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Concentration is My Sentinel's Savior


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Hello Sent/Mara Community


You might know me from various post where I have tried to get across that the various issues with Sentinels and Marauders post-3.0 is just the way it is. I will say that that although I took a middle ground, I too felt those issues were too much for me toplay my Sentinel anymore. After letting my Sentinel just sit there and be passed over again and again to get through the Shadows storyline, it finally came to the point where I just had my Sentinel or my Scoundrel. If you know anything about Scoundrels, you will know they are the only other class that got the nerf-nuke as much, if not worst then Sentinels did. So my Sentinel was my only option to play.


At the beginning of 3.0, I did play around with my Sentinel, got him about half-way through Rishi and to lvl 58 while testing all 3 specs. Watchman is another world to me now. It's broken and I cannot stand to play it for more then one encounter at a time. Combat, while being mostly the same from its pre-3.0 self, still felt off. That said, this is the spec I played the most. I tried Concentration, and loved its damage, but at the time at least, it felt overwhelming with too much to use. About two weeks after 3.0, Sent was put on retirement. Then 3.1 rolls along.


For the last 10 days so, off and on, I started to play my Sentinel again. Right away, I told myself I would give Concentration my full attention. I ran the rest of Rishi with it, did 3 runs of Blood Hunt, and 2 Battle of Rishi runs. I ran Dread Fortress SM with it. I farmed all the pre-3.0 daily areas with it. Do you know what happened? Concentration made me love me Sentinel again. I got over the ability bloat. I read up on some rotations here and other places, I ran different types of content with it. I could find little I did not like about it. Heavy hitters, some ranged attacks, multiple leaps/mobility, balanced single target and AoE abilities, 30% passive Armor Pen, 15% Surge bonus to everything you attack with. and great defenses. What can you not like about Concentration?


Now know one thing: I will never PvP on my Sentinel. I read enough of the Community's issue and discussions of Sent PvP to know better now.


The moral of the story is this: Even when the nerf-hammer drops on your favorite class and/or spec (or one you really like) doesn't mean it is over for that class/spec. Try something different. Try another of that classes' spec. If after exploring every option you have within the Class and you still can't handle it, then you can honestly say you tried to deal and have no choice but to switch. This concept is the only way to fight the impact of FOTM rollers in both PvP and PvE content.


Concentration was the savior for my Sentinel; What will be yours...

Edited by mastervalkar
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That works very well for someone who likes pve. I have no such interest. At most I like the occasional flashpoint, but I have not done one in well over a year.


Glad you have found a way to make it work for you, but the Guardian does what you do in Concentration better than Sentinel does.

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That works very well for someone who likes pve. I have no such interest. At most I like the occasional flashpoint, but I have not done one in well over a year.


Glad you have found a way to make it work for you, but the Guardian does what you do in Concentration better than Sentinel does.


Yes Focus for Guardians has a more fluid rotation (Slice into Riposte is awesome), but I'm not concerned with Concentration overall compared to the status of Combat or Watchman.


I understand that most of issues for the Sent/Mara community is PvP-based. I didnt until recent realize just how many of you just did PvP as a Sent or Mara. Even before the issues, always thought doing PvP as a Melee DPS wasn't worth the effort. When I have PvP'ed, it always been on my Merc/PT, Mando/VG, or my Sage/Sorc. I admire the balls it takes to PvP as a Melee in SWTOR, but could never see myself one of the group.

Edited by mastervalkar
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I agree, Fury is TONS of fun to play. HOWEVER, Juggs/Guards just do it better, just like everything else, making it still depressing to play.


More than just PvP changes, we really need some QoL changes (e.g. Brooding having such a long wind up and breaking the pace by having you sit on your *** for 10 seconds) to improve how playing a Marauder/Sentinel just feels overall. However, Bioware have shown very questionable design sense since 3.0 and I'm almost at a point where I'm giving up all hope.

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  • 1 month later...
Hello Sent/Mara Community


You might know me from various post where I have tried to get across that the various issues with Sentinels and Marauders post-3.0 is just the way it is. I will say that that although I took a middle ground, I too felt those issues were too much for me toplay my Sentinel anymore. After letting my Sentinel just sit there and be passed over again and again to get through the Shadows storyline, it finally came to the point where I just had my Sentinel or my Scoundrel. If you know anything about Scoundrels, you will know they are the only other class that got the nerf-nuke as much, if not worst then Sentinels did. So my Sentinel was my only option to play.


At the beginning of 3.0, I did play around with my Sentinel, got him about half-way through Rishi and to lvl 58 while testing all 3 specs. Watchman is another world to me now. It's broken and I cannot stand to play it for more then one encounter at a time. Combat, while being mostly the same from its pre-3.0 self, still felt off. That said, this is the spec I played the most. I tried Concentration, and loved its damage, but at the time at least, it felt overwhelming with too much to use. About two weeks after 3.0, Sent was put on retirement. Then 3.1 rolls along.


For the last 10 days so, off and on, I started to play my Sentinel again. Right away, I told myself I would give Concentration my full attention. I ran the rest of Rishi with it, did 3 runs of Blood Hunt, and 2 Battle of Rishi runs. I ran Dread Fortress SM with it. I farmed all the pre-3.0 daily areas with it. Do you know what happened? Concentration made me love me Sentinel again. I got over the ability bloat. I read up on some rotations here and other places, I ran different types of content with it. I could find little I did not like about it. Heavy hitters, some ranged attacks, multiple leaps/mobility, balanced single target and AoE abilities, 30% passive Armor Pen, 15% Surge bonus to everything you attack with. and great defenses. What can you not like about Concentration?


Now know one thing: I will never PvP on my Sentinel. I read enough of the Community's issue and discussions of Sent PvP to know better now.


The moral of the story is this: Even when the nerf-hammer drops on your favorite class and/or spec (or one you really like) doesn't mean it is over for that class/spec. Try something different. Try another of that classes' spec. If after exploring every option you have within the Class and you still can't handle it, then you can honestly say you tried to deal and have no choice but to switch. This concept is the only way to fight the impact of FOTM rollers in both PvP and PvE content.


Concentration was the savior for my Sentinel; What will be yours...


I am responding as one who played a Focus sentinel (the old equivalent spec) regularly as a pvper - and used to have some fun with it.


At the moment, I have a Concentration Sentinel and I am starting a Fury Mara while 12xXP is going on. And it's "interesting". The flow is not great for either-- and I find that the problems with the higher level toon are emphasized in the lower toon. At the higher level, it's ok -- and just that for PvE. For PvP, I have got the gear needed to function in the warzones, and I find that it is meh - I find it's like the character at times is gasping for air while the battle is going on around it. (Heck, on my level 16 mara in a warzone today, I found that I was standing in front of my opponent toon waiting for a single skill to activate. Not even Assault or Vicious Slash was available and I was right next to the toon - and no CCs were on me. I just had nada.)


And, don't get me started on how easy it is to shut down the Concentration/Fury spec. The lack of decent breaks from CCs means that I can stunned and then just annhilated so easily.


So you might ask - why am I playing the spec in warzones? Like the Sorcs a few years ago, playing through the bad years is one way to improve your game -- and (I hope) it also helps the devs get some stats to imrprove it. As for the Mara? I really want to get my darkside Jaena achievement done. (Plus another crafting toon doesn't hurt as long as PvP rewards and credit rewards pay less than the other parts of the game.)

Edited by Grue_Hunter
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If not talking about PvP(really? This is not a PvP centric game! Be happy that you even have it!) and outside the OPs design issues(content design team and balance team not communicating), everything is just fine with SeMa. If you are worried about Guardian/Jugger?


How about the nerf to Single weapon mastery: "Now it increases dmg by 10%(instead of 20%)"? If that is still too much, just remove the ****** passive altogether. Really, it's too easy to fix.


I just realised! It's not SeMa is bad. It's that it is bad WHEN COMPARED TO GuJu! As in relative. Hint: Stop thinking in relative terms and play what you find fun/efficient.

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I just realised! It's not SeMa is bad. It's that it is bad WHEN COMPARED TO GuJu! As in relative. Hint: Stop thinking in relative terms and play what you find fun/efficient.


I must agree with this one.

Many think it as a fashion base game, but not for me.

I use to pvp and pve my sent(combat). I just love the way i play with him and really dont care if i m not the top class out there. As long as i m adding points to team and not doing more bad than good, then i like it.

I m not gonna rank it anyway :p

Edited by Sotmax
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If not talking about PvP(really? This is not a PvP centric game! Be happy that you even have it!) and outside the OPs design issues(content design team and balance team not communicating), everything is just fine with SeMa. If you are worried about Guardian/Jugger?


How about the nerf to Single weapon mastery: "Now it increases dmg by 10%(instead of 20%)"? If that is still too much, just remove the ****** passive altogether. Really, it's too easy to fix.


I just realised! It's not SeMa is bad. It's that it is bad WHEN COMPARED TO GuJu! As in relative. Hint: Stop thinking in relative terms and play what you find fun/efficient.


Don't provoke the pvpers -- it's a part of the game. Saying this-centric or that-centric is just a bit too trollish - and detracts from the topic, period.

Edited by Grue_Hunter
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I'm with you guys, Fury Marauder has been the path forward for me for a long time, and there ain't nothing that's gonna get me off this train.


*Cue the incoming nerf hammers*


All joking aside, its a shame what's happening in our class and I hope things get better for our PVPers. More importantly, I hope the class improves in ALL areas of play, and not just PVP. I feel like the discussion gets hung up on just the PVP impacts and not the full impacts everywhere else. Hopefully the development team will look at our QoL issues or the inconsistencies in our class (like the whole, Juggs can do our shared spec better than we can) more closely.

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  • 4 months later...

Necroing a bit, I'm totally agree with the OP. Watchman is good just for operations, and in normal pve kills really slow imo. Why a DoT have just 6secs duration anyway?!


I liked the combat burst damage, but I think it's a focus consumer, that forced me to use strike more often to win focus. And there are weird buffs in my opinion, like "you need 3 focus for blade storm so you recover one" while in concentration you also get a free focus.


So I loved concentration, its easy so use, it hits hard, balanced defense, and a really good focus manage (you recover more with zen :D).


So guys, I love sent thanks to this discipline, so try it!!

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