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A few merc ideas that have worked in the past


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posted this in a few places but the pvp forum deserves one too



i just don't get why there is a WHOLE ENTIRE FORUM POST STICKY all about POWERTECH and MARAS but not a word is said about mercs.... people love mercs but we just cant pvp with them if we want to live more than 3 seconds... Prescience = 6 sec immunity to all damage and cc's like SWG had to add because of the exact same pvp problems... they also redesigned shields to have 99 points and lower 1 point each time the shield is hit adding 1% damage increase to the merc, so players wont want to attack a merc when the shields are up or their damage will increase adding the buff to their damage for around 20 seconds! Kolto overload is a joke.. players get their 30% damage boost right when we can use KO... why not allow us to use it at any point?? or 75%?? If lower than 75% add a damage reduction to it as well for mercs. People pvp in arsenal most of the time so doing these things to pyro don't really help the majority. All i ever wanted was to pvp on a merc.. from day one.. over 1000 days ago. PLEASE OOH PLEASE help us with some kind of forced focus switch like the prescience buff/shield design and KO change star wars galaxies added making the class right on par with the others!! also fixing our heals to be similar to sorcs would be really nice. their "shield" aka bubble is not even comparable to a bh's shields and they get no CD heals that actually heal them!!!




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says the guy who plays 2 stealth classes ( nice sig)


Are you serious right now? In case you can't read that sig well enough to see the specs, it says deception and concealment. Concealment was utter dog **** until ~2.6, and then from 2.7 when it got nerfed again it was only decent. 3.0 is the first time in a LONG time that concealment has really been "good" in comparison to the overall balance of other classes. As far as deception, it's currently in a slightly subpar state, and no I don't play hatred.


So, what exactly is your point about me playing two stealth classes? I also have a mara at 55 that I plan on getting to 60 during 2XP as well as a sniper sitting just above 30 and a merc I rolled just recently. Try again.

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I think it's because of the poor investment of Merc/Mando community on the forums.


Yeah you need some more survivability in PvP, but you have a really good DPS parse.


Also, maybe Merc/Mando DPS players should learn to place themselves better on the battle field and learn how to kite with more efficiency.


First off, a parse means exactly **** all in PvP. Secondly, somehow I'm pretty sure that most of these mercs are positioning themselves and kiting well. Trying to use that as an argument that mercs are fine is asinine and simply ignorant.

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Also, maybe Merc/Mando DPS players should learn to place themselves better on the battle field and learn how to kite with more efficiency.


Because kiting is so incredibly easy right? The only decent kiting mechanic we have is Hydraulic Overrides which is on a 30s cd. We have to spend ONE utility point to make it 10s. We don't get any other benefits. Sins get -5s cd on force sprint, -2s cd on interrupt and -30s cd on cc break IN ONE UTILITY.



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Because kiting is so incredibly easy right? The only decent kiting mechanic we have is Hydraulic Overrides which is on a 30s cd. We have to spend ONE utility point to make it 10s. We don't get any other benefits. Sins get -5s cd on force sprint, -2s cd on interrupt and -30s cd on cc break IN ONE UTILITY.




To be fair, that reduced interrupt cooldown means **** all these days with the increase on interrupt cooldowns.

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To be fair, that reduced interrupt cooldown means **** all these days with the increase on interrupt cooldowns.


See that's where you're wrong. I'd agree with you if: The merc didn't have 24s cd (***?) and the utility to reduce the cooldown wasn't utter ****. For the assassin it's just there. There's no reason not to take it.


To clarify: Mercs get -3s cd on interrupt and the ability to get supercharged stack with the regen spell. Which obviously doesn't work in combat. So basically you get -3s cd on interrupt for - again - 1 utlity point.



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See that's where you're wrong. I'd agree with you if: The merc didn't have 24s cd (***?) and the utility to reduce the cooldown wasn't utter ****. For the assassin it's just there. There's no reason not to take it.


Except I'm not wrong. Ranged have lots of instant now, so there's not much you can interrupt anyways, and the ones you can it's only once in a blue moon. It's especially stupid with sorcs.

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Except I'm not wrong. Ranged have lots of instant now, so there's not much you can interrupt anyways, and the ones you can it's only once in a blue moon. It's especially stupid with sorcs.


I play 4v4 (group) ranked. I interrupt healers every 24s. Yes, interrupts do matter.

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Except I'm not wrong. Ranged have lots of instant now, so there's not much you can interrupt anyways, and the ones you can it's only once in a blue moon. It's especially stupid with sorcs.


Tracer has no interrupt protection at all, and its the one cast we can't afford to have interrupted. And then there is priming shot which if it is dodged, it does proc.


Snipers are in a good spot in group ranked, Sorcs are great in general. Mercs right now are bad at worst, and a underpowered MM sniper at best. There is nothing a merc can do that a sorc or a sniper doesn't do better.


Yeah you need some more survivability in PvP, but you have a really good DPS parse.

And the most oblivious post of the day award goes to this one.


IO parses well on training dummies. However IO is stifled in actual content due to how horribly penalized it is by target swaps, But hey when people start fielding training dummy comps in ranked, I'll be sure to get my merc.


And arsenal? You ever even seen a arsenal parse? No you haven't because nobody does it because arsenal parses so poor.

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You guys are acting like I said Merc were fine.


I said it needs some little tweaks and more survivability, remember ?


Mara is fine for many mercs on the forums, and people are also talking about parses and god mode (lol).


So stop playing the dumb one and give us more arguments about your issues.


Heal merc is in a good place, just like it should be.


DPS merc is not in a good place like hatred sin or proto PT are right now, but you can spec to have more kiting and defensive tools, that's why you have utility points to use.


Just go and play with a premade team and at least a heal, and you will change your mind.

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Honestly, mercs are in an Ok spot. They arn't great but they arn't the worst you can bring into a fight. Yes they are out preformed by the FotM, but so are all of the other classes. I do agree we need some kind of anti focus skill because most teams just tunnel the merc until they die which is very soon after our few CD's have been used.


For Solo Ranked:

Heals, The selling point of a merc healer in solo ranked is their ability to shake off a TON of damage while mostly keeping people alive, oh and the best ability EVER created for solo matches, (E-Net). I cannot tell you how many matches I've won because of a well placed net on either a sorc, operative, or sin that results in them quickly dying to the burst.


DPS- in all dps matches it is your goal to stay alive long enough for your team to get a kill, while still doing some damage and properly using your E-Net at the right time to get kills. If you get into a match with 3 dps and a healer same philosophy goes use E-net to get a kill while relying on your healer to keep you alive, and you need to focus more on damage than kiting. I'm not the greatest DPS player so take this opinion with a very heavy dose of salt.


For Group ranked:

mercs are just as good as any class in group ranked.

http://www.twitch.tv/tireliu/c/6010580 (we left the second match because somebody got disconnected and it was preseason so we left to queue up again)

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Just go and play with a premade team and at least a heal, and you will change your mind.

I'm 100% sure than premade team would be better off taking a MM sniper or a sorc over a merc.


Honestly, mercs are in an Ok spot. They arn't great but they arn't the worst you can bring into a fight. Yes they are out preformed by the FotM, but so are all of the other classes. I do agree we need some kind of anti focus skill because most teams just tunnel the merc until they die which is very soon after our few CD's have been used.

See previous, the problem with merc DPS is there is nothing we can do that one of the other ranged AC don't do better.


Trying to run a burst comp with arsenal? Better off with a MM sniper, MM also has better DcDs.

Trying for more sustained? Sorc does it way better, also kites way better.


Enet is the mercs only claim to fame, except to me Enet is just proof of lazy design since its basically a "we don't know what to do with this class so we are going to give it this uber button so they can be good once every 90 seconds, and gimped the rest of the time."

Edited by Zoom_VI
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Just don't mention parse at all here in the PVP forum. Way too many have used that excuse to make it seem mercs are fine. Even if you didn't mean it that way, people are tired of hearing mercs have great parse.


So merc better stop saying that mara is fine and I will leave them alone.


Also, every class right now is compared to hatred sin.


I could have compared DPS merc with veng jugg or Proto PT, it would have been the same.


You are not the worst DPS class right now, but not in a good place either.


Just like I said before, just go roll a sent and play it lvl 60 with a T1 stuff, and you'll see what is real pain.

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Just like I said before, just go roll a sent and play it lvl 60 with a T1 stuff, and you'll see what is real pain.


Marauders are in a better place than mercs (note better not top of the heap), the problem marauders is that the majority of the marauders in this game don't understand how to use camo, obfuscate, Awe, and CoP properly.


Meanwhile merc's best DcD still isn't strong enough to stop them from being globalled through it.

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Marauders are in a better place than mercs (note better not top of the heap), the problem marauders is that the majority of the marauders in this game don't understand how to use camo, obfuscate, Awe, and CoP properly.


Meanwhile merc's best DcD still isn't strong enough to stop them from being globalled through it.


Lol, just play one, you have really no clue.


Merc => range, no time on target issue

Mara => melee, biggest problem is movement-impairing effects and time on target


I'll just let you in your ignorance.

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For Group ranked:

mercs are just as good as any class in group ranked.

http://www.twitch.tv/tireliu/c/6010580 (we left the second match because somebody got disconnected and it was preseason so we left to queue up again)


You think merc is fine because you managed to beat a mediocre/bad team who didn't know how to interrupt or spread dots? Wow... I'm impressed. Doesn't help you once you face a team that actually knows what they're doing - aka training you and one of your mercs. You won't get as many casts off and you'll die pretty fast. You also got corellia twice which is the best map for mercs. Merc is definitely NOT as good as any class in group ranked.

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Mercs are a joke right now. I don't think I've lost a match yet where the other team had a merc. They have some potential as I've played with some good commandos but have yet to see a good merc. I'm not saying there aren't any good Mercs on the server I just have seen any and or the imps just won't peel for them. If you're grouped with a merc you have to focus on keeping them alive. It takes priority over your focus target.


You know who the enemy is going after. Plant your merc/Mando wherever you want the fight to happen. They will come to you as everybody gets excited when there's a merc/Mando on the enemy team. When they start attacking start your chain knock backs and stuns. Focus any Melle that gets on the merc/Mando . Keep him alive and he will kill the other team for you.


I don't understand why dps sorcs get such better heals and shields .

Mercs need a oh crap button. Everybody should have at least 1 button to force a hard switch.


I think the upcoming buff to maras is going to help more than ppl think. All we need is a dcd buff to merc, a cool down on force storm, and a small nerf to hatred sin and balance will be in a good spot I think.


Also mando/mercs if your team is trying to peel for you don't HO run to the other side of the map as soon as someone starts hitting you. Use los and run around boxes and stuff.

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