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PVP expert tip thread


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Protip: Read the forums and the threads pertaining to what exactly you want tips on.


uhhh are you kidding me? Have you even looked at this forum? look at the first page and a half. 8 out of 10 of them are not useful to pvp. The other ones are about PVE parses and people complaining how OP powertechs are.


This thread is designed to gather all those "useful tips" into one convenient thread. Leave here troll - I banish thee

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AP PT isn't hard to play. Really what makes a good PT an awesome PT is knowing when to fire all that burst off on certain classes and when to delay it. Rail shot the **** out of sins when they shroud...don't blow yourself up on a juggs reflect, and don't go balls the the walls on an operative until after roll is on cooldown. Most people (at least on my server) expect to eat all your burst pretty quick, so they freak out and blast through all their dcd's immediately. Those players are easy and pretty common to encounter. The better players know better and they'll wait to use those game changers. In which you have to recognize them and be ready to not shoot all your shoulder rockets off and know what works and what doesn't versus their dcd's. I could list them all out individually...but i'd ruin the fun of letting you play them all and learning how they work. Or you could just youtube tutorials of each class i suppose.
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Some tips you might find useful:

  1. Save your pull on Sorcerers and Assasins for after they Force Speed away. Same with Operatives though wait a second for the immunity on the roll to go away
  2. Till they remove Unload, use it when you don't have Rail Shot on Assasins who have cloak up.
  3. Shoulder Cannon heal is clutch - spam that baby as it has no ICD at the moment.
  4. If you're stunned, only use Shoulder Cannon on an enemy you KNOW you can kill. This is a great tool for stopping a sap cap so long as you stay on the node and don't fight off of it.
  5. Learn the hitbox area of the flames and acid drops on the Hutball maps. Try standing right on the edges so you can pull people into it, kinda tricky sometimes with other people using movement abilities. If you take the Grapple Hook root utility, don't waste an Electro Dart or Carbonize on them unless they break the root.
  6. Hold the Line/Hydraulic Overdrive is up a lot more often than you think. When bursting Sorcerers it's a great way to make sure they can't slow you or knock you back.
  7. Focus the healer as much as you can. With the amount of burst/slow immuniyt/knockback immunity you have you are one of the best DPS to pressure a healer.
  8. With the range increase on Magnetic Blast and Energy Burst you can hit people on the pipes in the Quesh Huttball map from the floor beneath it.
  9. If you have the utilities for increased time on HO/HtL you can pop it right after the second acid trap and make it all the way to the goal line if you're quick. It should last that long.
  10. Some very useful PvP utilities would be: Bracer Propellant, Suppressive Tools, Sonic Rebounder. Overdrive is a must have, so I'm not even bothering to put it here, so is Pneumatic Boots.
  11. If you died and you're specced AP, use that time to load up your Energy Burst.
  12. AP has 30% AoE damage reduction - Only means you can stand in that Force storm a few ticks more than others, but it definitely means you can be the one to interrupt that.
  13. Use your taunts on cooldown. They help immensly even though you're a DPS.
  14. Peel for your healers, you can even do this from range with a Taunt >Thermal Detonator > Rail Shot > Explosive Dart > Rail Shot. It's not OMG damage, but it let's you do enough from range so that when you get there you've already done a good deal.
  15. Very important: You are not a god. You are not invincible. You have serious global burst with all your cooldowns up yes, and playing AP PT can give you a sense of "I can blow anything up anytime". This is wrong. Don't make the mistake of thinking this and get overextended. You will die as your 2 defensive cooldowns are good, but you're no Juggernaut with Enraged Defense/Reflect/multiple leaps + leap reset & friendly leap. You can be stunned with HO/HtL up and bursted through your cooldowns.
  16. Don't blow your load on an Operative who just rolls away your damage or a Sorcerer who pops their bubble (or an assasin who Shrouds) and you just keep going. Watch what other classes do because your burst can be countered by a decent player and you would just lose your precious Explosive fuel/Shoulder Cannon. Learn to start your burst on 1 person, see they pop their roll/bubble/tech immunity and hard swap to another priority target and use up the rest of it on them.


Hope this helps. Some generic PvP tips here too I guess.

Edited by Aienir
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Some good stuff in there. Seems like a lot of advice is based around waiting for certain classes to burn their one useful DCD that counters us (shroud/roll/bubble). Thanks, oh and I thought using HO as sort of an offensive technique to not get pushed back was useful as well (I use it as an escape, that thing is so good)
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Aienir has some really good stuff. I will add some kind of complicated tips.


1- Circle around melee. If you are fighting a melee opponent, once hit have RP and RB once, stay at 7-10 meter range as much as possible and run around the target in a circle aiming to be attacking them from their back.


2- If sorc has bubble stun, blow it before you get in 4 meter range so you do not get CCed.


3- Mentioned before, but I want to emphasize, unless you are about to die or focus fired, do not use your burst right away. If you anticipate the target will have DCDs wait for them to use them before deciding to us your burst. Always align SC and EF.


4- Healer and tank giving you a problem, go as far away as possible then pull the healer or the tank away. If well coordinated with the team healer can be bursted down as he/she will be too far to benefit from guard.


5- Pull an enemy into 1-2 other enemies then use AOE stun on all of them.


6- Peel for your healer. PT is an amazing healer protector. 50% snare, 2 hard CCs, pull and taunts. If you cycle them correctly you can make the life of enemy dps (melee in particular) miserable.


7- Do not blow HO at the first sign of snare or root. If are still in 10 meters wait. Even further out sometimes. It has a low CD and long duration, so do not get stingy, but try to use it somewhat strategically.

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uhhh are you kidding me? Have you even looked at this forum? look at the first page and a half. 8 out of 10 of them are not useful to pvp. The other ones are about PVE parses and people complaining how OP powertechs are.


This thread is designed to gather all those "useful tips" into one convenient thread. Leave here troll - I banish thee

Not trolling. Specific questions bring in specific answers and you just want general advice? Why re-iterate what's been said when I don't know what you want to know?



I have seen this forum, because I frequent it a lot, because it's a great way to learn.

Here are some examples on the first page and a half of this forum:


I could use a Beginner's guide to PT! More useful for its link to the guide on Dulfy.


Bangers' AP Guide Lots of useful discussion over utility points.


AP DPS help - discussions and numbers happen after the first page.


New to VG tanking. Some of my personal advice to a player on VG/PT tanking.



I can answer pretty much anything you want to know about the class, but unloading my pool of experience-gained knowledge seems like a gigantic waste of time if I don't know specifically what you're curious about.

Edited by AxeDragoneth
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I can answer pretty much anything you want to know about the class, but unloading my pool of experience-gained knowledge seems like a gigantic waste of time if I don't know specifically what you're curious about.


It wouldnt be a waste of time -


I really liked the format the other two people used. Pretty much just a concise list of some random/specific tips that are outside the obvious (or perhaps obvious tips as well if you deem it very helpful) Im looking for tips that separate the great from the average.


So ideally, I would like a bullet point list of a handful of useful tips you could think of. If you refuse to give general tips, I can give you a specific question: Regarding survivability in ranked - what is your course of action to live and be effective as AP? Assume both teams have hatred sin, ap pt, veng jugg, and sorc healer and at least 2 of the dps focusing you

Edited by xThe_MESSENGERx
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Two relevant questions that will have answers useful to this thread.


Re: Visual Difference/cue


Is there a way to tell if a Sorc/Sage has taken the bubble stun utility?


If a Shadow/Sin has CC immunity for Deflection?


I know they're close to "must take" utilities, but I always kind of wonder (more so with Deflection) if Shadows/Sins can just get away with people thinking "I can't CC him now" and use the point somewhere else.

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So while these are highly situational - I have found these to be actual game changers:


1. If somebody is planting an objective, and you are near death - throw a Thermal detonator / explosive dart on them. It will explode a few seconds after you die and help give your team extra time.


2. In the middle section of Voidstar, the bridge forms a sort of an ' T ' - if you want to look awesome, use Hydrolic overides, jump the very small gap of that ' T ' , and pull and enemy while you are over that gap. They will fall to their death.


3. In ranked if you are the target - its often better to just stay back behind your team and let THEM engage for a few seconds. It throws off who the other team should target.

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Two relevant questions that will have answers useful to this thread.


Re: Visual Difference/cue


Is there a way to tell if a Sorc/Sage has taken the bubble stun utility?


If a Shadow/Sin has CC immunity for Deflection?


I know they're close to "must take" utilities, but I always kind of wonder (more so with Deflection) if Shadows/Sins can just get away with people thinking "I can't CC him now" and use the point somewhere else.


I can only answer for the first part, and that is a no.

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I could use a Beginner's guide to PT! More useful for its link to the guide on Dulfy.


AP DPS help - discussions and numbers happen after the first page.


I'd like to point out that (as it says in my "About the Author" section on my dulfy guide) I suck at PvP. Well maybe I don't, but people recognize me and focus me down, and i'm not good at surviving when people focus me down. If i'm given free reign of course people die.


So take any advice from these 2 links with a grain of salt. I mean sure, they cover DPS just fine, but they don't cover:



Dealing with opposing enemies DCDs

Using your own DCDs

Dealing with crowd control

Co-ordination with team mates over crowd control

Edited by TACeMossie
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I'd like to point out that (as it says in my "About the Author" section on my dulfy guide) I suck at PvP. Well maybe I don't, but people recognize me and focus me down, and i'm not good at surviving when people focus me down. If i'm given free reign of course people die.


Humble on swtor forums......*world explodes*


honestly 99% of people suck at AP PT. I only know 2 - 3 proper good AP PT/Tactics VG on the Bastion. Its the little things that make a player......not how quickly you can blow your burst onto a sorc lol. famous guild on Bastion was called <Don't Panic> and that's pretty good advice when you are playing AP PT.

Edited by Kooziejr
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Humble on swtor forums......*world explodes*


honestly 99% of people suck at AP PT. I only know 2 - 3 proper good AP PT/Tactics VG on the Bastion. Its the little things that make a player......not how quickly you can blow your burst onto a sorc lol. famous guild on Bastion was called <Don't Panic> and that's pretty good advice when you are playing AP PT.


I consider myself a decent AP PT, nothing amazing, but not panicking and blowing your load early on someone is definitely a good trait to have.


For many things :D

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