioned game and one other time in that shipyards TDM - you were pretty much out in the open. Point being, always assume someone like me is trying to line you up, so use LOS/hug obstacles. Try to use the terrain. I know, easier said than done when you're still focusing on not crashing, but something to keep in mind.


Overall, good job. I don't often see newish pilots able to contribute like you did in both games. Keep at it.

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Not sure if any more rookie pilots are reading this for tips, but I gave this one to Leo today.


In terms of being caught in the open:


1) If you've just ben shot by a Gunship and need to get out the line of fire, hit the R key to target your last attacker.


2) Hit the C key to swing the camera around to that attacker. This will give you some situational awareness (i.e. are you behind an obstacle, if not, which direction will get you behind one). Give it a quick glance, don't hold it.


It can be tricky, especially (as Max typed) when you are still trying not to crash into things.

Edited by WedgeFan
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Not sure if any more rookie pilots are reading this for tips, but I gave this one to Leo today.


In terms of being caught in the open:


1) If you've just ben shot by a Gunship and need to get out the line of fire, hit the R key to target your last attacker.


2) Hit the C key to swing the camera around to that attacker. This will give you some situational awareness (i.e. are you behind and obstacle, if not, which direction will get you behind one). Give it a quick glance, don't hold it.


It can be tricky, especially (as Max typed) when you are still trying not to crash into things.

Personally, I always found the camera thing to be tricky, especially in a scout, because you should be moving at the first hit, which increases the chances of running into something if you "C" it.


An alternative is to hit R to target the person who hit you and start moving. As you move, watch the portrait to see distance and the direction he's pointing relative to you, and keep an eye on how his target arrow moves around your screen. If he's looking directly at you and is in range, you're in trouble, and need to keep moving however you can. If you can get to a point where you're reasonably sure you've LOS'd or ranged him, and still don't know exactly where he is, slow down and C it.


Over time, you can get a pretty decent idea of where the shot came from just by watching the distance, portrait, and target arrow. It's not as direct as hitting C, but I found myself releasing C only to be going full speed ahead with an object to crash into 1000m away too many times.


EDIT - One more important tool with this is the mini-map, which used with hitting "R" to see who just shot you, can tell you exactly where the person is, and clue you in to where you need to move. That's actually one of the major reasons I swapped up my UI to this:



That's a Rycer, and the only reason I took the screen was because my ship health portrait thingy was showing the Operative main ship from the story, rather than the Rycer. But if I've got something with BLCs, the outer rings are right there by the mini-map, which makes it very easy to see where an enemy target is. It's hard to always keep an eye on it, but having it closer to center, and making it partially see-through, seems to help me out a lot.

Edited by nyghtrunner
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I have actually started to see an improvement in my scores. I'm still on the bad side, but I'm starting to float around the middle of the pack in scores. I still get frustrated from time to time, but I now have enough experience under my belt to know that some games are going to suck; the next one will likely be better.


I've had a great time flying with a bunch of you. 2x XP weekend has kept me focused on my leveling, but I look forward to getting back into space a bunch more later this week.

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I feel the OP's pain. The only reason I have stuck around GSF as long as I have is I am willing to take my bumps in order to give it a chance. In one of my first matches someone started to "scream" in the chat that why are there three (expletives) guarding C. Over and over again. One of said (expletives) was of course me and I was simply trying not to crash into the bloody thing. At the end of the match, the pilot in question insisted that he was going to switch over to 'Pub side and farm us all night long. Not the best introduction to the game.


As long as I was gaining req. for each match I figured I could weather the storm and slowly I built up my first ship and got a little more adept at transferring power etc. I still have trouble getting more than one or two kills in a match but the game is fun and I want to get better.


I still find it odd that someone would go out of their way to try to get people to not play GSF when it seems that what the game needs is more. Thanks to all in this thread who have shown that the majority of pilots want more players and in turn better competition.

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As long as I was gaining req. for each match I figured I could weather the storm and slowly I built up my first ship and got a little more adept at transferring power etc. I still have trouble getting more than one or two kills in a match but the game is fun and I want to get better.


Heh, good attitude. This is how I felt when I was first starting out. You will get better :)

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As long as I was gaining req. for each match I figured I could weather the storm and slowly I built up my first ship and got a little more adept at transferring power etc. I still have trouble getting more than one or two kills in a match but the game is fun and I want to get better.



And this is why I am constantly asking people not to 3 cap.
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I am still going to three cap. Why?


> Because red nodes give you ebola.

> Because I have yet to figure out how to FOUR cap.

> Because for every enemy you make rage, your personal afterlife gains one (1) vintage 80s arcade machine.

> Because the pubs can feel the weight of the empire.

> Because the imps can get farmed back to their sunless homeworlds. Seriously, is everyone on Dromund Kas like, super pale? Does every meal come with vitamin D?

> Because if you can hold the enemies below 10 points, your soul gains points it can use to evolve into something cool next life. Without three capping, you'll never save up for something like "polar bear". It's simple math.

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Call me a masochist but even when I'm getting one shotted by Aces (Vospirus, AngelHell, Deabole...) I don't feel discouraged. It was obvious to me from the first game that GSF is an extremely fun game that does reward skill. Very StarWarsy and I love the way you can weave in and out of structures/tunnels/asteroids at high speeds like in the films. Pew pew pew! xD


To me it seems that its not so much your own gear that is the problem, or any one particular person's gear, but rather whether the make up of your TEAM versus their TEAM is very imbalanced or not. If your team is full of newbies (self included) and the other team is full of pros, then yes, you are probably in for a sub 10 score match, but otherwise you are in for a fun and competitive experience, even when you lose.

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