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"Suicide Spearpoint" and cooldown on spawn


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I'm sure you've all seen the occasional serious domination game where one player will spawn on a type 3 scout, provide tensor, and immediately self destruct, usually taking a beacon on respawn. This is by no means a serious flaw- every team could have access to such, it has a real cost (1 point to enemy team can matter in a tight game, a slot on the hangar is still a slot on the hangar), but it definitely feels a bit off (well, it is fun- normally my comment is "for great honor" as I dive into the cap ship)


A similar event occurs when trading beacons on a node. While I'm a big believer in beacon coordination and team play, it's a bit odd that the moment a ship takes a beacon, he's in the fight with every cooldown- dropping long cooldown items like drones, other beacons, and repair probes within two seconds of spawn, and being capable of popping copilot + system abilities instantly as a scout.



But on thinking about it... is it even correct that tensor is so useful at the start of the match? That's a huge part of why that move is great. Its utility over the course of the rest of the game is very decent, but that initial race out of the gate is really boosted by tensor.



I think a decent workaround would be starting every system ability besides the X-CHG Weapon System with 20 seconds of timer attached, possibly extending that to shield and engine system deployables (shield probe and hyperbeacon currently).



The reason I've waited awhile to make a post on this is simple- I wouldn't want a big reason to play a whole ship to go away. The type 3 scout has plenty of utility during the game proper, but it's simply not as deadly or sturdy as many of the other ship options, and as such would likely be left entirely on the bench in serious games, not even queued in the hangar.

Edited by Verain
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In case of T3 scout... Judging by the fact that few players have T3 scout in the hangar, that would cause another ship type a "Dustgatherer"...

If the crashing on start is so off for you (personally I esplain it as going back to the hangar...:)) maybe 1 minute timer before you can change ship after start would help?

Drones/beacons could have an activation timer (you can drop it at once but have to wait 10-15-20-whatever seconds for them to begin functioning), though I am not a big fan of that change.


PS. I crash at start... only if I have other ships to level and Spearpoint/Bloodmark mastered already. EMP missiles that I have on T3 scouts are a pain for bombers...

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I want to be very plain that I do this and regard it as correct play. My question is more, should it be like that? And yes, the risk of any fix would be that the ship has almost no merit. The devs were pretty clear that the type 3 scout and strike were denied the more offensive of the secondary weapons (pods and concussions are otherwise mainstays of the respective classes, and clusters are right out) because of their intended roles, and it's equally clear that the system abilities of these ship define them. So from that perspective it's fine.


It's more like, it feels pretty cheap. It's a reasonable effect using a price that you can't otherwise pay (other ships normally have to stick around to have their effects- you can't lay a railgun and repair drone and then SD into a scout and have those stick around, etc.). So I guess I'd add, yea, if you wanted to fix this, you'd probably want to address the piece where the ship (and some other ships) are very weak, etc.


The problem with an activation timer being longer than current (about three seconds) is that these deployables are already tunneled hard. I actually do feel (a separate topic) that hyperbeacon could use a few more seconds (like two to five) to turn on, but I don't feel that way about drones at all. The effect of a drone is "hits you lightly", not "spawns a scout with full cooldowns and another minelayer with fresh health", so it's reasonable for the long cooldown drone to hit you for 600 or whatever before you LOS or destroy it. Mines I feel should have variable arming times per mine type, with talents to modify them, but that's REALLY another thread.


I also feel that the non-tensor aspects of these things don't really feel cheap- they just feel a little too good. The tensor trick actively rewards a self destruct, hence my belief that, at some point, they should get around to addressing it.

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Maybe another solution then... Tensor (and other area buffs as well) effect dies if the ship that gave it is destroyed?

Also, interdiction drone does not only 'hits you lightly' - scout is instantly slowed to bomber speed, while bomber is slowed to turtle speed at the instant the interd. drone is dropped.

Though I can live with it...

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Even that slow barely matters on the order of a coordinated hyper beacon. It's fine if you get snared and damaged and your mitigation is multifold- you could create distance, use an engine maneuver, line of sight everything but the snare, or attack the drone. They deployed a weapon, it hurt the enemy some. That's what weapons are for. Beacon can sit uselessly while foodships ignore it, or it can spawn three aces four seconds after the bomber deploys it. I just think if you upped that arming time by a bit, or made it start on a bit of cooldown, it would be fine.


Taking tensor away on destruction doesn't change the issue. If you spawn and tensor and fly with your team, or just wait and self destruct the moment the tensor fades, you'll just take the beacon your friend placed. Certainly by changing many things you could solve it, but then you'd really be changing a lot of things that maybe shouldn't be (for instance, if the respawn time was longer AND tensor went away, it could easily be no longer correct to do this, but most deaths and self destructs should not be punished or changed because of one vaguely cheap thing).


An initial (short) cooldown would remove the optimality, not bother ships spawning under normal situations, and reduce the power of some edge cases.



Do you really think spawning with 20 seconds of cooldown on the 1 button would be a big deal? Maybe I'm missing something. If this sort of change would upset people then I don't really back it. This is just more a strange edge case that should, eventually, be addressed- I'm well aware that there's more pressing balance and ship and build diversity issues at play.

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I support the idea. Even though it would kill T3 Scouts, I think that currently they are just too gimmick. They REALLY reward a team that starts with one vs. a team that doesn't. Thus every spawn begins a game of "not it", until someone ultimately bites the bullet and volunteers.


I usually am that one, and I don't self-destruct after Tensor. Instead I use Interdiction Drive to absolutely positively get to a node first--usually the farthest node from my team's spawn, and/or the most likely node for the other team to claim as their "easy" node.


That combo pretty much guarantees I will get to the node in time to turn it a little green, or even outright cap it, before competition shows up. Then I use DF and RI and hug the node closely. It usually requires a Bomber or two Gunships to pry me off, which eases enemy pressure on the other nodes.


And if I happen to live a full minute, then I can use Tensor Field and Interdiction Drive again, which actually let me get a mobility edge over even T2 Scouts. Probably not enough to kill them with my LLC's, but enough to spook them.


As long as I can keep the node white solo, I am contributing, which is why I think it is silly to suicide right after initial Tensor.

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If you want to "fix" it, then I would say that the initial CD is the way to go. But that would have to be done extremely carefully (Maybe just have it apply to DOMs?), because of the TDM spawn camping. Getting on a team of bads, and getting spawn camped at all kind of sucks (I don't generally care, because I can fly, and know you can choose different spawns), but spawning into a few enemies with your CDs on a lockout timer would be cause for all kinds of grief. Maybe if it's only at the beginning of the match (or first 40s of match or something).


In general, though, I'm largely fine with Tensor as is. It gives the team using the strat a leg up, but it's not insurmountable unless their team is organized, and yours totally isn't, in which case, you're probably not winning anyway.


Similarly, I'm not a huge fan of a lockout for abilities coming out of a gate. I could be on board for an increased "set up" time before the gate is usable, because chaining gate beacons can get obnoxious in a hurry. To me, this is by far the more interesting question and edge case to solve from a power level perspective. But I do think it's far more relevant that additional bombers can come in and start dropping mines and drones than it is that a T2 Scout comes in with TT ready to go.


Possibly some kind of trade off? You can use the beacon, but you lose your CDs for 20-30s, or you can use the spawn, and be ready to do anything as soon as you're spawned?


EDIT - I'm also not on board with a penalty for suiciding right off the top. I've seen people do it not meaning to, and having to wait a minute before you can respawn would be a harsh price to pay for a mistake.

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IF the bloodmark got Interdiction Missile, would that make it more "combative" so that people are less inclined to tensor-suicide?


As for the strategy itself, I never used it. I am of the opinion that it's better to go to the sat and keep the enemy from capping it, rather than to tensor-suicide and pick something else. I get the value behind it, I'm just a nervous nelly about being out of the action for a few seconds and leaving my team down a man. I'm not a fan of anything that really hurts the tensor scout. Compared to the other two scouts it just doesn't provide enough elsewhere to make someone want to pick it over a sting or blackbolt, tensor's all it's got.



On a side note I tend not to switch to a different ship after dying in my tensor scout either. Even without the combat capabilities of the blackbolt or sting, being able to get back into a dogfight and defend a sat quickly after spawn is too valuable to pass up. But I think at this point I've also solidified myself as one of the "odd ball" pilots on TEH.


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I never bother to suicide at spawn on a T3 scout. My reasoning is as follows:


The Spearpoint is going to get to the sat faster than anything but a scout or strike using BR, and depending on who else is on the team that may be a few seconds of time to start turning the sat. There's a big difference in how hard it is to start turning an empty sat and how hard it is to reverse a sat with a single ship defending it.


If I'm flying a T3 scout, I generally assume that one or two other people are going to be flying beacon bombers, so switching at the start is redundant, and less valuable than ensuring that there's some green on the vanes when the minelayer arrives.


At that point a self destruct becomes fairly reasonable, but between having a repair drone (which helps the minelayer), having thermites (conditionally helps if enemy bombers arrive), and if I'm not devoured by a scout or gunship having Tensor come back off of cooldown (great for helping that bomber swap sats, which depending on how things are going may be better than the available beacon(s)), so I generally stick around in the T3 and see how things go before making that decision.


After all, if I want to switch ships all I have to do is engage in stupid high risk offensive maneuvers. It almost always works, and if it doesn't then your team probably didn't need another minelayer after all.


Of course, I group queue less than you, and that alters the incentives a bit. Basically I think that it's a non-issue if you don't have at least an 8 person premade on VOIP, and even at the 8-12 person coordinated team level of play a Tensor-Spawn suicide being optimal play is conditional on composition and strategy of both teams.


Choosing not to respawn into a T3 scout makes perfect sense to me, and indicates that it's probably weaker in the support role than both dronecarriers and T3 scouts.


Massed beaconing at the start, I can see more of an issue with. Basically, if the other team doesn't have 2-3 of their own, they're at a massive engine energy deficit at the start. Giving another few seconds of activation time for the other team to get to it and shoot it down might not be out of line.


Given the power loss that having abilities on cooldown creates I don't really like the initial cooldown idea. Either a ship has appropriately tuned cooldowns and should be able to use them on cooldown, or they need to be buffed or nerfed for balance. Nerfing all cooldowns, but only for the first 20 seconds after spawn seems silly. It would also suck hardcore for newbs getting farmed at their spawn points.

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IF the bloodmark got Interdiction Missile, would that make it more "combative" so that people are less inclined to tensor-suicide?

Giving the Bloodpoint a relevant missile would be a huge step in the right direction. And you could have some fun with Interdiction Missile and Interdiction Drive. I do find the drive to be largely useless, though. No missile break at all hurts a bit, and it eats something like 40-50% of the energy bar as soon as you tap it! :eek: I kind of like it with Interdiciton Drones, but that's about it.


Anyway, back on point, I'd be happy with either Protorp or Conc or Interdiction or Cluster or... Something better than Ion, EMP, or Thermite. The ship is fun to fly, but the secondary is undoubtedly an extremely weak spot.



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Giving the Bloodpoint a relevant missile would be a huge step in the right direction. And you could have some fun with Interdiction Missile and Interdiction Drive. I do find the drive to be largely useless, though. No missile break at all hurts a bit, and it eats something like 40-50% of the energy bar as soon as you tap it! :eek: I kind of like it with Interdiciton Drones, but that's about it.


Anyway, back on point, I'd be happy with either Protorp or Conc or Interdiction or Cluster or... Something better than Ion, EMP, or Thermite. The ship is fun to fly, but the secondary is undoubtedly an extremely weak spot.




I really don't understand why it doesn't have Rockets. It makes sense for all three Scouts to have access to them, and giving the T3 Rockets would not threaten balance or meta in any way. The T1 would still offer some superior exclusive components (plus Thrusters, which the T3 lacks), and the T2 would remain the god it is.

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Just use a T1 speed scout with Booster Recharge to get there first, then fly around shooting people.

Tensor doesn't just help you. That's the point. And Tensor will probably get you there at pretty much the same time as a speed scout because of the speed boost. Faster, I would think, if you went for the extra speed at T5, rather than the energy regen. To the extent it's a problem, it's because it buffs your entire team, not so much to get YOU to A satellite first, it's to get your team to ALL the satellites first.


I really don't understand why it doesn't have Rockets. It makes sense for all three Scouts to have access to them, and giving the T3 Rockets would not threaten balance or meta in any way. The T1 would still offer some superior exclusive components (plus Thrusters, which the T3 lacks), and the T2 would remain the god it is.

The only real reason I could think of is that having access to ammo drone might make pods a bit IMBA for that ship. Pods are largely held in check by the extremely limited ammo. Give them effectively infinite ammo, and this thing would probably end up being just better than the T1 set up to take out Gunners. Is that a bad thing? I dunno. But if I were to hazard a guess as to why it doesn't have the access, that's it.

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Do you really think spawning with 20 seconds of cooldown on the 1 button would be a big deal? Maybe I'm missing something. If this sort of change would upset people then I don't really back it. This is just more a strange edge case that should, eventually, be addressed- I'm well aware that there's more pressing balance and ship and build diversity issues at play.


For Tensor and it's 'big time' (start of a Dom match) yes. Do you believe that people will bother with T3 scout with its greatest moment taken away? ... Even now in most of the matches I am the only one who have T3 scout in the hangar.


PS. About Tensor useability later in match... Buffed people near sat. Someone didnt react and crashed. Who was guilty? :)

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First of all, the fastest guy to the node is....


A type 1 or type 2 scout with double speed, barrel roll, and tensor field. Tensor is obviously provided by a type 3 scout.




But, the delta is small- that guy getting to the node won't matter if the other team has turning/regen scouts with power dive and ALSO got tensor. You guys will just end up dogfighting around a node with a couple dots of green or red until numbers arrive.


There's a lot of guys in here saying "I tensor and don't self destruct, and I'm still helping". Yes, of course you are. But, could you be helping MORE if you self destructed and got another ship? Remember, this is assuming a serious game, so the other 7 ships on your team aren't food, they are other really great pilots who will do smart things with tensor. Your allies will beat you to the node- they have thrusters and at least some have barrel or power dive. If it's a game where half of each team ignores objectives, giving them tensor just lets them go X under a rock, or get blown up by a gunship, that much faster. That's not what I'm saying at all. I'm assuming that the tensor will help your team meaningfully. It's not "are you contributing", because yes, you are. It's "is your optimal contribution to self destruct and pull out a type 2 scout, type 1 bomber, type 2 bomber, type 1 gunship, or type 3 gunship".



Also, I'm curious. Obviously fastest is type 1 or type 2 scout, double speed, barrel roll.


But what's faster: type 3 scout with tensor and power dive set to speed, or type 3 scout with tensor and interdiction drive (duration)? I actually don't know, and I imagine it's kind of close.



For Tensor and it's 'big time' (start of a Dom match) yes. Do you believe that people will bother with T3 scout with its greatest moment taken away?


No, and I addressed that in the OP. Obviously if we, as a community, could make just one fix to GSF, this wouldn't even be in the running. But if you addressed the issue where the type 3 scout was a bit weaker, on the whole, than the other scouts- pretend as many want, it just flat out had rocket pods, or whatever- what about then? I was very clear to state in every post that I don't want to just delete the type 3 scout from serious play, and this change in a vacuum would do this. I just maintain that this effect is not very good.


I could further say that in general, opening tensor is too strong- even if you somehow made no one ever want to SD on the ship for game mechanics reasons, the fact is that a team with tensor has a pretty big edge versus a team without, out of the gate. Not any kind of real problem, but probably a bit too much benefit. Whereas using the tensor during the rest of the game feels nowhere near that powerful (and many times, too weak).

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First of all, the fastest guy to the node is....


A type 1 or type 2 scout with double speed, barrel roll, and tensor field. Tensor is obviously provided by a type 3 scout.




But, the delta is small- that guy getting to the node won't matter if the other team has turning/regen scouts with power dive and ALSO got tensor. You guys will just end up dogfighting around a node with a couple dots of green or red until numbers arrive.


There's a lot of guys in here saying "I tensor and don't self destruct, and I'm still helping". Yes, of course you are. But, could you be helping MORE if you self destructed and got another ship? Remember, this is assuming a serious game, so the other 7 ships on your team aren't food, they are other really great pilots who will do smart things with tensor. Your allies will beat you to the node- they have thrusters and at least some have barrel or power dive. If it's a game where half of each team ignores objectives, giving them tensor just lets them go X under a rock, or get blown up by a gunship, that much faster. That's not what I'm saying at all. I'm assuming that the tensor will help your team meaningfully. It's not "are you contributing", because yes, you are. It's "is your optimal contribution to self destruct and pull out a type 2 scout, type 1 bomber, type 2 bomber, type 1 gunship, or type 3 gunship".



Also, I'm curious. Obviously fastest is type 1 or type 2 scout, double speed, barrel roll.


But what's faster: type 3 scout with tensor and power dive set to speed, or type 3 scout with tensor and interdiction drive (duration)? I actually don't know, and I imagine it's kind of close.





No, and I addressed that in the OP. Obviously if we, as a community, could make just one fix to GSF, this wouldn't even be in the running. But if you addressed the issue where the type 3 scout was a bit weaker, on the whole, than the other scouts- pretend as many want, it just flat out had rocket pods, or whatever- what about then? I was very clear to state in every post that I don't want to just delete the type 3 scout from serious play, and this change in a vacuum would do this. I just maintain that this effect is not very good.


I could further say that in general, opening tensor is too strong- even if you somehow made no one ever want to SD on the ship for game mechanics reasons, the fact is that a team with tensor has a pretty big edge versus a team without, out of the gate. Not any kind of real problem, but probably a bit too much benefit. Whereas using the tensor during the rest of the game feels nowhere near that powerful (and many times, too weak).


Are you sure about your speed comparisons?


I've never seen an ally overtake me, let alone keep up with me, if I'm using Tensor + Interdiction. It is crazy fast and can get to Denon B without running out of boost.


I've never done formal races, but just from experience, I'm always there first. And Interdiction certainly beats Power Dive.


Plus ... how many people fly Scouts with Speed Thrusters and Engine upgrade?

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Are you sure about your speed comparisons?


No, but only because I'm not sure if there's some funny math going on. If interdiction and tensor stack strangely, then this could well be the case, and I'm not sure. Testable for sure.


I've never seen an ally overtake me, let alone keep up with me, if I'm using Tensor + Interdiction.


Do you remember this exact scenario?


1)- You press tensor on your allies.

2)- You press interdiction and zoom towards a node.

3)- A type 2 or type 1 scout barrels past you, flying the exact same path as you.

4)- A few seconds later, you pass him, even though he's still boosting and on course.


This would mean that you are going so fast with the interdiction that he can't keep up, but he's trying, and that his 20 second barrel didn't give him an insurmountable distance.


I've never done formal races, but just from experience, I'm always there first.


I'm usually there first on a gunship with barrel roll, but it's not because gunships are the speediest!


Plus ... how many people fly Scouts with Speed Thrusters and Engine upgrade?


Likely similar to the number that fly tensor scouts with interdiction.

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No, but only because I'm not sure if there's some funny math going on. If interdiction and tensor stack strangely, then this could well be the case, and I'm not sure. Testable for sure.




Do you remember this exact scenario?


1)- You press tensor on your allies.

2)- You press interdiction and zoom towards a node.

3)- A type 2 or type 1 scout barrels past you, flying the exact same path as you.

4)- A few seconds later, you pass him, even though he's still boosting and on course.


This would mean that you are going so fast with the interdiction that he can't keep up, but he's trying, and that his 20 second barrel didn't give him an insurmountable distance.


I once asked the devs how they would stack, but never got an answer. It's also something I wonder about boost speed. Does the 320% multiply your base speed by 4.2, then add on any other speed bonuses you have? Or does it take your base speed, plus any bonuses you have, and multiply that by 4.2?


Same question for Tensor Field.


I, like you, suspect there would have to be multiplicative stacking in order for TF+ID to beat TF+BR.


I feel like I have definitely seen the scenario you describe--where I overtake a Barrel Roller. But that's not surprising. Even if stacking were additive, I'd be getting 395% speed boost compared to the Barrel Roller's 355% speed boost. His Barrel Roll only lasts 3 seconds--after that I'll certainly be gaining on him for 6 more seconds.


Then, he should begin overtaking me as his Speed Thrusters and Speed Upgrade push him over me--though maybe I've never flown with anyone who uses those.


That being said... if memory serves, it sure feels like I'm gaining on him faster than I'd expect if the difference is only 395 vs. 355.


What we really need to know here is distance of Barrel Roll or distance from spawn to node.


Anyway, from experience, I do feel like TF+ID is solid. And given that its entire purpose is to get to a node ASAP and stick to it, I don't really care that I don't have an engine maneuver. I still have DF to break missiles, and both RI and TF give me extra Evasion on the node. It's usually enough to delay an enemy team (especially PUG's) for a long time.


And as soon as I am destroyed, I respawn as something else. The point is that by using TF+ID, I both buff my team AND capture/delay a node. Whereas if I self-destructed, we would not have that extra ship in the opening landrush. It doesn't really matter that my T3 has pathetic offense--all it needs to do is threaten cap, and self-destructing, even if it allows you to apply Tensor and then swap for better offense, is too expensive in the action economy. Better to Tensor and get some basic use out of the ship.

Edited by Nemarus
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There's a lot of guys in here saying "I tensor and don't self destruct, and I'm still helping". Yes, of course you are. But, could you be helping MORE if you self destructed and got another ship?


Maybe, maybe not.


Sats are fortresses for the team that hold them. They offer LOS defense, and if turrets are up fairly heavy support artillery. Stupid AI and weak in a lot of respects, but it's a definite advantage.


In a really competitive game being the ones that have the sat, or are ahead on gaining the sat is a real and useful advantage.


Respawn takes time, so there's a brief window where if you tensor and help cap, your team is up by one ship compared to the other team if their T3 self destructed. It takes that respawn time plus either normal transit time, or waiting on appropriate beacon placement (and maybe transit from the beacon if it's in a 'safe' location a bit away from the sat). So the question is, does your replacement ship that is late to the party provide enough advantage to overcome the advantage of a team with a temporary one ship advantage in numbers?


Given the advantage that owning the sat gives a team fighting in that area, I'm not convinced that there's any ship that's strong enough to be a resounding yes to that question. Not that there never is, but it looks team, map, and individual sat dependent to me.

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Whereas if I self-destructed, we would not have that extra ship in the opening landrush.


If I honorpoint, my bomber gets to the node at just about the same time as Drako's bomber- at most a couple seconds later. Remember, this DOES assume a beacon- without a beacon to hop from my assessment would change (also, without a beacon, it isn't a serious match).

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If I honorpoint, my bomber gets to the node at just about the same time as Drako's bomber- at most a couple seconds later. Remember, this DOES assume a beacon- without a beacon to hop from my assessment would change (also, without a beacon, it isn't a serious match).


A quick adjustment, the Bomber using the Beacon actually gets there first. It's the whole reason we even started using the Bomber hop in the first place. Even more so on Denon, beacon hopping actually ensures your Bombers get to the node before theirs.


As for strategy in coordinated games we almost always run 2 Beacon Bombers in difficult domination maps and we have 1 of these Beacon Bombers do the Tensor suicide so that we don't lose any momentum. If for example you were having your Scout or Gunship Pilots doing the Tensors that would definitely slow your team down.




I'm very interested in this double speed barrel roll Scout with Tensor vs Interdiction drive with Tensor now. I'll be doing a video for that tonight most likely now. (Assuming Verain has a maxed Interdiction drive T3 Scout)

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The bomber using the beacon gets there first with no tensor, because the beaconning bomber runs out of breath. I think with tensor, the beaconning bomber arrives first. Am I wrong on that? I could be, because we actually seldom go to the same node that way.


I'm leaving work now. This thing can wait, scout races are too important.

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The scout races happened!


Double speed barrel scout (getting tensor) and tensor / interdiction scout. Tensor was set to regen.


Our first race was to B. On my screen (interdiction scout) I was clearly moving faster than Drako for the duration of the tensor. At one point on my screen I was in front. On his screen, he was in front the whole time. I ran out of engine (interdiction effect costs a lot).


Now, that's spawn to B- you'd expect the tensor scout to have a rough time there.


We also raced from B to A later. In that case, it looked like I won by a narrow amount- the A to B distance is closer than any of the spawn to A or spawn to B.



I'm pretty sure that spawn to A/C will be in favor of the double speed scout, by some trivial amount. But I'm also sure that interdiction drive is WAY faster than the math implies- something is getting multiplied I guess. It's definitely much better than the tooltips state. Nemarus, solid call.

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What about running to C or A? I always run bloodmark on my bar, tensor and head straight to either a or c. Although I guess my mind set is different since I run repair probes with shield regen. This way in the first minute or so of dom I can reach A or C and keep myself alive long enough either to delay the other team until B and one of the other sats to get capped, or cap it myself is nobody around.
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Like Verain said we did a couple of races, to see which ones were the fastest.


It was a lot closer then I expected, like split second close.


If anyone is interested in that games video I put it on Youtube for ya



Only the starting has races the rest is just a really one sided Denon, Enjoy. :)

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