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How to fix Marauders/Sentinels.

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I've been thinking of this thread since yesterday (was also gonna include Sorcs/Sages, but they got balanced), though never got the chance to post it. Here are some tips that COULD help Marauders/Sentinels




Dark Training (Passive, level 10) Increases your armor rating by 20%, and your damage reduction by 5%.




Light Warden (Passive, level 10) Increases your armor rating by 20%, and your damage reduction by 5%.




Protective Cloak (Passive, level 15) Cloak Of Pain now heals you for 5% health every 2 seconds while it is active.




Turn The Tide (Passive, level 15) Rebuke now heals you for 5% health every 2 seconds while it is active.




Strengthening Smash (Passive, level 14) Smash heals you for XXX-XXX per enemy around. (Small amount per).




Inspiring Sweep (Passive, level 14) Smash heals you for XXX-XXX per enemy around. (Small amount per).




Hold Pain (Ability, level 20) Reduces damage taken by 50%-0% progressively. Each second makes the damage reduction smaller by 5%, lasts 10 seconds.




Remember Training (Ability, level 20) Reduces damage taken by 50%-0% progressively. Each second makes the damage reduction smaller by 5%, lasts 10 seconds.



That's about all I can think of, hope you guys agree with me, we're missing self heals...

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It's not really survivability we are lacking. Remember, we are a pure offensive class and aren't supposed to be tanky. We rain destruction of those in our path. No, what we are lacking is the mobility to rain that destruction. Literally every other class has speed gains and immunities except for us.


As for the smash heal, I play carnage mostly and have to reason to use smash so it would be wasted. If you want something like this it would have to be spec ability specific. Plus wasting a smash on anni or fury really isn't smart either.

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Inate 15% more movement speed while in combat like Guartdians have in Shien form AND a faster ramp up time for the dots. It is pretty darn slow to apply the dots :/

There is a utility for the speed buff but it only applies to carnage. And they in fact did raise the stacking to decrease the ramp up time for anni.

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There is a utility for the speed buff but it only applies to carnage. And they in fact did raise the stacking to decrease the ramp up time for anni.


And at the same time increased Cauterize/Rupture duration from 6secs to 12 secs and introduced Watchman/Anni Vital Shot of 18secs in Force Melt/Rend. As a result the spec has even longer rampup time and worse target switching than before!

Edited by Ardarell_Solo
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And at the same time increased Cauterize/Rupture duration from 6secs to 12 secs and introduced Watchman/Anni Vital Shot of 18secs in Force Melt/Rend. As a result the spec has even longer rampup time and worse target switching than before!


I agree with force rend. Something about it needs to change. There never seems to be a good time to use it. It should flow like it did before and the way both Veng jugg's and hatred sins flow

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It's not really survivability we are lacking. Remember, we are a pure offensive class and aren't supposed to be tanky. We rain destruction of those in our path. No, what we are lacking is the mobility to rain that destruction. Literally every other class has speed gains and immunities except for us.


Ditto. Move along.

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Even as a squishy class, survivability is a concern. If other classes that are supposed to be as squishy have better defensive cooldowns as well as higher mobility, well, survivability would be worth taking a look at.


Even mobility is kind of a survivability issue, since you can't really kite if you can't move.

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For PVP, how about getting stunned/slowed/rooted finishes the cooldown of force leap, with something like effect cannot occur more than once every 15 seconds. Would solve some of the mobility issues in pvp.


Also, Predation should be independant of Fury stacks. Maybe on a 30/45s timer.


I honestly think dcds aren't terrible (camo, cloak, saber ward, undying). Maybe reduced cooldown on saber or undying.


My $0.02

Edited by Jimmajamma
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Also, Predation should be independant of Fury stacks. Maybe on a 30/45s timer.


Just considering that almost every pvp advice thread or whatever I've seen suggests using predation over any other fury consumer in just about every situation, I don't find fury on the whole to be very exciting. Maybe if different abilities cost a different amount of fury, or if there were things that interacted with fury in a different way (more damage or more healing at higher stacks or something) it would feel more interesting but currently it seems to work out as essentially being a cooldown on predation.

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Just considering that almost every pvp advice thread or whatever I've seen suggests using predation over any other fury consumer in just about every situation, I don't find fury on the whole to be very exciting. Maybe if different abilities cost a different amount of fury, or if there were things that interacted with fury in a different way (more damage or more healing at higher stacks or something) it would feel more interesting but currently it seems to work out as essentially being a cooldown on predation.


Give this man a cookie. I've also seen many, many threads saying ''predation is love, predation is live, never use Berserk''. It's our only self heal (and a very bad one at that) or our highest rage producing ability, or maybe even the source of alacrity for some.

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How to fix Marauders:


Make obliterate baseline, replace it in Fury with a smash reskin w/ additional damage (smash is a joke currently, no need to return to 2.x smash monkeys but still).


Berzerk now applies predation, but only to yourself. Additionally you can gain fury stacks during berzerk.


Defensive forms is baseline, defensive roll is moved to skillfull. Maiming reach is baseline, inescapable is moved to skillfull. Full heroic utility rework.


Bam, there we go Bioware. Too bad we're over-performing according to your win metrics.

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With predation and blood thirst, why not have berserk be on a cool down. It would make more sense. Berserk is part of all 3 rotations and it makes more sense. Not sure an exact time but about 20s is usually the time it takes to get a stack especially if you have defensive forms.
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With predation and blood thirst, why not have berserk be on a cool down. It would make more sense. Berserk is part of all 3 rotations and it makes more sense. Not sure an exact time but about 20s is usually the time it takes to get a stack especially if you have defensive forms.


The less preferred, but still good change to the fury system. Being forced to choose between getting to your target and doing meaningful damage should not happen. Also, tying mobility to DCDs is wrong (this actually applies to juggs too).

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I would be happy with Dual Saber Master, 20% bonus damage, exactly the same as the Guardian and Jug ability only it works with two sabers instead of one.


I'll take the other issues after all we are meant to be a pure dps spec class, but to not even be able to do that seems the biggest issue.

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I can think of just a few small changes that would be amazing to us without being OP.


Defensive Form as a passive and not utility.


The Predation utility adds 5 seconds or entire duration snare immunity only to person who activates while keeping the group buff viability for PVE/PVP.


Cloak of Pain damage reduction increased to 30% or make the damage done to people who attack us significantly higher. Possibly a Utility. When they see Cloak of Pain popped they should know to switch targets much like we do on bubbles. It's not OP because if the player is smart it can be only a 6 second duration.


Force Camo should completely break any snare and it currently does not. I'm not sure if this is a bug but I stay rooted in Camo.


Force Pull - 15 - 30m range pulls target to you and immobilizes for 2 seconds on a 30 - 45 second CD.


That's it. I think those changes would make us amazing. Considering what other classes get it's more than fair. The predation buff would be amazing and probably the only real change with some utility changes we need. Not sure how it would be OP considering ranged get similar but still able to move/DPS at range. We sacrifice dps using predation too.


I currently use predation almost exclusively in PVP and it's incredible. However, often times I'll break a snare and get snared again. It just needs a little more. It allows me to stay on anyone and often path through them to exploit people like clickers. Mobility is our issue with utility talents. Being a glass canon is our class. I'm okay with that because when I'm on top of someone I rip through them. We just need more help keeping people in melee.


You can't have more than 2-3 predation buffs within 30 seconds to prevent spam from a match full of marauders. I'm pretty sure this already exists because I can't use it sometimes.

Edited by zeroeffectxoo
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Reposting my change because it got missed.


Berzerk applies predation only to the caster, additionally allows fury stacks to be gained during berzerk.


This fixes everything needed. Mobility is solved, damage is solved, no scary fundamental changes like taking something off of the fury system. This is the only fundamental change needed. Yes, the DCDs are weak, and utilities are garbage, but this ONE CHANGE would solve the most dire issues.

Edited by qwopicus
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Here's a grand idea, Remove BLOODTHIRST from the Fury System, Why do Sorcs get their's pretty much scot free? 40 Force for a sorc is like, nothing... In fact, why do the Bloodthirst type abilities need to cost anything? We can't chain them at all, they are almost purely used in a Burn Phase, or in the Underlurker's case, in sequence from Celerity > Superiority > and then Bloodthirst + UNLIMITED POWAR! for the Burn Phase. They shouldn't cost anything, 1 TA for a DPS Operative is detramental to their rotation at some points, 10 stacks of Supercharge is like suicide for a Merc's DPS, and 30 Fury is nearly suicide for a Carnage and Fury Marauder's DPS, Anni can get away with it though. 40 Force, pff that's nothing for a Sorc...
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What I do want changed is the DoT Spread for Annihilation, We've all come to a consensus that smash is awful, non rotational and really clunky, Ive had this idea and would like to see what you guys think:


Bloody Sabers - "Casting Annihilate, Vicious Throw, and Vicious Slash on a target affected by Rupture and Force Rend will now spread them to all targets within 10m. This Effect can't occur more than once every 10 secs."


Smash is on a 12 sec CD and rupture is 12 sec duration and Force Rend is 18 sec, so i dont see a 2 sec difference being OP at all, and These abilities are rotational and would flow more smoothly into our rotation while giving us better dot spread application to increase our survivability in PvP. Fell free to disagree with me completely if you do think this would be Mega OP for some reason.


--Atrixx @ The Ebon Hawk--

--Marauder Main--

--Marauder Playtime: 175 days 10 hours

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I have been wondering if the pre nerf Annihilation spec, when was that they nerfed the snot out of annihilation 1.2 or was it before, if we still had the same abilities as then, if that spec would shine in PvP the way it did before that nerf
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