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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The Leaderboards Today


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My main server is harbinger, but I do have toons spread over a couple of servers for team ranked. My PT travels with the main lukewarm team, we move to whatever server has the most competitive team ranked, or the most teams queuing at given periods of time. My juggernaut is what I use to tank with on Harbinger for teams and generally for solo ranked now. My Jug is my baby, but with the current meta I'm forced to use a PT tank for team ranked.


TL:DR Same person, several servers haha


L2 Sin tank :p

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My main server is harbinger, but I do have toons spread over a couple of servers for team ranked. My PT travels with the main lukewarm team, we move to whatever server has the most competitive team ranked, or the most teams queuing at given periods of time. My juggernaut is what I use to tank with on Harbinger for teams and generally for solo ranked now. My Jug is my baby, but with the current meta I'm forced to use a PT tank for team ranked.


TL:DR Same person, several servers haha


Damn bro, how many coins/how much money has this season cost? O.o lol.

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Okay... that's going to be a convoluted post!


Ronniehenlau, THANK YOU!


Re: Tracking Gladias: I counted a total of 16 transfers, 1 ban, but I was blinking once in a while, so could be more. Speaking of which….


O theZuzu! If at all possible, and should they let you, please alter the spelling of the alt’s name at transfers the way you did the first 14 times! The Harbinger ranked PvP fan community joyfully celebrates every new height your conquer, but PT/VG solo board is getting hard to read, and we’ll have you as all 5 best in the AC in mere 2 transfers in GR. Please?


One thing that for me is sorely missing is that team name and with it the sense of identity, so one could see at a glance who is playing fora Guild, a server, butt kicking for goodness, whatever. I would love to see that as a part of the GR Leaderboard, as well as the actual team team rating. But however it works, and wherever it is, good luck :)


@Icykill: In regards to the specs, BioWARE obviously tracks it as per the comments they have recently made on the specific specs performances in the Arena, but it is not a public LB info, and you need historic data to compare one against another. I’d say if you simply ask the Sage/Sorcs of note, you probably would get a fairly accurate answer.


Now, back to the regular number chasing.

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EDIT: Post on the previous page has Gladias' tracker and a couple other responses. Heh, that would teach me to double-post.


Ronniehenlau's shiny new numbers! Take a look, those graphs look spiffy!


Total entries, solo toons: 21,200 with 9885 (46.6%) below 3 wins/30 medals.

Total entries, team toons: 6448 with 3931 (61%) below 3 wins/30 medals.


Solo Leaderboards: K-F-G1/G2/G3


Republic’s Vanguards:


(groan) between 3 Gladiases, Sat’ida’s and O’dyssios rating’s inverse this is the hardest AC to figure out the standings for.

But I think Brolok and Jaen’a of the Red Eclipse are in the Top 5. Yay!


Home Team:


Let’s see what’s up after the weekend. Gladias the Juggernaut slipped to Page 3, and 4th standing in the AC, thus leaving the Harbinger with 7 toons in the Top 100, and 4 toons on Page 3. Vicvega the Powertech moved to strong position on Page 3.


Seems we’ve got a Sorcerer on the rise, Krustydickz, with some absolutely incredible gains over the weekend.

One of those random things: not only we have a toon named Pineapple (the Sorcerer), the owner had to use an apostrophe to get the moniker. A cultural reference I don’t get? Or simple love for this tropical fruit?

Republic: no changes that I can see.


Sixth in Class:


H-oot the Guardian (still), Griffith the Sentinel (still); Jakedepaoli the Assassin (still); Housemd the Sorcerer; Deathnote the Powertech (still); Sentenza the Mercenary (still); Heymonkey the Sniper (still); and Plexus the Scoundrel.


Server Faction Balance


For the RP servers - NAM (45-55 is Balanced):


The Begeren Colony: 68 (down from 78) remained Imperial-dominated

Jung-Ma: 37 (up from 35) remained Republic-dominated

The Ebon Hawk:: 56 (up from 47) changed from Balanced to Imperial-dominated




Dcwiw the Sniper is a heir apparent to Cryyc. 776 wins. Telal the Sorcerer and Azheo the Juggernaut also surpassed 700 wins this season! The sort of numbers that have to sink in, you know.


On the Jar’Kai Sword where they apparently exit the warzones in the precise German fashion, Aimyaim the Mercenary is in the lead for the MVPs and Qwuu the Operative is up to 966. Drezmaster the Sorcerer and Dcwiw the Sniper are in the 800+ category.



The lowest rating is 1.


Good luck to all!

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Solo queue: 21,293 with 9936 (46.7%) of the toons below 3 wins/30 medals

Group queue: 6543 with 3982 (60.9%) of the toons below 3 wins/30 medals


Solo Leaderboards: K-F-G2 And, Kre’a the Shadow is currently on Pot5, Gladias the Powertech’s real entry is on the Shadowlands.


Republic’s Commandos:


Evonaut of the Bastion, Rhumando of the red Eclipse and Kuhren of the Shadowlands are the 3 Commandos in the Top 5 of the AC.


Home Team:


No changes to the Top 100 standings, but there was some gaming going on (and OMG, fangirl moments, actually caught a sight or two of the famous toons on the Fleet) :) Dcwiw the Sniper is 10 wins from 800, and on the Republic side, Cerebrir the Vanguard is up to 283 wins, Ceasear the Gunslinger is at 152, Aydan the Guardian – at 143.


Sixth in Class:


H-oot the Guardian (still), Griffith the Sentinel (still); Jakedepaoli the Assassin (still); Housemd the Sorcerer (still); Deathnote the Powertech (still); Sentenza the Mercenary (still); Heymonkey the Sniper (still); and Plexus the Scoundrel (still).


Server Faction Balance


Yay, Vanjervalis Chain now has over 100 toons entered in the solo ranked (126), so no need to pro-rate it.


For the RP servers - EU (45-55 is Balanced):


Progenitor: 81 (down from 84) – remained Imperial-dominated

Battle Meditation: 41 (down from 47) – changed from balanced to Republic-dominated

Vangervalis Chain: 27 (down from 31) – remained Republic-dominated




I think it is 2 weeks now till the season is done? Today was a hard day to be an outsider looking in. I guess, I was not ready for that kind of real human torment and hurt in response to a game. I don't remember it being like that end of the last Season.


So, hugs!

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Solo queue: 21,374 with 9980 (46.7%) of the toons below 3 wins/30 medals

Group queue: 6564 with 3988 (60.8%) of the toons below 3 wins/30 medals


Solo Leaderboards: K-F-G2 And, Kre’a the Shadow is currently on Pot5, Gladias the Powertech moved to Jedi Covenant in the 17th transfer according to my count, and I can’t remember the last time I was so glad to see a simple circumflex. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


Oh, look, Qwuu the Operative has been playing again as well. :)


Republic’s Gunslingers:


Oh, yes! Flame’on of the Jar’Kai Sword; Wassa of the Darth Nihilus, Brucemaclean of the Shadowlands and Pioupiou of the Mantle of the Force take the top 4 places in the class.


Home Team:


As of today, 1885 toons were entered in solo queue ranging in rating from 10 (yes, Fig the Assassin) to 18844. 128 toons have a rating of 1350 and above (just shy of 7% qualifying)

In the groups, there are 340 entries, with 12 below the 1000 rating (96.5 % qualifying)


Well, three guesses who’s back in the Top 100, and top 3 in the AC. Back to 8 toons in the Top 100 due to that, and 3 – on Page 3. And Dcwiw the Sniper got the 801 wins!


Republic: Oh, almost missed! Spliffy the Shadow had recent gains. Nice!


Sixth in Class:

H-oot the Guardian (still), Griffith the Sentinel (still); Jakedepaoli the Assassin (still); Housemd the Sorcerer (still); Deathnote the Powertech (still); Sentenza the Mercenary (still); Heymonkey the Sniper (still); and Plexus the Scoundrel (still).




I was getting curious what kind of participation is required to even start stratifying the players given random entry.


Number of entries in the queue has to be high enough that at any given time every entry can be matched up with seven others with the same probability to win (predicted by ELO) and mirrored by role.


The 1350+ players on my server form 7-10% of the player base. Assuming that this represents above average in the entire player base and that people queue randomly, for the very first attempt at stratification, we need some 96 people to queue in for the 1350+ to have one game running, while you have 11 more games in the below 1350 pool. Now, if we say account for the bad luck, abandoned alts, multiple entries, and say that the number of really capable players is actually a quarter of the player base, we still need 32 people to queue simultaneously to even have a chance to have more even matches. the maximum I have seen playing Arenas so far was 16 Imperials at the same time.


The lowest rating is 1.


Good luck to all!

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Seems we’ve got a Sorcerer on the rise, Krustydickz, with some absolutely incredible gains over the weekend.

You are an excellent writer. I do so enjoy reading your posts. My guess is, your humor often goes unnoticed by your super-logical statistician co-workers. Heheh! I get the chuckles just thinking about the blank stares you *must get.


Edit: *

Edited by marchesq
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Did we just... got moderated? Fingers crossed everyone's okay.




Solo queue: 21,457 with 10,031 (46.7%) of the toons below 3 wins/30 medals

Group queue: 6,601 with 3997 (60.6%) of the toons below 3 wins/30 medals


Solo Leaderboards: K-F-G2

In total, there are now about 80 toons with the 2000 or higher rating (plus-minus the duplicates!) – crazy cool. J


Republic’s Scoundrels:


Moshclaw and Whitescoundral of the Bastion are the two loveable rogues in the Top 5 of the AC.

Home Team:


Affliction the Sorcerer just like that caught up to Fig the Assassin in the standings by good old-fashion playing, now ranking the 11th. And here I thought there will be nothing to see this late in the Season. Grats!

As of today, 1900 toons (+15) – I’ve checked, it is the number, there is indeed nobody on Page 39 so far - were entered in solo queue ranging in rating from 10 (yes, Fig the Assassin) to 18902. 131 toons have a rating of 1350 and above (just shy of 7% qualifying)

In the groups, there are 340 entries (+0), with 12 below the 1000 rating (96.5 % qualifying)

Republic: I can’t see anything new but hope springs eternal J


Sixth in Class:


H-oot the Guardian (still), Lycaeon the Marauder (really nice moniker, props); Jakedepaoli the Assassin (still); Housemd the Sorcerer (still); Deathnote the Powertech (still); Sentenza the Mercenary (still); Heymonkey the Sniper (still); and Plexus the Scoundrel (still).




On Page 13 the ratings vary from 1566 (Aural the Shadow) to 1547 (Drevis the Powertech) . with a slight prevalence of the republic toons (28 to 22). I think I see a couple of Qwuu’s alts or namesakes there (Assassin and Sorc), three toons from the Harbinger (Masaki the Vaguard, Bacara the Sage and Sonicflames the Powertech), Dopsn the Gunslinger (Dopsn the Sniper is the #5 in the AC) and a couple of toons with the proud Greek names (Akilles the Powertech and O’dyssivs the Sentinel). And the ‘make you smile in the queue’ toons lovely the Assassin and Likewise the Scoundrel. Page 13, a cool place :)


Shadow vs Assassin: 7, 10

Sage vs Sorcerer: 5, 4

Guardian vs Juggernaut: 3, 1

Sentinel vs Marauder: 2, 0

Commando vs Mercenary: 0, 1

Vanguard vs Powertech: 6, 4

Gunslinger vs Sniper: 3, 0

Scoundrel vs Operative: 2, 2

Total: 28, 22


The lowest rating is 1.


Good luck to all!

Edited by DomiSotto
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Solo queue: 21,496 with 10,044 (46.7%) of the toons below 3 wins/30 medals

Group queue: 6,637 with 4018 (60.5%) of the toons below 3 wins/30 medals

Solo Leaderboards: K-F-G2


Republic’s Guardians:


Talionis of the Shadowlands, Glorfindel and Danitykane of the Bastion and Kana'ba of the Pot5.


Home Team:


Hottie the Operative is back! How awesome is that!

There are 8 people in the top 100, and 4 - on page 3.

Republic: On the other hand, Cerebrir the Vanguard has moved on. A fond farewell. Aydan the Guardian is up to 144 wins.


Sixth in Class:


Sentenza the Mercenary moved to #3 in the AC!

H-oot the Guardian (still), Lycaeon the Marauder (still); Jakedepaoli the Assassin (still); Housemd the Sorcerer (still); Deathnote the Powertech (still); Rhu the Mercenary; Heymonkey the Sniper (still); and Plexus the Scoundrel (still).




The lowest rating is 1, shared by 4 toons.

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Solo queue: 21,525 with 10,050 (46.7%) of the toons below 3 wins/30 medals

Group queue: 6,707 with 4066 (60.6%) of the toons below 3 wins/30 medals


Solo Leaderboards: K-F-G2


I am starting to wonder if we would reach 22,000 solo entries by the end of the Season 4. By the look of it, it's about 18% drop in entries. It was 7% between S1 and S2, and 16% between S2 and S3. The only time when the participation rose in a subsequent season was in GR in S3 compared to S2.


But Season 4 still stands out as the Season with the most toons that persevered long enough to complete at least one Daily. So, perhaps, this means that you are establishing the core population that will play ranked and losing the new or "on the lark" kind of entries?


Republic’s Sentinels:


Dimka of the T3-M4, and Feken of the Bastion


Home Team:


There was an Assassin transfer, Deluxetryhard (AC #5), that brought the Harbinger to 9 toons in the top 100, and 3 - on page 3.


Republic: (Hugs)


Sixth in Class:


H-oot the Guardian (still), Lycaeon the Marauder (still); Moshzilla the Shadow; Housemd the Sorcerer (still); Deathnote the Powertech (still); Rhu the Mercenary; Heymonkey the Sniper (still); and Plexus the Scoundrel (still).




Dcwiw the Sniper is up to 841 wins, with two more toons, Telal the Sorcerer and Azheo the Juggernaut in the high 700's, and Sishen the Assassin almost caught up to Firebaby the Powertech.


And, yes, Qwuu the Operative has now moved in the 1000+ MVP category to share it with Aimyaim the Mercenary.


The lowest rating is 1, shared by 4 toons.


May luck smiles at you all!

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Hi folks, I am taking a day off, and hope you are all well :) May your matches be great today.


EDIT: And I think that with the 12xXP coming, depending on how it is implemented, this is our chance to bring in the new blood into the PvP, because PvP is the most accessible end-game content. I think we need to pull our socks up, clean up and start talking about the bright sides of the PvP more, and try to publicize how the entry/gearing is so much easier than in the PvE end-game content.


Remember: the more people you bring in, the better this system works.


Well, you guys, think about it, please?

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I loved this story from the world of the ranked games: http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=8148068&postcount=8


Now, back from the players to the numbers they generate.


With 8 days remaining before the end of the season, I want to dedicate each day to each Advanced Class in Solo Queue. It should be more or less accurate now that the Season is almost done.


So, starting with:


The Guardians and Juggernauts!


We have 3346 entries, roughly 15% of all the toons entered in Season 4 ranked, solo queue. 1265 of them were the formidable Jedi Masters, and 2081 – the dangerous Sith Lords.


Each server fielded Guardians and Juggernauts:


Vanjervalis Chain 17

Battle Meditation 88

Begeren Colony 101

Mantle of the Force 123

The Progenitor 137

Jung Ma 151

T3-M4 154

Darth Nihilus 159

Jedi Covenant 163

The Shadowlands 168

Jar'Kai Sword 169

The Ebon Hawk 192

The Red Eclipse 228

The Harbinger 266

Prophecy of the Five 287

The Bastion 405

Tomb of Freedon Nadd 538


In terms of rating earned, 6 toons are in Top 100 as of today, with ranks ranging between 38 and 98, and the top 10 toons in the class (again, as of today) are:


Talionis The Shadowlands Guardian

Glorfindel The Bastion Guardian

Gladias The Harbinger Juggernaut

H-oot Prophecy of the Five Guardian

Kana'ba Prophecy of the Five Guardian

Danitykane The Bastion Guardian

Arrow's Tomb of Freedon Nadd Juggernaut

Legendaryquan The Bastion Juggernaut

Zetsuma Jedi Covenant Guardian

Moshalicious The Bastion Guardian


The rating distribution is fairly normal in the class, with roughly half the toons ending in the 1050-1200 category. 89% of entries fall in between 900 and 1350 rating. 0.63% earned the rating over 1650, and 5.6% - rating between 1350 and 1650.


A graphical representation of the rating distribution:




Home Team


The fourth Gladias the Powertech’s duplicate arrived back at the home turf in the 18th transfer of the Season (my best estimate)


I almost regret asking for a name change last time. Because, I guess, it would have been fun in a weird kind of way to see the group ranked, and PT leaderboard summaries to be all Gladias, all the time.


The new toons on Harbinger are Deluxtryhard the Assassin and James-gibbson the Powertech.


Republic: (Hugs) And I am not putting away my blue jersey.

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Overall stats from Ronniehenlau’s http://torcommunity.com/database/arena-stats

Solo queue: 21,789 with 10,202 (46.8%) of the toons below 3 wins/30 medals

Group queue: 7,502 with 4,727 (63 %) of the toons below 3 wins/30 medals


Solo Leaderboards: G4-F-K. I think Gladias the Powertech has just transferred for the 19th time, back to Jedi Covenant, with the toon now leading in both solo and group.


In total, there are now about 85 toons with the 2000 or higher rating!


Probably the most talked about advanced class, but here is more!


Marauders and Sentinels!


We have 1707 entries, roughly 8% of all the toons entered in Season 4 ranked, solo queue. 739 of them were the Zen masters, and 968 – the furious lords.


Each server fielded Marauders and Sentinels:


Vanjervalis Chain: 9

Battle Meditation: 45

The Progenitor: 49

Begeren Colony: 67

Mantle of the Force: 73

Jung Ma: 75

T3-M4: 79

Jar'Kai Sword: 82

The Shadowlands: 88

Darth Nihilus: 90

Jedi Covenant: 98

The Ebon Hawk: 105

The Red Eclipse: 111

The Harbinger: 130

Prophecy of the Five: 132

The Bastion: 212

Tomb of Freedon Nadd: 262


In terms of rating earned, the top AC toon is at 10. The AC also do not have toons with the rating over 2,000. The top 10 toons in the class (again, as of today) are:


Madcatter The Shadowlands Marauder

Dímka T3-M4 Sentinel

Exclusive The Bastion Marauder

Zherio The Red Eclipse Marauder

Fekén The Bastion Sentinel

Lycaeon The Bastion Marauder

Griffíth Jung Ma Sentinel

Dessel The Red Eclipse Marauder

Kanåka Tomb of Freedon Nadd Marauder

Vàl Tomb of Freedon Nadd Marauder


The rating distribution shows approximately 60% of the toons ending in the 1050-1200 category. 90% of entries fall in between 900 and 1350 rating. 0.29% earned the rating over 1650, and 3.5% - rating between 1350 and 1650.

A graphical representation of the rating distribution for those visually inclined is below. And, I added a link to the previous post with the plot.




Good luck to you all!

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VJC had less than 100 players in Solo ranked for most of the Season. It is a small Server, but it actually has the distinction of the ONLY Server in this game that has Group Ranked > Solo Ranked. Tbh we all probably have it far easier than any of the folks there. And, yes, a Competitive Ranked Server would go a long way to make things better.


Overall stats from Ronniehenlau’s http://torcommunity.com/database/arena-stats


I think we will manage to get to 22,000 entries, but only just, losing around 5,000 toon entered between S3 and S4 (~ the same as in between S2 and S3).


Solo queue: 21,851 with 10,254 (46.9%) of the toons below 3 wins/30 medals

Group queue: 7,133 with 4,323 (60.6 %) of the toons below 3 wins/30 medals (did I mess my numbers yesterday? If so, appologies!)


Solo Leaderboards: G4-F-K.


And now to the many, many, and more….


Shadows and Assassins!


We have 4409 entries, roughly 20% of all the toons entered in Season 4 ranked, solo queue. 1410 of them would glow white, and 1986 would glow gold when they get that famed immunity of theirs.


Each server fielded Shadows and Assassins:


Vanjervalis Chain: 28

Battle Meditation: 102

The Progenitor: 156

Begeren Colony: 126

Mantle of the Force: 165

Jung Ma: 173

T3-M4: 253

Jar'Kai Sword: 188

The Shadowlands: 184

Darth Nihilus: 238

Jedi Covenant: 226

The Ebon Hawk: 209

The Red Eclipse: 317

The Harbinger: 383

Prophecy of the Five: 358

The Bastion: 518

Tomb of Freedon Nadd: 785


In terms of rating earned, the top AC toon is at 3. 29 toons with the rating over 2,000. The top 10 toons in the class (again, as of today) are:


Kre'à The Bastion Shadow

Váln Tomb of Freedon Nadd Assassin

La'entina Tomb of Freedon Nadd Assassin

Fig The Harbinger Assassin

Deluxetryhard The Harbinger Assassin

Moshzilla The Bastion Shadow

Jakedepaoli Jedi Covenant Assassin

Oberei The Red Eclipse Shadow

Lra Tomb of Freedon Nadd Assassin

Stâlker Jedi Covenant Shadow


The rating distribution shows approximately 46% of the toons ending in the 1050-1200 category. 83% of entries fall in between 900 and 1350 rating. 2.25% earned the rating over 1650, and 10% - rating between 1350 and 1650.

A graphical representation of the rating distribution is below.





If I manage to live through this class review, I will put every class on the same % chart in the ratings so it is easier to compare, but yes, the distribution is different for this AC, skewed towards the higher end.


Good luck to you all!

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