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Why do you refuse to tank/heal?


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I heal in PUGs sometimes and tank with friends only, there are just too many horrible DPs who don't know anything other then their rotations.


The average dps has:

- No idea about aggro dump

- Rarelly allows tank to initiate

- Dumps mobs on healer, looking at you Marauders/Sentinels force cloaking :mad:

- Spreads around the map and refuses to focus fire forcing the healer to pick which dps dies and so on.


The reason few play anything but dps in a PUG, when they can play all roles, is that too many dps out there think "team work" is a word that applies to healers and tanks only...

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I heal in PUGs sometimes and tank with friends only, there are just too many horrible DPs who don't know anything other then their rotations.


The average dps has:

- No idea about aggro dump

- Rarelly allows tank to initiate

- Dumps mobs on healer, looking at you Marauders/Sentinels force cloaking :mad:

- Spreads around the map and refuses to focus fire forcing the healer to pick which dps dies and so on.


The reason few play anything but dps in a PUG, when they can play all roles, is that too many dps out there think "team work" is a word that applies to healers and tanks only...


If I had a credit for every time I jumped on an elite and the maras thought the trash was more important...

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I heal in PUGs sometimes and tank with friends only, there are just too many horrible DPs who don't know anything other then their rotations.


The average dps has:

- No idea about aggro dump

- Dumps mobs on healer, looking at you Marauders/Sentinels force cloaking :mad:


The reason few play anything but dps in a PUG, when they can play all roles, is that too many dps out there think "team work" is a word that applies to healers and tanks only...


To be fair to Maras/Sents (and no I don't play one), force cloak IS their threat dump. So it's literally impossible for a mara/sent to be above average in your worldview; they must either NOT threat dump, or if they threat dump they risk the threat dumping on you instead of the tank.


If a marauder force cloaks to drop his threat, and the adds go to you the healer, that means the tank is #3 or below on the aggro table for those adds. Just sayin'

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Because I don’t know how.


I love both of these roles in PvP or levelling, but I need to learn a lot more before I could perform at least one of them well in a group setting. I am probably far too late to the table, everyone has done everything a million times, and look at you askance if you didn’t, but I am going to try anyway. I like the whole tank-healer special connection.


People say you have to learn with a DPS, but I find that you mainly study waiting with a DPS.

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To be fair to Maras/Sents (and no I don't play one), force cloak IS their threat dump. So it's literally impossible for a mara/sent to be above average in your worldview; they must either NOT threat dump, or if they threat dump they risk the threat dumping on you instead of the tank.


If a marauder force cloaks to drop his threat, and the adds go to you the healer, that means the tank is #3 or below on the aggro table for those adds. Just sayin'


The situation in which I have seeing them do this is not mid boss fight, or when the group is fighting a group of mobs together.


But when most of the team is fighting group A and he/she uses her Double Saber Throw and aggros group B or just leaps to said group B, they are literally the only ones who aggro those mobs and cloak away while running back to the healer.


Sound like it's a rare occurrence? Sadly no...

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That might happen because leap/saber throw are notorious for mis targeting. For all you know, the guy is honestly trying to get that add right next to the healer in the most helpful way possible, but it is flying wide or the leap takes you across the blessed map.


I aggro two groups that way in leveling even with using the centre screen target option, and I pulled like that on a Guardian too. Using the 'target nearest' is even worse (never ever target nearest. Game has crazy idea as to what constitutes the nearest!).


And if your target gods forbid dies, when you were just setting keybind off, it will basically re-target to the non-pulled group. Same happens to the slingers.


I am frankly afraid to use leap because of that, saving it to leap back after being thrown off only, not as an attack.

Edited by DomiSotto
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Yeah you, mr "I only DPS but play classes that can tank/heal" guy.


Actually, I rolled my first tank ages ago purely because I enjoyed trying to take aggro off a friend who tanked all the time. We always tried to outdo each other in who could pull the most. Purely because of that mindset in wanting to be in the fray first, made me roll that tank.


It's now DPS again, you know why? All the DPS players who think they know better than the player tanking and managing aggro / guarding players etc. It's thankless.


It made me appreciate tanks far more, purely because that one DPS who wants to pull everything? Pain in the arse, and although it was a friendly thing between myself and a friend, I at least now know how to make his life much easier tanking.


Healing though? I'm simply not twitch enough anymore in my older age :p

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The situation in which I have seeing them do this is not mid boss fight, or when the group is fighting a group of mobs together.


But when most of the team is fighting group A and he/she uses her Double Saber Throw and aggros group B or just leaps to said group B, they are literally the only ones who aggro those mobs and cloak away while running back to the healer.


Sound like it's a rare occurrence? Sadly no...


Agreed that is a misuse of force cloak. Intimidating roar is a much better cooldown to pop in such a mishap as (assuming that at least some of the mobs are humanoid) it will give the healer time to react to the mis-pull, and the marauder can hopefully thin the mob a bit with single target attacks before it wears off. But like I said, too many DPS don't know of its uses.


As a vengeance jugg in PVE I don't have force camo for when I mistarget something. I have saber reflect, intimidating roar, and heal to full (enraged defense). If I break it, I clean it up. :D

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I am the type of guys who will sit through a lot as a tank but improper stating







Just today i ran into a sage in 60hm who i was beating in every stat (he had way to little willpower and way to much endurance)...And i am a Shadow tank. Stuff like that just ends the night for me just make me go **** it ill go play something else.

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