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Hair with Hats/Hoods


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Please find a better solution then "bald" for hair when wearing a hat or a hood. Hoods have gotten even worse with the newer wider hoods that make it extra obvious that you turned the hair off. And don't add the hat under a hat bonnet bull that a lot of the smuggler style hats have.


Turbine came up with a solution for hair clipping years ago in LOTRO, I'm sure that BioWare can as well.

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First of all remember this is not Lord of the Rings, this is Star Wars The Old Republic and its run by Bioware. The fact that another company solves a problem on their games doesnt mean Bioware must solve a problem in their games.


Yet I have always wonder how could they fix this, Im thinking a solution could be to add a frontal piece of your hair in the open part of the hoods where your bald comes out so that it looks as if the hair is still there. (this solution would only work with hairstyles that have frontal hair.) For hairstyles that fall to the back of the head is a harder task.


Another solution I can think of is that they design some individual hoods with hair coming out as part of the design (that automatically matches your character's hair color when equiped or previewed) as a custom adaptative armor piece for the Head Slot.

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I would love for this to be fixed as well, but to be honest if BioWare figured out how to do it then they would probably make it an unlock thing. It is like how we will be able to legacy unlock the ability to call mounts instantly when there was little reason for a delay in the first place. They would market it as a new feature rather then a fix.
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Please find a better solution then "bald" for hair when wearing a hat or a hood. Hoods have gotten even worse with the newer wider hoods that make it extra obvious that you turned the hair off. And don't add the hat under a hat bonnet bull that a lot of the smuggler style hats have.


Turbine came up with a solution for hair clipping years ago in LOTRO, I'm sure that BioWare can as well.


I would be ok if certain hats just had their own hair as part of the hat. For example, take a look at this picture:



If the hair on the back of Nico's head was part of the cowboy hat he wears, I would be ok with that. Maybe make a few different versions that simply have different hair sticking out. If the hair color automatically updated to your hair color or if a dye would change it, it would at least be better than where we are now.

Edited by crubel
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Really, the 'hair under hat' doesn't necessarily have to be tied to the avatar's hairstyle *that* precisely, just hair colour and variables of "bald", "short", "long" - since if you've got close-cropped or no hair it would be a little weird to see it suddenly hanging round your shoulders when you put a hat on with it- and we don't need accidentally hairy rattaki, for instance.


I've no idea how it would be coded- obviously- but, basically, it would need hats or hoods with a piece of mesh for hair on the exposed parts which would look for "is avatar hair on/off/long" to determine visibility or otherwise, and 'if avatar hair colour is set at X, set this colour at Y', or something like that.


Then Imperial officer characters could actually wear their uniform cap, smugglers could wear their signature fedora without looking like their mummy was worried they'd get cold ears, and Jedi Knights could look slightly less dozy with their hoods up.

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I suspect that this is simply a game limitation and there are only 2 options: Let the existing hair clip through the item like you see with various "headband" style helmets or remove the hair altogether and replace it with a bald head.


It's a shame that some of the coolest looking upper body pieces have hoods because I won't wear something if it hides my hair.

I also agree that this trend toward "wide" hoods with larger masks is a bad one because if you aren't wearing a mask that's designed to fill that spot, you look odd.

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I know that I have avoided a significant number of items as equipment simply because I do not like the bald head/hat/hood look.

Same. Even a predetermined hair attached to the hat/hood would, in many cases, be better than what we have now.

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LotRO addresses this problem by giving every hat-wearer the same short-cropped hairstyle (including bald characters). Not ideal, but better than TOR's "everyone is either bald or wearing a cartoon toothache head wrap." However, I seriously doubt it will ever be changed. Edited by branmakmuffin
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  • 2 years later...
A possible solution would be to make a head piece that is similar to the covert energy armor and just turns off the hood. That would be a really easy fix!! There are multiple head items in the game that turn off the hood, you could just make one that has no visible piece. It would just turn off the hood! There are some really cool cloaks with hoods in this game and I just wish I could see my whole character's head with them. Thank you for your time!
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A possible solution would be to make a head piece that is similar to the covert energy armor and just turns off the hood. That would be a really easy fix!! There are multiple head items in the game that turn off the hood, you could just make one that has no visible piece. It would just turn off the hood! There are some really cool cloaks with hoods in this game and I just wish I could see my whole character's head with them. Thank you for your time!

Thats a great idea some of the hoods just look horrible, especially without the hair, its such a waste of good armor.

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  • 4 months later...

Alright it's nearly 2018, it's about time this finally got implemented in some manner.


Suggestions have been made, act on them or find an alternative. If you can't do something as simple as add hair under hoods then maybe you should finally overhaul graphics completely if the game engine limitations are so extreme.

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OMG yes. I refuse to wear any hoods, even though many robes are beautiful, because I absolutely HATE the bald look. This would be a major improvement (and make me more likely to spend CC on armor sets). Edited by Xina_LA
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As far as one company borrowing an idea from another, goes on all the time. Thing is you change what ever it is and make it better which then your D&R team has improved upon it making it, slightly different, which makes it their own.


So yeah, BW could fix it. just not their priority.

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As far as one company borrowing an idea from another, goes on all the time. Thing is you change what ever it is and make it better which then your D&R team has improved upon it making it, slightly different, which makes it their own.


So yeah, BW could fix it. just not their priority.


They haven't really made an effort to fix anything that isn't their definition of "game breaking" as far as I've seen. There's another 'cosmetic' bug with equipment where things clip out and such. Another example of which being the Temple Guardian Mask that has a yellow line in the middle that sways left and right during cutscene dialogue.


I mean the game is pretty old as it is so like I said before, if they're not going to make an effort to fix the flaws of the game, then they might as well just overhaul the graphics completely if the game engine limitations are so extreme. To make things worse they release new armors with the EXACT same bugs as the previous ones yet do nothing to fix it.


All things considered, it really shouldn't be that hard.

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