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If you are not high enough level for the event, the event should not affect you.


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All I am asking for a reasonable solurion to the problem.

You have yet to establish that it's a problem. It's something that annoys you. There are things in the game that annoy me. but I don't necessarily consider them "problems" that need to be "fixed."


For some reasoin noone (propably not even you) understands, you counter the idea like a little child that has his toy taken away, crying, yelling and all the stuff.

That's exactly how you come across, like a little child complaining to mommy and daddy that little Jimmy is touching the air which is touching you.


As I said, it wouldn't spoil your fun if they implemented a real opt out button

No, it wouldn't. And I would not ask for it to be removed if it were added, but it's just not something that needs to be added.


The fact that you keep arguing against is tells me you are nothing but a j**k that gets his sick enjoyment by harassing other players.

Harass: you keep using that word ...

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This event is the worst done ever. Most of people join just to gank and screw who is really having fun and want to do the missions.


Oh f!*@%& there are many others things that make this event suck a lot. I went there just one time, finished all missions after 1h (got ganked more than 20 times) and said myself: HELL YEAH, I'm leaving this place forever. Good bye Rakghoul, we'll never meet again.


Stupid event of hell. Stupid antisocial gankers of hell. I don't care if I play in a PvP server, this does not means I want to pvp ALL the f!@*$¨&% time in every f$*&@!¨& place. Make PVP EVENTS and NON-PVP events, or at least set an option to turn ON and OFF the Flagged for PvP while we're inside the Event's area.


BW and their gold fingers to screw and ruin things alongside all the entirely game. Hahahahaha

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Lol'd so hard at this. You play on a pvp server so yes you do want to pvp all the time. If not you should have been like me and roll on a carebear server to do these things gank free. Edited by dlcman
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Lol'd so hard at this. You play on a pvp server so yes you do want to pvp all the time. If not you should have rolled on a carebear server.

On that tangent, it's funny when PvPers call PvEers "carebears" given how often PvPers whine and complain in general chat and make excuses for their poor performance. It's like listening to little children bicker over who got who playing "soldier" or "cops and robbers."

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Lol'd so hard at this. You play on a pvp server so yes you do want to pvp all the time. If not you should have been like me and roll on a carebear server to do these things gank free.


Fixed my statement.:rak_03:

Edited by dlcman
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I agree that there needs to be an easier way for players to opt out if the whole plague thing gets to them so here is my own stupid idea.


Keep the effects the same but list it as a buff mechanically so the player can cancel it. Maybe get an xp or stat bonus or something with it to keep it interesting. everybody wins. No?

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Assuming you do not PvP (meaning you do not die a lot), getting 2k for the injection should be pretty easy, given the fact that we now don't have any low level credit sink like ability costs. If you cannot get 2k around level 15, you are doing something wrong.

I would be open to making the vaccine persist if you die while you are bolstered (aka in PvP), but that is it.

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Lol'd so hard at this. You play on a pvp server so yes you do want to pvp all the time. If not you should have been like me and roll on a carebear server to do these things gank free.


So if I enter in a stadium it means I SHOULD SUPPORT one of both teams which are playing...? NO! This is the biggest mistake ever if you think that way. If I enter in McDonald's i SHOULD BUY something, for sure...? NO, hell again NO.


Not because I join in a PvP server which ALSO HAVE RP, does not mean I really want to pvp in ever f!@*%* area every f!@%&¨!* time.


So, you are wrong man, just that.

Edited by henriquecorseuil
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I wholeheartedly agree with this. It's not fair to the low lvls since they have to pay for the injector and some may not have the creds necessary. Simply because one player decides to bring the plague to Fleet doesnt mean that everyone wants to participate. I participated for a few days and grew tired of it. Keep the plague contained to the planet the event is on. That way players do not have to avoid Fleet like some newbies I personally know are until the event is over. Just an idea
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Why would you go in mcdonalds and not buy something? Same with why would you roll on a pvp server if you aren't willing to pvp anywhere. You could just as easily rolled on TEH and flagged up when you felt like open world. Your argument is lame. Like the aurabesh though. I'll translate in a bit even though I'm sure it is rude.
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Why would you go in mcdonalds and not buy something? Same with why would you roll on a pvp server if you aren't willing to pvp anywhere. You could just as easily rolled on TEH and flagged up when you felt like open world. Your argument is lame. Like the aurabesh though. I'll translate in a bit even though I'm sure it is rude.


Because is my right to walk into McDonald's. If it have a plate saying: IF YOU ENTER, YOU MUST BUY SOMETHING, then I won't enter there if I just don't want to buy. But if didn't have, I can join there, why or for what is not a matter of your concern, just that, because it's my right to be there.


SAME as this pvp conversation. I play in a PvP server because I do pvp, but not all the f!@%(!@& time. YOUR argument that is a lame, you're probably a ganker, hahahaha. Well, also, the EVENTS should come with the information of RP-Event or PvP-RP-Event or PvP-Event and else. BECAUSE, as I was saying, I'm not required to do pvp JUST because it's an open area with free pvp. They set one week for the damm event, but wait, I can't do my missions because there are a few GANKERS of hell that kill everyone who is having fun with the event.


And here's more: When I joined Jung-Ma, I did only because all other servers listed aren't named with PvP role. So I thought myself: Oh, I will only be able to pvp in this server, because the other one's probably don't have an option to as they don't have the role PvP with the name, only PvE-RP....


Whatever, you will never convince me about that. I can walk into McDonald's as I can in every place, buying or not is MY, and only MY concern. Same as pvp there spoken, I do pvp, but not all the time.

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Whatever, you will never convince me about that. I can walk into McDonald's as I can in every place, buying or not is MY, and only MY concern. Same as pvp there spoken, I do pvp, but not all the time.

You can complain all you want about your "right" to not PvP on a PvP server, but it's a futile effort. Like going into McDonald's and ordering a pizza.

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And here's more: When I joined Jung-Ma, I did only because all other servers listed aren't named with PvP role. So I thought myself: Oh, I will only be able to pvp in this server, because the other one's probably don't have an option to as they don't have the role PvP with the name, only PvE-RP.... .



Wait wut? This is full of awesome. May be signature worthy.

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You can complain all you want about your "right" to not PvP on a PvP server, but it's a futile effort. Like going into McDonald's and ordering a pizza.

Mostly futile. :cool:

BECAUSE, as I was saying, I'm not required to do pvp JUST because it's an open area with free pvp.

And other players on your PvP-designated server are not required to refrain from engaging you in PvP at any time -- because it's an open area with free pvp.

Whatever, you will never convince me about that. I can walk into McDonald's as I can in every place, buying or not is MY, and only MY concern. Same as pvp there spoken, I do pvp, but not all the time.

Then you should probably have rolled on a PvE server, where you can flag and unflag for PvP at your discretion.

Edited by SelinaH
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Because is my right to walk into McDonald's. If it have a plate saying: IF YOU ENTER, YOU MUST BUY SOMETHING, then I won't enter there if I just don't want to buy. But if didn't have, I can join there, why or for what is not a matter of your concern, just that, because it's my right to be there.


SAME as this pvp conversation. I play in a PvP server because I do pvp, but not all the f!@%(!@& time. YOUR argument that is a lame, you're probably a ganker, hahahaha. Well, also, the EVENTS should come with the information of RP-Event or PvP-RP-Event or PvP-Event and else. BECAUSE, as I was saying, I'm not required to do pvp JUST because it's an open area with free pvp. They set one week for the damm event, but wait, I can't do my missions because there are a few GANKERS of hell that kill everyone who is having fun with the event.


And here's more: When I joined Jung-Ma, I did only because all other servers listed aren't named with PvP role. So I thought myself: Oh, I will only be able to pvp in this server, because the other one's probably don't have an option to as they don't have the role PvP with the name, only PvE-RP....


Whatever, you will never convince me about that. I can walk into McDonald's as I can in every place, buying or not is MY, and only MY concern. Same as pvp there spoken, I do pvp, but not all the time.


You are on a PVP server. That means you should be aware that PVP can happen AT ANY TIME in open PVP areas, even if you would prefer not to engage in PVP at that time. What you refer to as "ganking" is PVP, and as such can happen anytime on a PVP server.



No one on a PVP server has the right to "opt out" or to decide when someone can or cannot attack them. You gave up that right when you chose a PVP server.


If you want the option to "unflag" for PVP, then you can transfer to a PVE-RP server.

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