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Bioware.. Please DO NOT release ANYMORE slot machines


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Not after your cash-grab bait-and-switch you pulled with the last one!


We do NOT need them taking up a slot in the gamble packs. Save that spot for something WORTHWHILE.


Even those, like myself, that speak out about the "nerf" will agree the old machine was giving waaaay too much in terms of jawa junk (purple at least) But instead of tweaking it so it wasn't over-doing it while still leaving the machine FUN and WORTHWHILE..you completely DESTROYED IT.


We don't need any more of these (faux) slot machines!!!

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Not after your cash-grab bait-and-switch you pulled with the last one!


We do NOT need them taking up a slot in the gamble packs. Save that spot for something WORTHWHILE.


Even those, like myself, that speak out about the "nerf" will agree the old machine was giving waaaay too much in terms of jawa junk (purple at least) But instead of tweaking it so it wasn't over-doing it while still leaving the machine FUN and WORTHWHILE..you completely DESTROYED IT.


We don't need any more of these (faux) slot machines!!!


We? Whose we? I don't think you can speak for anyone here other than yourself. I don't care either way, but I am pretty sure their are many people who DO indeed want the machines.

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While I think that they nerfed the slot machines too far I still want them to release more.


Maybe they can play with drops on the PTR or something to try and get the slot machines a little more fun injected to them without causing some people's heads to exlode?



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I said it the last time you said this and i will say it again...


Can't disagree more. I still have cartel reputations to top off and the slot machines are perfect for that.


So take your angst and overblown outrage elsewhere and let those of us who can get use out of the machines do so in peace.

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We? Whose we? I don't think you can speak for anyone here other than yourself. I don't care either way, but I am pretty sure their are many people who DO indeed want the machines.

"We" is himself and anyone who agrees with him. "We" in not inclusive of everyone, so calm down and stop being scared he's speaking for you...he's not. Geezus man...relax lol.


On topic, I'm fine with more. I like the Rep, even if that's all they drop. I just know not to ever seek out another machine for myself.

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I won't BUY another CC Pack or Hypercrate to obtain a SLOT machine, but I will gladly use someone else's. :)


BW screwed up big time on this one and the silence since the nerf is salt in the wound.


Jawa stuff needed nerfing (Tad overkill, but was needed). The "Rare Mount" is CRAP and a slap in the face. Save your cred's and go buy one on Yavin 4. The CERT's shouldn't have changed (No mention by eric or Patch Notes) so WHY did they get nerfed to the ground.


Seriously.. BW if you want to see CC purchase of future packs with slot machines I'd suggest a lot more up front communications on Slot machines. I would highly suggest you tweak the existing and put it on par with what the new ones would have. (Right now... would only be a REP collection tool and nothing else) = No Fun.


You stated you wanted something "FUN" for us to use. Well it's not fun anymore and not worth obtaining the new one or future ones.


I can care less about the JAWA stuff, but a slight increase might be in order as well.

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Not after your cash-grab bait-and-switch you pulled with the last one!


We do NOT need them taking up a slot in the gamble packs. Save that spot for something WORTHWHILE.


Even those, like myself, that speak out about the "nerf" will agree the old machine was giving waaaay too much in terms of jawa junk (purple at least) But instead of tweaking it so it wasn't over-doing it while still leaving the machine FUN and WORTHWHILE..you completely DESTROYED IT.


We don't need any more of these (faux) slot machines!!!




Waaahhh, waaaahhh, waaaah - I want the old slot machine back to I can fill my bank slots with purple crafting materials and cartel certificates.

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They made missteps in releasing the Machine in its original state and in their communications about the changes, but the version they have now is a good item for doing what its supposed to do: Giving people a way to get long-embargoed rep.


I hope they release a Bounty Slot Machine in about four or five months and continue on from there.

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Someone always does though - that's why cash shops thrive.

Not to mention since they're a random drop in a gambling pack there will still be plenty making their way onto the market just from people pursuing other items in whatever packs they show up in - even if no one is spending money just to try to get them in particular anymore.

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Not to mention since they're a random drop in a gambling pack there will still be plenty making their way onto the market just from people pursuing other items in whatever packs they show up in - even if no one is spending money just to try to get them in particular anymore.

Exactly. Even if they sell 1/10th the packs they did last time, there will still be plenty, and if they're super rare, someone will buy packs just to sell access to the new slot. No matter what they do, I'm not buying a new slot, but I'm anxious to cap out my Rep, so I'll gladly take more in-game.

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No matter what they do, I'm not buying a new slot, but I'm anxious to cap out my Rep, so I'll gladly take more in-game.

Ditto. I've never gotten a single point of rep that came from cartel packs until the recent slot machine. I had pretty much written it off as something I wouldn't get.


If more slot machines are added and the only thing they do is rep? I'll play them just for that.

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If more slot machines are added and the only thing they do is rep? I'll play them just for that.


Yea same as Tux. Not wasting my real money for the next round, but will find/use someone else's for REP only and then leave.


Again, Bioware screwed the pooch on this one. They should FIX the existing one and communicate the crap out of it before releasing another one. (IF they want a snowballs chance in hell of making money on 'em again)

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Save that spot for something WORTHWHILE.


What, like another Rishi Lamp or Todempole? Maybe a houseplant that just sits there and does nothing. You would rather have that instead of a machine that will give you max reputation on packs that are not available anymore so you can buy the items?


I want as many machines released as they can.......anything that gives you stuff not available is an awesome idea for those new to the game. Nothing like coming into the game and notice you'll never acquire something EVER because it's not possible to even buy it with real money.

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I would LOVE more slot machines, even if all they give is reputation. I'd been sitting at Champion for ages with this rep and was finally able to max it out. Personally, I'm a happy camper and I hope they release more in the future. Besides, I'd really like having a real, working casino room in my Nar Shaddaa Palace. =D Edited by blindxsecrets
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I agree with the OP. They released something ridiculously overpowered and then nerfed it into uselessness (and lied in the patch notes regarding it), completely missing that sweet spot of "fun but balanced" from both directions. I really don't see the justification for having any more of those darned things put in the game when we can have actual fun and interesting decorations instead.
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Waaahhh, waaaahhh, waaaah - I want the old slot machine back to I can fill my bank slots with purple crafting materials and cartel certificates.


take a class in reading. then grow up.


or grow up then take the class on reading.


But nice try. trollol score; 3/10

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We? Whose we? I don't think you can speak for anyone here other than yourself. I don't care either way, but I am pretty sure their are many people who DO indeed want the machines.


and by your own words many that don't. Some even spoke out in this thread.


do you still need me to point out the "we" I speak of or do you get it?

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What exactly is the point fo these slot machines once you max out your rep? I buy a stack of 99 coins like once a week to use the machine we have on our guild ship and the only things I get are either my coin back or a rep token. Once my rep is full I either have a really small chance to get some sort of mount or nothing really.
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What exactly is the point fo these slot machines once you max out your rep? I buy a stack of 99 coins like once a week to use the machine we have on our guild ship and the only things I get are either my coin back or a rep token. Once my rep is full I either have a really small chance to get some sort of mount or nothing really.


That's why Bioware needs to reconsider adjusting the machines again. When released, yes, it rewarded to much. But after the patch, they went to far in the opposite direction basically castrating them. A middle ground will be the only thing people will be happy with.


I for one also want different slot machines released in the future. So the OP does not speak on my behalf.

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