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Sometimes I dream there was a "kick" button in PvP.


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Instead of WHINING about this.... How about you make suggestions and petition to bioware that they put a third vendor in the pvp area of the fleet for each class. Label it as "beginner pvp gear" and sell it for cheap amounts of credits. let them get 2018 expertise. People are not going to go find a pvp vendor on another ship in the fleet that sells pvp gear from previous seasons or for level 55. It's been stated already. For new players they think they should wear the best gear they have. I know people will still wear pve gear, but the number will be reduced with cheap gear right there.

Actually, they used to straight up give away free beginner PVP gear. And... hardly anyone used it. That's why they changed to add a bolster system (which absolutely does need to be reworked to make it more intuitive, at least - it's just that adding a beginner pvp vendor doesn't seem like it will solve much).

Edited by DarthDymond
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I didn't know that, thanks for the info though. Still there has to be a more productive way to address this. By kicking people and being hostile to new players you are reducing the number of people who find it enjoyable. Less people queue war zones because of ragers like the OP. Then people will come back and complain that queue times are horrible. The goal should be to have more people enter pvp. Not chase people away because they are pvping to get pvp gear in an unranked environment.



Edit. I read the link. You could vendor that gear for 300k+ credits? No wonder no one used it. They give you gear to vendor and then you can still do war zones to get pvp gear.

Edited by Trowaxe
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To add to the rest of this:


1) No one who joins a pvp match owes you a victory. You don't pay for anything on their account, and if they're free to play, you're still not paying them. They don't owe you anything just for being there. Stop the Gatekeeping, already.


2) 2018 may be the optimal gear score, but that doesn't mean the people who have it know how to pvp. It just means they pvp a lot. I've seen 2018 rated teams get slaughtered anyway because they're too busy whining or attacking each other in chat to coordinate and move effectively. 2018 doesn't promise anyone, anywhere a win. Actual skill and teamwork are a major factor too.


3) It's possible to do everything right in pvp and still lose. Sheer luck has it's place, too. There is no scientific dissection of pvp. There are tactics that work better than others, gear scores that work better than others, players who fight better than others, but even all combined in an optimum mix, you can STILL lose.


4) It doesn't actually -matter- if you get slaughtered. Win the game? Boot up the next battleground. Lose the game? Boot up the next battleground. If our pvp changed national borders in the real world, paid our rent or real life bills, cured diseases or what not, fine, rage about builds and players and whatever. But it doesn't. You still get -something- even if you lose (xp, creds, coms, whatever), and that's better than getting absolutely nothing at all. It's actually not worth getting that worked up about. Seeing players go psycho in pvp chat because things aren't going their way is more embarrassing and depreciating -to them- than it is anyone else in the WZ.


5) A kick option in pvp would be abused to hades and back. Total fact. Let's not empower the self-entitled trolls any further than they've deluded themselves already.


6) Dude. Seriously. Lighten up. Try to have fun with the game. Try to encourage people instead of judging and condemning them. We're all here to enjoy ourselves, not march to some self-proclaimed, spoiled brat drill sergeant's beat. I feel sorry for players who take PVP sooooooo seriously that they have to be abusive, dismissive and elitest about it. Talk about missing the forest for the trees. And before anyone drops this "But I play to WIN!" thing? Who cares? See point one, above. My only obligation in pvp is to have fun and be part of a cool team, and when I get both, I keep going back for more on the strength of that experience. I don't serve petty dictators. I block them and keep going. Just enjoy the game, just try to have fun even if your team mix isn't perfect. It's far better than being a petty ragemonster about anything. More effective, too.

Edited by Gentleman_snow
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I didn't know that, thanks for the info though. Still there has to be a more productive way to address this. By kicking people and being hostile to new players you are reducing the number of people who find it enjoyable. Less people queue war zones because of ragers like the OP. Then people will come back and complain that queue times are horrible. The goal should be to have more people enter pvp. Not chase people away because they are pvping to get pvp gear in an unranked environment.



Edit. I read the link. You could vendor that gear for 300k+ credits? No wonder no one used it. They give you gear to vendor and then you can still do war zones to get pvp gear.

Don't worry about a few a-holes who kick people or talk **** to you - anyone with any common sense understands that the issue is with Bolster, not you're gear. If you come into a WZ with 192/198 gear, I'd be glad you did...that meant you came to WIN and have a brain! The problem is, Bolster punishes you for doing the obvious and smartest thing.


This is why Bolster needs to change. Flat Brutalizer stats if you don't have PvP gear on.

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i guarantee you that if i saw a player such as yourself in 192/198 gear on the opposing team, you'd do far from fine.


identifying people that can be quickly dispatched in regs is pretty important and in 192s i would probably kill you in under 5 seconds.


>In regs is Pretty important

> regs important




Cause regs is srs bsns. Who cares there's no ELO in un ranked if your maxed in gear you don't need the comms and I usually lose a match because people play deathmatch in huttball rather then try to score. Anyways peopel would just en up kicking people they dislike and if you bring a group of 4 you can easily make it happen. Doesn't have to be an issue of skill but you just don't like them or think it's funny to do. To OP: stop being a reg star and go to some ranked. That's where gear matters and if it was about ranked then your complaint is legit but until then stop complaining.

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The bolster system is bonkers. 1st they should remove bolster from ranked pvp. then they should make one tier for unranked pvp : 10-60. Bolster should be changed in a way that all the participants are awarded with all abilities available for their advanced class and they will also have 6 utility points to spend on tree for that match and they will only be able to lock their utility points once, players will not be able to queue for pvp without their advanced class. All players will be on same HP and expertise no matter which gear they are wearing but they must be wearing chestpiece, leggings, gloves and feet slot item to be able to queue for unranked wz.


You may ask what is the point of getting pvp gear then, my answer is : ranked pvp. if you want to show the power of your gear do ranked.


This will also shorten the queue time along with solving gear dilemma. of course it will also raise some other dilemma but such is life. A little help to noobs would help minimize those problems.


But of course this will never happen. So continue to enjoy, long queue time and then people with **** gears in pvp.

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This is why Bolster needs to change. Flat Brutalizer stats if you don't have PvP gear on.

Agreed. While there may be kinks to work out with mix-and-matching mods in the same shell and/or with the sub-60 brackets (do the low level PVP vendor armors even have expertise?), I think this is fundamentally the best way to go.


If they don't go in this direction, then they really should change bolster such that, when Bolstered, better PVE armor outperforms lower PVE armor, just to make it a more intuitive progression.

Medicore PVE Armor -> Good PVE Armor -> Unranked PVP Armor -> Ranked PVP Armor

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saying regs dont matter seems odd to me. its a video game, nothing really matters at all. what we do for fun can vary, and can also be affected by others regardless of how seriously you take things.


comparing regs and ranked seems odd given that they are totally different game types. gear matters in both and while wins/losses arent tracked and there's no trophy handed out at the end, you can still have fun trying to win and competing against other teams.


8v8 in minigames or 4v4 in area fotm class battles are different beasts. its no different than trying to win in a public server game on bf4 or cod...sure its less serious than competitive clan matches but that doesnt mean people arent trying to win the mini-game...as meaningless as it may be.


as for a vote feature being abused...not really a concern. you can already vote people out of flashpoints, wzs should be no different if a majority of players would rather they not be there. its a multiplayer game after all. just because you pay a sub, that doesnt force other players to want to have to deal with you.

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saying regs dont matter seems odd to me. its a video game, nothing really matters at all. what we do for fun can vary, and can also be affected by others regardless of how seriously you take things.


I know you were talking more than just me here, but I'd like to at least rephrase my stance. It's not that regs doesn't matter and it isn't that people with raid gear aren't trying. It's just that it doesn't matter to the point where wins or loses are affected by people's gear in the VAST majority of cases.


Also in comparison to ranked, or even BF4 like you mentioned, there are no stats kept beyond the end of match leader board. How well you do in BF4 or Ranked also nets you rewards (better guns, packs for BF4 and Tiered exclusive rewards at end of season for ranked.) There just isn't the same motivation to grind for regs if that's all you're doing.

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saying regs dont matter seems odd to me. its a video game, nothing really matters at all. what we do for fun can vary, and can also be affected by others regardless of how seriously you take things.


comparing regs and ranked seems odd given that they are totally different game types. gear matters in both and while wins/losses arent tracked and there's no trophy handed out at the end, you can still have fun trying to win and competing against other teams.


8v8 in minigames or 4v4 in area fotm class battles are different beasts. its no different than trying to win in a public server game on bf4 or cod...sure its less serious than competitive clan matches but that doesnt mean people arent trying to win the mini-game...as meaningless as it may be.


as for a vote feature being abused...not really a concern. you can already vote people out of flashpoints, wzs should be no different if a majority of players would rather they not be there. its a multiplayer game after all. just because you pay a sub, that doesnt force other players to want to have to deal with you.


While my response was sort of simplistic I believe you missed my point. Yes you can have fun in both. However for losing a match in regs there is no penalty for losing. No ELO no rewards at the end. Also, regs is mostly 8v8 objectives where gear is less important than trying to do the objectives. I've seen peps regardless of gear trying to have a duel of the fates in mids on huttball. Ranked it does matter as your performance is in 4v4 death match where your performance affects my ability to win a prize. Comparing regs to ranked is comparing apples to oranges. People who are dedicated to PvP dont care if they lose a reg match. No big deal, are we going to kicak everyone cause we didn't win the previous match? You can't win them all. I accept that and lee playing as one match is trivial and just fun. If I'm not having fun I leave. Simple as that. I see you aren't consider about abuse, if such feature would be implemented I would lock the person who took regs seriously. I play ranked to win. Regs for fun. If your a reg star whose épéen is so huge that you can't take a loss in regs then only queue with premades or due ranked. As an avid PvPer who enjoys a good match I find your reasons invalid. Yes it's a game but I don't need drama and épéen reg stars throwing hisy fit vote kicks. And yes I'm geared and know how to play. As in Ranked. To quote my favorite fleet chat line, "QUE RANKED SCRUBS" :)

Edited by FerkWork
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Reading this thread was painful, there are some serious scrubs and selfish players who have posted in here.

It's about "skill" not gear, someone here said theyd kick ur *** in pve gear still in a warzone, haha sure mate. Its about both skill AND gear, gear is required to remove a huge handicap youd have otherwise, whether your the best player ever 11111lawlyolo!


Anyone who tried to even remotely justify not wearing pvp gear or having a set that bolsters to atleast 1900+ expertise (not hard, buy 162 black market gear for basic comms from the vendor), are nothing but selfish fools who justify things to themselves with flawed logic or generally failed reasoning.


Saying "only regs" also is absolutely no excuse, ranked pvp is very boring and regulars are simply more fun. But wearing 186 PVE gear severely hampers your team no matter how good you are.


Most of these PVE self justifying heroes tend to be pretty terrible though too so they get schooled particularly hard in PVP, often putting them off all together.


Do yourself a favour, drop the stick-up-your-arse attitude, get some purple 162's and jump back in with at least a competent chance of not getting owned in 3 hits. The OP's post hit a nail on the head.


That or bads will always be bads, the bads with attitude atleast. :rak_04:

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if they arent really interested in pvp chances are they have no clue about bolster and how you have to downgrade your pve gear in order to be effective. even some folks that are interested in it get it wrong sometimes. truth is the way it is right now is just a hot mess.


I had no idea about this. Then again I've only played a few PvP matches ever, mostly to hang out with friends or because I'm trying to earn something I can only get through PvP. But when people are rude because I'm a 'noob' I especially don't want to go back. You can educate people without being an elitist jerk.


I see people complaining in General all the time that people won't queue for PvP so they can't go into their matches. Well, there's a reason why we don't. It's not newbie friendly or intuitive AT ALL and the hardcore people treat us like crap.

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It's about "skill" not gear, someone here said theyd kick ur *** in pve gear still in a warzone, haha sure mate. Its about both skill AND gear, gear is required to remove a huge handicap youd have otherwise, whether your the best player ever 11111lawlyolo!


That right there is the reason I usually start PvP on my characters after I have completed my 192 PvE set.

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