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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Your Personal Progression

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It´s been a while since we have done this, but for me personally this was the most exiting thing when DF/DP HM came out. We tried to kill as many bosses as possible with 8man in 16man HM. I think we killed in DF: Nefra, Grob and Zero

and in DP we killed Tyrans, Claphayus und Raptus.


I have only a vid from Tyrans :(


Anyway it was quiet funny and really challenging.

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It´s been a while since we have done this, but for me personally this was the most exiting thing when DF/DP HM came out. We tried to kill as many bosses as possible with 8man in 16man HM. I think we killed in DF: Nefra, Grob and Zero

and in DP we killed Tyrans, Claphayus und Raptus.


I have only a vid from Tyrans :(


Anyway it was quiet funny and really challenging.


PS: The vid says Dec 17, 2013 so i think we all were in full 180 Gear.

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It´s been a while since we have done this, but for me personally this was the most exiting thing when DF/DP HM came out. We tried to kill as many bosses as possible with 8man in 16man HM. I think we killed in DF: Nefra, Grob and Zero

and in DP we killed Tyrans, Claphayus und Raptus.


I have only a vid from Tyrans :(


Anyway it was quiet funny and really challenging.


That's pretty sick video. I need to do some 8 on 16m kills for the heck of it.

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I think my best progression moment in this game would have to be back at lvl50.

EV HM, The guild i was in were short on both people and dps and we got a tip from another guild to try it with 1 tank and maybe 1 healer and rest dps. We had a good tank and me as only healer.

That day we cleared EV HM for the first time.

Still remember the feeling of accomplishment of solo healing EV HM @ lvl50 and having no deaths :)


The second must be pre. 3.0 doing 4.1k dps on Nefra 16m NIM on my Assassin

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My personal best progression moment was tanking Hammerstation. So long ago now.

I seriously feared that I'd fail, but it went through with not that many issues. For which I was *very* glad !

Tanking Athiss was even more ... exciting. :D

I need to go back to my tank char one day.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Got another one:


I did a Ravagers run with my OP healer yesterday. Now normal but I'm not really a good healer or thought I was. I usually have problems with energy consumption and wasted heals. But I put my mind to it and started to carefully watch the damage output and even predict a few attacks and was able to keep the group alive. Even got complimented for my heals lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...

KDY : Did that imperial called "Krupp" (probably after the German RL dynasty of steel barons) with 3 people, including Treek yesterday.

We could have tried it with 2, but I was offered the skill of an DD, and I gladly accepted, not wanting another wipe ( I had wiped 2 times before that, with only Bowdaar as my companion - Gunslinger ).

Was very happy in the end, especially since I got my third KDY token - yay ! :) - and we three then did Black Hole together. :)


Now I should take a look at Yavin gear - I think I do have enough Commendations by now ...

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100% PVP guild but a couple of us wanted to start OP progression. First try 8M SM Ravagers last night and I was happy we were able to make a 100% guild group if that says anything. Cleared all the bosses except Cora with minimal wipes (minus Bulo, about 6 there)!


Had to call it as it was late but what got us on Cora was that she didn't leave at 19% like the guide stated. In fact she stuck around until 12% while we were trying to balance focusing Pearl down but not killing her while Cora was up. Wiped. Second attempt we planned on taking Cora to 15% before bringing Pearl to a sliver but Cora left right at 19% and we'd left too much HP on Pearl to beat the enrage. Is this a known bug or did we commit a rookie mistake?


Either way, I know its only SM but only half of us in 186-192 mix, the rest were in 50% to 100% PVP gear and only two had ever attempted a SWTOR raid before. Damn proud of where we got on our first night

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One of my high points was with my healer toon (Agent). I was in a DP PUG, and at the last boss of the Council, the only ones left alive were me and the tank. We got in this pattern of tank taking hit, me healing, then dps'ing, then back to healing. All the dead players kept typing "Go Go Go!" and the like. The tank died, despite my best effort, and with just 1% or so left on the boss I dps'd him down...as a healer. That was really satisfying.
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100% PVP guild but a couple of us wanted to start OP progression. First try 8M SM Ravagers last night and I was happy we were able to make a 100% guild group if that says anything. Cleared all the bosses except Cora with minimal wipes (minus Bulo, about 6 there)!


Had to call it as it was late but what got us on Cora was that she didn't leave at 19% like the guide stated. In fact she stuck around until 12% while we were trying to balance focusing Pearl down but not killing her while Cora was up. Wiped. Second attempt we planned on taking Cora to 15% before bringing Pearl to a sliver but Cora left right at 19% and we'd left too much HP on Pearl to beat the enrage. Is this a known bug or did we commit a rookie mistake?


Either way, I know its only SM but only half of us in 186-192 mix, the rest were in 50% to 100% PVP gear and only two had ever attempted a SWTOR raid before. Damn proud of where we got on our first night

That's awesom! For Cora I usually burn the chicken to 10 then swap to Cora. But that's still awesome.

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Had to call it as it was late but what got us on Cora was that she didn't leave at 19% like the guide stated. In fact she stuck around until 12% while we were trying to balance focusing Pearl down but not killing her while Cora was up. Wiped. Second attempt we planned on taking Cora to 15% before bringing Pearl to a sliver but Cora left right at 19% and we'd left too much HP on Pearl to beat the enrage. Is this a known bug or did we commit a rookie mistake?


Our usual strategy is to ignore Pearl (just have a tank on it) and burn Coratanni to 20% so that she goes away. This has the benefit of minimizing the fires and cannons. It does have the disadvantage that Pearl will enrage and do more damage, but if your heals can keep up (and DPS use defensive cooldowns), it will work well.


The "intended" way to do the fight, is to split DPS on Coratanni and Pearl. Get Cora to 25% and Pearl to 10% and burn them both - Cora will go away at 20% and Pearl will die shortly after.


Hope this helps.

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