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Outlaw's Den


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Does anyone seriously even pvp in here? I've went on all servers and have found very few people and the only time I have found people is when they were buying HK stuff.


I quite often hang there waiting for pvp pops... Gives me a chance to farm chests while waiting... I get the occasional other LVL 60 I can battle... But a lot of pre 60s who whine if you kill them

To be honest I don't even check lvls any more... As far as I'm concerned it's a pvp area... If you're red, you're dead... Simple

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They could make it instanced where only 16 people could enter, that would solve a lot of problems with framerate and lag. Although, that may create problems with the hk part....


The HK vendor can always be moved - that's no problem for bioware...


Another idea for Out Laws den:

Bio ware could recreate it so that players gain rewards through world pvp in places such as Out laws den through pvp.


Teams - no teams (not sure) this could be improved upon via better minds. However creating a world pvp rating would help keep many competitive. Incentives could consist of titles - decos - mounts etc. if this is done I'm sure that many people would start populating this area fast lol.


Ano balance the over crowding - I'd suggest using Illum as a world pvp Planet - the Out Laws Den - and throw another area in Narshada. This way players can travel around looking for games and titles and so on.


Player A must defeat 2000 pubs/ imps to gain tier 1 rating - I suggest allowing 10 tiers of rating in this system (this should keep us all busy for a while in between everything else we all do online) and with each tier gained there is rep rewarded and some token to use so players can cash out of and get their items... This will boost the spirit of PvP every where really fast and wouldn't even take a lot to make any of this happen... A few vendors - some rep items - some cool titles and prizes.

Edited by Lyons_Crest
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The HK vendor can always be moved - that's no problem for bioware...


Another idea for Out Laws den:

Bio ware could recreate it so that players gain rewards through world pvp in places such as Out laws den through pvp.


Teams - no teams (not sure) this could be improved upon via better minds. However creating a world pvp rating would help keep many competitive. Incentives could consist of titles - decos - mounts etc. if this is done I'm sure that many people would start populating this area fast lol.


Ano balance the over crowding - I'd suggest using Illum as a world pvp Planet - the Out Laws Den - and throw another area in Narshada. This way players can travel around looking for games and titles and so on.


Player A must defeat 2000 pubs/ imps to gain tier 1 rating - I suggest allowing 10 tiers of rating in this system (this should keep us all busy for a while in between everything else we all do online) and with each tier gained there is rep rewarded and some token to use so players can cash out of and get their items... This will boost the spirit of PvP every where really fast and wouldn't even take a lot to make any of this happen... A few vendors - some rep items - some cool titles and prizes.


kill trading inc

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I quite often hang there waiting for pvp pops... Gives me a chance to farm chests while waiting... I get the occasional other LVL 60 I can battle... But a lot of pre 60s who whine if you kill them

To be honest I don't even check lvls any more... As far as I'm concerned it's a pvp area... If you're red, you're dead... Simple


Not that I'm any good at PVP, but I'll kill anybody once if I'm bored (I'm on a PVP server). If it turns out the person was high enough level and wants to fight "fair", I'll do it, but otherwise I don't keep attacking the same person. Assuming the other side sees my side as infrequently as I see them, I'd say the occasional drive-by shouldn't be throwing off other players' entire day.


As far as Outlaw's Den goes, most of the time I see a red player, it's somebody farming the seeker droid area.

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