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How to fix Marauders/Sentinels.

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There has been a ton of suggestions with Maras and Sents


Coming from playing it since launch and as my main for almost 3 years, this is obviously the worst state we are in.


One Easy fix that i feel needs to be implemented without making a wall of text is this


Whenever Berserk is activated maras gain Immunity to movement impairing affects and increase speed by 40% for 4 seconds. One of many core problems for mara is staying on a target in order to put out dps. This allows us to stay on a target without having to sacrifice berserk with Pred (for all specs)


This fix should have been implemented in the update rather than only giving CC immunity to Fury/Conc.(who already have the most uptime on a target out of all specs)


not to late to take my advice Bioware :0


Juggs got a baseline fix on all specs gain Unstoppable which is arguably one of the best passives in the game.

Edited by Valzanik
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Whenever Berserk is activated maras gain Immunity to movement impairing affects and increase speed by 40% for 4 seconds. One of many core problems for mara is staying on a target in order to put out dps. This allows us to stay on a target without having to sacrifice berserk with Pred (for all specs)


See my previous suggestion, which I believe is in this thread. Berzerk applies predation to the caster, fury can be gained during berzerk. Bam. Fixed. Nothing is removed from the fury system, berzerk remains a DPS ability, predation remains a raid buff. There is no reason not to do this.

Edited by qwopicus
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See my previous suggestion, which I believe is in this thread. Berzerk applies predation to the caster, fury can be gained during berzerk. Bam. Fixed. Nothing is removed from the fury system, berzerk remains a DPS ability, predation remains a raid buff. There is no reason not to do this.



I did skip over most of this cause a lot of people dont know what they are talking about but yes i agree with you. 100%, Juggs all have unstopabble now and have a disc lowering the CD of charge. A comparable fix would be my suggestion above and what you said, allow fury to be build while berserkis active. I dont think this would affect the DPS in PVE too much(That would be the only devs concern)


Perhaps makes the gain smaller while berserk is active allowing 1 charge of berserk to grant 1 fury as well as other fury generation related to the class

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I did skip over most of this cause a lot of people dont know what they are talking about but yes i agree with you. 100%, Juggs all have unstopabble now and have a disc lowering the CD of charge. A comparable fix would be my suggestion above and what you said, allow fury to be build while berserkis active. I dont think this would affect the DPS in PVE too much(That would be the only devs concern)


Perhaps makes the gain smaller while berserk is active allowing 1 charge of berserk to grant 1 fury as well as other fury generation related to the class


All reasonable. Now that intercede breaks roots for guardian/jugg, mara is the only class that has to hurt itself to remain mobile.


Force speed for sorc/sin

HO for PT/merc

Counterstrike for Op/sniper

Intercede for jugg

Maras have to choose between blowing their "combat stealth (with a heroic utility) or using predation, substantially reducing their damage.


We are continually singled out. We are the only class that has to invest in two utility points to give their only slow some basic usefulness, we are the only class with a shared spec that is superior in every way on the other, we are the only class that has to spend utilities to get bare minimum functionality (defensive forms)

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Whenever Berserk is activated maras gain Immunity to movement impairing affects and increase speed by 40% for 4 seconds. One of many core problems for mara is staying on a target in order to put out dps. This allows us to stay on a target without having to sacrifice berserk with Pred (for all specs)

That defeats the point of Predation in terms of being a utility/movement ability, as you have Berserk do a lot of what Predation does.

See my previous suggestion, which I believe is in this thread. Berzerk applies predation to the caster, fury can be gained during berzerk. Bam. Fixed. Nothing is removed from the fury system, berzerk remains a DPS ability, predation remains a raid buff. There is no reason not to do this.

That gives insane uptime on Predation and will cause situations where you can't use Berserk here because you want to hold it for Predation and vice versa. Oh and generating Fury under Berserk messes up the rotations.

Edited by Emperor-Norton
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Hmmm veng jugg dot spread is smash albeit a buffed one. Imo my problem with it being smash is the rage cost. If it was free I don't think it would be so bad.

Slam is free because it is a filler attack in the single target rotation. The problem with Smash is that they decided to bring the ability delay from 1.3 back again, so Smash hits half a second after activation. Which is easily enough time for people to get out of range of your Smash (assuming you can get there to start with).


Although adding a 1 rage refund on Smash when used I don't think is that bad of an idea (so it costs 3, uses 2).

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Predation becomes a group buff, as it was originally designed: not something you have to use in order to have uptime.


The core problems with marauder are extremely clear.

1. Utilities screwed them. Instead of giving all the good utilities to all specs like other classes, it was reorganized to where it is impossible to get just your old spec's skills back.

2. All classes got a mobility buff except us.

3. Overall damage was decreased beyond (most) other classes.

4. Anni sucks to play. Damage is fine, but a fun and interesting spec was turned into generic DoT tracking.

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I'm not sure if this idea has been mentioned elsewhere, but I'm not disappointed with the idea to place movement immunity on a skill somewhere in my Mara's rotation. Specifically, the direction 3.2 appears to be taking with adding immunity to the use of Force Crush.


For carnage - perhaps it can be added to Gore...albeit with a shorter duration (say 2-3 seconds) while changing Gore to a charge based system like berzerk (with 2 charges used by Ravage). For Anni - perhaps deadly saber. These are skills I use every 12-18 seconds depending upon the spec and seem like a small change. Not saying others aren't needed. As long as it gives a similar uptime to hold the line on the trooper side, plus a potential to add a nice 1-2 seconds extra on a master trait and replace a garbage one.


None of this fixes the obvious issues with current PVE Operations - mainly the melee tax which is less a Mara problem and more of a melee vs. ranged in general problem with the design.

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I'm not sure if this idea has been mentioned elsewhere, but I'm not disappointed with the idea to place movement immunity on a skill somewhere in my Mara's rotation. Specifically, the direction 3.2 appears to be taking with adding immunity to the use of Force Crush.


For carnage - perhaps it can be added to Gore...albeit with a shorter duration (say 2-3 seconds) while changing Gore to a charge based system like berzerk (with 2 charges used by Ravage). For Anni - perhaps deadly saber. These are skills I use every 12-18 seconds depending upon the spec and seem like a small change. Not saying others aren't needed. As long as it gives a similar uptime to hold the line on the trooper side, plus a potential to add a nice 1-2 seconds extra on a master trait and replace a garbage one.


None of this fixes the obvious issues with current PVE Operations - mainly the melee tax which is less a Mara problem and more of a melee vs. ranged in general problem with the design.


This is a potential fix as well. This also clears up the QQ for Carnage gettings stunned in gore Window.


I think CC immunity during gore and 2-3 seconds afterward, since gore window is so small now this gives reasoning for it being a tighter window


believe it would work well with Anni as well.

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Predation becomes a group buff, as it was originally designed: not something you have to use in order to have uptime.


The core problems with marauder are extremely clear.

1. Utilities screwed them. Instead of giving all the good utilities to all specs like other classes, it was reorganized to where it is impossible to get just your old spec's skills back.

2. All classes got a mobility buff except us.

3. Overall damage was decreased beyond (most) other classes.

4. Anni sucks to play. Damage is fine, but a fun and interesting spec was turned into generic DoT tracking.


Pretty much sums it up.


Devs took a good class and nerfed it to being almost painful to play.

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  • 2 weeks later...

HOW TO FIX MARAUDERS/SENTINELS (or the warrior and knight classes in general)

1. FIX THE FORCE CHARGE/LEAP AND INTERCEDE/GUARDIAN LEAP BUGS (where you go and leap to someone but come up short anywhere from 5-15 meters)


3. ????????













that bug has been in the game for nearly 2 years now, but who's counting :rolleyes:

Edited by thatPERSON
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Stop leaping to targets that are immune to roots?


That's not it. They don't even have to be moving, and sometimes you come up short. I think terrain can sometimes cause it. I've even had the leap go off, I get part of the animation, then I warp back to my original position and my ability is on cooldown. That one makes me think connectivity issue can cause it, too.

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That's not it. They don't even have to be moving, and sometimes you come up short. I think terrain can sometimes cause it. I've even had the leap go off, I get part of the animation, then I warp back to my original position and my ability is on cooldown. That one makes me think connectivity issue can cause it, too.


ive had that happen to me in the meta game. was carrying the ball in huttball. i was down in the pit, charged someone up in the endzone, animation went off, i went to them only to be warped back to the pit. my friend said he saw the animation of force charge but i didnt move at all on his screen. it appears the broken force charge/leap in meta just got messed up more in beta!

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