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Sith Marauder Sucks?


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You lost, had barely any objectives, had 4 healers on your side 2 of which were around 300k healing done. That's pathetic. I wouldn't be showing that off if I were you.




No healers, pure pug.

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that's the point, the class is beastly in the right hands...


but apparently it also attracted a slew of scrubs along with some elite level players


one thing that gets skewed in these screenshots is that there are some 50's that a full epic with 4+ pvp pieces and all relic/implant/ear epic that are absolutely wasting people in warzones


some scoundrels on Port nowhere are full epic and you're dead in the 1st knockdown (From Stealth).


once more people hit 50 and acquire gear we can get a better gauge, but when i run into some of these geared 50's i can definitely feel a difference

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Hello there level 50 Marauder here; it appears that you seem mad with this class because you do not know how to use it, when it comes down to Warzones I am always top because I throw out the most damage and even in huttball I am godly because I cannot be slown down. Infact 1v1 I can beat any class, I can shut them down and damage them faster than any other class.


Rather than explain how to win, seeing as it would be a waste of my time, let me shorten it with, your doing it wrong.


Respec, rethink, stop being a whiney child and learn how to play the class.


That is all.



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You lost, had barely any objectives, had 4 healers on your side 2 of which were around 300k healing done. That's pathetic. I wouldn't be showing that off if I were you.




No healers, pure pug.


hurt i did more dmg than you or what? we are on the same side...

anyway, to prove a point have another, is this one fine with you?



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Hello there level 50 Marauder here; it appears that you seem mad with this class because you do not know how to use it, when it comes down to Warzones I am always top because I throw out the most damage and even in huttball I am godly because I cannot be slown down. Infact 1v1 I can beat any class, I can shut them down and damage them faster than any other class.


Rather than explain how to win, seeing as it would be a waste of my time, let me shorten it with, your doing it wrong.


Respec, rethink, stop being a whiney child and learn how to play the class.


That is all.




I'm uh... not trying to be rude here, but judging by your choice of vernacular, I assume that "baddies" upset you? Maybe if you give some constructive advice, people may understand better. Food for thought: What you posted in no way helps anybody. If you're as good as you say you are, give some tips and pointers. Help out your fellow gamers :)

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hurt i did more dmg than you or what? we are on the same side...

anyway, to prove a point have another, is this one fine with you?




Nope. You're just running around being useless lol. 0 objectives in each screenshot, healers or guard on you as well so it seems like you premade. Anyone can do buttloads of damage when the team is pampering them.

Edited by Kricys
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Hello there level 50 Marauder here; it appears that you seem mad with this class because you do not know how to use it, when it comes down to Warzones I am always top because I throw out the most damage and even in huttball I am godly because I cannot be slown down. Infact 1v1 I can beat any class, I can shut them down and damage them faster than any other class.


Rather than explain how to win, seeing as it would be a waste of my time, let me shorten it with, your doing it wrong.


Respec, rethink, stop being a whiney child and learn how to play the class.


That is all.




+1 The class just takes skill to play well.

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I'm uh... not trying to be rude here, but judging by your choice of vernacular, I assume that "baddies" upset you? Maybe if you give some constructive advice, people may understand better. Food for thought: What you posted in no way helps anybody. If you're as good as you say you are, give some tips and pointers. Help out your fellow gamers :)


True that! Its a new game and everyone is searching to optimize their playstyle

beside im still convinced that most of the players still dont have a clue even if they think they know it all.


i would never claim to be the best at something! Cuz you know what somwhere in the world there is a little boy which is propably better than you are ...


The only thing you can do is help eachother with some constructive replies based on personal experience and stay open for some advise as well


watch, ask, practice the basic rules of learning and evolving

Edited by Alegoss
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Nope. You're just running around being useless lol. 0 objectives in each screenshot, healers or guard on you as well so it seems like you premade. Anyone can do buttloads of damage when the team is pampering them.


Yep, hurt... I know, ive seen the qq about how you gain objectives for huttball... But i dont care, you say im useless. Im pretty much carrying my team, but w/e... keep being hurt.

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Well rather than turn on my fellow Marauders like some are doing, here is something helpful:



Hotkey your interrupts, you have two, Charge and Disruption, stop any stances with this and make sure to save disruption for the quick heal abilities, you stop them for being able to use it for four seconds, I can stack a lot of bleeds in this time then choke and very easily kill any healer.


Annihilation for me is the best route to take (personal preferance), skipping some of the silly talents and picking up some of the lower range talents making you far more effective in pvp.


Against assassins use your crippling abilities, slow them down, take away their accuracy and they are little to no threat.


Learn when your in too deep, stealth, use your fury ability to run, come back later when you will have the advantage.


If you do catch someone unaware, learn how you want to attack, personally I will charge them from behind, turn my bleed attacks on, build my rage, hit them with some power hits, and then choke.


If you can get your berserk on you can out heal a lot of their dps whilst killing them; you quickly become the most annoying person to fight on the battle field if you play smart.


I have posted in a lot more detail in another topic, but I really do not want to reward lazyness for people who could not be asked to read what else was out there before posting.

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**** yes I want PVP at Lv1.


I loved that in WARHAMMER online.


lol too true


I LOOOOVVED warhammer online ability to just jump into PvP and even if you suck you know you getting something by pvping.:D


my main problem with marauder which i starting to see and relize now that i been playing a little bit (lvl 19) is this...


Tool bar is horrible and messy,by this i mean there are a insane amount of abilities which unlike other classes you can say "this is a good abilty il use it" and "this is a pointless ability which is superseeded by this ability"


Instead with marauder you need to use ALL abilities it seems which is insane:eek:


Biggest problem is this NO MODS OR UI MOD


I swear i spend more time looking at my toolbar checking for when my CDs are finished and how my Procs are than actually looking at screen, it truely is stupid and silly this.

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I swear i spend more time looking at my toolbar checking for when my CDs are finished and how my Procs are than actually looking at screen, it truly is stupid and silly this.


This. I'm actually having problems in pvp because of this, I'm used to have on other MMO's all the information near the center where my character is (not on the bottom or top of the screen) and now I find it really difficult to get used to look at my bars and use a rotation taking my eyes out of the bars.


Don't understand me wrong I definitely love my marauder, had some hard times with it, but with the right spec and knowing the priorities its great, just wanted to know your opinion on this particular thing regarding the rotations and bars

Edited by TamrielShax
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I like the class playstyle hate how underpower we are on some specs.




Compare to other classes all we really bring is a Damage buff, Now that I'm 50, and out gear things, I really can't say that Im impress with the class. In fact, a sorc still has a easier time, or a bh.




In the end the class is missing alot, and I'm sure it will get buffed in the future. Just don't listen to people on the forums telling you the class is fine it is you. The class is buggy and flawed, and they will keep lying to themselves to not face the truth.

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I like the class playstyle hate how underpower we are on some specs.




Compare to other classes all we really bring is a Damage buff, Now that I'm 50, and out gear things, I really can't say that Im impress with the class. In fact, a sorc still has a easier time, or a bh.




In the end the class is missing alot, and I'm sure it will get buffed in the future. Just don't listen to people on the forums telling you the class is fine it is you. The class is buggy and flawed, and they will keep lying to themselves to not face the truth.


Its bugged but not as bad as you make it sound.


Yes its hard to do stuff due to the massive amount of CC. BUT!! If you are a smart player you will have no problem kicking some *** and taking names. Marauder is a situation fighter.

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  • 2 weeks later...


you call 200kish pwning?


you suck worse than the OP does..


that is galactically below average.. L10 mercs and Sorcs and Snipers and Ops and Sins do that..


those same classes on my server are throwing down 400+k and smoking the Mars in the dust..


and leaving us CCed and dead and laughing all the way...


sure.. If I can find a SINGLE 1 on 1 fight with any class I can hurt them..

the problem is NOTHING in this game is 1 on 1.. its chain stunned from MULTIPLE sources and no way to do anything about it..

not to mention mars and healers seem to be on everyone's focus them down so they are worthless list.


IF i have my Sorc GF with me I can throw down some damn decent numbers.. unless the other team is stacked with max PVP geared 50s as I cannot even dent them yet.. I need more gear to get to that point..


the class is fine in 1 on 1 fights with equal level gear..


yes we are a bit too squishy during soloing in PVE but its livable.

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Sith Marauders are excellent duelist 1v1 there hard to extremly hard to beat they have a good toolset for 1v1. But if this game is balencing for warzones then looking objectively why pick a Marauder over other ranged dps classes? they can all do comparable damage from a safe distance and possess more utility then Warrior.


We dont need a damage buff we need some small tweaks like not being able to be nocked back for maybe 3seconds after charge and at least 1 hard cc thats not channeled like a force crush ability that ive heard mentioned where it nocks enemy onto the ground for 1-2seconds.


Warrior is a viable class it just has a few clunky mechanics and bugs and needs some more utility and little better mobility and they would be good to go.

and posting pics of damage doesnt really prove anything to many factors can effect how you got that damage.

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It seems like everyone who thinks that the Marauder are below level 40 yet everyone whi is 50 and actually know what they are talking about know the Maruader is a awful class.


The Maruarder is bad and it's lazy by Bioware. All these problems have been here since early builds on beta Bioware have have plenty of time to try and fix it and have not and in patch 1.1 we already know the Marauder won't change 1%.

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It seems like everyone who thinks that the Marauder are below level 40 yet everyone whi is 50 and actually know what they are talking about know the Maruader is a awful class.


The Maruarder is bad and it's lazy by Bioware. All these problems have been here since early builds on beta Bioware have have plenty of time to try and fix it and have not and in patch 1.1 we already know the Marauder won't change 1%.


Marauder actually takes skill and brain to use compared to a lot of other classes such as Mercenaries who spam Tracer Missile. It's not a bad class, it's just more complicated to use. We may have to push a ton of keybinds, but if you know how to use them you can hit pretty dang hard.


Marauders are somewhat squishy, but we have a ton of skills to make up for this (Cloak of Pain, Force Camouflage, Undying Rage, etc.). The only thing I struggle against is maxxed geared 50 PvPers and such, namely Op/Scoundrels.


A fix to Ravage and Force Charge (I sometimes jump and stop about 10-15m short of my target. It's a rare occurrence, but it's happened) would be all I really need.

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