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Nerf roll


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I mean what kind of roll we talking about here.


Sniper roll

Operative roll


Cover roll



There are many rolls to nerf.


but for real. Why do people hate the roll?




People hate roll because they hate operatives because they are still stuck in 1.0. If an operative is able to do any one of the following things AT ALL their will always be QQ:


Damage an enemy - it is simply unacceptable for them to do damage especially since they were so op in 1.0 due to expertise gap, clickable relics, and adrenals.


Heal self/teammate - even though ops shouldn't dps because their class role should be healing the ability for them to just spam heal themselves and every one to full is simply unacceptable.


CC: the fact that operatives have any cc at all is unacceptable. I can't do anything when they open up on me because I am stun locked...even if that stun is a mez or a root...I shouldn't have to wait out the first stun to save it for their second stun of many (oh wait they only have one)...even so they shouldn't be able to control their enemies.


Roll: it is absolutely unacceptable for operatives to be able to troll roll. Roll not only covers 20+ meters in an instant, but they are invincible during it (and not just concealment). It doesn't matter that people can root them to stop them from rolling. Having roll period doesn't fit them. They have stealth...


Stealth: operatives shouldn't be able to stealth. It is way to op. The fact that they can sneak up on people is unfair. It doesn't matter that in exchange for stealth they aren't given sturdy melee cooldowns. All players should be able to have a stealth debuff to be able to see operatives as long as they are within 30m of them. That would be fair.


Laugh: here is the key. Operatives shouldn't be able to laugh at you. It is mean.


Basically EVERYTHING about operatives is the epitome of over powered. The fact that bioware even created this class is unacceptable. People who make operatives are exploiting the game and I'm sure that's against the terms of service. Operative players should be banned from he game and I shouldn't have to pay my sub because the operative trolls have ruined MY game time that I paid for.



I think that's what some people are thinking when they complain about operatives....hope that helps.

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Don´t deny the truth, you might lose yourself in your puny world.


Alright let me put it in simpler terms for you can understand... I know and many people know how to beat an an Op and its roll. Its not Op and your issue is a L2P one. What "truth" is their that makes the roll OP. You haven't even given a reason or are you just a troll? And before you whine, no I don't play an Op in PvP. Also, no need to lash out at people with your insults as it only shows how true your "truth" is.



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Alright let me put it in simpler terms for you can understand... I know and many people know how to beat an an Op and its roll. Its not Op and your issue is a L2P one. What "truth" is their that makes the roll OP. You haven't even given a reason or are you just a troll? And before you whine, no I don't play an Op in PvP. Also, no need to lash out at people with your insults as it only shows how true your "truth" is.




The irony.


I don´t care anymore.

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Nerf Roll, force speed, hydro overides, no leaps , lets just start off a warzone rooted, walking at 70%reduced speed or stun locked the whole match..and warzone ends when the last player quits match...

Pvp battles of attrition...

I have every class at 60 and fully exhumed besides my sorc, cuz sorc is boring to me.... but really operatives with nerfed roll will literally be the last nail in the coffin for this class..

I honestly cant believe this is really starting to be a thing..

i mean seriously operatives are just fine at this point in the game, literally just fine.

Edited by Scyphon_
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It's annoying not op. Just like all other escapes and movement abilities. They are not really op, just aggravating when you/your team doesn't know how to counter it.

OP would be adding a movement speed buff, cc immunity for 3 secs after and adding an extra 20 meters to the roll.

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People hate roll because they hate operatives because they are still stuck in 1.0. If an operative is able to do any one of the following things AT ALL their will always be QQ:.


I hate it because, together with evasion/dodge, they're unkitable, inescapable, but can escape from anyone, and at least on my merc, which is all I'm playing atm, it's impossible to put any sustained dmg on them. why does roll make them impervious to dmg anyway? that's kinda like putting shroud on force speed, isn't it? but really, I just think the cd needs to be spread out (they should keep the proc for a 2nd freebie, but 4 rolls in 20s[?] is just crazy imo). mind you, this is only one of what I consider to be many stupid speed buffs in the game atm.


anything better than force speed is, imo, too much. honestly. and I'm not saying this as a sage/sorc. I don't even farm mats on my sage or sin, but anything more than force speed. iunno. I think it's just stupid. slow everyone back down to normal levels. nothing more than 10-20% speed buffs.

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I hate it because, together with evasion/dodge, they're unkitable, inescapable, but can escape from anyone, and at least on my merc, which is all I'm playing atm, it's impossible to put any sustained dmg on them. why does roll make them impervious to dmg anyway? that's kinda like putting shroud on force speed, isn't it? but really, I just think the cd needs to be spread out (they should keep the proc for a 2nd freebie, but 4 rolls in 20s[?] is just crazy imo). mind you, this is only one of what I consider to be many stupid speed buffs in the game atm.


anything better than force speed is, imo, too much. honestly. and I'm not saying this as a sage/sorc. I don't even farm mats on my sage or sin, but anything more than force speed. iunno. I think it's just stupid. slow everyone back down to normal levels. nothing more than 10-20% speed buffs.


1) Lol... like 5% of that.


2) That eliminates the point of an escape speed buff.

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I hate it because, together with evasion/dodge, they're unkitable, inescapable, but can escape from anyone, and at least on my merc, which is all I'm playing atm, it's impossible to put any sustained dmg on them. why does roll make them impervious to dmg anyway? that's kinda like putting shroud on force speed, isn't it? but really, I just think the cd needs to be spread out (they should keep the proc for a 2nd freebie, but 4 rolls in 20s[?] is just crazy imo). mind you, this is only one of what I consider to be many stupid speed buffs in the game atm.


anything better than force speed is, imo, too much. honestly. and I'm not saying this as a sage/sorc. I don't even farm mats on my sage or sin, but anything more than force speed. iunno. I think it's just stupid. slow everyone back down to normal levels. nothing more than 10-20% speed buffs.


I've read your posts for a long time and you seem to be pretty reasonable most of the time so please do not take this in an insulting way...I definitely do not mean for it to be at all. It all comes down to timing with roll. If you time a root or a stun well their survivability goes to crap. They got immunity on roll because they were incredibly squishy before. Roll gives them the ability to mitigate high burst, which they couldn't before. It comes at the cost of doing damage and not using it as a gap closer. It is one of the few defensive cooldowns that actually make you choose between damage and survivability. Without immunity on roll they would be incredibly easy to kill. You have trouble on your mando not because you suck...not because you are a noob or anything like that...you have trouble for 2 reasons:


1. You are a mando. Mandos are fodder for pretty much anything but a mara. You don't have anything for roots outside of 4 meters. You would have a MUCH easier time on a sorcs, sin, jugg, another op, and sniper even. PTs and mercs don't have much in the way of roots so it is harder for those classes to shut them down. Also, both mandos and pts rely on heavy predictable burst, which is what roll best counters. Other classes have an easier time against because their burst is less predictable and/or they have better sustained pressure.


2. You aren't timing your anti mobility tools well. Once people learn how to time their roots well it is very easy to shut down concealment ops.


I mean this in all sincerity and it's not meant to call you out as a bad, but honestly those two reasons are why you have a hard time on your Merc. Switch to a sorc or sin, or even jugg, and you will see most of your problems wash away because they have less predictable burst and more roots. Roll is very balanced because it is highly effective, but easily counterable once you get the hang of timing. That and mercs need a better root option...preferably ranged.

Edited by Saikochoro
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I hate it because, together with evasion/dodge, they're unkitable, inescapable, but can escape from anyone, and at least on my merc, which is all I'm playing atm, it's impossible to put any sustained dmg on them. why does roll make them impervious to dmg anyway? that's kinda like putting shroud on force speed, isn't it? but really, I just think the cd needs to be spread out (they should keep the proc for a 2nd freebie, but 4 rolls in 20s[?] is just crazy imo). mind you, this is only one of what I consider to be many stupid speed buffs in the game atm.


anything better than force speed is, imo, too much. honestly. and I'm not saying this as a sage/sorc. I don't even farm mats on my sage or sin, but anything more than force speed. iunno. I think it's just stupid. slow everyone back down to normal levels. nothing more than 10-20% speed buffs.


You take away those speed buffs and all you're going to do is make melee unplayable. If my sin gets hit by a knockback by a ranged I have exactly two options; burn my one minute cooldown Whirlwind or use force speed. Let's take force speed away, then all I have is a single 30m CC on a one minute cooldown. So then what if he has a dot on him? Well then it's GG sin because the moment I get hit by that knockback I'm completely helpless to fight back without any ability to get back into melee range.


As for roll, it's fine. Sure, it's annoying. You know what else is annoying as all get out? Electro net. Yeah there are times I get a good prediction and manage to roll resist it but that's rare, and for some reason my shroud doesn't resist the application anymore like it used to pre-3.0. Besides, roll is the single only "strong" cooldown concealment has, leave it be.

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