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If my understanding of EGA is correct...?


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After a day of much confusion, just wanted to see if ive got this all worked out.


The 5day EGA is still going to happen for everyone, but it was extended by two days to allow people into the servers gradually. The 13th-15th is slowly adding more players with all of us pre-orders ingame by the 15th.


13th - Codes from the "massive demand" of early pre-orders sales, ranging from July 20th to 27th are now ingame, and things "appear" to be running smoothly. A few hickups, but ontop of it all with quick fixes.

(Numbers for how many are successfully launched would be great, but im sure BW want to keep those figures for future announcements.)


Predicted 14th - Redeemed Pre-Order Codes Ranging from July/August and maybe onwards, should be mailed and invited into the game, over a period of several hours, starting 8am EST (1pm GMT). Numbers invited will also be increased, and the "timeline" of when you redeemed your code, will improve as the initial pre-order bonanza is already ingame.

(I pre-ordered August 12th, ill be keeping my fingers crossed, hehe)


Predicted 15th - Pretty much everyone not already ingame by that point, aka late pre-orders, up to and including December, should also get invited.


Every Pre-Order is ingame by the 15th, giving us all 5days of FULL Early Game Access.


Launch date is the 20th, and we will then be expected to enter our RETAIL Registration Codes.

30days of gametime with our retail boxes, and then full subscription options should be available in account options for us to continue gametime.


I think this is how things will plan out... my predictions could be wrong, and weird things happen in MMO launches. (<-Disclaimer :))

SO much ranting and rumours today on the forums, hopefully people sleep well tonight and enjoy another day of "drama" tomorrow :D

Edited by DaBong
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I didn't want to post a breakdown like this because it isn't worth the potential nerdrage backlash, but I think you're pretty much right. Their 'Cartmanland' strategy thus far has worked well: promise less, deliver more. They promise at least one day of early access for everyone who preordered... I'd bet money that most, if not all, will be in by the 16th.
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They didn't get through the July pre-orders and the number in July represents a small proportion of the total so I am not optimistic on everyone getting 5 days at the current rate.


Actually, July represents a huge portion of the preorders. The OP is probably close to being correct.

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The front page says that people who pre-order now still have a shot at getting in 5 days early so this post may be correct.


The front page is a horrible web of lies aimed at trapping the weak minded. The "pre-order now, get nothing, Slowpoke" slogan didn't focus test so well.

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I wonder where people get this fabled "everyone in til the 15th"-lie that is going around.


They have said from the start that its UP TO 5 days(later change to up to 7 days), and have ALWAYS said MINIMUM of 1 day early access.


Im just baffled at the lack of brain of some people on this forum, the sad part is most of you arent even trolling...

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As far as I know, nothing like this has ever been said. The only thing they've said so far is that everyone will get at least 1 day of EGA.


But it would make sense.

Otherwise I think they'd have changed the EGA-ad by now...

Most pre-orders were made in July and since at least August is coming tomorrow I don't see a huge problem with getting everybody in by Thursday.

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I actually thought something similar myself. BW extends the EA by 2 days to let people in, then by the original date of the 15th, everyone is in and everyone gets the original "5 days early access." Would definitely be nice if it works this way.
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I'm thinking tomorrow will tell the tale. There's going to be a uber-flood of people released tomorrow and if the servers stand up to the load and everyone spreads out among the servers well enough, all pre-orders may see access on Thursday.


I'm going off the dev/mod post in that gargantuan thread over here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=66561#edit66561

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I wonder where people get this fabled "everyone in til the 15th"-lie that is going around.


They have said from the start that its UP TO 5 days(later change to up to 7 days), and have ALWAYS said MINIMUM of 1 day early access.


Im just baffled at the lack of brain of some people on this forum, the sad part is most of you arent even trolling...


The majority of pre-orders will be in by Thur., if they add even more on wed. and thur. as they said they will, it makes sense, sounds like your just....

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No, you're off on a few points.


First, they EXTENDED EGA to 7 days.


Second, they are letting X amount of pre-orders in each day starting from code entered dates of 7/21/11. There were so many initial pre-orders in July that 5 waves of emails didn't cover them all.


Third, all pre-orders will be in game by 12/18. They never said everyone was getting 5 full days, they've said all along that you'd get 'up to' 5 days ega. Following SR's posts on twitter, I've seen him say several times to people who pre-ordered this month that they'd have "at least a day" of ega.


You're welcome. :D

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and have ALWAYS said MINIMUM of 1 day early access.


wait! That's not what they told me. I heard first everyone gets a minimum of 1 day, then later they said everyone just had 2 days added to their time. I took the whole thing as 1 min + 2 = 3 min. Was I wrong?

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Actually, July represents a huge portion of the preorders. The OP is probably close to being correct.




July 119,260

August 244,277

September 62,599

October 228,674

November 245,946


End of November 900,756 pre-orders, that puts July to 13% of the total to November.

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I would question your premise. They have always said that entry into Early Game Access (EGA) would be staggered, and they have never stated how long they would take to stagger people into EGA. For quite some time after pre-orders began, they did not even state the length of EGA itself. It was only fairly recently that they announced it would be 5 days, and even then advertised it as "Up to 5 days" clearly indicating that some would not get 5 days of EGA. After the Beta period, they added two more days, and changed the statement to "Up to 7 days."


Thus, I question your premise that "The 5 day EGA is still going to happen for everyone." They have never once said that everyone would get 5 days EGA, not once. There is no reason to believe, just because they added two days to the EGA, that this means that they did so to make sure everyone gets 5 days Early Access. If that had been their plan, they would not have needed to change it to "Up to 7 days" Early Access. They could have said "a minimum of 5 days," which they did not.


Is it possible that they added 2 days to make sure everyone got at least 5 days? Sure. But it is just as possible that they took stock of how much load the servers could take, calculated the final tally of pre-orders just before EGA and decided they would need 2 more days to stagger everyone in and still get them in so the last people in still had a couple of days (or how many minimum days they intended) of EGA as they originally planned.


Thus, it is a bad idea to make the assumption that they are planning on getting everyone in by day 3 so that everyone has 5 days of play in EGA. It might be their plan, but the whole reason they have not given people estimated times of entry was to prevent people from assuming they would get in and then have to deny them entry if things did not go as planned.


And as you can tell from the reaction today, assuming is not the best plan.

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wait! That's not what they told me. I heard first everyone gets a minimum of 1 day, then later they said everyone just had 2 days added to their time. I took the whole thing as 1 min + 2 = 3 min. Was I wrong?


I think you are only assuming that, because they added 2 days to the beginning, this meant that they were adding 2 days to everyone's play time. It could be that they added 2 days because they decided that, to get all the pre-orders in with a 1 day minimum, they were going to need to start two days earlier.


I would hope that adding 2 days would mean that someone who was only going to get 1 day would get more days of EGA, but I don't think that they have every phrased it that way.

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