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Coratanni Still Attacking Escape Pod after 3.1


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We had her bug where she left, then for some reason we all died, then when we respawned, she was still gone (never was there, but Pearl was at like a ridiculous percentage enrage. I heard 200% and I heard 500% (She was a nice ruby color). We decided to go ahead and kill pearl, hit the pods, finish the next fight, etc.


Get to the very end and wouldn't you know it, NO LOOT. NONE. Nada. No loot container. Because cortanni never came back.


Same night as the bugged 16 man Torgue.


Also Story Mode 16 Man Bulos only dropped 1 piece of gear.


And on and on and on it goes.


All I have to say, is that I'm a beta-tester, early access to this game, but you guys are ...on the wrong page in the wrong book. You need to fix this stuff and now. It's not fun anymore. Everything is broken, and STILL not a word on your complete smashing of the machines. They're now worthless.


I've been through a lot with you, Bioware, since Kotor, Mass Effect, etc...and this, after 3 years. Stop, just stop with the streaming, with the feel good garbage and FIX THIS GAME and MAKE AN APOLOGY. IT WON'T GO AWAY but WE WILL. I will, at least.


I've had it. You at EAWare have lost your way. The HM flashpoint go from one easy boss to one that'll give you a migrane and takes 20 minutes. It's TEDIOUS. I don't know what you're donig but stay out of bars, and just FIX THE STUPID GAME ALREADY.


If youc an pull that off, look for me at either ESO, Wow, or whatever other good game comes out. I'm done. You've got enough of my money.

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Kind of hoping that 3.1 draft patch notes are just missing the fix for this because they haven't cleared internal QA on it yet or some similar reason. Clearly they've made headway on Torque and Underlurker in the draft they shared, so they've got to be working on this. Very disappointing, otherwise.
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GEE kinda sounds like they should have just left the mechanic to reenter and get loot you should have earned but couldn't because of these ongoing bugs. Only should have punished those that actually abused it instead of just those that used it for it's intent. But hey what do I know since I am only a consumer of this half baked product.
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My guild had her reset THREE TIMES tonight. :mad:


One, the stupid door is bugged. FIX IT!


Two, Coratanni bugs out and resets when escape pod is clicked. FIX IT!!


Loot drops are sometimes only one freakin item in 8 man SM. FIX IT!!


FIX IT already!!!


Take the stupid Hard Mode versions of flashpoints for 3.1 and forget them. Fix the blasted game and it's ridiculous piles of bugs instead!!

Edited by DarthVengeant
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Coratanni fight still bugs out regularly at the transition. Can't believe I haven't seen a post for this today after searching around a bit. We've seen it 3 times in a row now.


Once you finish Master/Blaster, exit the Op and reset the instance. If not, there is a chance that the door that should be present before the Coratanni fight will not be there. If you get to Coratanni and there is no door to click on to get the cut scene it will most likely bug out.


We figured it was faster to get everyone out of the Op and reset than fight through the trash and find out the door isn't there and have to do it all over again.


It's been three months since these operations launched and they are still bugged. But boy, they sure jumped on those graphical jet pack bugs quick, didn't they? This tells me that game play is less important than the cash market in the eyes of EA/BW. Instead of adding all this new crap, they need to fix the old broken stuff but apparently Quality isn't important any more.

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It's been three months since these operations launched and they are still bugged. But boy, they sure jumped on those graphical jet pack bugs quick, didn't they? This tells me that game play is less important than the cash market in the eyes of EA/BW. Instead of adding all this new crap, they need to fix the old broken stuff but apparently Quality isn't important any more.

Forget about jetpacks, Slot Machine was nerfed before you could blink in emergecy patch. Meanwhile prime end-game content remains bugged for 2 months

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Additionally we had Sparky reset on us at 1:45 into the fight.

Never seen it before 3.1


We ran into this ourselves last night, first time I've seen it. Happened when the tank got punted, Sparky ran to the middle of the room and reset. I had to check the video to make sure since we just kept going but it happened.

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Last night in 16 sm GF we had the fight reset four time after Coritanni went to the shuttle and the bird was killed. We never got to see Ruger at all in the fight. This game has way to many bugs, but I am stuck as I have a 6 month sub, I certainly won't be spending anymore cash in the CM until this and other issues are resolved.
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So, my guild has been dealing with the usual Coratanni bugs (the boss resets, no door, etc). I am yet to have to not redo her fight at least once in weeks now. I am yet to see the door appear the first time we get to it without someone having to leave and re-enter for weeks now.


But tonight we got a new bug.


Upon the transition to the second phase of the fight after Coratanni and Pearl are done, the pod was unclickable to proceed to the second phase. Yes, no one in the entire 8 man SM raid could click the pod. Nothing. So, we all had to /stuck after standing around for 5 min with nothing to do. Upon /stucking it and everyone was dead, Coratanni and Peal then appeared out of knowhere and started to attack the Pod :rolleyes:


Bioware. Please. This fight has been broken for weeks now, and here is yet another new bug with it. Could we please get a fix once and for all.

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  • 4 weeks later...

While she no longer goes into crazy "attack the escape pod mode" as much, she still does not properly flee reliably when she should, becoming immune. The seems especially prevalent if the raid team has a couple of DoT specs. We have done all the workarounds (not summoning pets, stopping dots early, etc...), but it doesn't matter. She just goes immune and stands wherever she is and continues her normal attack mechanics. She can actually be killed eventually as her immunity seems to wear off and outlasting her soft enrage is the only way we've been able to get past this in our last 4 successful runs.


I'm very concerned that this is an issue for so long. Very... very concerned.

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