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Sith Marauder Sucks?


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So from what i hear, Marauders arent good before lvl 40 in pvp... which really F'ing irritates me...


Since it takes 4ever to lvl and im a pvper.


I dont know which class is best for pvp. but im a melee type. and i dont want to wait to lvl 40 before doing pvp.. so what do i do???.......


What class is good.


Or else fix your pvp bioware...





Lol alright so since this thread still seems to be active, ill give you some info about whats been going on with my marauder.


I am now lvl 30, and im Ahnilation or however its spelled. and yes its changed pvp alot.

But still think they are missing something.

I also think we should get a force push. only cos i think its awesome to push ppl off cliffs, into fire, and such.


But im a pro pvper, so im not sure if i can say the same for everybody.


Its a hard class to play, and alot of the spells marauder has are bugged. Hope they will do something real soon. also hoping on more world pvp.

Edited by uga-buga
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You say it "takes forever to level" and "I'm a PvPer". What, you want to PvP at 1st level?


This isn't a PvP game. It's a PvE game that has a PvP mini-game attached to it. The bulk of the development dollars went into content to take people from 1st through 50th, and to voice acting for both general planetary quests and 8 separate 1st-50th story quests.


PvP is an afterthought. I'm fine with that. The purchase and subscription numbers BioWare has given us via press release show that many others are fine with that as well.


It's cool that you like PvP. I don't think, however, that you're going to find as much satisfaction in this game if PvP is your primary (much less sole) focus.


The Marauder does fine in PvE. I've hit exactly two quests so far (and am close to dinging 27) where I died multiple times trying to finish them. Everything else has either been easy or "just close enough" that my heart was thumping heavily, and I was happy I overcame the obstacles.


I can't speak for PvP. I don't want to. I'm here for the PvE game.


But insulting the game doesn't make your point come across any better, it only comes across as petulant, whiny, spoiled brattery.

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You say it "takes forever to level" and "I'm a PvPer". What, you want to PvP at 1st level?


This isn't a PvP game. It's a PvE game that has a PvP mini-game attached to it. The bulk of the development dollars went into content to take people from 1st through 50th, and to voice acting for both general planetary quests and 8 separate 1st-50th story quests.


PvP is an afterthought. I'm fine with that. The purchase and subscription numbers BioWare has given us via press release show that many others are fine with that as well.


It's cool that you like PvP. I don't think, however, that you're going to find as much satisfaction in this game if PvP is your primary (much less sole) focus.


The Marauder does fine in PvE. I've hit exactly two quests so far (and am close to dinging 27) where I died multiple times trying to finish them. Everything else has either been easy or "just close enough" that my heart was thumping heavily, and I was happy I overcame the obstacles.


I can't speak for PvP. I don't want to. I'm here for the PvE game.


But insulting the game doesn't make your point come across any better, it only comes across as petulant, whiny, spoiled brattery.


Well dont comment then. bye...

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So from what i hear, Marauders arent good before lvl 40 in pvp... which really F'ing irritates me...


Since it takes 4ever to lvl and im a pvper.


I dont know which class is best for pvp. but im a melee type. and i dont want to wait to lvl 40 before doing pvp.. so what do i do???.......


What class is good.


Or else fix your pvp bioware...


welcome to the warrior class in any MMO, they suck at low levels and are gear dependent. at low levels they lack the skills and abilities to be effective in pvp. it stinks and there isnt much you can do about it, around level 30 things get better with more cc. im level 43 carnage and i get the top three spots for damage and kills :)

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I beg to differ. Marauders ROCK. Im only level 22 and im loving this class. Its the little things that count. Im specced Carnage. I think thats the single target burst that gets Juyo. Anyway all I can say is play smart. Dont play like your a tank. Apply your dots. Go after the squishes and have fun. Utilize your 2 interrupts, your charge interrupts. Ravage is great but only if you know the target isnt going to move or if your low on rage. Crippling slash literally makes you just be on your target for as much time as you need.


You also have to make sure your upgrading your lightsabres/gear that are orange. I still have the marauder chest from Black Talon fully upgraded to my level. Use commendations to buy mods you cant afford. Im fortunate to be an Artificer so I can level up my sabres. Hilts are what increase weapon level & damage. Its worth it to keep orange gear for you can just use commendations to upgrade. Its all about learning what does what and when to pop things. I wont lie sometimes its a pain in the ***. You arent gonna be top damage for your not aoe but im up there. Its a really fun class and I encourage you to stick with it.

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sigh getting so tired of these threads. I think all of us marauders should just save ourselves a headache and tell everyone the class sucks.


This is what i'm doing to be honest, when a random dude see me standind in imp fleet and ask me how the marauder class is in pvp(since im 50 and pvp geared) i save them the trouble and tell them to roll something else.

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spec Anni till 40ish, then u can choose to stick with Anni or go rage as you get key talents then too - and **** faces in pvp - check other threads for advice on how to spec - its getting tiring repeating the same thing in every thread
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Being first and second consistently for damage and kills in Warzones and being to kill similar level BH and IA's as well must mean this class sucks. Especially since I'm only 39 and my gear is a mix match of mods. Edited by RoyFokker
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Being first and second consistently for damage and kills in Warzones and being to kill similar level BH and IA's as well must mean this class sucks. Especially since I'm only 39 and my gear is a mix match of mods.


Stating you do something and not providing any proof or explanation how it happens is an idle statement. Please provide proof and by that I mean a few visual examples / spec / strat /etc.

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Stating you do something and not providing any proof or explanation how it happens is an idle statement. Please provide proof and by that I mean a few visual examples / spec / strat /etc.


Wait, people can come here and make bold claims the class sucks but when someone says no it doesnt you need a strategy guide handed to you as proof it doesnt?

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sigh getting so tired of these threads. I think all of us marauders should just save ourselves a headache and tell everyone the class sucks.


I'm almost inclined to agree with you. Too many people complaining about the class when, to be perfectly honest, this is a freaking game. They're always so quick to point out that BH has more AoE and the Assassin gets stealth. Well then, if you like that so much - play the other class. It's not that hard, just go to char creation and freakin' roll it. Obviously the mara wasn't for you then. I love the class, having a ball with it and looking forward to steamrolling through people and npcs alike when the 50 bracket starts filling up.


Anyway ...


Lol, maradur sucks bro. Too many skillz liek how am i sposed to keebind lol There's like a milliun skills and idk hwo to use quinn med watch. Don't roll marauder lolol it's nab class spam force lightning ftw death from above is win

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Lol, maradur sucks bro. Too many skillz liek how am i sposed to keebind lol There's like a milliun skills and idk hwo to use quinn med watch. Don't roll marauder lolol it's nab class spam force lightning ftw death from above is win


Yeah bruh, only the most skilled marauderz R immunez to stun -> blow up.


Like just now i'm in a warzone and a scourdrel or however you spell that opened with a stun, follwoed by 2.7k x3. so i'm down to 4k health left with no rage while he's full health.


Man if only i was skillcaped those 2.7k would've been 300 and the stun would've been a snare!


meanwhile i'm trying to build rage spamming 150-300


but hey, if i was skillcaped all those damage and CC would not have been a problem!

Edited by mastersloup
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Stating you do something and not providing any proof or explanation how it happens is an idle statement. Please provide proof and by that I mean a few visual examples / spec / strat /etc.


I can, but many other Marauders have posted screenies doing exactly the same performance previously on the forums already. Level and L2P the class.

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I'm 50 and i still think the class suck. Yep


I'd say the fault lies in the operator, not the class. Yes there's a few things that could be added to the class to improve some of the inherent disadvantages it faces when fighting other classes, but it doesn't suck.

Edited by RoyFokker
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I'd say the fault lies in the operator, not the class. Yes there's a few things that could be added to the class to improve some of the inherent disadvantages it faces when fighting other classes, but it doesn't suck.


Oh please grand marauder master. PLEASE teach me how to attack people when i'm stunned or rooted to death because obviously you managed to find the perfect way to counter (exemple)


sneak behind imp agent battering assault -> get knockbacked plus rooted. can't force charge because he's in cover. dead by the time you get to him


Walk around get stunned by scoudrel(i fail to spell that) get hit by 2.7k 3 time in a row -> dead by the time you use any skill


sneak behind sorc -> knockback force charge -> CC'd.


Face it, the marauder is stupidly squishy and lack any kind of opening burst. it's worse than playing an AFK arcane mage in Pve gear in WoW. Me too i feel awesome in warzone when i attack people who don't focus me. Our overall damage is fine. we just can't live long enough to do that damage unlike everyone else.


So yeah. teach me how to play marauder since apparently i *********** suck at it. Go

Edited by mastersloup
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