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HM Battle of Rishi and Blood Hunt too easy?

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Still can't get past second boss. Tried dpsing and healing it. And the issue is the enormous amount of damage the tank gets on the second phase.

I myself seen it on an assassin tank (he was 56k and stacked on absorb augments, didn't look at his relics). So at one point both Jos and Valk start melting the tank. I put a bubble on him, pre casted a puddle, then dark infusion for 9k, followed by dark heal for 6k, followed by resurgence 2k + innervate around 12k and tank still died so it's more than 50 k damage in 6 seconds - that is impossible to heal through. Tank said he was stunned and there was nothing he could do. One time we survived first spike but still got killed on the second one.

Haven't tried tanking it myself yet maybe the problem was just bad tanking.

What is the strategy here? Please, no condescending answers like I did it with my eyes closed with only main hand equipped.


There is no penalty for killing either one earlier than the other. You might want to burn Jos first to avoid dealing with the execute-debuff he leaves, that might have been the reason for the massive damage on the tank.


Can't say for sure, ofc, since I've only done it once. Only the healer (sorc) had done it, but the tank (pt) and the dps (double sorc, I was the other one) were going in with Tactical/Solo version knowledge only. Tank died once in the final phase, I battle ressed her to help the healer, and from there on there wasn't any problems. One shot the whole ordeal.

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I don't see ANY reason to do those FP.

They hard. They frustrating.

Aaaand sucks when it cames to rewards.



Stop listen to the raiders.

They don't give a s*** about average players.

They want "challenge" for their overtuned butts.

Well, let them play NiM content. But leave FP aside from this s*** :mad:


Speak for yourself. I am not a hardcore raider and more in the line of a casual player, and I love the difficulty of these flashpoints. I enjoy having flashpoints that actually take time to figure them out and understand the mechanics. It's Hardmode. They are suppose to be Hard.


I have been saying this on other threads here and other forums that the swtor community as a whole needed a kick in the pants and have instances that have the players figure out instead of zergfest through the instance. Not saying L2P rather saying nothing wrong with having challenging content, if it is too hard there is always the tactical version of the flashpoints.

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Speak for yourself. I am not a hardcore raider and more in the line of a casual player, and I love the difficulty of these flashpoints. I enjoy having flashpoints that actually take time to figure them out and understand the mechanics. It's Hardmode. They are suppose to be Hard.


I have been saying this on other threads here and other forums that the swtor community as a whole needed a kick in the pants and have instances that have the players figure out instead of zergfest through the instance. Not saying L2P rather saying nothing wrong with having challenging content, if it is too hard there is always the tactical version of the flashpoints.


So if you are not a hardcore raider, did you do this in 178 blues? This is what it the FP is supposed to be tuned to. If it's not, then it needs a separate catagory.

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Speak for yourself. I am not a hardcore raider and more in the line of a casual player, and I love the difficulty of these flashpoints. I enjoy having flashpoints that actually take time to figure them out and understand the mechanics. It's Hardmode. They are suppose to be Hard.


I have been saying this on other threads here and other forums that the swtor community as a whole needed a kick in the pants and have instances that have the players figure out instead of zergfest through the instance. Not saying L2P rather saying nothing wrong with having challenging content, if it is too hard there is always the tactical version of the flashpoints.


I'll try to explain again. Slowly.

1. HM flashpoints was created for people, who wants to do SOMETHING aside from operation.


3. If you want your a** be burned/stunned/knocked/teared apart and you like it - DO THE FREAKING OPERATIONS.

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I believe the difficulty now is OK ... the first boss at blood hunt will be tuned down probably - this is such crazy fight I believe it is 100 % unpugable and anti-melee ...


At doing really hard bonus bosses is a great dea but they should award something better then massassi crap then. Korriban bonus boss is laughable and hsould be brought up in difficulty somehow, Manaan bonus is pretty unpuggable - some consistency would be fine too ...

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I'll try to explain again. Slowly.

1. HM flashpoints was created for people, who wants to do SOMETHING aside from operation.


3. If you want your a** be burned/stunned/knocked/teared apart and you like it - DO THE FREAKING OPERATIONS.


Ehmm it is so because you say it is so? Or is there another explanation? ;P


What do we need to do, post a video of 3 manning the whole thing for you to stop whining and try to get better at playing your character instead?


For over a year there was NOTHING in the game to do except for top end ops that could be done only in your raid group that only runs on certain times or with select elite of 1% of players as everything else was sleepmode. At last there is something that is remotely challenging and you guys keep whining. There is tons of easy content in the game, this is called HARD MODE so it's harder then other stuff.

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I believe the difficulty now is OK ... the first boss at blood hunt will be tuned down probably - this is such crazy fight I believe it is 100 % unpugable and anti-melee ...


How is it unpuggable when I just clicked GF got insta pop as I was queued as tank as well and cleared the whole thing? Others wrote in chat they were there first time too.

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Ehmm it is so because you say it is so? Or is there another explanation? ;P


What do we need to do, post a video of 3 manning the whole thing for you to stop whining and try to get better at playing your character instead?


For over a year there was NOTHING in the game to do except for top end ops that could be done only in your raid group that only runs on certain times or with select elite of 1% of players as everything else was sleepmode. At last there is something that is remotely challenging and you guys keep whining. There is tons of easy content in the game, this is called HARD MODE so it's harder then other stuff.



Ok, God Of Flashpoints.

Lets take a look back, when there was only 55 HM FP.

Was they fun - Yes.

Was they challenging at some point - yes.

Was they actually require skill - yes.

Do they have a ridiculous mechanics - NO.


All of them was designed to give people FUN.

And goddamit they was FUN.


It was fun to do it with friends. It was fun to do it even with PUG's.


Now we have a flashpoints that provides Operations difficulty.

Oh yeah... That is so much fun... Wipe after wipe after wipe... Especially with "rewards" for your time and nerves.


You can close your eyes and cover your ears, but THERE IS people that think that new FP are beyond logic in terms of tactics and mechanics.

But i guess your ignorance will not allow you to admit it.


Becouse you need "challenge".

Edited by Kingsbount
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Which mechanics are you actually talking off? Not standing in bad or what?


The Mechanic in Blood Hunt HM where the Adds just sit in their Own AOE and you cant touch them with a Melee DPS. By the time you get them out of their own AOE they just AOE on top of themselves again. Then Boom, they enrage, lol. Its all doable but the min gear rating should be increased.

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So they read all the anti-melee rants on the forums and the next thing they design is putting adds inside AoE bubbles. I really hate these developers. I think they are really bad at their jobs.


I'm thankful that the rewards are so useless that I don't feel obligated to run these FPs.

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The Mechanic in Blood Hunt HM where the Adds just sit in their Own AOE and you cant touch them with a Melee DPS. By the time you get them out of their own AOE they just AOE on top of themselves again. Then Boom, they enrage, lol. Its all doable but the min gear rating should be increased.


I don't recall having a problem when I did this fight. Is the AOE > 4.0 meters? Most mele in this game don't realize mele range is 4.0 meters and not 0.0 meters.


Sentinels and force leap on cooldown aside (if that's still a thing), I don't remember not being able to do damage as a mele.

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I don't recall having a problem when I did this fight. Is the AOE > 4.0 meters? Most mele in this game don't realize mele range is 4.0 meters and not 0.0 meters.


Sentinels and force leap on cooldown aside (if that's still a thing), I don't remember not being able to do damage as a mele.


There's definitely instances where the adds sit right in the middle of the electric bubbles, which are quite large (about the size of the ones from the droid boss in Lost Island). That said, they don't do TOO much damage, if I really want to do damage I'll pop a cooldown and get in there, and they aren't ALWAYS inside those bubbles.


The real key is to get the adds stacked. They always do an initial charge, so what I do with most groups is tell everyone not to touch them so they jump to the healer, then stack everything on top of each other for some nice AOE.

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I don't recall having a problem when I did this fight. Is the AOE > 4.0 meters? Most mele in this game don't realize mele range is 4.0 meters and not 0.0 meters.


The electric domes are only about five meters across, and are certainly not greater than eight meters across. Therefore, a melee DPS can always attack an add while standing outside the dome, no matter what spot the add picks.


Attacking from 3.75-3.99 meters away is further than most players think it is.

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The electric domes are only about five meters across, and are certainly not greater than eight meters across. Therefore, a melee DPS can always attack an add while standing outside the dome, no matter what spot the add picks.


Attacking from 3.75-3.99 meters away is further than most players think it is.


The other thing you have to consider is that it usually isn't an instance of just having to avoid the electric domes, but later in the fight the attacks often sync up so you're also having to avoid the blue circles (giant rock attacks) and electronet. In which case, getting hit by the dome is the lesser of 3 evils, but still sucks.

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Ehmm it is so because you say it is so? Or is there another explanation? ;P


What do we need to do, post a video of 3 manning the whole thing for you to stop whining and try to get better at playing your character instead?


For over a year there was NOTHING in the game to do except for top end ops that could be done only in your raid group that only runs on certain times or with select elite of 1% of players as everything else was sleepmode. At last there is something that is remotely challenging and you guys keep whining. There is tons of easy content in the game, this is called HARD MODE so it's harder then other stuff.


point being, I think from everyone including yourself, that the difficulty is not on par with the other 60hm fp's. They are on another level, not only of skill, but also of gear.


Unless you can honestly say that your entire team did this in 178 blue gear. Also add, on servers like Harbinger, there is a massive Aussie population. Thus they have a much higher lag consistently because of the Pacific Ocean.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not upset by the difficulty, there should just be a new catagory of HM fps for these 2, or they should tone it down to the actual gear requirements and the lag issues of people playing in other countries.

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Finally beat second boss of blood hunt today with a group finder group! We cheesed the first boss with current known exploit. Had 45 and 49k dps, me in 6 piece healing set bonus, tank in 4 piece. So combination of great tanking and good heals made second boss beatable.


As far as first boss goes we actually did it with both melee: guildie as a PT, me as a mara and pug heals and tank. It was quite fun actually. I think I had to interrupt most of my ravages to get out of stuff :)

Edited by power-alex
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People doing HM FPs in Ops gear shouldn't come to the forums and tell BW that the FPs are too easy. They are not.


DId battle of Rishi and we couldn't finish it. Wookie and stupid wasn't bad. Obai and Vodd was a night mare. More bubbles spawning that each group memeber is allowed to pop, plus Obai did a saber wave 360 thingy and killed all of us. Got passed then after about 4 wipes. Then the walker.... Spawning overlapping orbitals, tons of trash, and soncis thingy simultaneously.. trahs spawn before you enter fight area.. wasn't good. Think we called it quits after about 20 wipes.


Can't say it was anyone's fault. Walker goes berserk the moment you hit him, and that just doesn't seem right. Definitely not worth the comms anyways.


he shouldn't be doing everything all at once frequently, obitals, trash plus sonic wave. The mechanics feels like ti should be a 8-man run or at least 6. Not even gonna try blood hunt. Didn't like it on tactical, pretty sure am not gonna like it on HM.


These HMs are definitely not for PUGs. I can tell you that much cause 186 gear just not gonna cut it.

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People doing HM FPs in Ops gear shouldn't come to the forums and tell BW that the FPs are too easy. They are not.


I didn't say it was easy. On the contrary, I mentioned our gear so you'd know what conditions were required to succeed. Second boss in blood hunt is not a dps check (though first one definitely is if done as intended), but it is certainly is a healing/tanking check. Can tank mitigate burst damage enough for it to be healable? Can heals react fast enough and provide burst of heals enough to keep tank alive? I do not see myself doing it in 178 non-augmented gear, I would fail miserably.

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I didn't say it was easy. On the contrary, I mentioned our gear so you'd know what conditions were required to succeed. Second boss in blood hunt is not a dps check (though first one definitely is if done as intended), but it is certainly is a healing/tanking check. Can tank mitigate burst damage enough for it to be healable? Can heals react fast enough and provide burst of heals enough to keep tank alive? I do not see myself doing it in 178 non-augmented gear, I would fail miserably.


Sorry. I only read the OP and a few other posts, wasn't referring to anyone in particular.


I was going to say something similar to this (about the FP not the bonus boss):


Bonus boss in rishi is pretty legit. Dulfy did it with two healers, but doing the correct comp it's pretty difficult..........I doubt any group using the standard comp would survive through it.


Just the area in red. it felt like the FP is not suited for the regular 2DPS, heal and tank group composition. I think that you need 2 healers and two tanks. With one tank and one heal in DPS gear.


Don't know about the bonus boss because we never did it but the final boss just feels like an ops. I have done every single HM FP before this update, and you can usually tell what the problem is if there is a wipe. Tank suck (rarely), healer suck (usually), DPS under-geared, or simply not observing the mechanics. I have never come to the conclusion that a HM FP was too hard.


Rishi is definitely not on the same level as the other HMs. I can't speak for Blood Hunt because I haven't done it. I think those two should be in a separate group by themselves on the GF with 8 Ultimate coms as the daily reward. Then we don't have anything to complain about. The difficulty just seems a touch above the elite comms level. Don't tone it down, just give better rewards to align with the level of difficulty and we call it even.

Edited by Yezzan
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The final boss of Rishi is not hard at all, I absolutely disagree with that. Its literally just don't stand in circles and burn adds fast, that is it, those are the only mechanics. Do the circles hurt? Sure, but don't stand in them, you have about 3 seconds to move out of every one.


I'm sorry but if not standing in circles constitutes a boss too difficult for hard modes, they may as well just rename these regular modes and come up with something new to call hard modes.

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The final boss of Rishi is not hard at all, I absolutely disagree with that. Its literally just don't stand in circles and burn adds fast, that is it, those are the only mechanics. Do the circles hurt? Sure, but don't stand in them, you have about 3 seconds to move out of every one.


I'm sorry but if not standing in circles constitutes a boss too difficult for hard modes, they may as well just rename these regular modes and come up with something new to call hard modes.


I have to agree with this. The final boss literally has nothing new in it that is different from the tactical version, so I don't understand why anyone would think it is harder... unless the DPS in the group were just silly and thought they could ignore the adds?

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