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Unreal, this game has the most content MMO wise right now.


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WoW is having a serious drought in content.

Rift's Nightmare tide just sucked.

Tera's expansion takes 3 weeks to get 5 levels with lack of raids/world content.

Maplestory and Runescape are just too old.



SWTOR and Final Fantasy 14 ARR have the most content and for that I tip my hat off to these two. Well done and continue reviving the games that USE to be dead!

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WoW is having a serious drought in content.

Rift's Nightmare tide just sucked.

Tera's expansion takes 3 weeks to get 5 levels with lack of raids/world content.

Maplestory and Runescape are just too old.



SWTOR and Final Fantasy 14 ARR have the most content and for that I tip my hat off to these two. Well done and continue reviving the games that USE to be dead!


Apart from PVP...

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Do you mean, most content as long as you like nothing rewarding from doing it? Even then, I'm guessing W0W has more.


Lemme rephrase that, lacking in content from a old player perspective. Played that game since 2005.

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I can't say something nice about these games then?...




Say whatever you want, but there's a reality you'll be forced to contend with.


Reality is, we have crap for content right now. Nothing is rewarding, or challenging, for PvE except the 2 new Ops, which can be run in 60 min on Tuesday night.


For PvP, balance has never been so jacked up and we haven't seen a new game type in 2-1/2 years.


Reality sucks.

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Say whatever you want, but there's a reality you'll be forced to contend with.


Reality is, we have crap for content right now. Nothing is rewarding, or challenging, for PvE except the 2 new Ops, which can be run in 60 min on Tuesday night.


For PvP, balance has never been so jacked up and we haven't seen a new game type in 2-1/2 years.


Reality sucks.


Why are you here then? Don't like it, unsubscribe. I'm enjoying the hell out of it.

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WoW is having a serious drought in content.

Rift's Nightmare tide just sucked.

Tera's expansion takes 3 weeks to get 5 levels with lack of raids/world content.

Maplestory and Runescape are just too old.



SWTOR and Final Fantasy 14 ARR have the most content and for that I tip my hat off to these two. Well done and continue reviving the games that USE to be dead!


I do enjoy SWTOR and all the games you mention are definitely not for me. Even GW2 didn't work for me though I played GW1 a lot.


All in all though I do think it would be good to have more ops at level 60 and PvP is really not in a good shape. That aside though, I am still here because I enjoy the game. :)

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It's true. SWTOR has a massive amount of content.


I've been playing with my gf since release (we've taken lengthy breaks now and then), but there's still a lot of story content we haven't seen.


If you don't demand WoW-raid type content, and mostly just solo or duo, swtor is basically the dream MMO.


PvP has some issues, but it's better than most MMOs.

Edited by clearsighted
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Why are you here then? Don't like it, unsubscribe. I'm enjoying the hell out of it.


So your response to his VERY REAL STATEMENTS is to say quit


thats your defense


You made absolutely ludicrous statements in your opening post (and I absolutely hate WOW for the record, always have), he called you out on them using FACTS (rather then resorting to name calling that so many here do) and your response is to tell him to quit.


Really starting to think Killance is the new whats her name, poster that defended SW:TOR no matter what was said.


BLIND DEVOTION doesn't help anyone and certainly will not help this game


This game needs to get BETTER, MORE CHALLENGING, MORE ENGAGING and move away form the Faster, Easier, stupider design its adopted.


The reason there is so much negativity around here is PEOPLE WANT A BETTER GAME!


As the old saying goes "You can put makeup on a pig, but its STILL A PIG"


The solution for this game is TO STOP BEING A PIG




Not fake platitudes makeing statements not even remotely based in fact and reality.

Again I hate WOW, I played WOW for exactly 2 weeks in beta and ran away as far and fast as I could seeing it as a complete and utter destruction of the MMORPG genre (and years later its pretty clear I was dead on the money correct back then), so its no fan boy statement when I say


SW:TOR sadly doesn't even remotely come close to WOW in content


And really not should it because of how long and how many full sized expansions WOW has released


So to claim SW:TOR is content heavy when the content has been lacking, undersized, far to simplistic, and lacking any sort of greater design is complete fan boy worship or possibly even paid rally cry.


The REAL FANS of SW:TOR imo say the good is good when its good and call the bad, bad, and hold EA to a higher standard then they have held themselves for decades.

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Why are you here then? Don't like it, unsubscribe. I'm enjoying the hell out of it.


These types of responses are always so pathetic.


Someone says something you don't like and ruins candyland for ya, so you try and silence them. Pathetic.

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If you don't demand WoW-raid type content, and mostly just solo or duo, swtor is basically the dream MMO.


PvP has some issues, but it's better than most MMOs.


Well if your dream content is content you can kill using only no energy/force basic attacks to defeat


or even go afk while the NPCs fight the boss for you and all you need to do is run a few globes here and there


Then yeah I guess you would like SW:TOR PVE


Personally I want better, bigger, more challengeing


Im all for solo content but jesus, make me work a little to defeat the content

Make me think even occasionally


As it stands I can do ever fight on Yavin (Speaking the weeklies other then Walker) on my commando by using ONLY hammer shot attack, nothing else


IMO Thats NOT content

Thats actually rather insulting

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So your response to his VERY REAL STATEMENTS is to say quit


thats your defense


You made absolutely ludicrous statements in your opening post (and I absolutely hate WOW for the record, always have), he called you out on them using FACTS (rather then resorting to name calling that so many here do) and your response is to tell him to quit.


Really starting to think Killance is the new whats her name, poster that defended SW:TOR no matter what was said.


BLIND DEVOTION doesn't help anyone and certainly will not help this game


This game needs to get BETTER, MORE CHALLENGING, MORE ENGAGING and move away form the Faster, Easier, stupider design its adopted.


The reason there is so much negativity around here is PEOPLE WANT A BETTER GAME!


As the old saying goes "You can put makeup on a pig, but its STILL A PIG"


The solution for this game is TO STOP BEING A PIG




Not fake platitudes makeing statements not even remotely based in fact and reality.

Again I hate WOW, I played WOW for exactly 2 weeks in beta and ran away as far and fast as I could seeing it as a complete and utter destruction of the MMORPG genre (and years later its pretty clear I was dead on the money correct back then), so its no fan boy statement when I say


SW:TOR sadly doesn't even remotely come close to WOW in content


And really not should it because of how long and how many full sized expansions WOW has released


So to claim SW:TOR is content heavy when the content has been lacking, undersized, far to simplistic, and lacking any sort of greater design is complete fan boy worship or possibly even paid rally cry.


The REAL FANS of SW:TOR imo say the good is good when its good and call the bad, bad, and hold EA to a higher standard then they have held themselves for decades.


That's a poor argument at best. But I didn't make this thread to argue so I refuse to indulge you. Think what you will.

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These types of responses are always so pathetic.


Someone says something you don't like and ruins candyland for ya, so you try and silence them. Pathetic.


It's an appropriate response to those who don't enjoy the game. But like I said to the last, I didn't create this thread to argue so I will not indulge you on this matter.

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WoW is in a depressing state, pvp is the worst I have ever seen, a quick glance at pvp forums should be obvious, as for pve, there is NOTHING to do but sit in your garrison and send out followers, who get to do more in the game than you do :) Everyone I know who couldn't wait for WoD has quit, Star Wars isn't favoring half its playerbase, if you want to progress in the broken pvp, you need to faction change 35$ to alliance. They destroyed professions, have one or two dailies, ashran is a complete fail (so called wpvp zone) People just sit in their garrisons twiddling their thumbs in the most expensive expansion yet, that has the least content to date.( This is from general forums)


Every day when I come on over to WoW forums, I see 2-3 people calling it quits and leaving. I don't necessarily blame these people for leaving, since in my opinion (and many others' opinions, according to these threads), WoW is in the worst state it's ever been. No flying, professions are poorly designed, Garrisons are a chore, and PvP is unbalanced.


Sure, the raiding is actually pretty decent. The boss fights are fun, and well designed, but that's the only time I leave my Garrison. Old content should not be pulling me from my Garrison, since I paid $50 for this expansion.


But for how many people are informing us of them leaving, how many more are leaving without our knowledge? How many people unsubscribe and quit WoW daily because they're so disappointed with WoD?


Some of us are staying to try and make the best of things. Some of us are staying with hope that things improve. Some of us even love the game now, but many of us are disappointed with the outcome of the long wait we had to wait for this xpac. How long until Blizzard notices that we are unhappy?





2 days ago

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It's an appropriate response to those who don't enjoy the game. But like I said to the last, I didn't create this thread to argue so I will not indulge you on this matter.


"Not enjoying the game" and "enjoying the game, while being critical of it" are not one and the same, regardless of its severity.


That much should be obvious.





Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Say whatever you want, but there's a reality you'll be forced to contend with.


Reality is, we have crap for content right now. Nothing is rewarding, or challenging, for PvE except the 2 new Ops, which can be run in 60 min on Tuesday night.


For PvP, balance has never been so jacked up and we haven't seen a new game type in 2-1/2 years.


Reality sucks.


Depends on your definition of content. SoR story-wise was the best content they've released since launch, by quite a bit. I've not played the new OPs as I've kinda gone casual/single player recently due to less free time than I once had.

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It's true. SWTOR has a massive amount of content.


I've been playing with my gf since release (we've taken lengthy breaks now and then), but there's still a lot of story content we haven't seen.


If you don't demand WoW-raid type content, and mostly just solo or duo, swtor is basically the dream MMO.


PvP has some issues, but it's better than most MMOs.


Haha, echoes my sentiments exactly. Been playing since closed beta and got my fiance involved a few months ago and she loves it too. I don't raid nearly as hard as I used to, but I still enjoy PvPing, recently started to get into GSF with my little bro, and have a lot of fun designing my GSH. I also really enjoy crafting and spending time on he AH for some reason... Anyways, I enjoy the game.


People on these forums (well, and official forums in general, ex. LoL and D3) are pretty nasty and hide behind their internet muscles. You should definitely check out the SWTOR subreddit as there is a larger community of people who enjoy the game and offer up constructive criticism rather than talking about how EA/Bioware is destroying the game and it'll be dead in X number of months.

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Haha, echoes my sentiments exactly. Been playing since closed beta and got my fiance involved a few months ago and she loves it too. I don't raid nearly as hard as I used to, but I still enjoy PvPing, recently started to get into GSF with my little bro, and have a lot of fun designing my GSH. I also really enjoy crafting and spending time on he AH for some reason... Anyways, I enjoy the game.


People on these forums (well, and official forums in general, ex. LoL and D3) are pretty nasty and hide behind their internet muscles. You should definitely check out the SWTOR subreddit as there is a larger community of people who enjoy the game and offer up constructive criticism rather than talking about how EA/Bioware is destroying the game and it'll be dead in X number of months.


It's why I refuse to argue with people on these type of forums. They are so obsessed thinking that their opinion is the only opinion out there and if you differ from them you are either a brown noser or someone who's an idiot.


Quite terrible really, how low communities sink.

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It's why I refuse to argue with people on these type of forums. They are so obsessed thinking that their opinion is the only opinion out there and if you differ from them you are either a brown noser or someone who's an idiot.


Quite terrible really, how low communities sink.


says you

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It's why I refuse to argue with people on these type of forums. They are so obsessed thinking that their opinion is the only opinion out there and if you differ from them you are either a brown noser or someone who's an idiot.


Quite terrible really, how low communities sink.


The irony is palpable.

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It's why I refuse to argue with people on these type of forums. They are so obsessed thinking that their opinion is the only opinion out there and if you differ from them you are either a brown noser or someone who's an idiot.


Quite terrible really, how low communities sink.


So true.

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