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Mid [30-59] needs change


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Bioware you need urgently to change this, mid PVP is completely ruined for non-55-59 players!

I like (liked) to combine PvP with my Class Quests as doing all the planetary chain gets very boring once you have completed them a few times... and I'm seeing that are more and more (4 to 8 men) guild groups of 55-59 players farming easy comms.

So practicaly it doesn't matter to play the WZ, the winning rate is relative to how many 55+ has each team, victory has become impossible for teams with lower levels than those!!

I'm sure that if you have stadistics about the mid WZ since 3.0. the majority 30-54 vs 55-59 matches were winned for the last in a matter of seconds...

My conclusion is that PvP has become this game in a pay to win because those who don't have the expansion are directly doomed in any mid WZ.


(So now come to rage against this, guild comm farmers)

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Bioware you need urgently to change this, mid PVP is completely ruined for non-55-59 players!

I like (liked) to combine PvP with my Class Quests as doing all the planetary chain gets very boring once you have completed them a few times... and I'm seeing that are more and more (4 to 8 men) guild groups of 55-59 players farming easy comms.

So practicaly it doesn't matter to play the WZ, the winning rate is relative to how many 55+ has each team, victory has become impossible for teams with lower levels than those!!

I'm sure that if you have stadistics about the mid WZ since 3.0. the majority 30-54 vs 55-59 matches were winned for the last in a matter of seconds...

My conclusion is that PvP has become this game in a pay to win because those who don't have the expansion are directly doomed in any mid WZ.


(So now come to rage against this, guild comm farmers)


People seem to have given up on getting mids fixed. A lot of people know there is a serious problem and expressed their displeasure since 3.0 hit, but there has been no change. On the EH server it seems we have about half the amount of mid players we used to have, queues are much longer, fight pubs a lot more often. Pubs seem to queue nothing but 55-59s also. lol


Oh, and if anyone doesn't believe there is a problem you are welcome to come look at my 58 Sorcerers stat page and compare it to lower levels.

Edited by Ashanor
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I don't think people have given up getting that fixed, it's just that we know now that Bioware is aware of the problem and the fix is coming in 3.2.


As long as that patch isn't live, there's no real point complaining about this, we just have to wait and see if the changes really make the bracket better for lowbies or if the difference of levels is still a too big advantage for higher levels.


Hey all,


We have heard your feedback/reports and experienced the disparity in the middle (30-59) bracket. We investigated this disparity and it turns out y’all were right! Bolster was giving out less stats than it should be for characters of all levels. This disparity was more noticeable the lower level the character, so the most negatively affected bracket was the middle one. My apologies that this wasn't addressed sooner. The fix has been made today and the plan is that it will be in the next PTS build, meaning it will go live with Game Update 3.2. Thanks everyone for their feedback and reports.

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From originally being pointed out to an actual 'fix' - the gap would be almost 6 months broken. I seriously don't know why Bioware bother with a PTS as they clearly ignore it (Low Slash is yet ANOTHER example).


But don't expect miracles, Bolster has never worked correctly with the most infamous being Naked bolster

Edited by GrimRita
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From originally being pointed out to an actual 'fix' - the gap would be almost 6 months broken. I seriously don't know why Bioware bother with a PTS as they clearly ignore it (Low Slash is yet ANOTHER example).


But don't expect miracles, Bolster has never worked correctly with the most infamous being Naked bolster


The fix is not changing the brackets, merely fixing bolster, though I personally doubt these people can get anything right after low slash.

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I don't think people have given up getting that fixed, it's just that we know now that Bioware is aware of the problem and the fix is coming in 3.2.


As long as that patch isn't live, there's no real point complaining about this, we just have to wait and see if the changes really make the bracket better for lowbies or if the difference of levels is still a too big advantage for higher levels.


Ah, I wasn't aware they had FINALLY acknowledged the problem and had a fix incoming. They were silent for months while a lot of us quit playing. They must have finally said this while I was taking a break from the game over mids sucking. Thanks for the information.

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