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Emperor's status? (Spoilers inside)


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Long story short, the Emperor's spirit can possess different bodies. The Warrior killifies one such body on Voss (per the Emperor's request), and the Knight murderizes another at the end of Chapter 3. His spirit lives on.
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Does he possess multiple bodies at the same time? or does he have to hop?


Also there a guide or timeline for the events of each class's quests? Showing where and when they overlap?

Basically, he transfers his essence into one body at a time, this body becomes the "Voice of the Emperor". When the Voice's current host body dies, he retreats (presumably to his original body) untill a new body is ready to be possessed.

The events of the Jedi Knight story left him so weakened that he didn't reappear till the end of Shadow of Revan, and even then it wasn't his physical form.

This Voice mechanism was put in place to protect himself after Revan openly attacked him in the Citadel of Kaas City.


There is no guide or timeline that precisely lists the exact order of events etc. as far as I know.

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So during the JK story you "kill" the emperor. But following this story, he is not actually dead correct? His "spirit" persists elsewhere


Yes. He was badly weakened after the fight with the JK



So he fled to Yavin to recuperate.


Now, thanks to the colossal incompetence of Revan, he's back. Though fortunately you intervene in time to prevent Revans utter stupidity from getting everyone killed, so he's active again but still weak.


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The Emperor fooled everyone into thinking the planet's life force was what he required when in fact, he used the conflict between the Republic, Empire and Revanites to revitalize himself.

Bioware, pulled a page or two from Tolkien, allowing the defeated Emperor to become a disembodied spirit who needed to regain strength before returning. At the end of SoR, the Emperor speaks and mocks the heroes before flying off into space on a Minas Morgul-esque magical pillar of energy... presumably to wreck havoc and re-incorporate.


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The Emperor fooled everyone into thinking the planet's life force was what he required when in fact, he used the conflict between the Republic, Empire and Revanites to revitalize himself.

Bioware, pulled a page or two from Tolkien, allowing the defeated Emperor to become a disembodied spirit who needed to regain strength before returning. At the end of SoR, the Emperor speaks and mocks the heroes before flying off into space on a Minas Morgul-esque magical pillar of energy... presumably to wreck havoc and re-incorporate.


Now that you mention it, I can see the "reference", maybe they meant it or it was just coincidence, but nice catch anyway.

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The Emperor fooled everyone into thinking the planet's life force was what he required when in fact, he used the conflict between the Republic, Empire and Revanites to revitalize himself.

Bioware, pulled a page or two from Tolkien, allowing the defeated Emperor to become a disembodied spirit who needed to regain strength before returning. At the end of SoR, the Emperor speaks and mocks the heroes before flying off into space on a Minas Morgul-esque magical pillar of energy... presumably to wreck havoc and re-incorporate.


so clearly the next expansion will involve crossing the galaxy with a ragtag group of imps and pubs to toss the one saber of power into the core of Nathema to destroy the emperors power and bring peace to the galaxy.

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so clearly the next expansion will involve crossing the galaxy with a ragtag group of imps and pubs to toss the one saber of power into the core of Nathema to destroy the emperors power and bring peace to the galaxy.


It wouldn't surprise me if, in order to defeat the Emperor, Bioware requires a long quest involving the procurement of an "item of power" in order to vanquish him for good. :p

I honestly rolled my eyes when the plot regarding the Emperor being an life energy vampire was revealed. So in other words, Bioware made the Emperor into a Lich. Now we need to find his phylactary to destroy him or we will simply keep jumping from body to body once he's restored. :rolleyes:

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It wouldn't surprise me if, in order to defeat the Emperor, Bioware requires a long quest involving the procurement of an "item of power" in order to vanquish him for good. :p

I honestly rolled my eyes when the plot regarding the Emperor being an life energy vampire was revealed. So in other words, Bioware made the Emperor into a Lich. Now we need to find his phylactary to destroy him or we will simply keep jumping from body to body once he's restored. :rolleyes:


so long as it lotr style item of power destroying and not harry potter style.

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What seems like a cosmic threat:



The undead Emperor escaping into space after feeding off the spent life force of the victims of the Yavin 4 conflict.



It seems troubling for a couple reasons. Firstly, surely something as significant as that would've been remembered and mentioned in the SW's universe future... unless it's a red herring or non-event. I understand the mechanics of inventing new story within a historical time frame, but unless SWToR completely diverges from the continuity, it seems like Bioware might have written themselves into a corner using a "big baddie" event that has never been mentioned by any canon characters. Nobody in the movies or tv shows has said "remember that time the Sith Emperor went off the deep end and threatened to destroy all life?" One must be careful not to reach too far.


I hope Bioware just up and says "The game is an alternate timeline" so they can be free to make content. It's a controversial opinion, but they are doing Mass Effect style plots in a universe whose future has already been established firmly (Disney Canon).

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so clearly the next expansion will involve crossing the galaxy with a ragtag group of imps and pubs to toss the one saber of power into the core of Nathema to destroy the emperors power and bring peace to the galaxy.


I thought it would be trying to close the gate so Gozer, er, The Emperor can't end everything.


"Everyone blank their minds!"


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I think he's basically doing the Sauron. Harnessing power until he can take a physical shape again.


Speculation and going too deep into details would be vain at this point however, I am pretty certain the story does not end there and more chapters are yet to come. Even though that would be a slap in the face of the Jedi Knight.


I am still waiting for the classic turn of events: You are the Emperor... or at least his host.

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What seems like a cosmic threat:

I understand the mechanics of inventing new story within a historical time frame, but unless SWToR completely diverges from the continuity, it seems like Bioware might have written themselves into a corner using a "big baddie" event that has never been mentioned by any canon characters. Nobody in the movies or tv shows has said "remember that time the Sith Emperor went off the deep end and threatened to destroy all life?" One must be careful not to reach too far..


Well, as long as it works why not. Whatever the authors of SW:TOR write cannot be not canon, because SW:TOR itself is a licensed Star Wars product. This all happens three thousand years before the story in the movies, which is a long time.


Besides, I don't really think that the story of the Emperor is even remotely as problematic as the war itself and the Sith conquering half the galaxy. While it is known that Obi-Wan Kenobi considers the truth to be highly subjective and mallable the statement "For over a thousand generations the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic. Before the dark times. Before the Empire." is difficult to combine with the war itself. What the Emperor wanted is hardly of consequence, what is of consequence is what actually happened. For the Jedi Order it would be a lot more relevant that it was virtually extinct three hundred years earlier... That the Emperor wanted to consume all life (which is not so unsimilar from Darth Nihilus, who at least consumed entire planets or Kreya trying to burn out the Force, but that's an Obsidian story) is ultimately but a foot note.


I am pretty sure that there are billions of contradictions in Star Wars already. Personally I don't think that as long as the feeling of Star Wars is alright and the action in the existing movies is not directly contradicted, an author can write whatever they want. To involve all of Star Wars' extended universe would be like the attempt of herding fleas.


EDIT: Of course the Bioware storyline should be consistent within itself, as far as possible in a set of games where the players can make choices.

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so clearly the next expansion will involve crossing the galaxy with a ragtag group of imps and pubs to toss the one saber of power into the core of Nathema to destroy the emperors power and bring peace to the galaxy.


The fellowship of the saber:






Boromir=Bounty Hunter






Gollum= Kephess



Put that sucker in a mind trap and jettison it into a black hole.



I want some story content revolving around a black hole :0


Ironically, I want some story revolving around a mind trap. it seems like too perfect of a device not to be used to get rid of someone. The whole dropping down pits, stabbing with lightsabers, or destroying artifacts gets old.

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Just remember last time Bioware had a story about blackholes, it got leaked, then changed, and people didn't like said change too much XD


that was dark energy and it still had the red green blue colour options just with an even bigger plot hole involveing the reapers existing to stop the use of mass effect technology when they use more of it than anyone and engeenered things so civalizations would develope to use it. the old planed ending would have made the existing **** storm look like a light breeze.

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I swear the Emperor is going to return as the Stay-puft marshmallow man:p.


Are you a god?


(Hint: When someone asks you if you're a god you say: Yes!

When confronting him you do not say:

"As a duly-constituted representative of the Planet of Alderaan, and on behalf of the Senate and People of the Rebuplic, the Galaxy and all its inhabitants, I hereby order you to cease and desist any and all supernatural activity and return at once to your place of origin or next parallel dimension.")

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Are you a god?


(Hint: When someone asks you if you're a god you say: Yes!

When confronting him you do not say:

"As a duly-constituted representative of the Planet of Alderaan, and on behalf of the Senate and People of the Rebuplic, the Galaxy and all its inhabitants, I hereby order you to cease and desist any and all supernatural activity and return at once to your place of origin or next parallel dimension.")


And he'll reply:


"u mot w8. u no tat legionz have risen 2 test me m8? ur striving iz insignifikant m8 let ur deaf be da same"

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