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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Which class-gender combo has the best voice acting?


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Favorite? Male Agent.


Love his cold calculated tone, and his undercover voice is great too.


Least favorite? Probably the female trooper.


It's not bad. Hell , Jennifer Hale is great, but she's just EVERYWHERE, and it doesn't help that she did her most run-of-the-mill Jennifer Hale voice...

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  • 4 months later...

My personal favorite:


Female Sith warrior

Male Sith waior

Female jedi knight


Least favorite:

Female smuggler (im not sure why people like this... But I personally dont feel her tone fits the mood on some of her conversation choices. Because of this, I had to cancel and restart certain conversations to find a tone that wasnt out right annoying. Because of this- sometimes i had to space bar though some conversations, or turn off my volume outright if I couldnt find a tone agreeable with any of the choices.) Maybe its just personal preferance.

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Tied for #1...


Inquisitor and Agent, both female.


The inquisitor is plain crazy on the surface, with the perfect drawls to accent the condescending remarks. Played with a bit of logic and understanding for companions and few others, it plays really well as a complex character with a psychotic surface and more well adjusted and cunning "hidden personality".


The agent, well say no more. Intelligent, witty, believable for Neutral/dark. Even some dark moments "Lock the doors, make the hanger their grave" that normally fit with the inquisitor personality, are completely believable as an angry agent.

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  • 6 months later...

From an Irish guy's perspective - I think I show equal respect to those trying to play with an American/Republic accent or British/Empire. I rate them on ability alone.



Absolute Best (NB all in order)


Male Warrior - of noble blood, arrogant, powerful and he knows it.

Female Inquisitor - crazy and beautiful, charm and guiile

Male Trooper - solid, loyal, dependable trooper

Male Bounty Hunter - cold blooded killer


Average or 'Meh'


Male Smuggler - funny flirt lines and reaction when ship is stolen haha

Female Agent - agent's charming accent

Female Warrior - not quite matching the male

Female Bounty Hunter - ditto

Female Consular - The only Jedi voice that I can really tolerate

Female Smuggler - funny at first but gets a bit annoying

Female Knight - childish and quite immature

Female Trooper - trying too hard to be a guy


Worst - as in I cringe when I hear them


Male Knight - nasally, horrible, overcheesy American accent

Male Consular - hardly tolerable, as others have said only works with an old LS sage fart, shadow? - hell no

Male Inquisitor - just bad, sounds like he has a cold

Male Agent - terrible, trying to be suave but just sounds effeminate (and also like he has a cold).

Edited by GrayWatchman
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The only female voices i like are trooper and consular.


Trooper because it's Jennifer Hale. She was Femshep for crying out loud...


Consular because the male one is just horrendous. Not the acting itself, but the vibe of the character that is the result of the voice acting. It either makes me angry or gives me an uncomfortable cringe. The female one just fits.


My favorite males are:

Bounty Hunter - while wearing a helmet. A good mandalorian vibe. Without a helmet it's not so good, it's like a voice for commercials.

Male inquisitor - 'evil'

Male agent. - portrays very well the professional -hides emotions- type of spy and assassin


Everyone else just works well enough

Edited by Kaedusz
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I think the Male Warrior is excellent. Both Agent voices are good as well. Consular is trash in both genders.



I like the female Sith inquisitor but she also sounds like she's 14...



The consular voice actor (Nolan North) should have voiced the Smuggler with the Nathan Drake voice :p even though the Smuggler voice is good already.

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I love the male agent's voice, female: trooper, smuggler, inquisitor, and warrior's voice over.


So far my favorite has been the female inquisitor's voice, but I've found that for any character I've played it's more about getting the right fit for the look and the voice. There are times when I've started a character and only been able to stand it for about half an hour before deleting it because it just seemed "off". Then there are times I'm in an fp with other people's toons and I just don't get it. But hey, it makes sense to that other player so kudos to them.

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I have 8 65 male sith warriors spread across several servers so...

I like that voice and story best.


All my characters are old men so I like the consular voice. It fits my dark side consulars. Am I the first to say that?


I dont like the male jedi knight. Overall I would say I prefer the british voices.

Edited by Astansus
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I have 8 65 male sith warriors spread across several servers so...

I like that voice and story best.


All my characters are old men so I like the consular voice. It fits my dark side consulars. Am I the first to say that?


I dont like the male jedi knight. Overall I would say I prefer the british voices.


*Imperial voices ;)

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I have 16 toons and all of them are females . I do not play Male .


And I like them all , save for Jedi Knight voice...her voice just seem...weird . Like forced to be zen lol


My favorite is Sorc (she litteraly Purr evil) , Sith warrior sound like a Queen at Higher Level and as a LS I just love her .

Smuggler voice is awesome !

I also love Jedi consular female Voice , by the end she sound so calm . Mine at least owned to her name XD Serenitie!

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Female Smuggler has got to be the worst. How annoying. Sounds like a duckface guidette straight out of Jersey Shore.


''I can see things your way, for the right money''. The sound of this line when in character creation, it makes me want to kill kittens.

Edited by richiesilva
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Female Smuggler has got to be the worst. How annoying. Sounds like a duckface guidette straight out of Jersey Shore.


''I can see things your way, for the right money''. The sound of this line when in character creation, it makes me want to kill kittens.


Yeah I couldn't get behind the female smuggler either, kinda boring. Not as good or funny as the male voice.


Female Inquisitor still sounds like she's 14 at times... Out of all the female voices I'd say Agent was probably best

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