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Dreadful Entity at Lv 60

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With the level increase and the 2 manning of Nightmare Pilgrim, I was wondering what is the least amount of people that people have done Dreadful entity at as it was for 16 man TFB HM. Just curious how. Was wondering if it could be 8 manned at 60.


Edit: Correction from 3 to 2.

Edited by FerkWork
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Well, considering that the stacks max out at like 20 I believe and that there is no enrage timer, as long as you have a good healer, you should be able to kill it with a very small group but be prepared that the fight will last for a long time, easily 20-30 minutes I'd say. The blue circles do disappear after a few minutes, so you'll never run out of room, you can just kite him all the way back.

Of course, this is just a theoretical question, unless you really want to get the orb without doing a mercenary run.


By the way, we have already two-manned the Nightmare Pilgrim. :)

Edited by Jerba
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Thanks for the info everyone. My question was intended as my guild normally raids in 8s so was wondering for that. Also I have never done these bosses before and only from gleaming info off the old Dulfy guide. Now too get the ball rolling on that. Too bad they don't have more secrect boss quest lines like this one in the game. Reminds me of older video games with secret bosses and levels.


My bad Jerba, I was thinking of your vid but couldn't remember if it was 2 or 3 when I wrote it. Corrected now.

Edited by FerkWork
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Can't remember if you were there Raulos but we 10 manned it i think and it was laughable. Certainly attainable by 8 in my opinion.


My guild 14 manned Hateful (we tried 12 manning it but we ended up needed 6 people to cleanse).


If we needed 14 for Hateful how many would we need for Ancient Threat, 24?

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My guild 14 manned Hateful (we tried 12 manning it but we ended up needed 6 people to cleanse).


If we needed 14 for Hateful how many would we need for Ancient Threat, 24?

lol those hateful cleanses...


As for ancient, probably won't ever pull that boss again if I can help it. Certainly recommend 24, heavy on healers unless you spend actual time creating a good strat for it. The 6 pulls we did on it were probably the least fun i've had pulling bosses in the game to date. My opinion anyways, good luck if you pull it.

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lol those hateful cleanses...


As for ancient, probably won't ever pull that boss again if I can help it. Certainly recommend 24, heavy on healers unless you spend actual time creating a good strat for it. The 6 pulls we did on it were probably the least fun i've had pulling bosses in the game to date. My opinion anyways, good luck if you pull it.


yes it's quite disappointing, all the running around from tatooine and on yavin4 to end with silenced healers and melee taking tons of damage.. bring 23 friends with a lot of time to spend because a pug won't last in patience

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