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How's the pvp in this server?


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What's the win/loss ratio for pvp in all levels and in unranked/ranked warzones? Do players favor republic or empire side more? Which faction has the most premades for pvp warzone purposes? Same for galactic starfighter?


A. Most of the players on this server win about 75% of their games. But a third of the players win only a quarter of their games.


B. THe pub side tends to have more horrible players organizing into 4 mans and queing to stop more disorganized/angry/emo imp players solo queing


C> Same for galactic starfighter? SAME FOR GALACTIC STARFIGHTER YOURSELF *****. I'mma keep that line and use it to end messages too


Same for galactic starfighter

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A. Most of the players on this server win about 75% of their games. But a third of the players win only a quarter of their games.


B. THe pub side tends to have more horrible players organizing into 4 mans and queing to stop more disorganized/angry/emo imp players solo queing


C> Same for galactic starfighter? SAME FOR GALACTIC STARFIGHTER YOURSELF *****. I'mma keep that line and use it to end messages too


Same for galactic starfighter


Damn, did I just got trolled? Or was B being sarcastic? o_o

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Imperials dominate for the most part, so if you play pub, bring your biggest backpack. Good news is if you're any good, and manage to get a decent group, it's a bit easier to get one of those number farming matches just by virtue of staying alive. Imps are generally tunnel happy and not as concerned with objectives, so (in my experience) it's easier to really stretch out a match.


If you get a good group impside, unless you find yourself in an Imp v Imp match vs one of the good guilds, you'll probably stomp any pug group you come across.


Most of the good players are pretty cool and helpful if you have questions... Ironically it's often the worst players who act all elitist and talk the most ****. But they suck, so you won't care.









What in the blue hell is "Galactic Starfighter"?!

Edited by ace_boogie
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Pretty much this. In a good 3-4 man I probably win 90% of the regs I play regardless of the side. Some pugs refuse to be carried though but it's regs so w/e.


On the other hand, I have been queuing solo a lot more the past couple months, and you are kinda at the mercy of who you get on your team. If you run into an average premade you might be able to carry, but if you get against a good premade you will most likely lose.


Yolos are better pubside in my opinion. Of course you have to basically queue dodge jonmaddog if he is online. If you don't you run the risk of getting him and him leaving at the start of the first round to "teech the trols a lesin" and "not rewhard bahd behavir".

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Lows its imps most of the time unless a good pub group starts but that's rare.


Mids is really who has the most 50+ that KNOW *** to do. <it can go either way. I haven't been in mids for a few weeks but it wasn't one sided to bad.


60s. Depends on the premades.


Ranked solo depends on who gets a stupid and who doesn't if no one its really nice.

Grouped ranked idk yet.

Edited by Yuridia
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imps usually win most matches because talent pub side is lacking if you get against any of the good imp pvp guilds you will be farmed to death. With imp teams holding most of the objectives. I win on imp side about 90% of the que's we go into. As imps can be very vicious on pubs unless you are in working as intended premade's since there the only big guild queing pub side. Galactic straighter no clue since I tested beta and found it lacking in programming in the first place. Once you play SWG jump to light speed swtor space looks like a flight Sim of fail. If you do come here hit me up on imp side we have 30 active players accounts pvping all week. expect Friday and Saturday that when half the guild raids HM in there alt guild. Edited by Neoforcer
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I moved here from TEH a couple of weeks ago, I'm sad to say that I find pvp here a bit lacking, I wish someone would've gave me the heads up.


There are some decent guilds but most of the time they run premades/superques against clueless pugs/pveers, so either you have it very difficult and have to carry your inexperienced teammates in superimpossible mode; or your team stomps the pveers making it very unbalanced and boring indeed. I know it's similar in other servers, but the problem here is heightened because the inexperienced players are well... a catastrophe. Problems like entire groups running with 4 tanks in pve gear or a teammate breaking your cc when you are about to ninja cap, dps unable to do more than 300k dmg and the total unawareness of the taunt skills, among others. All this makes it simply impossible to win against pvp guilds that could be beaten with a decent team.

Edited by Giberelina
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I moved here from TEH a couple of weeks ago, I'm sad to say that I find pvp here a bit lacking, I wish someone would've gave me the heads up.


There are some decent guilds but most of the time they run premades/superques against clueless pugs/pveers, so either you have it very difficult and have to carry your inexperienced teammates in superimpossible mode; or your team stomps the pveers making it very unbalanced and boring indeed. I know it's similar in other servers, but the problem here is heightened because the inexperienced players are well... a catastrophe. Problems like entire groups running with 4 tanks in pve gear or a teammate breaking your cc when you are about to ninja cap, dps unable to do more than 300k dmg and the total unawareness of the taunt skills, among others. All this makes it simply impossible to win against pvp guilds that could be beaten with a decent team.



When I was on The Ebon Hawk, there were times I out damaged the next best dps by a over a million. Matches where I'd end up with like 1.4-1.6 mil. Do the math on that. The struggle was so real.


Its not THAT bad here, but it ain't much better.

Edited by ace_boogie
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I moved here from TEH a couple of weeks ago, I'm sad to say that I find pvp here a bit lacking, I wish someone would've gave me the heads up.


There are some decent guilds but most of the time they run premades/superques against clueless pugs/pveers, so either you have it very difficult and have to carry your inexperienced teammates in superimpossible mode; or your team stomps the pveers making it very unbalanced and boring indeed. I know it's similar in other servers, but the problem here is heightened because the inexperienced players are well... a catastrophe. Problems like entire groups running with 4 tanks in pve gear or a teammate breaking your cc when you are about to ninja cap, dps unable to do more than 300k dmg and the total unawareness of the taunt skills, among others. All this makes it simply impossible to win against pvp guilds that could be beaten with a decent team.


This is the truth! I enjoy pvp, but the imbalance on this server is drastic. The premades run regs for long periods during peak times, and unless you happen to get lucky and are on their team, it will be pretty awful.


Spot on with the observation about the pvp guild premades.

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When I was on The Ebon Hawk, there were times I out damaged the next best dps by a over a million. Matches where I'd end up with like 1.4-1.6 mil. Do the math on that. The struggle was so real.


Its not THAT bad here, but it ain't much better.


you just describe 98% of the swtor server with that one

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