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Have you ever role-played in SWTOR or any other mmo?


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wondering if i can find a bunch of people or a whole server environment that actually go through the game pretending to be the characters they are playing. Thinking of trying it out if such exists.


i wonder how complete the role playing is though, do they do it like RL - roleplaying, where you are totally in character all through, even on vent.. which means that you can't sound like a bloke if you are using a female character, stuff like that.


does anyone play like that? it would take everyone either in the guild or the server to be in on it tho

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Roleplayers and LARPers are not the same thing.

LARPing is RP but RP is not necessarily LARPing.


On topic, I used to RP IC all the time with a dedicated group in DDO, but, like many endeavors, it eventually fizzled. Very few people like to RP IC 100%. It makes quests take a really long time and most people, in my experience, want to power through quests OOC then go IC once they get back to the tavern. If that's their cup o' tea, fine, but it ain't mine. Consequently, I don't bother to try to RP in MMOs any more. I'd rather not RP at all then do tavern-only RP. That tends to be just boasting about one's bad a**ery.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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have I roleplayed? yes.


in voice? no. voice was used for out of character communication, while in game was full out in character.


its best in RP guild, especially if you join one that has a group story going.


where to find those guilds? on rp server.


are you guaranteed to find one that works for you? no

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RP just seems like too much work. I would rather just read a book or play a SP RPG if I want to dive into someone character. The only thing I vaguely do that is RP to is having my character's look and dress to fit some specific character, usually names from SW EU, with the exception of one.
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I'll expect a really good show next time, then. No more just doing sudoku.


Darth Fudge declares these posts as delicious as himself!!


to answer the OP, I RP plenty, but usually only with my best friend, though I sometimes RP with random folks, sometimes to my sorrow (first time I did open roleplay, an Imperial Agent strode into the fleet cantina boasting she just defeated a Dark Council Member. My own agent was facepalming internally) othertimes to my delight. (A random agent player I met on Makeb and we just randomly killed things was a bit of fun. The whole RP was the two of us trying to BS one another and both characters walks away, confident that pretty much nothing the other person said was true).


Related to this, I find RPing with my Agent as easiest in terms of working with other people. He takes being a special/black ops guy seriously, and the first rule for him is DON'T TALK ABOUT IMPERIAL INTELLIGENCE! IT DOESN'T EXIST. NOT NOW, NOT EVER. So any time he meets even another agent, he just gives a BS story about being a merc/assassin the Empire's got on contract. He also speaks in a "slurred Imperial Accent" (see also: Space!Australian), about his time with a team of a mercs known as The Red Squad, and how "snipin's a good job, mate."

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I tried RP'ing in SW:TOR and SWG.


But I didn't like it.


And I've been RP'ing in PnP games since the age of 7. (so about 30 years now)


But RP'ing in the game is... well... it's too much like LARPing in a Vampire LARP.

All talk and no action.



So to speak.


I don't get that, btw, i would think a video game is the perfect envrionment, especially one like this where your character talks, the NPCs talk in full on convo missions etc...wouldn't it be the perfect place to properly role play?


I can see an environment where in General chat is disabled, or at least off by default, and you can only talk in proximity, and whispers would be holocron calls to other players.


thinking about that, it would have been awesome, if every time you typed in general chat, your character was seen on his holonet internet saying or typing his message, and every time you whispered a players you had to do a holocall dial and their hologram would come up. There would be shortcuts too ofc, i.e. if you had already started a conversation, you could click resume, but bringing up the chat window by clicking on it to type automatically brought up the holocall device, and whoever you clicked on to talk, well that's who's hologram image would come up once they received/viewed it.

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I am one of the one's who does that. As soon as I press "play" on said character that I feel like playing and put myself in the mindset and AM that character, I am them. I don't talk normal in general chat and then just rp in say or in a group. I am one of those people that is always in role 99 percent of the time unless something very serious happens or I need to explain something out of role.
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I don't get that, btw, i would think a video game is the perfect envrionment, especially one like this where your character talks, the NPCs talk in full on convo missions etc...wouldn't it be the perfect place to properly role play?


I can see an environment where in General chat is disabled, or at least off by default, and you can only talk in proximity, and whispers would be holocron calls to other players.


thinking about that, it would have been awesome, if every time you typed in general chat, your character was seen on his holonet internet saying or typing his message, and every time you whispered a players you had to do a holocall dial and their hologram would come up. There would be shortcuts too ofc, i.e. if you had already started a conversation, you could click resume, but bringing up the chat window by clicking on it to type automatically brought up the holocall device, and whoever you clicked on to talk, well that's who's hologram image would come up once they received/viewed it.


You misunderstand.


I'm talking about RP'ing between player characters.


Which is what most mean when they talk about RP'ing in MMO's.


You're talking about simply playing your character in the game.

I always play my character and base my characters choices off the personality and story I've made up for it.

But that's hardly roleplaying.

That's just... playing.


EDIT: Hell, I even record the storyline and upload it to youtube. Already have a force wielding Mandalorian that works for the sith and a former republic special forces smuggler with a patriotic streak that I've done the entire storyline with.

Currently going through the BH storyline (for the umpteenth time) with a proper Mandalorian bounty hunter.

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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You misunderstand.


I'm talking about RP'ing between player characters.


Which is what most mean when they talk about RP'ing in MMO's.


You're talking about simply playing your character in the game.

I always play my character and base my characters choices off the personality and story I've made up for it.

But that's hardly roleplaying.

That's just... playing.


Alas, oddball, many people would call that roleplaying. I am not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing.


But on topic, I'm basically IC 100% of the time I'm in the game but only in certain contexts. Local/say/emote, most definitely. In group, it depends. With my friends, yes. With a pug.. maybe. I'll usually start off the conversation with a line that could be either IC or OOC, and see how people react. If they respond ICly, I'll stay IC. If they respond with "hi how r u?", then I know they're not RPers - or at least, they're not looking for RP at this time.

Edited by Raphael_diSanto
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Most likely you would find that more so in guilds.


I know my guild has continued to roleplay in game and on our forum roleplay since the game began. We have a guild story that we use somewhat but we also take a bit of creative imagination in our roleplay. We don't necessary use the game as a basis of our roleplay.


For example, my jedi is not in the order nor has she been in a long time. If everyone used the game for a basic of their roleplay it would be boring since everyone would be doing the same.


Taking bits and pieces and making your own story or your own guild story for us is fun and more exciting than to be like everyone else in the game.


There are also times we don't roleplay in the guild depending on the day everyone has had. Sometimes people are just tired but want to hang out with their friends.

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wondering if i can find a bunch of people or a whole server environment that actually go through the game pretending to be the characters they are playing. Thinking of trying it out if such exists.


i wonder how complete the role playing is though, do they do it like RL - roleplaying, where you are totally in character all through, even on vent.. which means that you can't sound like a bloke if you are using a female character, stuff like that.


does anyone play like that? it would take everyone either in the guild or the server to be in on it tho


Yes but long time ago


I find the modern era to reliant on emotes and gear and stuff now a days that it loses sight of the role playing (not everyone of course but in general) and yes voice communication just ruins immersion for RP sake because when everything is typed you create a voice in your mind to match that character. And a persons true voice rarely (if ever) matchs the voice you created in your imagination.


But back in oNWN on AOL (circa 1991-97) I role played a drow wizard in a drow society. Was really interesting an fun experience and the writing from the people involved was sometimes nothing short of amazing. Was a really fun time but also was a really different time.


We paid AOL $20.00/month for 20 hours and then $2.95/hour ($3.95 / hour Canadian) to play the game so it was mostly age 25+ crowd (people who could afford that price tag) and no one wasted time and energy (and money) trolling and such. So the community was far more accommodating or inclusive of other play styles then you see today. If someone got caught up in a RP going on, it was much easier to just move on quietly or even RP yourself out of the situation then sit there screaming at the role players over general chat and insulting them.


Because fo this many NON RPers found themselves giving the play style a chance and occationally taking part in it.


And the RPers also were more accommodating of other playstyles (like PVP) and started to create Role Plays around thee PVP rather then just freak out screaming about being forced into PVP.


Was a different era to be sure but was a ton of fun.


One of my favorite memories (and dang I wish I saved it all those years ago) was buddy and I set up a jump spot in the Neverwinter hill (PVP zone). We were playing our drow characters and while we were there for PVP, we would Role play our actions to a certain degree as well . So along came this group of players from a known goodie guild and we jumped them (2 of us vrs 4 of them) and proceeded to win the fight while doing our Drow role play complete with speaking Drow language rather then English (well typeing it). Was a great fight and all (even losers) left in good cheer.


Next day posted on our Drow guild forums was a ballad written by one of the goodies we had killed the day before telling about the battle and yadda yadda yadda (was an amazing piece of writing and song smith) and was signed by character name, Bard of *guild*.


So something as innocent and everyday as a pvp match turned into a really memorable Role Play memory.


Sadly by the time UO hit the scene that type of RP occurance and acceptance all but disappeared from MMORPGs and player based had to be separated by play style (PVP Server, PVE server, RP server) which did diminish the over all experience. Now a days a RP server is really nothing more then a PVE server iwth a bunch of idiots trolling anyone that dares to try and do the smallest form of RP in public.


But yes OP, back in day when this genre first started, I greatly enjoyed Roleplaying with like minded players and a mature community surrounding us. Was great fun and to this day some of my favorite MMORPG memories.

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