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No arenas? Bye


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RBG was a nice addition, all arenas did was promote cookie cutter comps with fotm classes. Arena was one of the biggest failures of WoW. In TBC it was so retarded playing a Resto Druid and War in 2s, they could win with the Druid running circles around a pillar with a retarded War spamming hamstring and using MS every time it was up, that was skill. At least blizz admitted 2s wasn't worth titles and weapons because they could never balance it.
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RBG was a nice addition, all arenas did was promote cookie cutter comps with fotm classes. Arena was one of the biggest failures of WoW. In TBC it was so retarded playing a Resto Druid and War in 2s, they could win with the Druid running circles around a pillar with a retarded War spamming hamstring and using MS every time it was up, that was skill. At least blizz admitted 2s wasn't worth titles and weapons because they could never balance it.


3v3 is really no better, it is just complicated enough that FOTM and gimmick comps are less obvious. More coordination is required, but good team coordination stopped being impressive years ago.

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Name a MMO, any MMO that is successful on the level of multiple millions of subscribers, that shipped with arena or completely competitive PVP.


I'll be waiting a while I think.


Dark Age of Camelot had the best pvp system, hands down... For most people in the MMO world today they have no idea what I just said but its the truth.


Ive never had so much fun in pvp as I did in DAoC!

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Ever played warhammer online? That was a blast. Scenarios were made perfect, various objectives, various environments, even varying number of players. That game had best PvP I have played so far. And it didn't even had duel option! Too bad GOA screwed it up for us Europeans compared to service and servers mythic put for us crowd :(


I liked Warhammer PvP as well, going for keeps across various levels was really good fun. Shame is was only the theory that was good and not the technical side to go with it!

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Forgive my ignorance, total nubcake here, *** do you mean by Arenas? You mean like Bunker Assault from SWG but without the "Bunker"? Cause all that thing was was one giant fight and whoever took it first usually won.


I've heard Illum is lovely this time of year.

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Tbh that's a red herring. Just because Blizzard may regard them as a mistake doesn't stop some players from enjoying them immensely.


Moreover the dev in the article isn't making the argument that arenas are bad gameplay or design, but only that it wasn't really practical to add them to WoW because of the amount of attention they needed.

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Forgive my ignorance, total nubcake here, *** do you mean by Arenas? You mean like Bunker Assault from SWG but without the "Bunker"? Cause all that thing was was one giant fight and whoever took it first usually won.


I've heard Illum is lovely this time of year.


In WoW there are 2v2, 3v3 and 5v5 brackets in the Arena system with a handful of different maps which are very small and offer tactical advantages for using line of sight, etc. The system is trash in general, the top of the brackets are composed of the same cookie cutter comps with stupid comp names like Jungle Cleave, TSG, etc.

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Dark Age of Camelot had the best pvp system, hands down... For most people in the MMO world today they have no idea what I just said but its the truth.


Ive never had so much fun in pvp as I did in DAoC!


And how was that in terms of pve, story, visuals, etc.? I don't mean to hate, but if everything was good in that game, it would be a lot more popular.

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People hate Arena because it shows them, in concrete terms (rating), how good they really are. I love Arena and RBG's - even though I struggled each season at 2K+


Arena in WoW is very competitive and even the smallest mistakes can be costly. The skillcap for most classes is high enough that the good players stand head and shoulders above the average.


The skillcap in this game is so low that even bad players feel "competitive" but it is going to drive the good players away eventually.


Is this good? Bad? Depends on your perspective. Some of you like the feel of this simple system and the slow pace and forgiving nature. Some of you dont' want the "elitists" in your game. For you the current state of PvP here is good. For those of us who expected a higher skillcap and more competitive venues - it is bad.


... another thing. Why in the hell does it seem like all of you can only afford to play one game? It's either go back to WoW or stay here. Many of us play both games plus multiple others ...

Edited by Rasstavad
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I know it took a while for wow to introduce arenas, but a dev came out and said that arenas are straight up unlikely to happen.


Atleast give us serious pvpers a carrot that isn't the braindead pvp minigames we have atm


Im glad arenas arent coming in, taking wows arena setup as an example, they are skillless class dependant and very much FOTM as a big impact. Lowest skill cap class always tops the ladders. Why would arenas ever be a deciding factor on whether u sub or not LOL


Its been said many times before, close the door on your way out. And this quality game is better off without you.

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People hate Arena because it shows them, in concrete terms (rating), how good they really are. I love Arena and RBG's - even though I struggled each season at 2K+


Arena in WoW is very competitive and even the smallest mistakes can be costly. The skillcap for most classes is high enough that the good players stand head and shoulders above the average.


The skillcap in this game is so low that even bad players feel "competitive" but it is going to drive the good players away eventually.


Is this good? Bad? Depends on your perspective. Some of you like the feel of this simple system and the slow pace and forgiving nature. Some of you dont' want the "elitists" in your game. For you the current state of PvP here is good. For those of us who expected a higher skillcap and more competitive venues - it is bad.


... another thing. Why in the hell does it seem like all of you can only afford to play one game? It's either go back to WoW or stay here. Many of us play both games plus multiple others ...


This +500

But I still like open world pvp better.

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People hate Arena because it shows them, in concrete terms (rating), how good they really are. I love Arena and RBG's - even though I struggled each season at 2K+


Arena in WoW is very competitive and even the smallest mistakes can be costly. The skillcap for most classes is high enough that the good players stand head and shoulders above the average.


The skillcap in this game is so low that even bad players feel "competitive" but it is going to drive the good players away eventually.


Is this good? Bad? Depends on your perspective. Some of you like the feel of this simple system and the slow pace and forgiving nature. Some of you dont' want the "elitists" in your game. For you the current state of PvP here is good. For those of us who expected a higher skillcap and more competitive venues - it is bad.


... another thing. Why in the hell does it seem like all of you can only afford to play one game? It's either go back to WoW or stay here. Many of us play both games plus multiple others ...


I pvpd since vanilla in wow, helped grind several r14s, only managed about 2.2k in arena but i was okey with that. I knew thats pretty much where i should be considering im nowhere near as good as some other players.

But the thing is, with the inclusion of arena everything came to be about arena and things such as sportsmanship went out the window. Back in the old vanilla day everyone on the server used to be on the same irc channel , taunting the other team when they scouted to queuedodge , poke fun at mistakes etc. But it was all in good fun.

Now a days pvp in wow is full of thirteen year old boys hopped up on nerdrage and mountain dew running around inspecting everyone so they can find the guy with 2 less rating and flame him for it.

The problem is not the competitive system, the problem is the clientele it attracts.

But hey thats only my opinion.

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Just heard there was not going to be arenas in swtor and its very unlikely that there ever will be.


If this is true, I quit. No point spending 200hours leveling a char to max level. Then spending countless hours gearing only to spend my time in "huttball" and the other gimmicky pvp based scenarios.


The only reason I stuck with wow was because of arenas as lets face it, pve is boring and repetitive and so are rbgs.


So im going to save my time by stopping at level 10. See yah :)



Counterstrike is that way ---> Bye.

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I don't know what Arena's are... but if its 2v2 3v3 kinda stuff then thats nothing more then piss contests.


Open World PvP is where it's at. DAoC is one of the best PvP games ever... as to why it wouldn't be more "popular" I'm not sure what you mean. It was increadibly popular... i think you understimate its age... when it came out people who are 18 years old now were around 10 years old... not to mention Mythic the company was brand new.


DAoC, WAR, SWG, UO, SB.... Great Great PvP games... I never played WoW because well it wasnt PvP oriented.


The sad truth is, there are people playing SWTOR today that have never experienced any of those MMO's or the difference in PvP atleast not in there hayday. Despite how new this game is, or good the PvE is, the PvP isnt just lacking... it is in SERIOUS trouble, there is a reason why so many people are "whining" as its being put. 3 Battlegrounds isn't even right for the PVE servers well alone the PvP servers. So far this game is a cookie cutter MMO like any other for almost a decade... Its polished well, good story, and has a great starter platform (I mean Star Wars for christ sakes), but that doesn't make it a great MMO.


PvP Please!

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Arenas are a pissing contest, so is becoming the alpha male in a pack of wolves. 2v2 or 3v3 competition shows straight skill of who can play with what they have better than the other person. Of course its never 100% balanced.


I have a feeling most of you tried arena's, sucked at it, and now hate it.

Edited by bapp
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Tbh that's a red herring. Just because Blizzard may regard them as a mistake doesn't stop some players from enjoying them immensely.


Moreover the dev in the article isn't making the argument that arenas are bad gameplay or design, but only that it wasn't really practical to add them to WoW because of the amount of attention they needed.


And how it would be better here? Seriously. If you don't design game with it from get go it will always fail and have no right to be implemented.


Also, some people enjoy drugs. Does that mean we should legalize them everywhere?

No. And arena is drug of so called pvp pros. It lets them get very high and they will destroy everything to get it, ignoring opinions and attacking everyone who thinks differently and do not want to provide them with another doze. Just like ordinary junkie.

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