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SGR Companion


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For a long time, people have been asking for a proper same-gender romance option in the form of a companion, which has been denied for various reasons. We've already received a Cartel Market companion in the form of Treek; buy her contract, and you can have her as early as your Level 10 trip to the fleet. In a sense, there's two versions of her: one Imperial, one Republic, so there's not a huge stretch in terms of what I'm proposing, other than needing two VAs (though I guess you could cheap-out and just use a generic alien language).


So, an idea for a non-aligned neutral mercenary contract: Republic and Imperial characters would receive the same character, instead it would be based on the gender of the PC. For male characters, you'd receive a male companion, and female characters would receive a female companion. Ideally, their relationship could be similar to that of Hanharr and Mira from KOTOR 2: you can only have one, and they would refuse to work together. (Alternate: They could be of similar mindsets, mentalities, likes and dislikes, so you wouldn't feel like you're "missing out" by not having the other.)


The kicker, is that they'd have the [Flirt] options leading to a same-gender romance plot. Have it gated by Acts much like standard companion relationships, and I'd think that would be a decent compromise towards including options for proper SGR; not just an NPC you get to flirt with on every new planet that's discovered beyond Level 50. Toss in a CM Appearance pack for them, so you can dress them up in whatever skin tone/hairstyle/face you want (and make a little extra money).


Then, those who want the SGR companion can opt-in and buy them, and those who want to avoid it don't have to make the purchase (if denying the relationship isn't enough). BioWare can make some money on the idea, cover the costs to get it done or whatever, and there's a step towards happiness. At the least, a win-win for both parties, no?


I don't know if this idea's been presented or discussed before, and I don't really feel like digging through the entire suggestion forum to check. If so, I don't think it could hurt to add in another voice who'd like to see this idea. I'd pay for it (and it would give me an excuse to stop wasting Coins on Packs that give me Exploration Experience Boosts instead of my Jetpack.)

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So OP is willing to pay to indulge his girl-on-girl fantasies in a game. He'd be better off just watching free ****.


Yeah, we wont even go into the "Wanting to -buy- a sex 'partner' " aspect...



- Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Yeah, we wont even go into the "Wanting to -buy- a sex 'partner' " aspect...





Normally I don't say anything about this issue, because it really is far too volatile... but the responses to this thread made me mad enough to put finger to keyboard, so here goes...


Actually no, I don't think that is what the OP is on about at all. To be fair to the OP, the way I read what he was suggesting, was the ultimate in compromises, one which would give an option to everyone involved. In the classic "No muss, No fuss!" let's move on to more important issues, like hygiene and bathing and not living in our parents basement, kind of way.


As a gay man myself, I would much rather have the ability for my male characters to romance (And I am not even remotely talking about sex here, honestly! Why do people make suggestions such as these always out to be for seedy reasons?) Corso, or Doc, depending on the character I'm playing, than to be forced into an archaically dogmatic "Straight is normal and nothing else exists" situation (Besides, I think Doc is just a little bit bent anyway, I mean honestly, have you heard him talking sometimes... hahahaha).


If having to buy the option, so that the game authorities aren't forced to thrust it into the face of those who are clearly upset about it, then I'd be ok with that. As anyone should be ok with me wanting to have the option in the first place instead of forcing me to play a female character for the same effect. It's about fair to everyone and just because it's the "Path of least resistance", doesn't make it a bad path.


Of course, now that I've said that, sadly the "Fear of something different to the way they see the world" crowd will come back with the same tired, worn-out and very well used counter arguements of...


"But if we allow that, then what about inter-species..., or inter-generational..., or 'GASP!!!!' inter-"Whatthehellever"


To that I say, "Grow up!" and try to expand your horizons beyond the sheltered cookie cutter world you're inhabiting.


I honestly don't see what the big deal is about SGR anyway, If it doesn't hurt anyone, then where's the issue? Again..., how about we all just grow up a little shall we?

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Its not the sgr part that made me comment, id say the same thing if it were any gender romance. The story romances for the most part fit (although the nadia one kinda creeps me out) in some cases it progressed all the way through all 3 chapters.


Buying a gf/bf off the CM though? I dont see them fleshing out any kind of story for the how and why you got said companion who will want to spend alone time together and why, might as well just pretend you went Hutt and bought a "companion" on Nar Shaddaa...


As for interspecies... um vette, whiney ashara, jorgan, none of those are humans, and if your character isnt human either, moot point.

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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As a gay man myself, I would much rather have the ability for my male characters to romance (And I am not even remotely talking about sex here, honestly! Why do people make suggestions such as these always out to be for seedy reasons?).

Because that is what they invariably are: dudes who want to "lesbianize" their female characters. There's nothing wrong with that. but it's not a very compelling reason. "Inclusion" and "variety" are good reasons. As a straight man, if I had the option to have my male characters romance their male companions, I might very well do so (I picked "guy-on-guy" for my Mercenary with Theron), because my character is not me.

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Its not the sgr part that made me comment, id say the same thing if it were any gender romance. The story romances for the most part fit (although the nadia one kinda creeps me out) in some cases it progressed all the way through all 3 chapters.


Buying a gf/bf off the CM though? I dont see them fleshing out any kind of story for the how and why you got said companion who will want to spend alone time together and why, might as well just pretend you went Hutt and bought a "companion" on Nar Shaddaa...


As for interspecies... um vette, whiney ashara, jorgan, none of those are humans, and if your character isnt human either, moot point.


Fair points all, and I did kinda pick on you a bit, sorry for that, I was a little riled up. That doesn't make what I said any less valid though. On the "Inter-Species" thing I was refferring more to the creature end of the spectrum :D

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I have mixed feelings.


As a gay man I really want SGR companions.

However I really don't want to have to pay more for it... it feels... weird...


As much as I want to romance them, I don't want Bioware to ever change the existing companions. As it stands right now they are defined as being straight.

I hate "player sexual" characters in video games. Characters that will match up to whatever sexual orientation your character is (not BI since their sexuality isn't part of their story and they won't talk about either gender).

I prefer characters like Dorian, and other wonderful characters in Mass Effect and Dragon age that are actually a specific sexuality (gay, lesbian, Bi, straight, whatever)...


I keep hoping that as part of a story expansion we will get a new companion or 2 that actually has a defined sexuality that isn't straight.

I am somewhat happy with RoHC adding 2 (?) characters that were gay or lesbian. If you were the opposite gender you couldn't romance them, I wish they turned out to be companions but at least its something.



I can't find it but a few key Bioware people did a bit conversation about the issues with "player sexual" characters.

Edited by ninjonxb
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SGRs shouldn't be behind a pay wall if non-SGRs aren't.


Best option would be to add more storyline to the current companions, while also opening them up for SGRs. This way you're combining two commonly requested items (SGR companions and more companion stories).

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As much as I want to romance them, I don't want Bioware to ever change the existing companions. As it stands right now they are defined as being straight.


Most of them aren't defined as anything. You can't assume they're straight just because you can't romance them yourself.


And DA2 is the most prominent example of herosexual there is.

Edited by Senrie
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Most of them aren't defined as anything. You can't assume they're straight just because you can't romance them yourself.


And DA2 is the most prominent example of herosexual there is.


You say that, and then the Sebastian romance came to mind. It was so awful! But I agree with the other posters. I'd gladly support an SGR option for both genders, but not behind a pay wall. Our Spy lover boy and not so crazy Sith lady fit the bill, but they just need to be made full companions.


Just keep on adding after that point.

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Well, I think there are some assumptions being made somewhere. I just finished the prologue for the Trooper as a male. At the end, the female Sergeant practically threw herself at my toon, with a mission to visit her apartment popping up on my screen. If that isn't an assumption, then I don't know what is, or does she offer herself to the female troopers as well? Having not played one, I do not know. :D
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