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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Cross-server queues -- overdo


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I spend most of my time in game waiting in a queue. These days it isn't easy to do a HM FP at lvl 60 due to queue times. I've lost interest in the game now: I don't play an MMO to buy vanity items and solo run dailies. I play to cooperate with other people, and zerging in tactical FPs isn't cooperation!! Edited by MuratReis
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Cross server won't decrease queue pop unless it's PvP as the ratio of heals/tanks to DPS is quite consistent across servers. If you want cooperation join a guild, GF doesn't foster that mentality of cooperation regardless of skill level. Edited by FerkWork
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  • 2 weeks later...
Cross server won't decrease queue pop unless it's PvP as the ratio of heals/tanks to DPS is quite consistent across servers. If you want cooperation join a guild, GF doesn't foster that mentality of cooperation regardless of skill level.


in my other mmos, they have cross-server queueing. dps have 15-45 minute wait time as opposed to 2-3 hour wait time in swtor for flashpoints. it is affecting low lvl new players. i hear on kaas and balmorra.

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in my other mmos, they have cross-server queueing. dps have 15-45 minute wait time as opposed to 2-3 hour wait time in swtor for flashpoints. it is affecting low lvl new players. i hear on kaas and balmorra.


You mean they can't level without doing BT? Oh noes! :eek:


On a more serious note: usually asking in the Fleet or DK chat tends to help.

Edited by Yojiro
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in my other mmos, they have cross-server queueing. dps have 15-45 minute wait time as opposed to 2-3 hour wait time in swtor for flashpoints. it is affecting low lvl new players. i hear on kaas and balmorra.


Number of tanks will increase.

Number of healers will increase.


But do you know what number will also increase? Number of dps. A lot.

Edited by Halinalle
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Number of tanks will increase.

Number of healers will increase.


But do you know what number will also increase? Number of dps. A lot.



Not only that, the griefers will be in full force also. Knowing they don't queue with their own server results in being able to get away with ninja looting, being a bad member, etc, without the worry of you being able to harass them back without following them to their server.

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Not only that, the griefers will be in full force also. Knowing they don't queue with their own server results in being able to get away with ninja looting, being a bad member, etc, without the worry of you being able to harass them back without following them to their server.


This to infinity. I already wont take any of my 5 tanks into anything unless its friend or guild related due to idiots. Cross server idiots will just make it worse.


The thought of even more mouthbreathers overloading everything all over the place is all the incentive i need -not- to que :p

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Cross server won't decrease queue pop unless it's PvP as the ratio of heals/tanks to DPS is quite consistent across servers. If you want cooperation join a guild, GF doesn't foster that mentality of cooperation regardless of skill level.


Once again it will make PVE and PvP more frequent AND I have no love for non dual functioning classes like Sniper, Sentinel/Marauder, or Gunslinger. Stop picking classes with only one specific function. No accommodation should be made for lazy players who sit back and face roll everything with little effort.

Edited by adproduction
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This to infinity. I already wont take any of my 5 tanks into anything unless its friend or guild related due to idiots. Cross server idiots will just make it worse.


The thought of even more mouthbreathers overloading everything all over the place is all the incentive i need -not- to que :p


All of this false as I have sued in mmos with cross server and never experience this.

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I spend most of my time in game waiting in a queue. These days it isn't easy to do a HM FP at lvl 60 due to queue times. I've lost interest in the game now: I don't play an MMO to buy vanity items and solo run dailies. I play to cooperate with other people, and zerging in tactical FPs isn't cooperation!!


HM 60 FP isn't popping because most people aren't queuing for it.


Why would they when the rewards suck and the level of challenge is so high?


I do queue for everything from time to time, and the tacticals pop far more often. When I do finally get a HM 60 FP pop, more often than not, I simply have to drop due to the other people not being geared for it.


I have yet to finish the weekly for HM 60 FP more than once, the reset at 3.1 knocked several of my toons from 1 or 2 complete back to 0, and I thus have little interest in even trying.


Cross server won't help, just as many dps on those servers are in search of just as few tanks and healers. When I play a tank, I don't have to GF, I ask my guildies and someone always wants to come along. No need to deal with uninformed and undergeared people in GF when playing as a tank.

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HM 60 FP isn't popping because most people aren't queuing for it.


Why would they when the rewards suck and the level of challenge is so high?


I do queue for everything from time to time, and the tacticals pop far more often. When I do finally get a HM 60 FP pop, more often than not, I simply have to drop due to the other people not being geared for it.


I have yet to finish the weekly for HM 60 FP more than once, the reset at 3.1 knocked several of my toons from 1 or 2 complete back to 0, and I thus have little interest in even trying.


Cross server won't help, just as many dps on those servers are in search of just as few tanks and healers. When I play a tank, I don't have to GF, I ask my guildies and someone always wants to come along. No need to deal with uninformed and undergeared people in GF when playing as a tank.


As I said before it will increase PVE and PvP activities as other games have found success with this so your claim is false. The only people who are up ***** creek without a paddle are non dual function classes like the sniper, Sentinel/Marauder, and Gunslinger. For obvious reasons.

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As I said before it will increase PVE and PvP activities as other games have found success with this so your claim is false. The only people who are up ***** creek without a paddle are non dual function classes like the sniper, Sentinel/Marauder, and Gunslinger. For obvious reasons.


So, what you are saying is "queue as your off-spec (heal or tank) and run as a DPS once the queue pops", correct? Or do you mean something else?

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The amount of trolls on this thread makes me wanna vomit. This is really something that should have been implemented from day 1. WOW does it ESO does it Rift does it. It works well and really really really, did I say really helps with queue times. Then again who will pay for server transfers if they didn't have to wait in a queue for 4 hours? But then again how many people just completely miss out on the flashpoints and lose interest in the game because of it. Need to do this for all group finding missions including pvp,flashpoints, starfighter.
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So, what you are saying is "queue as your off-spec (heal or tank) and run as a DPS once the queue pops", correct? Or do you mean something else?


It means if you are not playing a class who has a dual function, you won't benefit from this system. If you are a Jedi Guardian/Sith Juggernaut who uses Vigilance/Vengeance or Focus/Rage then you'll want to respect to Defense/Immortal to benefit from the Cross-server system where as a Sniper, no matter his spec, won't benefit since all Sniper trees focus on dps.


Classes who primarily can do one function HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO REASON TO BE IN THIS GAME. They serve NO purpose to ANY GAME except to cause players to gravitate towards classes who will allow them to be LAZY and faceroll. Anything these classes can do, can also be done by OTHER classes with respecing and regearing. The only way these classes get in is if the their friends save a spot for them. Other than that, these classes were created for the sole purpose of pvp and facerolling unsuspecting players.


The ************ we see in these types of threads dealing with cross-server come from dps players who either have no clue how the system works or KNOW that they won't benefit from it because they know the developers won't make any accommodation for their dps class. In otherwords, they would rather everyone be miserable with them rather than wallow in regret for picking a facerolling class.


The amount of trolls on this thread makes me wanna vomit. This is really something that should have been implemented from day 1. WOW does it ESO does it Rift does it. It works well and really really really, did I say really helps with queue times. Then again who will pay for server transfers if they didn't have to wait in a queue for 4 hours? But then again how many people just completely miss out on the flashpoints and lose interest in the game because of it. Need to do this for all group finding missions including pvp,flashpoints, starfighter.


This. Every single time this post is made, the liars (and you guys are liars) come out and tell you it won't work, yet these are same ******e who have not play ANY OTHER MMO with this feature, but *********** tell you how this system works.

Edited by adproduction
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It means if you are not playing a class who has a dual function, you won't benefit from this system. If you are a Jedi Guardian/Sith Juggernaut who uses Vigilance/Vengeance or Focus/Rage then you'll want to respect to Defense/Immortal to benefit from the Cross-server system where as a Sniper, no matter his spec, won't benefit since all Sniper trees focus on dps.


Oh great, so what you're suggesting is that people who lack the gear to be a tank/heals, should respect if the queue pops and try it, even with no skills or experience actually doing either of those roles?


Wonderful, that would make GF even LESS useful.


So tell me, what is stopping this from happening now? Cross server doesn't require what you suggest, all it does is lump together the same mix of dps/heals/tanks together. Your suggestion makes no logical sense.

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Oh great, so what you're suggesting is that people who lack the gear to be a tank/heals, should respect if the queue pops and try it, even with no skills or experience actually doing either of those roles?


Wonderful, that would make GF even LESS useful.


If you don't want to learn how to play a tank don't queue up. The system isn't force you to use GF, IT'S ENFORCING RARELY PICKED ROLES TO BE PLAYED. Here you are ************ about how there aren't enough Tanks and Healers in the game, but then we introduce an idea that has been successful in other games that would encourage players to play different roles and you're still ************? AS I SAID, you don't want the system because it would leave people like you who don't want to re-roll or respec with no benefits.


IF YOU CHOOSE NOT TO RESPEC, IT'S NO ONE'S FAULT, BUT YOUR OWN. So if you play Vigilance Jedi Guardian and can't get a group then you have only yourself to blame. You just don't want the blame on your shoulders for your stubbornness and you trying to find a scapegoat. I'm sorry my friend, but if you are not trying to go with program the find another game.


Now as players who have never played. First, you act like it's hard to learn to tank. They are plenty of printed and video tutorials ALL OVER THE WEB (and on the forums) on how to tank as well as how to do a tank rotation. Secondly, sometimes you have to learn trial and error on how to play your role. You act like everyone has to know your their role immediately. You know the people who came before you ****ed up a couple of times before getting it right. Sorry, but this game isn't for perfectionists who can't stand to get their gear scratched every now and then.


Thirdly, many people have played every spec and every class so I doubt respeccing will be a problem for the whole population. Most of the players here are veteran players so don't act like most of us haven't seen through the eyes of other classes. The game has been out 3 damn years so I'm pretty sure a lot of players have experience with healing and tanking.


So tell me, what is stopping this from happening now? Cross server doesn't require what you suggest, all it does is lump together the same mix of dps/heals/tanks together. Your suggestion makes no logical sense.


Because our current GF system doesn't set us up with mix-match groups. :rolleyes:

Edited by adproduction
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  • 2 weeks later...
You know a good geared companion can tank most any leveling dungeon....


Anyhow though... they could just make all low level flashpoints tactical flashpoints. there problem solved at least for low level flashpoints.


remember companions are dumb. if there are any mechanics that needs thinking or timing, they would fail.


e.g. hammer station. athiss, and the foundry.

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