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When Is It OK To Bail On A Warzone?


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Good healers can carry teams, a good healer who also is a great leader can accomplish so much.


All it takes is minor effort before the match starts, take a look around and instruct people. Don't have the pve geared mara (or any mara) or only healer guarding the off node, let the tank(s) know who is a healer and to guard that person to begin (and to rotate guard), tell people to call out incs early (have it pre-typed if need be). Resist insults and harsh comments.


May not seem possible but yes, people can get to 60 without playing wzs, so unless they flatout ignore helpful instruction I'll try. I do agree with that other guy, if all of my team is literally guarding the only node we have and the match just started, then yeah, time to bail.

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This is one reason I will leave a match. I don't care about losing. I do care about my teammates not trying. If I see 5 - 7 teammates farming defender points and not even trying anymore that is my que to leave that match. I have no intention of being in a queue sync with them. There are plenty of reasons I leave....losing isn't one of them. Sometimes a match can be extremely fun, but the other team is just better and you lose. Doesn't matter....it was a fun game. I will not stay in a match were the Voidstar door gets capped when 6 of my teammates are over there fighting 3 enemies while me and another teammate are trying to hold off the other 5 of their team. There is a difference between not being a good player and being a completely oblivious/idiotic player. I'm cool helping people who are new and want to get better especially if they ask for advice and receive it well. But I will not stay in a match with bads.


Wuiting a match isn't so much about that match itself, but more about the tendency to get stuck with those same bads over and over and over. So I quit to get into a different queue rotation. I'd say in regs people can leave for whatever reason they want. Ranked is the only one that you shouldn't quit.

That's to say, those are things I'll do near the end of a match when winning is hopeless. Obviously I wouldn't do that from the get go after a couple deaths.


If you want to leave because I'm collecting defender medals in Novare, when the score is 98% to 4%, or if we're down 5-0 in Huttball with 1 minute left and I'm off to the side dancing, then that's on you. You had best believe I was trying up until that point.

Edited by Couver
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I usually only leave when my computer or client is jacked. For example user interface gets lost. and no amount of control-U resets fixes it. (Happens all the effing time). Or I'll get stuck in a loading screen that never ends...


Recently I've been rethinking that. Sometimes a team can be so hilariously bad that the whole match is a waste of time. When I can hold the attention of four or five players on one node, and the other six or seven guys can't take the three enemies left in mid after a few minutes... Or when I can take and hold any one node, but anywhere I'm not is lost. Usually with five people there guarding it.


I've only dropped a couple of times before at the beginning of a match when the other side, to dodge a double stacked pre-made. Dropping can sync you in another set of players, and give you an actual chance.

Edited by Brunner_Venda
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some of the worst people you encounter are the athletes that think they can just rely on said athletic ability. Typically they are a danger to themselves and others. The worst knee and ankle injuries I've seen are from these types because they jump so high and with no control that they'll land on someone else and depending on the nature of the landing, typically will blow their ankle (break it, or a serious sprain) but if they hit it wrong, they can blow their knee out. I've seen this once.


Yea, I also compare warzones to sports. In soccer, let's say your team's goalkeeper misses an easy ball and it's 1-0 for the others. Then no one of your team says "See ya, I'm going home". Maybe those guys see it differently, but imo bailing a warzone is something you just don't do.

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That's to say, those are things I'll do near the end of a match when winning is hopeless. Obviously I wouldn't do that from the get go after a couple deaths.


If you want to leave because I'm collecting defender medals in Novare, when the score is 98% to 4%, or if we're down 5-0 in Huttball with 1 minute left and I'm off to the side dancing, then that's on you. You had best believe I was trying up until that point.


Thanks for clearing that up a bit. That doesnt bother me as much when the match is almost over. But there are people that do it literally 2 minutes into the match. Then I ask "why are 5 of you defending?" and they say "its over...we can't win." That's when I leave.

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Yea, I also compare warzones to sports. In soccer, let's say your team's goalkeeper misses an easy ball and it's 1-0 for the others. Then no one of your team says "See ya, I'm going home". Maybe those guys see it differently, but imo bailing a warzone is something you just don't do.


If the team scored because the goalie was at the opponent's goal trying to score all by himself instead of defending his goal, or the whole rest of his team was fooling around at the opposite end of the field when the other team's offense was moving in for the goal, then maybe those situations would be comparable.

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Yes it is okay. Why? Because it is your subscription you pay for. The day anybody on this forum decides the pony up the money for your subscription, then they can tell you how to play the game. You can do what you feel as long as it doesn't violate the EULA. Everything else is just everyone else's perception of right and wrong.
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Unless you absolutely have to leave due to real life or disconnect, I would say that is never ok. I'm sorry but screwing people over just because you don't think highly of them is nothing but pure dickish behavior unfitting for anyone with a shred of decency.


Also everyone in the game has to deal with bad pugs, if your team is getting its rear handed to it then it's as much your fault for not carrying hard enough.


^ Pretty much this.. I'm an avid PvP'er, I always play PvP with a cool head, in the 3 years playing I have yet to lose my rag on anything and I play for fun only, win or lose its a bit of competitive fun and I get my coms either way :cool:

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I stay when:

> Teammates are trying to win

> There aren't too many teammates wearing terrible raid gear


I leave (usually before the match) when:

> A bunch are wearing terrible raid gear

> They're not trying to win and are playing like they just bought the game at L60


It's easy to recognize certain guilds and players as useless trash that don't even bother to buy gear or lrn2 pvp. I play regs for fun. Those guys are crapping on everyone else's time, not me, so I don't feel bad at all queue dodging them.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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LOL i adore that thread :)


I understand the reasons why somebody would quit. I will almost always stay until the end, no matter i see the warzone is lost, only to get the rewards. However i will eventually quit if i see its lost within the first seconds because nobody has idea what they are doing, or maybe if i am a replacement.

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I want the comms, win or lose. So, I'll stay.


I'm trying to be better with my character, especially their DCDs, which I rarely pop in PvE. So, I'll stay.


The only way to get PvP gear is to play PvP warzones. So, I'll stay.


My friend is calling "no joy" and leaves the warzone. So, I'll leave.



Recently, I learned that certain PvE gear bolsters better than others. I found the BOLSTERIZER on one of the adjacent Fleet vessels and tested combos. So, even if I don't reach 2018 Expertise, I'm getting close. Much better than being ~1300 Expertise (bolstered) in 186 PvE gear.

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I leave any arena match I get put into immediately and it makes me feel bad so I've pretty much stopped queuing WZ's. Why they merged those fricken queues is beyond me. I have NO INTEREST in arena's if I did I would play WoW. I want to play objective based PvP



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I leave any arena match I get put into immediately and it makes me feel bad so I've pretty much stopped queuing WZ's. Why they merged those fricken queues is beyond me. I have NO INTEREST in arena's if I did I would play WoW. I want to play objective based PvP





no reason to feel guilty about it.. they cant mix them both and expect people to be cool about it. different crowds and all that

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I'm not a fan of deathmatches so i leave arena's immediately. This is also why i don't queue ranked.

(that and the fact that i'm a keyboard turner with terribly slow reflexes)


Regular WZ's i don't leave unless RL forces me to go afk.

Worst that can happen is that my side doesn't win. I get more upset if one of my cats poos next to the litterbox.


But if someone wants to leave then that is fine too.

Who knows, you might be replaced by someone that wants to give it a try?

Every now and then a losing match turns into a win due to motivated backfillers. And that is awesome :)

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I personally don't leave a WZ even if I am grouped with ungeared players. I also don't leave when the first 2 minutes of a warzone isn't going in our team's direction. I don't get mad at people who do bail out but would prefer they do it at the start so we can backfill with a full group.


I have seen too many games start out bad and ended well (win) to bail after one minute of things not going my way.


To each his own.

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It really depends on the game type and how bad the team is. There are some that literally do not understand and are not making the effort to learn. One void star match began with directions for the team to go left so stealth could try to sneak right, and the instructions even included a helpful 'left is this way <<<<< when facing the doors'.


Two people still opted to blow any chance of a stealth cap by charging right while the other four went left.


You can overcome a challenge, and in some game types it only takes one good player to turn a match around. But you can't fix stupid and in some game types you can't carry them either.


Can't really blame anyone for not wanting to waste their time trying to do so.

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