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What planet do you wanna see in the game?


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Kashyyyk so we can dive into the KOTOR well some more. Complete with a Zaalbar appearance!


Naboo would be nice, but I get the feeling that planet would be a bit of a letdown in terms of things to see and do.


I think events should dictate location. What's the latest development? If we're going to be battling Black Sun, for instance, I don't know if Dantooine would make much sense.

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well this thread is new and original. search function broken? lazy? or are you another special little snowflake?




No need to be such a frickin jerk! Don't like the topic don't post. Don't be a rude moron.


On topic, I want Iridonia, the Zabrak homeworld.

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Well, you can say about Bioware what you want, but they are good at inventing environments and I really like how Makeb and Rishi turned out. Oricon was a bit of a disappointment. A poor man's Mustefar, trying so very hard to appear scary without actually getting there. (Yavin IV is pretty good, too, but that's from the movies, of course. Actually I would have liked it larger, up to a similar scope as Rishi.)


But I still like it when they keep inventing their own planets, instead of using a planet someone else invented. They are good at that. If they use an existing planet, then from the movies. Not from some remote extended universe product written by a second rate author.

Edited by Rabenschwinge
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It appears by the old canon naboo was colonized only a few hundred years before the events of swtor. might be a very interesting planet to visit. ancient gungan society would be interesting to say the least. Edited by FalmeseReb
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Well, Ziost is incoming and will be added by the end of the month, albeit not in the fashion I originally envisioned it or would have liked.


I wouldn't mind seeing Dxun, Onderon or even both next, in addition to a far more fleshed out Lehon. Doubt the latter will ever come to pass, quite frankly.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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I could get behind Naboo. I loved that planet, both in the movies and the game that must not be named...


In fact, I when I got bored, I had a blast just killing the gunguns. It never got old. :D


Kashyyyk would also be interesting, Dantooine too. :)

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Rodia. Blasted wasteland and mutant creatures with cities underneath large glass domes.


And while they're at it playable Rodians would be nice.


Besides that Mustafar. The reason is that it would be a lush world at this time period. We could play out the events that turned it into a hellish plabet.

Edited by Bluerodian
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Sleheyron. How many times can it get cut from Bioware Star Was game before it actually makes it into released product lol?


Other than that, I would rather have older planets expanded/refreshed (NOT in different instances like Sec X or Black Hole). This whole " lowbies will stumble upon tough mobs" excuse never made much sense when we had 10-levels higher mobs (which means auto death anyway) on Nar Shaddaa, Alderaan, Hoth & Belsavis, not to mention guards of enemy factions, seeker droid sites 55 mobs or open-space H4s and Area 4s that nuke lowbies who stumble upon them.

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well this thread is new and original. search function broken? lazy? or are you another special little snowflake?



Well then he or she would get *****ed out for digging up old threads :rolleyes: Really !?!?! It doesn't matter if this is new or not leave them be for god sake!!!


Ok for my list its these planets ;)


#1 planet Kashyyyk


#2 planet Felucia


#3 planet Dantooine


Lets hope that all three get in game soon ;)

Edited by Legolose
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You got my like bud. That's exactly what I thought. NABOO with Gungan playable, please ty.:eek:




They could make up for it by having us kill Jar Jar's ancestor, as part of the main quest there.


In fact, I insist that he is an operation boss. :p

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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I don't know how Mustafar plays in time this time line but Mustafar would be cool seeing the lava spew from lava River flows. I know Oricon looks probably similar but not quite.


Kashyyyk a lush jungle environment would be a different planet type. Or if not that ten Rodia maybe even just have one of those planets as a hunting ground with dailes and acheivments to kill X amount of a creature and then get rewarded with a creatures stuff head to mount in our strongholds.

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