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He speaks the truth - youtube


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Ok, so lets just pretend everything in the game is perfect - opposite to what he is saying. What other reason can you conjure up in the rapid decline of player numbers? The decline has happened since 3.0 arrived. The Red Eclipse, which is 'standard' population by 10am/11am not only 2 months ago, is now light at 2pm/2.30pm .


Players aren't feeling it, so maybe there is some truth in what he is saying.


Which part of " the problems with the game and many and varied, there is not denying that. But come on, making a 21 min video in which you complain about everything that has been rehashed over and over is unnecessary, and as you say "a waste of time"." did you not understand? I didn't say this game is doing well, what I am saying is that making a 21 min video complaining about everything (not all of it evenbeing true) isn't really worth anyone's time.

Edited by nevenavasovic
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A licensing agreement in no way indicates how long a game must stay open. A licensing agreement only dictates what can and can't be published under the IP's name, nothing else. Disney gets licensing fees, and probably some type of dividends or royalties for the game being allowed to have the Star Wars name on it. As far as whether the game HAS to stay open or not, is up to the publisher. The end of the licensing agreement would mean, that EA would no longer be able to officially put the Star Wars name on the title of this, and by virtue would have to close down since they'd be infringing on the IP illegally since they have Jedi, Sith, BHs, and all things existing in the Star Wars universe. The first licensing agreement was probably with LA, which if there WAS a bailout fee, would have to be extended to them. Otherwise, they could be sued if they continued to make a game with the Star Wars name on it without a license.


Didn't you just tell me this? And I said the same thing in a much more simpler way than you did.............. :confused:

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Didn't you just tell me this? And I said the same thing in a much more simpler way than you did.............. :confused:


The poster in question has repeatedly either outright made up facts, or misrepresented what is said. Said poster has even in past comments, made the comment that the game would close when the license was up. That's disingenuous at best, flat out lying at worst, since that's factually incorrect. It was implied in the comment, hence the response.

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The poster in question has repeatedly either outright made up facts, or misrepresented what is said. Said poster has even in past comments, made the comment that the game would close when the license was up. That's disingenuous at best, flat out lying at worst, since that's factually incorrect. It was implied in the comment, hence the response.


Ah ok, now its clear. Thanks.

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Same stupid youtube message s can be heard about any other mmo.....................


I played wow and quit it along with many of my friends but it doesn't mean we quit because it was bad or had bad pvp/pve we quit because game got boring to us. Now we are in swotr and enjoying the game.

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Which part of " the problems with the game and many and varied, there is not denying that. But come on, making a 21 min video in which you complain about everything that has been rehashed over and over is unnecessary, and as you say "a waste of time"." did you not understand? I didn't say this game is doing well, what I am saying is that making a 21 min video complaining about everything (not all of it evenbeing true) isn't really worth anyone's time.


Maybe if you actually pointed out it was the video, instead of just jumping on that high horse. Either way who really cares.

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Since Bioware doesn't publish or announce numbers any longer, I'm guessing that comes from observations...and an educated guess. It may be wrong, may be right...but it sounds like a number I'd agree with. Do you disagree with that guesstimate? If so, more or less...take your best guess?!

Complaints that a game is dying seem invariably to come from self-styled "hardcore" types who lament that "all my friends have left." That's hardly compelling evidence.

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Complaints that a game is dying seem invariably to come from self-styled "hardcore" types who lament that "all my friends have left." That's hardly compelling evidence.

And denials come from the solo story only type...the truth is somewhere in between.

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Please explain to me how it is selfish to encourage people to find something they enjoy if they're no longer enjoying this game. Selfishness would be if I had said something along the lines of "shut up and play, I like it the way it is." If you'll notice, words to that effect never appear in my post.


Of course I'm missing the video's point. I wasn't kidding when I said I stopped watching 15 seconds in. He lost all credibility when he said it was time to quit, yet still included his referral link. Even if that was a simple oversight on his behalf, it destroys his credibility in my mind, and the way I look at it, every word out of his mouth after that is dubious at best.


well if you noticed he was a SWTOR youtuber that had many SWTOR videos with a lot of fans so that is prolly why he has a referral link in his sig. he makes a lot of good points in his video though... you should go back and watch the entire thing.

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So long as TOR keeps making them money (which it still does) they will keep it running.


yea and we all saw how great SWG:NGE was right before they pulled the plug didn't we :p heck a few years before they pulled the plug :p

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All those saying 'unsub if you are not having fun' are nothing short of selfish or stupid, or both. Why? You are missing his point.


Hundreds ARE leaving - thats his point. And Bioware are doing nothing to stop the dramatic decline.


3.0 wasn't tested, pushed out broken. No class balance, LOL Bolster broken, LOLowSlash, Ship components counting in PvP stats - and the game breaking SoR final battle being broken for 2 months - the list goes on with stupid game breaking bugs.


People like SWTOR and have hung on for so long but clearly Bioware are happy just to leave things be. The fact they have hardly said 2 words this week paints the picture - they have given up, so should you.




Have you checked the Dev tracker this week? There are about 10 posts from the 13th through today on different subjects. I believe that is a little more than 2 words.




As far as people leaving, the people I play with (which is how I judge who leaves or not) is still here and playing and most of us have been here since launch and as of today we aren't planning on leaving.


I have no "official" information that hundreds are leaving and yes I know what is said in the forums but considering I been here awhile and have seen that before and they don't leave I take it with a grain of salt.


As long as I am having fun (which I am) I will stay here and play.


Have a good day.

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So im a founder.


Played for the first 4 months and quit.


Played some times on the past and decided to come back a month ago to see hows the things are going.


For me at the begining was fun to level, ridiculous to progress and ultra bored when was done. Now looks like the same, but hey every MMO is the same basicaly.


To be honest I love Star Wars, SWTOR is a failure but they have lightsabers, the force, jedi, sith...so its worth it ;)

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So im a founder.


Played for the first 4 months and quit.


Played some times on the past and decided to come back a month ago to see hows the things are going.


For me at the begining was fun to level, ridiculous to progress and ultra bored when was done. Now looks like the same, but hey every MMO is the same basicaly.


To be honest I love Star Wars, SWTOR is a failure but they have lightsabers, the force, jedi, sith...so its worth it ;)


No SWG is a failure as it got shutdown and quite frankly I'm amazed it survived as many years as it did. SWTOR hasn't failed until that time comes.

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Pretty funny. He pays money to play a game he describes as a failure.


No kidding when I don't like a game I don't keep putting money into it, I don't make a post stating why I am leaving, and i don't stick around the forums complaining about how bad the game is I just leave and forget the game ever existed.

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No kidding when I don't like a game I don't keep putting money into it, I don't make a post stating why I am leaving, and i don't stick around the forums complaining about how bad the game is I just leave and forget the game ever existed.

But I do thank him for financially supporting a game I enjoy playing.

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