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Name Purge


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False. Just come up with more original names. I play on Harbinger; one of, if not the most populated server in the game, and I created a character 3 days ago and got a good name on my second try. No "special" letters, apostrophes, dashes, or other tricks 4either.
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See now you say this.. But in the past 2 months I've created 4 new alts (Latest 2 being last week) And none of the 4 names I have were taken, I didn't have to accent any letters or use a ' or a - just simple inventive character names, and believe me I was surprised none of them had been used already, but Also whilst levelling on the starter planets I rarely saw another player with a silly or accented name. just pure character names like mine has.. was a nice view to see for once :) (On The Progenitor if anyone's wondering about server)


So maybe they had a secret name purge and didn't announce it.. cause.. well..why should they?

Edited by dacentabaal
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The longer the name, the better your chances of it being available (ex: "Solovenna" vs "Jax"). There's also special characters which is something I love when making a clone of an NPC or existing character XD
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I think a name purge is due as well. They could limit it to accounts which haven't logged in within a year, then if they log back in again they should just have to choose a new name. I've had trouble picking out names in the past because of a lot of them being taken, and to be fair, if they haven't logged in in over a year they probably wouldn't care about their character needing a name change the next time they log in.


If they were feeling generous, they could also give out character bound name changes for existing characters which have logged in within a year, but I don't think that's entirely necessary.

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How come I get the feeling that the real problem here is that the Author is trying to get iconic names either from the SW universe or popular names from other Media sources and of course because they are iconic or popular the name is already taken.
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How come I get the feeling that the real problem here is that the Author is trying to get iconic names either from the SW universe or popular names from other Media sources and of course because they are iconic or popular the name is already taken.


Nope, not even close. I try to avoid those types of names. I try to come up with original names. But even when that fails I have tried so many random names, including the random name generator provided in game as a last resort and nothing works, And finally when I do find something that works they are so ridiculous that I can't stand the names of some of my characters. We have hundreds of people who no longer play this game. It is time to free up those names for people who do play the game. It is only fair.

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They will come back, someday, and when they do, they'll expect their names to be there. I've left the game for a year, and came back to play. When I came back, I was glad to see my toons with their names. I would have been royally pissed and rage quit for good, instead of just taking a break, if my names were gone.


Your name purge idea, sucks @55.

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They will come back, someday, and when they do, they'll expect their names to be there. I've left the game for a year, and came back to play.


Your name purge idea, sucks @55.


The OP is hardly the only person ever to suggest this. There are numerous threads calling for a character name renewal, and Bioware has done it before: November 12, 2013 Game Update 2.4.3


Someone in your situation, who returned to the game after not playing for a year, may have found that their original name was no longer available, and they had to choose an alternative. So Bioware improved the experience for a portion of its active playerbase while risking the potential disaffection of a portion of its long-dormant playerbase.


In other words, the only downside for Bioware is that a unknown number of people who are no longer playing may decide at some unknown point in the future that they will continue not being customers. I could be wrong, but that doesn't appear to me as a significant risk.

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So maybe they had a secret name purge and didn't announce it.. cause.. well..why should they?


Because it would be stupid to do a name purge without giving players a warning. It would also be stupid to do a purge and not announce what the criteria was for having your name taken away.

That's how they handled the first purge. Players received a notice via email.

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The OP is hardly the only person ever to suggest this. There are numerous threads calling for a character name renewal, and Bioware has done it before: November 12, 2013 Game Update 2.4.3


Someone in your situation, who returned to the game after not playing for a year, may have found that their original name was no longer available, and they had to choose an alternative. So Bioware improved the experience for a portion of its active playerbase while risking the potential disaffection of a portion of its long-dormant playerbase.


In other words, the only downside for Bioware is that a unknown number of people who are no longer playing may decide at some unknown point in the future that they will continue not being customers. I could be wrong, but that doesn't appear to me as a significant risk.


Taking a nice long break from the game makes it fresh and fun again, when you return. If BioWare takes our names away while we're on our nice long sabbatical, then a lot of people will be very displeased. I take a lot of time and effort to make up my names. I would very much be very displeased if I had my name stolen from me. It would make me want to actually quit. Names are much more important than you think.


If you came up with some name, and it was taken already, then that name wasn't all that imaginative to start with. "Sithkiller" is probably taken, and so is "S1th-K1l13r", etc. (I know Bioware don't let us use numbers in our names, but I don't know how to do the accent marks. Just imagine it as an example.)


I'll bet you 1000 credits, that you won't find any toons named, "Kreiivan-Journe", or "Yehgnii-Stahshen", those sound like really exotic names, and are totally original. My names are like that. So, yeah. I don't want BioWare taking them from me.

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Nope, not even close. I try to avoid those types of names. I try to come up with original names. But even when that fails I have tried so many random names, including the random name generator provided in game as a last resort and nothing works, And finally when I do find something that works they are so ridiculous that I can't stand the names of some of my characters. We have hundreds of people who no longer play this game. It is time to free up those names for people who do play the game. It is only fair.


Yes indeed because those hundreds of people who aren't logging in anymore are the very ones with the names you want to have. Currently active players couldn't possibly have any names that someone would want.:rolleyes:


I'll bet you 1000 credits, that you won't find any toons named, "Kreiivan-Journe", or "Yehgnii-Stahshen", those sound like really exotic names, and are totally original. My names are like that. So, yeah. I don't want BioWare taking them from me.


Oh sweet. I was bashing my brains in trying to think of good names for my next two characters. Thanks!;)

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It took like 2 or 3 years for the first purge. I wouldn't expect another anytime soon.


f you came up with some name, and it was taken already, then that name wasn't all that imaginative to start with. "Sithkiller" is probably taken, and so is "S1th-K1l13r", etc. (I know Bioware don't let us use numbers in our names, but I don't know how to do the accent marks. Just imagine it as an example.)


I'll bet you 1000 credits, that you won't find any toons named, "Kreiivan-Journe", or "Yehgnii-Stahshen", those sound like really exotic names, and are totally original. My names are like that. So, yeah. I don't want BioWare taking them from me.


If your names are so unique that no one else would come up with them, you shouldn't be worried about them being taken in a purge.

Edited by Senrie
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If your names are so unique that no one else would come up with them, you shouldn't be worried about them being taken in a purge.



Yeah, because no one has visited these forums and saw a sig or forum name and thought "Hey, I wonder if he/she has that name on this server."


Anyways, I was hoping for a name purge myself. Got tired of Jung Ma's sparse population and thought "Well, I'll bite the bullet and have symbols in my name." I tried to reserve the name by creating a char first, no go. Already taken.

Transferred anyhow. All but ONE of my names were good to go, and the one that was taken wasn't original in the least.


Anyhow. So I'm happy now. I have my original names after transferring.

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I take a lot of time and effort to make up my names. I would very much be very displeased if I had my name stolen from me. It would make me want to actually quit. Names are much more important than you think.


I think he knows that names are important. That's why he's suggesting another name purge. He wouldn't be posting about it if he was some guy who hit random until he found something that wasn't taken.


I'll bet you 1000 credits, that you won't find any toons named, "Kreiivan-Journe", or "Yehgnii-Stahshen"


I'll bet you a million credits that you won't find those names. I'll win because you can only have one capital letter per name.


I am totally in favor of another name purge. I tried to create a new character, and the name was taken. I resorted to using a special character for the name, and while it's okay, I would love to have the original name that I wanted. The name isn't in use because I added the person with the name to my friends list, and that character is a level 50 sentinel that was logged off on the fleet over a year ago. I checked another server in the same way and found the name taken by a level 1 bounty hunter. No one leaves a level 50 on the fleet for that long, and no one creates a character, logs out in the first few minutes of playing, and plans to come back to that character after over a year.


However, unlike most of the people in this thread, I'm not trying to take my situation and make it sound like the norm. I'm not going to be smarmy internet guy and tell people to get more creative, either. I simply think that for many different reasons, there are a lot of players who are gone, aren't coming back, and won't even know or care if the name of a character in a game they don't play is taken. A second name purge would be welcome by me and many of the guildies I play with on two different servers.

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Yeah, because no one has visited these forums and saw a sig or forum name and thought "Hey, I wonder if he/she has that name on this server."


We're talking about a purge not taking a freed up name on another sever. And If it was a name like Yehgnii-Stahshen, I guarantee you that's never happened yes. Even if someone were fascinated by Yehgnii-Stahshen they'd still have to wait two years, have Yehgnii-Stahshen not be L30 and have Yehgnii-Stahshen be inactive for the past 60-180 days prior to the purge.


Don't worry about Yehgnii-Stahshen.

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I'll bet you a million credits that you won't find those names. I'll win because you can only have one capital letter per name.



Ptffff!!! Technicalities.... (LOL)


I don't care one way or another. I've already had to rename most of my toons, several times now, due to server mergers.

It is what it is.. think of something else clever and move along.


I had that happen to one of my toons - despite the uniqueness of the name. I had to modify it a bit to rename my toon. Another time, I transferred another of my toons, and had to change that name, too. So, the odds are there that someone has come up with the same unique name as yours.


I have to admit, however, that despite the uniqueness of those names, they were short names, not the longer, hyphenated names.

Edited by WorldSmasher
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I'd like a name purge again as well. I was forced to switch my name when the servers merged... but the player who had the name hasn't even signed in once since then.


The issue here is that I don't really want an "original" name. That's too easy. What I want is a recognizable name. Something short and easy to say. Basically, if someone has to abbreviate my name when addressing me, it's too long.

Edited by Soul_of_Flames
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When for the love of god is there going to be a name purge?


Every time I start a new character finding a name to use is next to impossible... NOTHING WORKS!


Not to be offensive but... Have you tried being original?


I have a list of about a dozen names I use for online games and on the odd chance they are taken I can easily think of variations on the fly.


If you're having a hard time finding a name, then you're just using too common a name and no amount of name purge is gonna fix a lack of imagination.


Hell let's say they do purge the names, seeing how they are unoriginal enough for at least two people to come up with it there is likely going to be someone who picks it up before you do anyway.


Do what I do:

Pick a name by phonetic 1st then work on a spelling from there and If all else fails add an H/Hs, add apostrophes, remove vowels, replace Z by S, K by C and so on.


The possibilities are endless specially when naming aliens, which even the humans are in the Star Wars setting.

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I'd like a name purge again as well. I was forced to switch my name when the servers merged... but the player who had the name hasn't even signed in once since then.


If you couldn't get your name back in the first purge why expect to be able to in a second?

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All y'all calling for a name purge, especially the ones saying "he hasn't logged in for a year on that toon", etc...Just because they have not logged in on that toon, does not mean you would get it in a name purge. lol That toon could be a forgotten alt on a well played account. Meaning, even after said name purge, you'd still be whining & mad. lol

Or it's an account that is still subbed, but they don't play it. (Yes that does happen too.)

Either case you'd be in the same boat. lol


BW only takes from the Free To Play players that haven't logged in within a certain amount of time.

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