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Class Ship Strongholds


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I would love it if I could unlock a "stronghold" that has my class ship interior. Then, I would be able to customize "my ship" to the way I like it. For instance, I would have distinct passenger areas and crew areas on my smuggler's freighter or a meditation area in my Jedi's defender. I could also place my companions in the areas I want them like that.
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Fully customizable class ship would be good addition to the whole game and to the idea of the strongholds in particular. More heavy-class customizable ship, which you can purchase just like guilds currently purchase guild flagships nowadays would be even better addition to the game.

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This is not going to happen. I'm sure they said on the ships there is too much scripts (or whatever you call it) and mission activation spots. Hence they can't make it customizable because it would be a mess and highly possible that missions which occur on the ships wouldn't work. Edited by PavSalco
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Republic shire get hammerheadhttp://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080624043154/starwars/images/2/2d/Endarconcept.jpg&imgrefurl=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Hammerhead-class_cruiser&h=552&w=840&tbnid=LYJZPPzpeoPz1M:&zoom=1&docid=NrMFZSCODAUeXM&ei=gjgfVeSfCczdoATf5oHoCw&tbm=isch&client=tablet-android-verizon&ved=0CCkQMygGMAY

Empire should havehttp://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/080/f/a/dreadnaught_class_heavy_cruiser_ortho_by_unusualsuspex-d7a0775.jpg&imgrefurl=http://schnellchecker.deviantart.com/art/Star-Wars-Eclipse-Super-Star-Destroyer-482385069&h=2500&w=4000&tbnid=QTX7FIw9NxEADM:&zoom=1&docid=DtVnaDMTckkp5M&ei=djofVaW_NYzboASW1oGIDw&tbm=isch&client=tablet-android-verizon&ved=0CHwQMyhUMFQ

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This is not going to happen. I'm sure they said on the ships there is too much scripts (or whatever you call it) and mission activation spots. Hence they can't make it customizable because it would be a mess and highly possible that missions which occur on the ships wouldn't work.


I'm pretty sure the OP is talking about a completely separate stronghold that just happens to have the same map as your ship. For the reasons you state above, I think you would still have to use your actual ship for class missions.

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Yeah, it needs the same appearance not to actually be your class ship. It allows you to set the stage for how your character actually arranges their ship and you would also be able to invite others to it.
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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
While it might be nice to have a class ship that can use decorations I doubt this will happen, they were designed years ago. I wish that they could release a luxury space station stronghold, perhaps one that we can travel with to other planets.
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My suggestion for something similar to this....but not quite as customization would be impossible...


Is those ships you can purchase for 5 dark projects and 5 universal prefab mk-3's should like some ships in old JK3 maps tucked away in a corner, should have their full default interior with no hooks or scripts, just the ramp down and interior.


Would add as a RP bonus and more encouragement for people to purchase these starships hence grind more, play more, enhance the economy more by buying peoples crafted prefabs.

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I can understand that the current class ship with all those cutscenes can't be modified.


KotFE would be a nice opportunity to make customizable versions of the ships. A clean cut where it makes sense that crates and similar stuff are no longer on board. Old cutscenes won't be played on that version of the ship, and new cutscenes could be made in a pre-decorated area, while we can place some stuff anywhere else.


Of course basic stuff like cockpit-chairs, bunks and med bay would still be where they are, but we could decorate the rest a bit, just like the jedi / sith ships "decoration" is a bit different between the two classes.

Edited by Mubrak
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To me it doesn't seem to make sense just to have duplicates of the class ships that we can decorate. The class ships are not owned by the character in most of the storylines, they're property of the jedi order, imperial intelligence, sith, etc. To then have a stronghold type class ship which is your class ship, but not really since you can't use it as your ship in the class storyline, and you can decorate it while your real class ship stays the same just seems weird.


I would much rather have the opportunity to buy bigger capital ships as strongholds. Like individual flagships (rather than guild flagships). There are plenty of possible ships that are between the size of harrowers and sith interceptors that could be used. Ideally there should be a range of options from the size class just above the class ships up to harrowers and the corresponding republic ships. I'm sure some guilds would be grinding their teeth if harrowers and other large capital ships became available to purchase for individual characters, but all other strongholds are available for both individual purchase and guild purchase (the latter being a lot more expensive), but lots of guilds still find it worthwile to own planetary strongholds. For a guy like me who prefers solo play and immersing myself in the storyline it would be awesome to be able to buy larger ships as strongholds.

From a story perspective it doesn't make sense that my sith sorc who is a member of the dark council roams the galaxy in a little interceptor, while all other dark council members have large dreadnaughts as personal flagships, or even their own space stations. I want that too, but I don't want grind and grind to be able to afford it in my one man guild.


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To me it doesn't seem to make sense just to have duplicates of the class ships that we can decorate. The class ships are not owned by the character in most of the storylines, they're property of the jedi order, imperial intelligence, sith, etc.


True for Jedi and Trooper, but the rest of them?

Smugglers own their ship right from the start, and the BH acquires it the traditional way.

Imperial intelligence is defunct, and most likely all records of the agent's very existence are gone.

Inquisitor and Warrior inherited their ships along with everything else from their late masters.

Edited by Mubrak
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Strongly doubt this will ever happen, but I do crave the Agent's Phantom. It's wonderful.


Indeed, me too.


Well we know that the existing class ships can not be modified because of all the cut scenes taking place inside. Therefore aside from art etc they would have to mostly start from scratch and make 6 new strongholds. Something I don't see them doing, at least not until more popular suggestions have been worked out like Manaan or Alderaan (hopefully with 2000+ hooks!)


Most I can see selling, smuggler for it's close resemblance to the Ebon Hawk, Sith/Jedi ships, the popular agent ship. The flying bounty hunter cargo container......not quite :p

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  • 4 weeks later...
The actual class ship is not a stronghold so I doubt it could be used for a stronghold one way or another. It has completely different mechanics at work. However, I still think putting class ship strongholds on the docket would be a good idea even if there are other strongholds that would come before them.
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Unlock the Starship Stronghold once you finish your class quests, you can choose between your original and the stronghold as your 'active ship', but can't do companion quests on the stronghold version.


The Stronghold version should be the logical next step from the small 'starter' starship you get earlier. But clearly not equal to a Guild Flagship.

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  • 3 weeks later...
If the empire and republic are no more in 4.0, I don't really see them giving us imperial or republic ships. It would be something "outlander" related. But I'd love having a ship to decorate and such, that's for sure :D


Not all of the ships are imperial or republic, and they're OUR ships, our first homes before strongholds. I hope I don't lose mine

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If the empire and republic are no more in 4.0, I don't really see them giving us imperial or republic ships. It would be something "outlander" related. But I'd love having a ship to decorate and such, that's for sure :D


Im sure Quinn/Andronikos are off somewhere in our ships while were taking that carbonite nap. Same with Temple & Mako for the agent and Bounty Hunter ones.


Our ships wont just vanish into the void, they will be somewhere, if nothing else those annoying droids will have them parked on an asteroid somewhere repainting the rooms over and over while adding alderanian nectar scent to the air blowers.

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Our ships wont just vanish into the void, they will be somewhere, if nothing else those annoying droids will have them parked on an asteroid somewhere repainting the rooms over and over while adding alderanian nectar scent to the air blowers.


Seeing that 2V-R8 has gone for too long without a memory wipe, and sitill sometimes greets us with "Hail to the Emperor!", he may be up to something much more sinister. (Unless Skadge smashed him because he didn't like the alderanian stench, or Scorpio... Well... convinced him to do things her way.)

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Not all of the ships are imperial or republic, and they're OUR ships, our first homes before strongholds. I hope I don't lose mine


You're right hahaha I forgot the BH or Smuggler ships!

But still, I wasn't talking about the class ones, since they already said it can't be done. I was thinking more of something like the guild ships. I want one of those so much!! I mean, if Darth Marr has one, I should get one too :D

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