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Yag'Dhul (Space Station)


As the Jedi walked out of the room, several YVH droids with their electrorays and coma gas canisters preemptively fired on the Jedi as the door opened, getting targeting telemetry from the helmets of the Mandalorians inside the room. Those same Mandalorians sprung a moment later and drew their blasters, set to stun, and began firing at the Jedi's back.


OOC: No precog or feelings because the Mandalorians are not even expecting the YVH droids to leave the ship. When they do strike, the Jedi can't hope to stop electricity and gas as well as the stun beams from behind. But that's up to you I guess.


In case no one sees it. The Republic is facing a crisis here. If the Givin side with the Mando Werda, the Mandalorians have control of two extremely valuable Republic worlds. Not only that, they control the Rimma Trade Route and the Corellian Trade Spine, essentially splitting the Republic in two. They've captured not one, but two Jedi and hold two planets thoroughly under their command.


Sil I know the Republic is stupid, but even they couldn't come back from having Mechis and Yag'Dhul burned to the ground around them while their convoys are annihilated...


*OOC: How would the YVH get there without raising any alarms, considering that the station is filled with republic soldiers? As for the Mandalorians, the door had already sealed shut... Though, Jedi being unable to sense droids in an ambush, is not exactly true. Otherwise the Jedi would have been wiped out a lot easier in the Clone Wars. Even then, Master O'gis is not some young pup, he is a veteran of multiple wars. I can see Cradik being instantly incapacitated though...


As for the take over, basically as you said.

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*OOC: How would the YVH get there without raising any alarms, considering that the station is filled with republic soldiers? As for the Mandalorians, the door had already sealed shut... Though, Jedi being unable to sense droids in an ambush, is not exactly true. Otherwise the Jedi would have been wiped out a lot easier in the Clone Wars. Even then, Master O'gis is not some young pup, he is a veteran of multiple wars. I can see Cradik being instantly incapacitated though...


As for the take over, basically as you said.


OOC: Well I didn't expect "O'gis" to go down easy, but to capture any Jedi is an accomplishment and honestly I don't see O'gis escaping several YVH's AND Mandalorians. Also note if he moves to attack the YVH's and leaves his padawan, the Mandalorians could easily grab him and force O'gis to submit by virtue of a hostage.


As for how the YVH's got on. The Mandalorians would never willingly board a Republic station they knew was teaming with enemy personnel and allow themselves to be taken to the deepest part. They'd stay relatively close to their ship's docking port. They are (in part) criminals and mercenaries they won't go deep into an enemy station.


As to how the YVH's got there. They'd gas the corridors between them and the target room then run. Not like its complicated or anything. And as for being on the ship, they'd be a standard part of any Mando Werda force. Ever. Period. So unless expressly stated otherwise Mando Werda ships have YVH droids present.


Did you seal the door in the last convo? I anticipated this happening as they passed the door's threshold, but the Mandalorians could easily open the door behind them as they left and joined the assault.

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OOC: Well I didn't expect "O'gis" to go down easy, but to capture any Jedi is an accomplishment and honestly I don't see O'gis escaping several YVH's AND Mandalorians. Also note if he moves to attack the YVH's and leaves his padawan, the Mandalorians could easily grab him and force O'gis to submit by virtue of a hostage.


As for how the YVH's got on. The Mandalorians would never willingly board a Republic station they knew was teaming with enemy personnel and allow themselves to be taken to the deepest part. They'd stay relatively close to their ship's docking port. They are (in part) criminals and mercenaries they won't go deep into an enemy station.


As to how the YVH's got there. They'd gas the corridors between them and the target room then run. Not like its complicated or anything. And as for being on the ship, they'd be a standard part of any Mando Werda force. Ever. Period. So unless expressly stated otherwise Mando Werda ships have YVH droids present.


Did you seal the door in the last convo? I anticipated this happening as they passed the door's threshold, but the Mandalorians could easily open the door behind them as they left and joined the assault.


*OOC: Yeah, the door got sealed. Essentially O'gis' way of saying he was done here. Wasn't intended to ward off an attack, but more luck of the draw for that bit. By chance do you remember Kij?



Jox, Kij, O'gis, and Brasher were all comrades in arms during the war between the Sith Empire and Old Republic. They all left the Old Republic at the same time for... personal... reasons. Brief description:


Jox: Used to be a Old Republic Captain, dual wield pistols

Kij: Former Old Republic Soldier, gone rogue as a Mercenary. Saved Jox's life right before he left the military.

Brasher: Team's heavy weapon specialist, happy go lucky fighter.

O'gis: Jedi Guardian tasked for exceedingly difficult missions with his choice of soldiers. He chose those three.



While the droids certain get the drop on them, his honed reflexes from his glory days and daily training regiment would allow him to react fast enough, calling for his apprentice to get down. Cradik, not nearly as quick as his master, would be incapacitated by the electricity. The Canisters other similar projectiles would be thrown back by a force wave, O'gis' go to reactionary defensive ability to give him room to breath. Seeing Cradik unconscious, he would realize it was all a trap, and then he would haul his apprentice over his shoulder, and use force speed to get past the line of YVH as they got up. Other than that, his main shtick is lightsaber combat. He would have a hard fight to escape, but I think it is possible. Thoughts people?


Side Note: I just remembered only Tune would remember Kij in this instance...*

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*The Canisters other similar projectiles would be thrown back by a force wave, O'gis' go to reactionary defensive ability to give him room to breath. Seeing Cradik unconscious, he would realize it was all a trap, and then he would haul his apprentice over his shoulder, and use force speed to get past the line of YVH as they got up. Other than that, his main shtick is lightsaber combat. He would have a hard fight to escape, but I think it is possible. Thoughts people?*


The plan was specifically targeted to get these two at their weak points.


The cannisters won't harm the YVH's or the Mandalorians (who are vacuum sealed in their armor) and the gas would spread rapidly. It is an odorless, colorless gas that O'gis is vulnerable to immediately while Cradik would lose badly to the electiricity.


It also fries their lightsabers, and their comms.


Take into consideration that the Mandalorians are coming down the hall behind them quite quickly after this all starts with blasters drawn and set to stun and you have a trap even O'gis can't handle. These guys prepped intensely to bring down Jedi and brought all the right tools.


I'll also mention that it is impossible for even a jedi to carry a comrade, deflect stun bolts, use alter environment or force shield, and physically escape all at the exact same moment. It only takes one of any of these things to bring him down.

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you did see my answer correct Jaron?

Yea I saw it sorry I was watching a movie.Your right your ships are strong and fast enough to get the job done before reinforcement arrives.At most I only see you losing a handful of ships if even that many.All in all its a good plan and fits with your faction style well.

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In regards to Tune's predicament.


I don't know how much room he has for negotiation with a droid... but I think it is reasonable that a security contractor might be hired to join the convoy. I'm 50-50 on this point.


Lets assume it works, and Sil makes a good point about Salty's crew's ability to infiltrate past B1s, then they have a good position to sabotage.


However explain to me why the convoy crews will take directions from the enemy? I'm a bit fuzzy on how that convoy leaves willingly and goes right where Salty wants them to.


Alsp, wouldn't this blow Salty's credibility/professional image in a single shot if he let the rest of the warship fleet survive when he takes the convoy and they report on how his crew perpetrated the whole debacle?

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Silenceo, that is correct, I am the only one who has spoken with or even knows who Kij is....


Blast it! But... but... Kij is x10 more B@ than



Bah, anyways, going to head to bed. Feel free to add to all of the conflicts your opinions everyone, I will look over it all and see what the outcome is in the morning. Oh, and Star... Do not expect that Republic Fleet to be so easily captured. They, eh... got a heads up. :csw_blaster::p (No, seriously, they got a heads up from an outside source that I didn't orchestrate)

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In regards to Tune's predicament.


I don't know how much room he has for negotiation with a droid... but I think it is reasonable that a security contractor might be hired to join the convoy. I'm 50-50 on this point.


Lets assume it works, and Sil makes a good point about Salty's crew's ability to infiltrate past B1s, then they have a good position to sabotage.


However explain to me why the convoy crews will take directions from the enemy? I'm a bit fuzzy on how that convoy leaves willingly and goes right where Salty wants them to.


Alsp, wouldn't this blow Salty's credibility/professional image in a single shot if he let the rest of the warship fleet survive when he takes the convoy and they report on how his crew perpetrated the whole debacle?


The ships that join the convoy are not planning on opening fire unless a deal isnt made. If the plan is made the ships giving them info on "where to go" are NOT "ships of the enemy" but of the trusted friends that joined to help out. The ruse is my other ships attacking are the pirates, but the ships that join are friendlies. Thus allowing the "enemy ships" to make a pomp make a display, cripple some of the enemy, I being the good securty man get the convoy to "safety".



Once the jump is made, its a simple matter of continueing the cover story of there was a back up pirate fleet waiting for our jump, they some how anticipated my move and seperated us from the cargo ships.. they got away.

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The ships that join the convoy are not planning on opening fire unless a deal isnt made. If the plan is made the ships giving them info on "where to go" are NOT "ships of the enemy" but of the trusted friends that joined to help out. The ruse is my other ships attacking are the pirates, but the ships that join are friendlies. Thus allowing the "enemy ships" to make a pomp make a display, cripple some of the enemy, I being the good securty man get the convoy to "safety".



Once the jump is made, its a simple matter of continueing the cover story of there was a back up pirate fleet waiting for our jump, they some how anticipated my move and seperated us from the cargo ships.. they got away.


Ah, that makes more sense, the way it was written in the opening post leaves some clarity to be desired but I get it all now. Again the biggest hangup is if a deal can be struck.


In the absence of an organic I don't see why a CIS droid would agree to such a deal...

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Ah, that makes more sense, the way it was written in the opening post leaves some clarity to be desired but I get it all now. Again the biggest hangup is if a deal can be struck.


In the absence of an organic I don't see why a CIS droid would agree to such a deal...


I technically dont need much of a "deal" to be struck up with the droid, I can technically just say what company I am with and that we are here to assist, and that any deal that needs be made we will take care of when we reach the destination safely. Maybe I get some on board as my expert team of security can make sure all portions of the ship are full secure.


The droid has no reason to deny help from a 100% legitimate business in its eyes.

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Mechis III


The captured Venator has field repairs being conducted


The Acclamator is loaded with troops and deployed back to Yag'Dhul to reinforce the Mandalorian assault on the Republic Fleet at dock.


The Runi and her fleet stands ready to jump in system as close as possible to the lone Venator on station (that is in a defensive capacity) though one of her Strikes (the Ehn) is redeployed to Mechis III to reinforce.


The Acclamator, btw, is secretly requested for the operation by Dar'yaim at the last second, after the details of the plan had already been made. So it is an unexpected element.


Production of YVH droids and Basilisk War Droids is commencing on Mechis III as swiftly as possible.

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*Week 3*


Results of Week 2:


"Salty's" Freighter's and Soldiers Co.: Improved relations with the Rebels, the Republic, and Tenloss Syndicate.


The Galactic Inquisition: Taken up residence on Ord Mantell


Mando Werda: Seized control of Yag'Dhul and Mechis III.


The Farewell Coalition: Plots with the Governor of Gall to free his people.


Skill points Earned:


"Salty's" Freighter's and Soldiers Co.: +10 (For scouting, selling intel to Tenloss, and being hired by 2 clients, and the raid on the CIS convoy)


The Galactic Inquisition: +3 (For well handled manipulations and espionage)


Mando Werda: +5 (For orchestrating the take over of Yag'Dhul)


The Farewell Coalition: +2 (For promising to help liberate a planet from hostile rule immediately upon arrival)




Jedi Chase: While surprised, Master O'gis was able to use his extensive knowledge of the station and his past experience to evade most Mando patrols while carrying his apprentice, Cradik. Nearly captured numerous times, he was forced to take unconventional routes such as air vents, garbage compactors, and the like. Even then, they barely made it to a shuttle, being shot at by Mando's as they took off.


Yag'Dhul Republic Fleet: Due to a timely warning, while it was too late for the ground forces, the ships in orbit were able to rally and jump out of the system before boarders could make their way on board.


Raid on the CIS Convoy:

10 Munificients destroyed, Providence Captured, escaped before reinforcements arrived due to the infiltration being successful. Only 20 of the 30 transports were fooled by the ploy, with 10 using the retreating time lead by the Providence to jump to a different system along the same route.

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Eriadu: A small CIS fleet is in orbit, likely waiting for a Convoy to arrive. Consists of 1 Providence class carrier, 2 lucrehulks, and 10 Munificents. They do not seem coordinated. The citizens themselves wish for freedom, and currently are being exploited by the CIS for their great wealth and galactic position... Which was a call to arms for the Rising Republic! Edited by Silenceo
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*Week 3*


Results of Week 2:



The Galactic Inquisition: Taken up residence on Ord Mantell


Also need to know how well these went:



With the days work mostly done (OOC: Since essentially all the fun conversation happen on Sunday or something :p) Aliria went to plan the rest of the weeks activities.


1. Land Inquisition forces on Ord Mantell.

2. Send a diplomatic envoy to Onderon on a two fold mission--gain permission to use Onderon as a second base of operations and tell her family she's safe (mostly). This envoy will use of the ship Pelam Teshavin.

3. Investigate the planet more--try to get more information regarding any shady business with local politicians, important recent events.

4. Bring the governor's family under one roof.





With Ord Mantell serving as a base of operations it was time to start building momentum for the Inquisition.

Week 3 Goals:


1. Lend Inquisition aid to Ord Mantell--aid police in difficult cases, talk to schools, send engineers to help on construction projects.

2. Begins planning an Inquisition Academy--recruits have to come from somewhere.

3. Continue investigation on certain aspects of the governors past.

4. Send diplomatic missions to the shipyards at Yaga Minor and Bilbringi--sending out the Watchman and Guardian.

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OOC: well I'm officially frightened of that Jedi if he's capable of all that. Now for Phase 3.


IC: "Sir! Our forces over Mechis confirm they've taken the system. All damaged vessels are being brought to Yag'Dhul to repair. We've deployed the Strike-class ship Solus to Mechis along with the Werda Ark, the Parjir, the Cuir, the Atiniir, the Jurkadir, and 50 X-83's."



*1 Strike-class, 1 Action VI transport, 4 Jehavey'ir-type assault ships, and 50 X-83's are now enroute to Mechis III

**1 Venator, 1 Acclamator, 1 Strike-class, 4 Jehavey'ir-type assault ships, and 75 Skiprays enroute to Yag'Dhul for repairs.


At the end forces should look like this


Yag'Dhul: 1 Kandosii, 1 Venator, 1 Acclamator, 1 Strike-class, 2 Action VI transports, 5 Jehavey'ir-type assault ships, 200 X-83's, 150 Skiprays.


Mechis III: 3 Strike-class, 4 Jehavey'ir-type assault ships, 6 Action VI Transports, 201 X-83's, 90 Skipray Blastboats


Now production and income needs to be addressed. Hows this going to work precisely?


As is I need to start Fighter production and capital ship repairs immediately, and on Mechis I need to know what I'm getting in terms of YVH droids, Basilisk War Droids, and such production.


IC: "Get me in contact with the Republic. It is time we negotiate."


And with that the bridge of the Runi came alive with the buzz of activity.

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Eriadu: A small CIS fleet is in orbit, likely waiting for a Convoy to arrive. Consists of 1 Providence class carrier, 2 lucrehulks, and 10 Munificents. They do not seem coordinated. The citizens themselves wish for freedom, and currently are being exploited by the CIS for their great wealth and galactic position... Which was a call to arms for the Rising Republic!


OOC: Here's my intro for the battle






From the command chair of the majestic Home One-class cruiser Breaker, Tayrn observed his opposition with a thumb pressed to the chin of his mask. Typical Separatist defensive formation, easily broken with the right strategy.


So, this is where it all begins. The first battle in a war of escalation that will free the galaxy and place it under my rule. He thought to himself.


He tabbed a key on the right arm of his command chair, opening up comm lines to the rest of his fleet.


"This is our first battle. This meager fleet has been pitted against its first taste of Separatist might. We will destroy this fleet and liberate the planet. Let's get to work."

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*OOC: That Jedi and his apprentice were originally meant to be your allies Star. :p Sorting through PM's and such now, will likely get the ball rolling after I have had some lunch.*


OOC: Mandalorians tend to dislike Jedi. And yeah I saw the opening with that job offer, but I had more immediate concerns when he offered it.


I do plan on getting around to dealing with him, but I might be more polite next time. To be fair though, the Mandalorians never did try to kill him.

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OOC: Mandalorians tend to dislike Jedi. And yeah I saw the opening with that job offer, but I had more immediate concerns when he offered it.


I do plan on getting around to dealing with him, but I might be more polite next time. To be fair though, the Mandalorians never did try to kill him.


If you can wait a bit I could offer you a bit of support. A few IG-100 will do, I think.

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Ordo: Once home to a great Mandolore, the planet has fallen on hard times. With barely any ships in orbit to defend itself, when the Ordo Kote dropped out of hyperspace. With their own fleet consisting of only a handful of Bes’uliik and a Keldabe, they were still prepared to give their lives for their people if it came to it.
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Ordo: Once home to a great Mandolore, the planet has fallen on hard times. With barely any ships in orbit to defend itself, when the Ordo Kote dropped out of hyperspace. With their own fleet consisting of only a handful of Bes’uliik and a Keldabe, they were still prepared to give their lives for their people if it came to it.

"Su'cuy'gar Ner'vod! (Hello brother)" Ayan greeted the captain of the Keldabe. "I am Ayan of Clan Ordo. Me and my fellow warriors are coming here to establish a base on the home planet of our clan. I assume that we are wlcome?"

OOC: going to bed now.

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Eriadu: Rising Republics First Strike against the CIS


CIS Fleet


1 Providence class carrier

2 Lucrehulks

10 Munificents


Battle Plan:


Swarm enemy


Bombard from a distance with Munificents


Taking no prisoners


Unwilling to retreat from such a profitable world





Rising Republic


1 MC80 Home One type

20 CR90 Corvette

15 Marauder-class corvette

2 Acclamator-1

25 DP20

325 X-Wing

200 B-Wing

105 H-Wing

134 A-Wing


Battle Plan:


The plan is based around Tayrn’s knowledge of Separatist forces and battle tactics. Throughout the entirety of the Clone Wars, Tayrn studied Separatist battle tactics and forces and attempted to find similarities in battles from past wars. This affords him with the ability to understand how the Separatist fleet will operate and allow him to prepare accordingly.


Separatist fleets more often than not employ extremely aggressive tactics using their overwhelming numbers in order to quickly destroy enemy fleets. It is likely then that the Separatist fleet will deploy its countless fighter squadrons into attack formations. To counter, CR90s and DP20s will form a screen in front of the bulk of the fleet and use their anti-starfighter cannons and missile launchers to destroy a huge chunk of the enemy fighter force. Once the Separatist fighters close in, the Rising Republic will launch its own, more advanced starfighters to assist in cleaning up the fighter force.


However, because the Separatist fleet is in a defensive position above the planet, they will most likely be using their prow cannons on their Munificent-class warships. To counter, Tayrn will deploy his own long-range artillery: the Marauder-class. Due to the weak hulls of the Munificent-class vessels, they will be easy prey for the diamond-boron missiles from the Marauders.


Once both the Munificents and the fighters are routed, the rest of the Separatist fleet will be forced to move into firing range, lest they be near-constantly bombarded at long range. Regardless of whether they move in or not, the long range firepower, the massive number of shield-piercing weapons, and sheer numbers will lead to a short final conflict. Potential casualties are mainly corvettes.





- CIS is uncoordinated

- People of Eriadu want to be freed

- Jedi Knight Tayrn leading the RR with these tactical skills:

Starfighters – 2 Points (level 2) Rank 1

Capital Ships – 2 points (level 2) Rank 1

Skirmish – 2 points (level 2) Rank 1

Positioning - 2 points level 2, rank 1

- CIS fleet recently cut off from rest of CIS navy, due to Republic attacks on multiple nearby systems

- Majority of CIS fighters consist of Vultures and their bomber variant

- CIS care not for lost droids




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