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Season 1 Ranked Rewards


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Good suggestion Eralesa! In an upcoming patch (currently planning on 3.2.1) we will be retroactively making all previous Ranked Season rewarded weapons and armor Legacy bound. In future seasons the weapons and armor rewards will be Legacy bound as well.




You have time for nonsense like this but not for creating new content that is desirable? In which way should it encourage ranked participation when you buff old stuff? Work on the future, not on the past.


i cant believe you invest time into this while major flaws are still in game preventing active ranked participation. I have no more words....

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You have time for nonsense like this but not for creating new content that is desirable? In which way should it encourage ranked participation when you buff old stuff? Work on the future, not on the past.


i cant believe you invest time into this while major flaws are still in game preventing active ranked participation. I have no more words....


It's likely not a time issue but a "we actually know the answer to this so we can reply". All the other crap people complain about is probably very fluid. Would you rather them tell you something now just to satisfy you with the potential to have the decision changed later only to piss you off even more?

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It's likely not a time issue but a "we actually know the answer to this so we can reply". All the other crap people complain about is probably very fluid. Would you rather them tell you something now just to satisfy you with the potential to have the decision changed later only to piss you off even more?


i dont care how little time this takes. Its still time and attention for a problem that does nothing, zero, in numbers: 0 for current and future ranked participation.


For the same amount of time you could simply add the old armour in addition to current ranked reward. That COULD do something for current game.


For only slitghly less more time they could give out the old set as legacy to all players having more than 100 wins in ranked next season. That will certainly do something for future ranked participation.


And one does need less than 5 minutes of logical thinking to know that hatreds dominance in group ranked is caused by the RADIUS of deathfield and NOT BY ITS RANGE.



This game lost some of the best players recently because they were too tired of derping, and after month of nothing changing about this meta all they care about is rewards from the past? GTA V just dropped, its getting nice outside, besides the awful balance there are some serious circumstances threatening swtor pvp participation, and considering all this i think its a declaration of bankruptcy to care about old rewards. Its a sign they cant fix alle the current issues, so they care about stuff like this. They cant fix lagg issue, they dont get balance right, so instead they give us legacy season 1 armour. Congratulations for advocating this behavior. :rolleyes:

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And one does need less than 5 minutes of logical thinking to know that hatreds dominance in group ranked is caused by the RADIUS of deathfield and NOT BY ITS RANGE.


Nope. If it was just the radius of deathfield then why aren't teams fielding madness sorcs? The Dominance of Hatred is due a combination of it's range, it's radius, it's survivability, and it's immunities. Oh and the fact Hatred and Madness are the only specs with a PAoE dotspread isn't helping either.

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Nope. If it was just the radius of deathfield then why aren't teams fielding madness sorcs? The Dominance of Hatred is due a combination of it's range, it's radius, it's survivability, and it's immunities. Oh and the fact Hatred and Madness are the only specs with a PAoE dotspread isn't helping either.


as bad as plasmatech is, I have to say that I like the new ability's spread mechanic. that was fun to play with in regs.


but I have to agree. there's something about hatred's combination of abils that make them incredibly more threatening than any other dot spec. I can shrug off the dots of other classes pretty easily by keeping FOE refreshed. but against a decent hatred, it feels as if I'm face tanking a burst spec rather than dealing with another dot spec.

Edited by foxmob
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You have time for nonsense like this but not for creating new content that is desirable? In which way should it encourage ranked participation when you buff old stuff? Work on the future, not on the past.


i cant believe you invest time into this while major flaws are still in game preventing active ranked participation. I have no more words....


People like this is why we cant have nice stuff.

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Nope. If it was just the radius of deathfield then why aren't teams fielding madness sorcs?


Of course its the combination of excellent defensive CDs with tons of aoe pressure. However, i think its a no brainer to nerf the aoe pressure down to deception level, instead of nerfing the defensive cooldowns and single target dmg down to madness level.

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Good suggestion Eralesa! In an upcoming patch (currently planning on 3.2.1) we will be retroactively making all previous Ranked Season rewarded weapons and armor Legacy bound. In future seasons the weapons and armor rewards will be Legacy bound as well.




Whoa, I wasn't expecting this! Hooray! I am so happy to hear this! :D Thank you guys and keep up the awesome work!



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No. And neither should hatred. No "not-easy-to-shut-down-class" should. Its the lesson smash teached us, yet people refuse to learn.


This coming from someone who mains a class that has little to no AoE compared to literally all 7 other advanced classes...I think your bias is showing a little.

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This coming from someone who mains a class that has little to no AoE compared to literally all 7 other advanced classes...I think your bias is showing a little.


Appearences can be deceiving. In fact im a operative healer, and my class benefits a lot from current meta because its the healer of choice. But i would be a fool to not advocate for a more balanced meta, because current meta makes too many top players quit. Roudy, osdo, cryyc, marrat to name just a few. Dunno about american servers but i doubt the players are happy with derping, and according to leaderboards group ranked is dead there aswell.


Everyone who plays group ranked knows assasins aoe is the problem #1

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Everyone who plays group ranked knows assasins aoe is the problem #1


First, I want to apologize OP for derailing your thread, this will be the last off-topic post I make in it, sorry :p!


2nd, I'm going to assume you mean assassin's *dotspread* is what is a problem in group ranked, because the damage on death field/force in balance alone is not impressive, especially when you look at other classes who's aoe is on a shorter cool down and actually can crit for MORE than death field/Force in balance, (I'm looking at you veng juggies!)


If you were talking about dotspread, then yes I would agree, that does need to be nerfed. I main the role of tank in group ranked, and there's nothing more flustering than the entire team taking equal amounts of damage due to very strong dots, whittling down both my guardee's health and my health twice as fast.

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  • 1 month later...
Good suggestion Eralesa! In an upcoming patch (currently planning on 3.2.1) we will be retroactively making all previous Ranked Season rewarded weapons and armor Legacy bound. In future seasons the weapons and armor rewards will be Legacy bound as well.




Anybody know if this change made it into patch 3.2.1? That patch is scheduled for next week but I don't remember hearing about it in any of the PTS notes.

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Good suggestion Eralesa! In an upcoming patch (currently planning on 3.2.1) we will be retroactively making all previous Ranked Season rewarded weapons and armor Legacy bound. In future seasons the weapons and armor rewards will be Legacy bound as well.




Sorry, no. Not at this time.




am I the only one who thinks these responses are contradictory? season 1 = previous ranked season rewarded weapons and armor. and then two posts later, you say you WON'T do this for season 1 (victorious) gear & weapons.



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am I the only one who thinks these responses are contradictory? season 1 = previous ranked season rewarded weapons and armor. and then two posts later, you say you WON'T do this for season 1 (victorious) gear & weapons.




I think you misunderstood what was said. The second dev post was in response to someone who asked about S1 tier rewards unlocking the armor sets for all classes instead of only the class/character the reward was earned on, to which the reply was no.

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I think you misunderstood what was said. The second dev post was in response to someone who asked about S1 tier rewards unlocking the armor sets for all classes instead of only the class/character the reward was earned on, to which the reply was no.


OOOOH. ok. so my s1 stuff that I already own IS going to be legacy?

Edited by foxmob
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