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Who are the best pvp guilds on Harbinger


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Has anyone got any votes for the "better" pvp reg guilds who actually play to win and not death match... So many I see are just on a gank fest...


A Bear Has Stolen Our Vodka plays objectives. The two Shadows always play for the node steal while the Guardian usually defends. Early and consistent calls, they respond to pleas for help etc. They also play quite a bit late night when it's far tougher for Pubs in general. They aren't the greatest players around (and don't pretend to be) but they're usually on point and they're not aholes like some of the others mentioned in this thread.


If you play Pub side and Midian isn't on your "oh *****" list then it's safe to say you live a sheltered life. They're the scourge of APAC pvp.

Edited by Plicitous
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Has anyone got any votes for the "better" pvp reg guilds who actually play to win and not death match... So many I see are just on a gank fest... HVND is one of many guilds I see only death matching in objectives... If I go into a Hutt Ball and see them on my side, I know its nearly always a loss... They rarely play the ball... But if I go into arena with them, they are good... I understand some people just prefer pvp to be death match... This is why Bio really need to split Arena into its own queue... Having half your team not care about the objective, means the rest of the team needs to carry them to win... That means being left to guard and responding to incs, while the rest of them run around the map doing what ever and not responding to incs... If the people playing objective are only average... It will end in a loss... Then the death match people on the team abuse and call people scrubs


I know not all guilds play ranked Arena... But some are exceptional at objective based pvp... They know tactics and strategy... A lot of these people used to play the old objective 8 man ranked... But hate Arena... Bio really need to bring back 8 man ranked... I'm sure it would even improve the calibre of regs too


Lastly I would love to see a Hutt Ball league... Bio have said in the past they like the idea... Now we just need them to impliment it... I can imagine teams forming and it being a bit like the NBL and being able to name them like you can a guild would be awesome... Imagine if you could have teams of people, with a registered team name, you wouldn't even need to all be from the same guild... It would also be good if spectators could watch those matches


We've had lots of feed back here about who is good at ranked... Seeing as there is no ranked 8 man, we'll have to use regs for our objective based guilds... So who are some of the better objective based guilds


Some that I think are good are-




Dark Times


I know there's more... I'm a bit tired... I'll update it as I think of them

As someone who takes pride in playing to win/objectives, and also in HVND, let me say you are wrong. There may be a couple who have deathmatched, but don't say things just to be an ***. I doubt your guild would think too highly if I got up here and summed them all up based on your skills.

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Have yet to see an entire guild focused entirely on objectives.. Just depends on the individual players at the time really. You can usually successfully predict that XXXX guild is just gonna deathmatch and contribute **** all, but even then some of those guilds have the occasional player who plays to the design.
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As someone who takes pride in playing to win/objectives, and also in HVND, let me say you are wrong. There may be a couple who have deathmatched, but don't say things just to be an ***. I doubt your guild would think too highly if I got up here and summed them all up based on your skills.


I'm not trashing your guild... All I said is the games I play objective pvp with them, they seem to just want to death match... In arena they are great... Maybe we play at different times... And sure, it's not ever member... But some do stand out at times when I play with them... It's possibly those few I see and not your whole guild... So apologies... I didn't mean to offend

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There are good and bad players in all guilds, its just the way it is. Some guilds bring an aura of invincibility in regs, because they ARE good players, but they also have the absolute ideal pvp team. That was my whole entire point. Playing objectives doesnt make you a good player, I have seen a lot of people play objectives but be bad at it.


For example being in civil war, and you and your team are at grass, win the power struggle; but end up with 5 6 players vs 1, at this point, mid is already being taken, because youre fighting only one player and the people you just beat smoked your defenders. Instead of pulling half of the players and running mid once **** settles and let the rest clean up, people just wait, lose mid then the cycle begins again. So there is a difference between playing objectives, and playing them correctly.


In any event, there are top teams in pvp, and I have faced them. I have also faced players who seemed invincible on those teams, seem pedestrian when they solo que. Its all a matter of perspective like I said.

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Heres a prime example of on old pvp guild who doesn't play objectives, letting down your team... This is from another thread about people needing to learn to CC

His signature says he's from Samuri Pizza Cats...


This is what happens when people take regs Warzone far to seriously. Objective based play died in 2.4, its all about farming #'s now. Winning a reg Warzone means nothing, topping numbers is the only thing that matters in regs.


I see these comments from lots of different pvp guild people... Regs may not matter to highly skilled arena players... But they do to people either not playing ranked or people who prefer objectives... This really is a selfish attitude to the rest of your team as they then need to carry you all match... It doesnt matter that you did 1.4mil dps if you lost because you don't respond to calls or run off and leave the node unguarded

I see this more from guilds who transferred from pvp servers... Normally the older, original guilds from Harbinger/Dalbora or players originally from these servers, play objective pvp well

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There are good and bad players in all guilds, its just the way it is. Some guilds bring an aura of invincibility in regs, because they ARE good players, but they also have the absolute ideal pvp team. That was my whole entire point. Playing objectives doesnt make you a good player, I have seen a lot of people play objectives but be bad at it.


For example being in civil war, and you and your team are at grass, win the power struggle; but end up with 5 6 players vs 1, at this point, mid is already being taken, because youre fighting only one player and the people you just beat smoked your defenders. Instead of pulling half of the players and running mid once **** settles and let the rest clean up, people just wait, lose mid then the cycle begins again. So there is a difference between playing objectives, and playing them correctly.


In any event, there are top teams in pvp, and I have faced them. I have also faced players who seemed invincible on those teams, seem pedestrian when they solo que. Its all a matter of perspective like I said.


This is so true... Situational awareness is more important than trying to get the killing blow... If I see a situation like this I peel off off and head straight to the other node... Even if we are still engaged 5v2... I know the other team will be switching nodes


I also see some seeming invincible premade guild people that don't always do so well when they are solo queuing... I don't know if it's because they aren't in VC or if they don't really know tactics, but just follow their guild mates in premades


Also trying to draw attention to pull their team so you can capture... So often I fall into this roll so our stealths can cap... I will purposely run from a fight to make them follow... But it does make wonder about some of the stealths who follow to help me instead of going for the ninja... I can usually stay alive so they can ninja it easily...

Edited by Icykill_
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Topping numbers isn't exactly hard when you're playing a different game to everyone else. Differentiating between arenas and warzones too hard, number padding and losing is the new meta. Regs don't matter, but playing them and topping damage does. Best you can do is just avoid particular premades if you still enjoy objectives.
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Look up <Hashtag Hacks> If you'relooking for a decent regstar group. I can't speak on ranked, as I dislike the arena format.


Yes, you guys play well in objectives... If I see your guild I know it will be exciting... always a fun match, wether on your team or against (unless I have all noobs on mine... Then it's a slaughter)


I especially love the guild name as I know it was started when a group split from their old guild (can't remember what it was???) because the GM thought they were hacking, when they weren't... LoL... Now so many actually think you are because of the name, it makes me laugh

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pub side



hashtag hacks




imp side


god bless

lukewarm tauntauns


three team star--not sure if they are still around

zorz--i know mostly a pve guild, but some of them are pretty good


too be honest I see alot more premade imps than pubs when it comes to regular wz

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pub side



hashtag hacks




imp side


god bless

lukewarm tauntauns


three team star--not sure if they are still around

zorz--i know mostly a pve guild, but some of them are pretty good


too be honest I see alot more premade imps than pubs when it comes to regular wz


God bless seem relatively new... Are they a server transfer or a newly formed guild??

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pub side



hashtag hacks




imp side


god bless

lukewarm tauntauns


three team star--not sure if they are still around

zorz--i know mostly a pve guild, but some of them are pretty good


too be honest I see alot more premade imps than pubs when it comes to regular wz


i was in team three star back then, but now they are not active , good people and good pvpers


hastag hacks is split from old guild called big bang squadron

Edited by KumbayaGOD
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lmao at 5 pages of crap written..how things go on this server..i transferred from bastion..i do reg stars somewhat and i would do more rank..my work schedule is during the prime que times...


anyways these guilds people been naming besides a few imp and pub guilds it's a joke..here's the rub some of the best players in certain imp guilds dont even bother doing reg stars they only hit up yolo ques..so saying this guild is best is just bunch of crap because they probably have good players that dont waste time doing reg stars..


this hold true on imp side cause doing yolo ques i ran across some good imp players that i never seen in reg star wz's..even spoken to a few and they said yolo que is all they care for doing..pvp is player vs. player reg star warzones is objective vs.objective more of pve tone..saying any guild is a true pvp reg star guild is false..


group arena is considered your true pvp cause there is no objectives just kill the enemy team in front of you..whoever guild have the best rank group rating is the true pvp guild..these good players i mention never ran across any on pub side..considering if i even get a yolo que pop on nights..

Edited by Xertasian
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lmao at 5 pages of crap written..how things go on this server..i transferred from bastion..i do reg stars somewhat and i would do more rank..my work schedule is during the prime que times...


anyways these guilds people been naming besides a few imp and pub guilds it's a joke..here's the rub some of the best players in certain imp guilds dont even bother doing reg stars they only hit up yolo ques..so saying this guild is best is just bunch of crap because they probably have good players that dont waste time doing reg stars..


this hold true on imp side cause doing yolo ques i ran across some good imp players that i never seen in reg star wz's..even spoken to a few and they said yolo que is all they care for doing..pvp is player vs. player reg star warzones is objective vs.objective more of pve tone..saying any guild is a true pvp reg star guild is false..


group arena is considered your true pvp cause there is no objectives just kill the enemy team in front of you..whoever guild have the best rank group rating is the true pvp guild..these good players i mention never ran across any on pub side..considering if i even get a yolo que pop on nights..


Cool story bro, thanks for sharing.

Edited by Haystak
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must had been good to get a response from you..so you dont agree with my statement..if not please enlighten us with your vast knowledge..


OP asked about pvp guilds who play well objectively. Objectives =/= Arenas. Therefore whatever point you had is moot.

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