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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Is the game already dead? Can it be saved?

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This is a different Ruger (not Ruuger) and look very different


So wait, he isn't some totally random character? But what will the whiners whine about now?


But seriously, the Ravagers were the Revanite weapon suppliers iirc. So, before you hit Revan you hit the suppliers.


Nova Blades were the ones who supplied the Revanites. The point of the Ops was that Ruuger promises to have the Ravagers ally with our faction. There I do believe in one of the Codex entry's that one of our companions had their home destroyed by the Ravagers, maybe wrong on that so don't quote me.

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Anyone thinking money is the only way you can run into a problem should have a look at Path of Exile. They out-Diablo'd Diablo with a very small and very determined development team.


What makes something happen is a group of very motivated people with the right skills and the right direction, which PoE has. They liked Diablo II, didn't like III so much, so they got together and put together their own Diablo clone.


Could these guys do the same thing with SWTOR? Maybe, maybe not. I've never heard of them saying they liked Star Wars all that much.

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The game is actually growing based off the reddit users.


Also going off our videos


( 2,700) DP

( 3,500) DF


To Revan










9254 nearly three times. Dulfy publicity has helped but I'm sure there is still growth

Edited by JDotter
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