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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Xenoanalyst Loot

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That said you are correct that it is a much more pertinent question to ask why the Gree event needs to be scaled to level 60? However again you are putting words in my mouth by saying that I feel a "need" for the Gree to be relevant. If the Gree event had been left at level 55 it would not have enormously bothered me, but it has not been left at level 55; it has been scaled to level 60. Since it has been scaled to level 60 the question then becomes how should the loot table be updated? There has been a trend recently towards loot rewards not matching what are needed to actually incentivise people to do content.


Obviously at the end of RotHC we had all massively out-geared HM flashpoints so the rating 162 drops were virtually useless, reducing the incentive to do that content enormously. Now we don't out-gear HM flashpoints massively and the gear they drop from the final boss and the bonus boss is only one rating below current top-tier. However that gear is simply the same as can be obtained from the elite comms vendor and there are plenty of other sources of elite comms then HM flashpoints where they can be obtained much more easily, including guild ops runs for me personally. So if the above is true concerning the gear drops where is the incentive to do the HM flashpoints, even at the start of this expansion? I certainly don't feel any incentive to do them and have only completed three of the six, and then only once in each case.


Come forward to the Gree event and the same is true. I don't need the grey helix components any more, so the only incentive to do the boss for me is gear drops. Its gear drops are completely terrible and available from the elite comms vendors in the same way as HM flashpoint drops. So tell me how this encourages participation in the game?


1) It's a popular event (arguably the most popular of the recurring events), and if they did't update it, it would have been too easy, so I understand *why* they updated it.


2) It's supposed to be fun, and (imo) it still is. If you need loot to "incentivize" you to run a twice yearly operations boss, than it sound like it is [no longer] fun for you, so you could just do something you find more fun.


3) Not everybody is in full 192 yet (although I saw people asking for it for HM); I'm pretty sure that for most people, an extra piece of comm gear would be an actual, if not exciting, upgrade.


OTOH, since we'll (hopefully) have a new gear tier before the Gree return, I wouldn't have seen 192 (SM) or 198 (HM) tokens as inappropriate had they been included, it *is* supposed to be a level 60 operations boss.


That said, the drops were pretty weak, but as others have noted, this is characteristic of pretty much all level 60 content. IMO, the problem is that there just aren't enough gear tiers to make a [mathematically] interesting diversity in gear for the variety of content we have, and they really aren't making good use with what they do have.


Within the limitations of currently existing items, they could easily made a more attractive loot table that wouldn't (imo) disrupted the current endgame progression:


There should be more loot. For something you can run only once per character (per mode) a couple times a year, I'd like to see more people win *something* -- not necessarily super rare or valuable player-tradeable items, but *something*. Comms are ok, as are the Helices, but comm gear isn't exciting, and they didn't add anything new to the Helix vendors (and, I believe they still haven't fixed the bugged decoration they added last time).


So, they could have given every player a choice of an earpiece, implant , or relic token, or BoP BiS enhancement -- 186 (NiM DF/DP) for SM, 192 (Resurrected) for SM. This would avoid giving out set bonuses and gear skins that weren't earned in the actual operation, and those would all be upgrades to the comm gear at that level. This would replace the few pieces of comm gear that currently drops.


They could have added the Red Sphere to the SM tables and made it a guaranteed drop on HM and skinned in a new color (Gold?) sphere to HM.


Anyway, just my CR2

Edited by eartharioch
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From the look of things, they are not interested in driving people towards raids. Judging by the way they handled old 55 operations, rather the opposite.


I wonder if the infamous "exploiters" are partially to blame for that... Since most of them were raiders.

Edited by NemuriKyoshiro
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I was actually surprised, yesterday, that Xeno SM dropped gear with a value ... now comes my bad numeric memory ... a number over 180. I didn't remember the gear value, but it was definitively 178+ ... Personally, I found that sufficient for my Sage (who didn't win a thing, as usual), because Xeno is imho for PUGgers. Not for Guilds. Guilds can do better fitting OPs instead.


But now comes the OP and demands diamonds and gold rings to be sold at an gas station or at any burger restaurant ...

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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