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Are the character storylines fully soloable now?


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Watcher Two explains quite thoroughly what goes down during that fight, and what the Agent needs to do.

Never been able to fully understand why people had issues with it.


Honestly now I don't even know why I had such a hard time with it. I've done three agents now two snipers and one op my first time doing it was the only one I had trouble with. :confused:

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Honestly now I don't even know why I had such a hard time with it. I've done three agents now two snipers and one op my first time doing it was the only one I had trouble with. :confused:


As far as I can remember...

It was a mix of people not interrupting his channeled abilities, not breaking LOS, in addition to NOT pressing the consoles when he was channeling some über-major power or whatever.


His Affliction also hit real hard at Vanilla. :p


Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Honestly now I don't even know why I had such a hard time with it. I've done three agents now two snipers and one op my first time doing it was the only one I had trouble with. :confused:


It would be interesting to see if anything else has changed though, in the encounter. There may have been tweaks and adjustments made that we don't really see and we'd only know if we saw all the stats from release compared to present.


The point was not to focus on just that encounter, just that some things were harder than they felt they should be for a single person to complete. Everything was technically solo-able from release, just that this may not have been effectively true for every spec/level.


Nothing is hard anymore, but I think things have been tweaked to make it so. Even Black Talon/Esseles seems super easy compared to the 'early days' of release. Even underequipped I can blow through that at level 9/10.

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The end instance of the knight story was a royal pain at launch - it was very buggy and full of hard fights. It was widely regarded as not remotely solo friendly. Many threads were made about it and the final fight, Angral fight and a level 24ish boss fight. All had a few interrupt or die mechanics. The final fight solution involved exploits for most that could solo it and almost everyone died their first few times in it even if they brought endgame raid gear and an over-equipped T7 With them. That instance has been adjusted/nerfed many times since release. It was originally by far the hardest solo pve fight I had seen (since trumped by Defiance's but that one was meant to be a tough fps fight). Edited by Savej
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The end of the knight story was a royal pain at launch.


It was awesome. As it should be still. :(


Now, considering who you are fighting, it's a major joke. I have no issue admitting however that Sentinels got it a lot harder than Guardians, seeing that Force Push was just ESSENTIAL at the time.

I liked Angral and Valis as well. That Force Slam. :D


Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Actually, you have that backwards. Healers can solo content that almost no other class can. With a tank companion (Qyzen in this case) you are practically unstoppable.


This. When I leveled my Sage I wanted to stay in healer spec throughout the whole leveling process, using KDY quite liberally to try and at least get eased into healing in group content, and I had no issues unless I was just horribly undergeared. When I was geared to my level along with Qyzen I definitely felt unstoppable. Solo enemies in particular were cake for me considering Qyzen would hold their aggro and I'd stand back, do some damage until Qyzen needed healed, and then heal him up to full before repeating the process.

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This is my first MMO as well, and while I found it different than what I was used to, I never really had a problem. Did I die all the time, yes, but eventually I figured out most of the nuances of survivability and winning the "hard" fights. The most difficult ones for me were on my JK Sentinel (my first, and now main toon), the first couple of bosses (as I had no idea how to do anything) and the final Belsavis boss. But, unlike the OP it seems, I asked for advice or help, looked at what other people had to say, or just tried different things until I figured it out. Now I can handle myself in most aspects of the game. If not, I have a great guild and plenty of helpful people and places to go to in order to get the job done.


In my experience, if you want a civil and decent reaction/help from the forum community, don't come here complaining about how hard things are, come here asking, "Hey, here's my problem, what can I do to fix that problem. Thanks for the advice!" That seems to work a lot better than, "This is too hard!!! Why is this so hard!!! Anyone who doesn't agree with me that it's too hard is an elitist/moron!" Being civil to others goes a long way.

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This is my first MMO as well, and while I found it different than what I was used to, I never really had a problem. Did I die all the time, yes, but eventually I figured out most of the nuances of survivability and winning the "hard" fights. The most difficult ones for me were on my JK Sentinel (my first, and now main toon), the first couple of bosses (as I had no idea how to do anything) and the final Belsavis boss. But, unlike the OP it seems, I asked for advice or help, looked at what other people had to say, or just tried different things until I figured it out. Now I can handle myself in most aspects of the game. If not, I have a great guild and plenty of helpful people and places to go to in order to get the job done.


In my experience, if you want a civil and decent reaction/help from the forum community, don't come here complaining about how hard things are, come here asking, "Hey, here's my problem, what can I do to fix that problem. Thanks for the advice!" That seems to work a lot better than, "This is too hard!!! Why is this so hard!!! Anyone who doesn't agree with me that it's too hard is an elitist/moron!" Being civil to others goes a long way.


Yep, and I only had to ask in general chat on aldraan. "Hey these snipers are nearly one shotting me." "Use your interrupt." "Whats an inter... Oh! thanks!":o

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Yep, and I only had to ask in general chat on aldraan. "Hey these snipers are nearly one shotting me." "Use your interrupt." "Whats an inter... Oh! thanks!":o


Exactly! 99% of the time, all you have to do is ask. People are more than willing to help, I see the same thing on the Flashpoint threads, if you are new and need help...ask!

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Many of them had quests that could not be soloed by their intended class at the intended level.


So you can play tough guys if you want. I was there and I know.


I was there too, I would know aswell. I have never ever ever ever had an issue soloing quest content unless 1 thing: I was under lvled and or under geared. Even when in was heal specced I could out heal most incoming dmg as long as my companion had up to date gear.

It sounds like you had a personal problem, whether it was learn to play or learn to gear idk.

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why are so many mmo players so sensitive about their gaming ability?


my first time fighting the ch1 boss in the agent story, i wiped at least 10 times. i had no idea what i was doing and it was 4am...healing specced, using an ungeared kaliyo...


the truth? I was terrible at the game...it was day 1. if i tried that fight now i'd have no problem at all.


instead of throwing p your defenses saying "elitists just want to brag about the game being easy" maybe take a step back and concede that everyone here telling you that the issue is WITH YOU may not be lying and are actually trying to help you.


getting good at anything in games or life always starts with humility and the understanding that you can always improve.

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I was a consular back at release, specced full healer I had to get help several times on quest because my companion just couldn't get the job done. I heard similar tales from other classes too.


Try properly gearing your companion is you want to lvl as full heal. But story missions have always been a solo thing.

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I don't remember Qyzen being particularly impressive, but I haven't used it after I've made it to Tharan. I normally play with Zenith. If I ever get to running a Shadow, I am actually curious to see how Consular's epic class fights will unfold. It will be very different though, because of all the buffs and access to all 6 crafts & the commendations making mechanisms, there is simply no comparison.


I just stuck with nadia. Dropped the lizard as soon as I could.

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There are also some slightly unintuitive things that the OP might overlook. Like the fact that Qyzen, while being melee tank using techblade, has aim as primary stat. I can imagine new player gearing him in strength gear and then being confused by his crappy performance.


Or not selecting proper stance. Or not turning off his cc breaking abilities. There is a lot of posibilities, most of them between the keyboard and a chair.

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This. When I leveled my Sage I wanted to stay in healer spec throughout the whole leveling process, using KDY quite liberally to try and at least get eased into healing in group content, and I had no issues unless I was just horribly undergeared. When I was geared to my level along with Qyzen I definitely felt unstoppable. Solo enemies in particular were cake for me considering Qyzen would hold their aggro and I'd stand back, do some damage until Qyzen needed healed, and then heal him up to full before repeating the process.

Thing people forget about leveling as a full healer is that in any group makeup, the tank's gear is the most important, because the tank's the one taking the hits. Often my Sage Healer would be undergeared because I'd spent comms on Qyzen or Iresso instead, and it didn't matter that I was undergeared, because they weren't hitting me. But getting Iresso that extra 100 or 200 HP can flip a fight.


You might heal a little bit less if your gear's just green quest rewards, but if you're putting blue comms into your tank companion's gear (instead of the green quest reward gear they give you), the difference is night and day in terms of his or her (and thus your) survivability.


... of course, new players don't know that, and it took me leveling a cybertech to figure it out myself.

Edited by Raphael_diSanto
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if troll



This is exactly how you make a troll thread. Start with a statement that is obviously false, insist that it is true, and get defensive when people point out that your original statement is false. Good job, excellent execution, 10/10.







There are one or two fights in the consular / inquisitor story that are difficult, but they are definitely soloable with a little more effort. I've done them four times (sin, sorc, sage, shadow), all solo. Just because you can't do something easily does not mean that it is impossible. If you lack the ability to get it done by yourself, there is a reason why this is an MMO. This is a complete non-issue.



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Actually, I have just remembered that back at the beta times, Consular was really trashed if the toon took all LS options during Chapter 1. This is not the case any longer, though it detracts from the story.


Another advantage now is that there is a LOT of information out there on gearing and tactics.


OP, I think you shouldn’t worry too much about your past experiences, and try the game again. I am positive you will be able to finish whatever class you chose solo!


This thread really makes me want to start running the Shadow and see if I can find the solutions to those V. Special Consular’s Battles of Epic-ness on my very own and how many tries it’s going to take me. :)


Thinking back to the Seer, I think having troubles with soloing a healer, well, maybe it’s because as a healer you have to continuously manage 2 characters, companion (heals & Force armor) and self AND switch the target to the enemy. With a DPS your companion does its own thing while you target whoever you need to. With a tank, you just guard and taunt off the comp when needed with target comp for guard (if you forgot to do it when getting off the mount) maybe swap target fast to taunt the adds, but it’s pretty easy-peasy.


What I did not know and did not learn when I ran my Seer because I always ran her paired up:


1. How to initiate an attack with the companion

2. How to keybind, period.

3. How to use focus on the companion or on the boss to see the channels and manage the Heals4two vs hurts without re-selecting the targets manually.

4. How to interrupt (see focus above, without it, you simply won’t see the channel).

5. Never did, and I still almost never use Heroic Moment and extra spells associated with it


I still have problems with switching between the heals and hurts, so I am back to the PvP school now, learning to solo-play a healer in that amazingly smooth way the good heals do.


To think of it, I can certainly use a solo run through the game with a healer. In addition to the Shadow. Wow, so much to do!

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Must cater to the baddies who get to LV50 without once using their Interrupt ability.


Reading is hard, sis'. :p


My Jugg, (finished while my BH was stuck on the Loading Screen thanks to my old laptop that could handle the 1-50 planets and zones, sec X, Black Hole, Oricon, but not Makeb) was finished without looking at any guides at level 50, and I only used interrupts at random since I didn't know what attacks I was doing. Just very glad I was a sub even then, because *winces* she only survived because of those revives in place are unlimited. *winces* That Jugg is in storage only because redoing my keybinding to go through my 10-key pad would take a long time and... *winces* She's all alone on her server and too lazy to save up for a server transfer ATM.


Edit: The only quests I have had any trouble with thus far are Agent End Class Mission Voss, but I had an under geared Agent (solved by my cybertech) during 12x exp, who also had an aim barrel (since level 21) for some reason (don't ask me why,I think I wasn't paying attention after playing Trooper that night). The other fight was part of a fight on Quesh for my Sage before I finally looked up which one to CC, and which skills to turn off on Khem.


Wait... BH end of CH1 is bugged, as far as I know, because if you die and red at a med droid, you often would have been jumped ahead of where you were. Farmed that for exp while raging at that irritating bug while F2P at the time until I could run it though without dying once. The main fight (for me, not the actual mission's end fight) was so much fun squishing that slimeball with Death From Above and Rocket Punch (note, I was heal spec'd, and forgot I had heal abilities, and didn't know that my job was not go around punching people or setting them on fire).


So if OP isn't a troll, read the mission guides like Torhead has.

Edited by LyraineAlei
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Many of them had quests that could not be soloed by their intended class at the intended level.


So you can play tough guys if you want. I was there and I know.


I've been around since launch and considering this was my first MMO, there were things I didn't know like how an interrupt was important and thus I needed help at certain points.


After leveling that first character, I never needed help again, stories are soloable and if not.....l2p

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