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Are the character storylines fully soloable now?


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Many of them had quests that could not be soloed by their intended class at the intended level.


So you can play tough guys if you want. I was there and I know.


The only times this happened were unintentional, such as the Jedi Knight Belsavis bug.

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The only times this happened were unintentional, such as the Jedi Knight Belsavis bug.


I was a consular back at release, specced full healer I had to get help several times on quest because my companion just couldn't get the job done. I heard similar tales from other classes too.

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I was a consular back at release, specced full healer I had to get help several times on quest because my companion just couldn't get the job done. I heard similar tales from other classes too.


Which companion.

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pretty sure this is the not so uncommon mistake of not knowing ones abilities and how to use them.

seen lots of complaints like this.. people claiming something is unkillable or too hard.. when they should just have used an interrupt or a stun etc.


I've played MMOs since UO and EQ1, don't assume I'm a n00b fresh off the boat.

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So you can play tough guys if you want. I was there and I know.


So was I. Everything was soloable.


Traditionally if you're a full spec healer even with a properly geared comp you're going to have a hard time soloing certain things compared to DPS or Tanks.


Actually, you have that backwards. Healers can solo content that almost no other class can. With a tank companion (Qyzen in this case) you are practically unstoppable.

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Not being able to solo something in your current spec with your current companion is not the same as not being able to solo it at all.


It might irritate you to have to consider swapping specs or companion, but that doesn't mean the mission can't be done. Be willing to be flexible and you might be surprised at what you can accomplish.

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The class missions are NOW solo able, compared what they were at beta and at launch. The champion mobs that appeared at end chapters for the class missions have been reduced to strong mobs or 1-2 strong mobs and 1 elite at most. So no more will you find yourself fighting a group of champions or elites all at once.
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Many of them had quests that could not be soloed by their intended class at the intended level.


So you can play tough guys if you want. I was there and I know.


I was there too.


I've gotten by on my own just fine.


Pretty much everyone saying the classes are soloable are speaking from experience, so I'm sorry, but it's a fact that if you can't solo the class story, it's because you're doing something.

Edited by rashencyberspeed
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Consular's Class Quests are the only ones where you need more than just a knowledge of your class to pass as a Sage. There are at least 3 boss battles that require LOS, Interrupts, and a more intricate control of the companion (in other words, companion has to be keybound). It is particularly hard as a first character, and you do not have 4 class buffs, presence perks and extra perks from unlocking the companions.


For a player who is not familiar with the character, i.e no key-bind, mouse-moving, all abilities in use, environment awareness, watching the boss channels habit those battles are unsolable.


I don't know why Consular got it so hard. I played Sage Seer as my first character, and I had to bring in the reinforcements for Belsavis, Stark, and barely managed Vivicar. I've never tried to solo the final battle, as I answered someone call for help on my Smuggler, and I just went in paired up as well from the get go.


I played a Madness Inquisitor as my 5th character and I breathed through with Ashara. And I have never required help on class quests on Slinger, Sniper, VG, Guardian, Mara. In fact, the class quests were ridiculously easy, even with the characters that stayed on the class level.

Edited by DomiSotto
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So was I. Everything was soloable.




Actually, you have that backwards. Healers can solo content that almost no other class can. With a tank companion (Qyzen in this case) you are practically unstoppable.




Either OP is trolling, or he is a bad. I am a first time MMO player and I was able to solo every single class mission on my first consular.

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The Consular was hard at launch, but doable...


I soloed the whole thing to finish back at version 1.1. Mine was my first ever toon, and I died three or four times on the final boss battle, but I did pass it.


Yes, it is easier now, but it was never really THAT hard...


If you're a Sage healer, well, you might have to respec as DPS, but it is doable...

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