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Gunslinger discipline help


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Hello everyone!

I love pvp and i'm wondering what the best way to bring enemies down. I have found that marksmanship is good when you need to come in and finish others off, but isn't great for jumping into the fray. I always find myself running back instead of staying in and dealing damage since a lot of my abilities aren't made for mobility. I would love it if someone wrote up a detailed post instead of "Saboteur FtW." Thanks in advance.

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I love pvp as well and am sticking with my saboteur even though he has the defenses of a wet piece of paper. I have full unranked gear, with a few pieces of ranked now, including my main hand and off hand. Even with those, I am finding that though I can hit like a truck, it is very rare that I can go head to head with someone and come out on top.


Things that I have found help:

Shock Charge puts a dot on them and slows them down a little bit

Hit them with flourish shot--it reduces the amount of healing they receive and we need every bit of help we can get

Use smuggler's luck and throw sabotage charge and speed shots (with the utility that gives speed shots a slow)

Pray that you can survive long enough to get a second sabotage charge off


I like the stun we get if we can get shock charge, incendiary grenade, AND sabotage to go off, but in all honesty, the stun is so short that it has generally worn off by the time my GCD is off from using sabotage.


The real key is keeping a little distance, and targeting someone who is busy attacking someone else in your group. In that case I find that if people ignore me, I can usually take them out with two sabotage charges and filler stuff in-between. If you get focused though, I am sorry to say that given the current state of the slinger disciplines, there is not much you can do except try to run away until some more of your group shows up to back you up.

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