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3.1.2 new skills and status...


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Someone mentioned in another thread that it seemed noone had tested or tried these as noone had posted... so ill post mine, but unless you are a 1v1 duel freak, you aren't going to like it. This is from the perspective of a DPS Merc, though i assume healing Mercs will have a similar experience as they have been in the same boat with us up till now and didn't really get anything to change that anymore than we did.


so, as you all know we got 2 "buffs" in yesterdays patch:

#1 KO now works are 40% instead of 35%

#2 Chaff Flare now absorbs 5 attacks instead of 1.


Sounds great, but in truth, the is very little observed difference in WZs. In a 1v1 scenario, yes, it helpful, no question.. i don't know about you guys but i'm rarely ever 1v1. For whatever reason, i assume my sparkling personality or perhaps the fact that i have half a clue on the class, I typically have 2-3 on me the majority of the time and under those conditions it dint really change anything. The end result is that yes you will last a little longer under pressure, and by a little longer i mean 1-2 seconds, but it isn't significant enough to affect the outcome.


Now, add in the buffs that other classes got, and it gets even worse.


Maras can now use their vanish and DR without any health penalty and the bulk of them are now using it very early in the fight and both getting DR and the advantage of dropping target to re-engage which is a huge buff for them.


Deception sins got this asinine Low Slash as 30M every 15 seconds... perhaps the worst idea ever... and are now unkiteable. Between this, and the other stuns they had and vanish etc... and the fact that they already to me were more dangerous than dot spreading hatred sins... they also got stronger.


And all this is in preparation for 3.2 when Juggs and Maras will both be getting CC immunity buffs while we will be getting... are you ready... nothing.


Bottom line if you are PVPing right now you are either stubborn, a masochist, stupid, or all of the above as unless the other team is dumb enough to let you freecast you will die a horrible painful death as a result of complications from light-saber enema.


Ive started working on my PT and my Op as there is only so much a person can take and i have reached my limit.

Edited by Floplag
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Interesting thoughts.

I saw the patch notes and thought that it wouldn't make much difference in larger fights anyway.

I have just recently returned to the game and am still trying to adjust to the advanced class changes that happened while I was gone but it seems like these changes may just be small tweaks as opposed to the sweeping changes that most PvP'ers would like. Good to see some (if any) testing by a member of the community outside of test.

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I posted my comments in another thread. Sadly, I only had one arena to work with data wize and it was against a pre-made. But my conclusion ... yeah 1 - 2 seconds longer to live in an arena is about right. The only thing decoy can do for you is buy you a second or two to use an "oh ****" button which we don't even have. So instead of activating the "oh ****" you try in vain to use one of your other utilities or pop a little dps before you end up pushing daisies. We need something more than what we have to work with. And AOE stun, a better shield, a speed run that is actually a speed run ... something.
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I seem to be living longer. Having barrage proc'n more is huge it seems.. seeing 4k non crits and 6k cries tick off Blazing bolts is nice then finish with Heatseaker. It all seems a step in the right direction for me.
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Someone mentioned in another thread that it seemed noone had tested or tried these as noone had posted... so ill post mine, but unless you are a 1v1 duel freak, you aren't going to like it. This is from the perspective of a DPS Merc, though i assume healing Mercs will have a similar experience as they have been in the same boat with us up till now and didn't really get anything to change that anymore than we did.


so, as you all know we got 2 "buffs" in yesterdays patch:

#1 KO now works are 40% instead of 35%

#2 Chaff Flare now absorbs 5 attacks instead of 1.


Sounds great, but in truth, the is very little observed difference in WZs. In a 1v1 scenario, yes, it helpful, no question.. i don't know about you guys but i'm rarely ever 1v1. For whatever reason, i assume my sparkling personality or perhaps the fact that i have half a clue on the class, I typically have 2-3 on me the majority of the time and under those conditions it dint really change anything. The end result is that yes you will last a little longer under pressure, and by a little longer i mean 1-2 seconds, but it isn't significant enough to affect the outcome.

Well, your first problem is you're playing a Merc...but yeah...other than that, the changes were exactly what I expected them to be, trivial. 40% instead of 35% made zero difference. I run Assault and my 35% defense chance vs. 25% was also negligible...and by negligible, I mean unnoticed. Our "buffs" are a freaking joke...

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Bottom line if you are PVPing right now you are either stubborn, a masochist, stupid, or all of the above as unless the other team is dumb enough to let you freecast you will die a horrible painful death as a result of complications from light-saber enema.


Ive started working on my PT and my Op as there is only so much a person can take and i have reached my limit.


Pretty much only PvP on my PT (Shield Tech) currently, given up completely on my merc now. I've literally just finished last weeks weekly for it, and I'm done on it.


On the plus side, until 3.2 ST PT is fun to play, you definitely don't die as fast as on a Merc, and you can even survive a little bit of tunnelling (:cool:).


The buffs Mercs were given were... well, what can I say, really? Not very effective at all. The worst part is I don't see the combat team actually having the balls to admit they're plain wrong and fixing it. No doubt they've got some metric twisted to suit their own ends to justify not actually doing what needs to be done to fix the one problem this class has in PvP. The Kolto change does nothing (literally as predicted, think the HPS has been slightly increased but nowhere near enough) and the Chaff Flare change, great if I'm only ever going to 1v1 on a Merc / Mando.


I've given up. You know what, even if it comes back to PTS now for more tweaks, I really can't be f***ing bothered to provide feedback, it's not listened to by the combat team, along with many other players. Such a disconnect.

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Remind me to repost everything I posted recently the moment the PTS forum comes back up again.


I won't even bother to rewrite it in the full expectation that they won't change anything in a meaningful way before then, saving it now to paste.

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