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A Territory map of the Galaxy!


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Hello everyone! I'm a long time SW:TOR player and fanatic about the Lore of the game. I have been working on a territory map of the galaxy (A map that would show Imperial, Republic, and Hutt Space), in the hopes that it would be a valuable resource to the community of the game, especially to those that are interested in the Lore and or Role-play. The information needed to make this map came primarily from Wookiepedia articles on the Great galactic war and the New Galactic War.


A while back I posted this map on reddit.com/r/swtor, and people there seemed to really like it. So, I figured if reddit liked it, I may as well share it with all of you on the Swtor forums.


Here is a link to the map:



I will be updating this map as time goes on in order to keep it current with any new lore or information that comes out. All future updates will be posted on the same link.


One more thing: I do know that the Galaxy map aboard your ship does have territories shown on it, HOWEVER, most of that information is now out of date with the current lore (Example, Taris, Corellia, Balmorra, etc). While I did use the outline of the regions to help add nice looking borders to the map, I did take the territories with a grain of salt, knowing that they have changed. As such, the map is as accurate as possible.


((Also, I'm not sure if this should be on this Lore forum, or the fan creations forum. I put it here because I thought it would be of more use to the lore-focused community than the fan-art community.))

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Makeb is neutral




Though Makeb was pledged to the Republic,

, Empire-side, after both Republic and Hutt ships abandon the planet,


Hence, the map is correct.


- - - -


I had seen this on Reddit already. Quite an impressive work, mate. Kudos to you for the effort. ;)

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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I saw that you made a correction, indicating that Chiss space was not Imperial territory. Could you show where Chiss Space is? It is notable that the Sith Empire actually had allies that it worked with and did not conquer. So, I think it should be shown with it's own color to show where it is. Thanks.


Incidentally, that is an awesome galactic map. The SWTOR galaxy map is so constricted, with its paltry handful of worlds.

Edited by WorldSmasher
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First: Well done. It's good to have an overview of the galaxy.


A few things to add though.

I probably think that the outer arms of the galaxy behind imperial space are part of the Empire, because it is said, that around 4900 BBY the Empire started expanding, and as core-wards, there is the Republic and the Jedi, they could only expand on the outer regions of the galaxy.

Ilum is probably part of the Republic. In fact the Jedi did use the world and there was a temple there, but I guess you can say it's republic.



I had a problem with the map provided in the game, so I put a thread into the suggetions box, that they might change it. SOme sort of interactive map or something like that.

You really don't get the feeling of the galaxy.

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  • 9 months later...

Great work! I'm happy someone had the devotion :)

A few ideas:

Ilum indeed isn't a Republic world, the Jedi built temples there thousands of years ago, and they have been purged from there by the Sith, right now, after Malgus trying to claim it, it's still a warzone, neither side claimed it.

I think you should add Rakata Prime to Republic Space, because it joined the Republic after the events of KOTOR and it's been a historical preservation planet ever since (meaning they are hiding that it was the capital of the Infinite Empire and such, but it's under republic protection).

I'm not sure why is Dantooine marked as Imperial, afaik the Sith Empire never conquered it, only Revan/Malak's Sith Empire.

Hoth was never part of the Republic, only the New Republic.

Mon Calamari (Dac), Ossus were Republic worlds afaik, but surely never were part of the Empire.

Iego, Tund, Gand, Pakuuni, Munto Codru, Toong'l, Malagarr, Felucia, Makem Te, Mygeeto weren't part of the Empire, they were neutrals.

Maybe it would be a good idea to show Zakuul and Odessen on the map as well.

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