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My issue with Shadow of Revan as a Dark Side Sith (Potential Spoilers)


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Nah, it doesn't bug me that much.


Sure, a mad-dog type Sith might consider ambushing the Shan's once Revan's dead, but they might be smart enough to recognize that Marr's not going to help them, and might actually defend the Shan's, making it a bit lopsided a fight... and he might've been cowed a bit, feeling the Emperor's power and recognizing that they might need the Jedi's help to not get eaten by Vitaite.


Besides, one could argue that, if you WERE the sort of Sith that would do that, Lana Beniko would never have approached you to begin with. She doesn't seem the sort to ask for help from an unreliable and potentially destabilizing force, and she seems a really, really good judge of character.


Nah, what bugs me is Shae Vizla, and how we're not allowed to kill her in the Blood Hunt instance. Yeah, she shows up to help us against Revan, but leaving aside the many, many reasons a Republic char would want her dead/imprisoned, she did try to kill us by blowing our ship out of the sky as we approached, just looking for a friendly chat.


And then she sic'd her minions on us.


And then she had us kill some monsters for her amusement.


And then she threw MORE minions at us...


...and then we leave without even acknowledging that a lot of our chars might want to kill her?


Most of my chars, at that point, would either kill her, or demand she surrender herself for incarceration (...and then presumably would have to kill her because she doesn't seem the type to surrender).


I'm just saying, not even giving us the chance to TRY, and have her ingeniously escape, was a huuuuge problem for me.


This is what I'm talking about...the story didn't fit with the Characters...

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My point isn't that I think my Wrath should have succeeded in killing the Shans (or Marr)


its just that it doesn't fit the nature of how the story up until that had been for him to play nice with republic leaders...the only other time in the story that I can recall at the end my Sith put him down.


It just didn't fit to not at least have a dialogue or some sort of attempt to end the republic leadership...


also the Wrath would 100% want to test himself against Satele


You're missing a BUNCH of points on the fact YOU would have wanted to do that...NOT a Sith Warrior who has made it to the top of the Sith pile.


1. you are not playing nice. Were Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin playing nice? No they tolerated each other to take down Hitler. As soon as the war was over, new lines of battle were drawn and the Cold War began. Same thing here. You have a greater enemy. Revan first made your Gov't look like idiots by manipulating them and he wants to wake up the emperor, you know the guy who wants to eat you along with the rest of the galaxy.


2. You would not be testing yourself against Satele. You would have to go through Marr first. Marr is arguably the THE consummate warrior on the Dark council. He is sick and tired of the in-fighting and back stabbing that has enveloped the Sith Empire and believes it will lead to it's ruin. He gave his word to Satele. You go to break it he will not only break you he will kill you just to prove the point.


3. If that didn't happen you would be killed by the person who dropped a Mountain on Darth Malgus.


So if you are actually interested enough in the Story to want to RP stuff in your head... then attack Satele makes no sense at all because you would know it would end in your death period.

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My issue with SoR as a Sith Inquisitor is that at the end I couldn't mercilessly mock Revan for being an abject failure who had accomplished nothing but bringing about the very danger he claimed to be trying to prevent, and weakening the galaxy in the process.


Followed by binding his Force Ghost and making him watch as I slaughtered every last Revanite on Yavin and made them thank him before they died.




Yeah, I'm just really tired of Revan.

The Inquisitor didn't come up with this because nobody told them to, obviously. Same reason why they didn't bind Aloysius Kallig, who'd have been the strongest ghost and probably helped you by his own choice. The Inquisitor just likes to derp, really.

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You're missing a BUNCH of points on the fact YOU would have wanted to do that...NOT a Sith Warrior who has made it to the top of the Sith pile.


I made it to the top of the pile because my SW killed anyone who was in his way...everyone. I recall maybe 1-2 times in the whole story where I let someone live. My get why you were comfortable with the alliance I'm saying as a full Darkside SW it did not fit in with his story.


1. you are not playing nice. Were Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin playing nice? No they tolerated each other to take down Hitler. As soon as the war was over, new lines of battle were drawn and the Cold War began. Same thing here. You have a greater enemy. Revan first made your Gov't look like idiots by manipulating them and he wants to wake up the emperor, you know the guy who wants to eat you along with the rest of the galaxy.


I understand why we needed the Jedi to defeat Revan...however after that I think Marr (who didn't get to the top of the Sith pile by not being powerful, clever etc) and the Wrath would have at least tried to regain the upper hand in the battle with the Jedi.


2. You would not be testing yourself against Satele. You would have to go through Marr first. Marr is arguably the THE consummate warrior on the Dark council. He is sick and tired of the in-fighting and back stabbing that has enveloped the Sith Empire and believes it will lead to it's ruin. He gave his word to Satele. You go to break it he will not only break you he will kill you just to prove the point.


I see no reason why Marr would stop me...Satele Shan is arguably the greatest threat the Empire has outside of the Jedi Guardian and the Emperor (after Revan is defeated) surely Marr being powerful enough to attain and maintain his rank and the Wrath would be able to best an aged Satele.


3. If that didn't happen you would be killed by the person who dropped a Mountain on Darth Malgus.


So if you are actually interested enough in the Story to want to RP stuff in your head... then attack Satele makes no sense at all because you would know it would end in your death period



I see no reason why my Wrath would lose to Satele...she is old, admits she is diminished herself and I have 3 Dark lords of the Sith with me...she has Theron who is no match for a Sith lord.

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My issue with SoR as a Sith Inquisitor is that at the end I couldn't mercilessly mock Revan for being an abject failure who had accomplished nothing but bringing about the very danger he claimed to be trying to prevent, and weakening the galaxy in the process.


Followed by binding his Force Ghost and making him watch as I slaughtered every last Revanite on Yavin and made them thank him before they died.




Yeah, I'm just really tired of Revan.


Oh, I want this.


As for the OP, meh. My DS Inquisitor may be crazy, but even crazy people have a survival instinct. He knows the Emperor is going to be hard to kill, and that sparing these foolish Jedi means they can fight him later. More allies = more people between him and a grisly death at the Emperor's hands. The Emperor will likely kill them for him, and if he doesn't? There will be opportunities later. He is, after all, the best.

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Nah, it doesn't bug me that much.


Sure, a mad-dog type Sith might consider ambushing the Shan's once Revan's dead, but they might be smart enough to recognize that Marr's not going to help them, and might actually defend the Shan's, making it a bit lopsided a fight... and he might've been cowed a bit, feeling the Emperor's power and recognizing that they might need the Jedi's help to not get eaten by Vitaite.


Besides, one could argue that, if you WERE the sort of Sith that would do that, Lana Beniko would never have approached you to begin with. She doesn't seem the sort to ask for help from an unreliable and potentially destabilizing force, and she seems a really, really good judge of character.


Nah, what bugs me is Shae Vizla, and how we're not allowed to kill her in the Blood Hunt instance. Yeah, she shows up to help us against Revan, but leaving aside the many, many reasons a Republic char would want her dead/imprisoned, she did try to kill us by blowing our ship out of the sky as we approached, just looking for a friendly chat.


And then she sic'd her minions on us.


And then she had us kill some monsters for her amusement.


And then she threw MORE minions at us...


...and then we leave without even acknowledging that a lot of our chars might want to kill her?


Most of my chars, at that point, would either kill her, or demand she surrender herself for incarceration (...and then presumably would have to kill her because she doesn't seem the type to surrender).


I'm just saying, not even giving us the chance to TRY, and have her ingeniously escape, was a huuuuge problem for me.


Vizla actually made me dislike Mandolorians a bit, tbh.... I always loved them, from the originals movies and all. And from earlier gameplays, both at Tattooine and in the BH storyline. But I mean. A filthy, weak mercenary are supposed to laugh at a Dark Council member, laugh at the Wrath etc? And when she gets beaten (Most annoying FP ever, seems 100% forced and not really with any immersion or part ot the story, then what? We can't kill her? At least make her and her damn clan die. Wipe them all out. I think they should add more mandolorians in the game, but we don't need "Vizla", she was just for show in the cinematics pre-game and her attitude makes her a perfect victim. Most people, Pub or Imp would likely kill her. I'd personally make it painful as well, damn she annoyed me. She's not even relevant to the story. So- let's kill her already!!! Preferably with a lot of lightning...

Edited by Leaveshill
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The Inquisitor didn't come up with this because nobody told them to, obviously. Same reason why they didn't bind Aloysius Kallig, who'd have been the strongest ghost and probably helped you by his own choice. The Inquisitor just likes to derp, really.


Tbh you do bind the Voss, without anyone telling you that this voss mystic is even real.

BUt everyone loves to derp. The Inquisitor just derps much less than the other Force users, due to him actually not having a master since Act 2. Everyone else is following orders for a longer period of time.


Also. Never bind a ghost that's willing. Ergast himself states "By leaving the ghost it's will, you draw less of it's power". Also, he's your forefather. So why ruin his rest for less power? You must force ghosts, that's part of the idea. Force them into being your slaves

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I made it to the top of the pile because my SW killed anyone who was in his way...everyone. I recall maybe 1-2 times in the whole story where I let someone live. My get why you were comfortable with the alliance I'm saying as a full Darkside SW it did not fit in with his story.
And in the process of killing everyone, you probably killed a lot of potential allies for the Empire. Also, even a full dark-side SW unavoidably has to team up with a Jedi on Belsavis.


I understand why we needed the Jedi to defeat Revan...however after that I think Marr (who didn't get to the top of the Sith pile by not being powerful, clever etc) and the Wrath would have at least tried to regain the upper hand in the battle with the Jedi.
Maybe when there's a good time. And having a much more powerful threat they need to cooperate on is not a good time. (Note that even after Revan's death, there is still the matter of the Emperor.)



I see no reason why Marr would stop me...Satele Shan is arguably the greatest threat the Empire has outside of the Jedi Guardian and the Emperor (after Revan is defeated) surely Marr being powerful enough to attain and maintain his rank and the Wrath would be able to best an aged Satele.


If you see no reason why Marr would stop you, you clearly do not know Marr at all. The reason Marr is where he is is by being a pragmatic Sith who understands the Empire's problems and how, to solve, the most important thing is COOPERATION. Even with the Republic.


I see no reason why my Wrath would lose to Satele...she is old, admits she is diminished herself and I have 3 Dark lords of the Sith with me...she has Theron who is no match for a Sith lord.
She isn't Grand Master for no reason. I suspect she is roughly equal to Marr in power. (Marr is pretty old too... and suffering from a terminal illness.) Furthermore, Theron is a top SIS agent. He would at least put up a decent fight. Also, saying you have 3 Sith is clearly getting ahead of yourself. It's already a stretch to assume Marr would help, despite what you think. But there is absolutely no way that Lana Beniko, who has honor on par with a Jedi, would help you. She was cooperating with Theron even before everything went down, and she values keeping her word. She WOULD fight you to protect the Republic allies. Best case but extremely unlikely scenario: 2 Sith lords vs another Sith, the Jedi Grand Master, and a top SIS Agent. More likely Scenario: 1 Sith vs 2 Sith, the Jedi Grand Master, and a top SIS Agent.


Note that this is also completely ignoring Jakarro. I suspect he would turn on whoever threw the first punch, which in your scenario would be, uh, you.

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I made it to the top of the pile because my SW killed anyone who was in his way...everyone. I recall maybe 1-2 times in the whole story where I let someone live. My get why you were comfortable with the alliance I'm saying as a full Darkside SW it did not fit in with his story.


Then you didn't pay attention to the story. You served on "master" on Korriban and then betrayed him in order to serve a stronger master. You saw the need of allies in the people who volunteered to support you against your rival. If you learned a damn thing from Baras it was that one needs servants, allies in order to stay ahead and alive. In the end you have ALWAYS been a servant. You have always had a "patron". You have killed people because they got in the way of missions OTHERS gave you. If not for these patrons, who the rest of the Sith fear, you would have been TOAST.


In order to have survived this long you recognize this. Now yeah...maybe you as a player do not look at the big picture. BUT people with critical reading and listening skills do get it.


I understand why we needed the Jedi to defeat Revan...however after that I think Marr (who didn't get to the top of the Sith pile by not being powerful, clever etc) and the Wrath would have at least tried to regain the upper hand in the battle with the Jedi.


I see no reason why Marr would stop me...Satele Shan is arguably the greatest threat the Empire has outside of the Jedi Guardian and the Emperor (after Revan is defeated) surely Marr being powerful enough to attain and maintain his rank and the Wrath would be able to best an aged Satele.


these are together. your character knows Marr. Obviously you have no clue about his personality. Marr is "old school". He got where he did through raw power and determination (the reason he knows he knows he is not going to last a long time is because he is SO steeped in the darkside for power it is eating at his body.) When I say old school it means he wants NOTHING to do with back stabbing. When he gives his word he means it (which is why he gives his word VERY sparingly). If you never played Dungeons and Dragons Google "Lawful Evil". That is Marr.


He is THE Boss on this mission, the one member of the Dark Council present. This means you are his subordinate. As such if you break the peace you break his word and he will have your *** on a plate. This is why Regardless of the Class you do not see Marr try something to drop Satele. You conveniently underestimate Satele's power, and just as conveniently remove Marr's power from the equation because they prove inconvenient to your desire... to take a poke at Satele Shan. Satele would kick your ***. The Grand Master of the Jedi Order is at LEAST as strong as any member of the Dark Council. Do you you think you could take Marr single handed? Further more Marr is not a "kill em all Sith". A comic book example of Marr would be Ra's al Gul in terms of why he does things. He is NOT Sidious.


I see no reason why my Wrath would lose to Satele...she is old, admits she is diminished herself and I have 3 Dark lords of the Sith with me...she has Theron who is no match for a Sith lord.


Because you miss the point. First Marr is as I describe above. Lana Beniko, if you do Pub side stories, is FAR from a typical "Sith Lord." So it's you having to go through Marr and Beniko before you you have a PRAYER of touching Satele.


Sorry but if you pay a gosh darn lick of attention to the stories that Bioware wrote, not the ones you wrote in your own mind, there are A LOT more complications on both sides. Evil but honorable Dark Council members. Formerly righteous Republic Generals who fall into a "the ends justify the means" mind set.

Edited by Ghisallo
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I see no reason why Marr would stop me...Satele Shan is arguably the greatest threat the Empire has outside of the Jedi Guardian and the Emperor (after Revan is defeated) surely Marr being powerful enough to attain and maintain his rank and the Wrath would be able to best an aged Satele.


Marr has survived this long, and is currently the de facto head of the Empire, because he is, ya know, intelligent and pragmatic. The Emperor represented an existential threat to both the Empire and the Republic, Marr made an agreement to cooperate to end the threat, and honored that agreement to part ways peacefully after it was settled, with the clear knowledge that it was back to facing eachother over the barbwire afterward.


Half the reason the Empire is in as bad a shape as it is is all the idiot "Only weakling Jedi "think" and "plan", true Sith just randomly lolmurder everything they can get their hands on!" Sith running undermining and sabotaging the Empire from within in the middle of the war.


There is no guarantee that the Empire would be successful in pulling some betrayal on Yavin, and the risk is that if Marr dies it leaves the Dark Council to descend into infighting for control, and as the SoR storyline demonstrates, and Marr explicitly mentions, none of the other Councillors bar Nox can be trusted.

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Full DS Sith Warrior does not equate with raaar kill everyone because I am teh evil!

mine is much more pragmatic. I kill to make a point when it is needed. I kill because someone really pissed me off. I kill because it amuses me at times. But I have let people walk away if I felt that there was no reason to kill them. Letting your passions give you strength does not mean you are a psychopath.

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Thinking about it?


I don't think the issue is that you're not allowed to kill Satele, or even attack her and Theron. There's mountains of reasons, both in-universe and out of universe why that wouldn't happen.


No, the problem is much like the Shae Vizla situation: Its never brought up as an option in-universe. There's no DS-leaning bit on either side about "Hey, after we take out Revan, we're totally going to turn on the other side, right?" There's never a chance for Satele and Marr to explain why they're not going to be doing that.


Especially after the Emperor comes back. It wouldn't surprise me if Marr was considering stabbing Satele in the back once the Revan threat was ended, but he (correctly) realized that the two sides might need to join up again in the future, and so they would have to part amicably now, or else there would be no trust for a future potentially neccessary alliance to be built upon.


Marr's not remotely cuddly, but he's not an idiot either. Backstabbing Satele would make the odds of the Emperor incarnating and destroying all like in the galaxy much more likely.


The fault lies in the story not leaving an option open for the players, one that WOULD need to get shouted down, for the sake of the future plot, but it should have been there.

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Thinking about it?.....


Now this is actually a good point. I think the problem may be this though. I have noticed in playing a host of MMORPGs that often the devs and story writers give their players too much credit. They think... "We don't need to add a 4th dialogue option because our players are smart. They will read the NPC dialogue or actually listen to the cut scenes not just for the expac but for all 60 levels. After they digest all of that they will understand why the option isn't there. I mean do we need to include an option that has the response 'hey dumb ***?'"


This issue of giving players too much credit is compounded in the games Bioware makes. Bioware creates much more detailed worlds and NPCs than most MMOs. They also have the players to having much more detailed interactions. So the "I want to play my character how I want" attitude is naturally more limited.


Now regarding your description of Marr....spot on, he is a Sith through and through but he is a Sith who believe in order (order does NOT mean good) he is a strategist. That means you have rules which you follow and when you see a greater threat you do not kill a potential tool to defeat that threat "because."


...not being a WoW player I have a question that may have some relevance. I have seen more than once the Empire compared to the Horde. Is the Horde a faction that truly is the embodiment of chaos, that somehow manages to survive, even thrive, in spite of the fact that it is single minded in its pursuit of death and destruction? If so then this could explain the issue. People are apply a metric to the darkside and thus the Empire that is completely inappropriate.

Edited by Ghisallo
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So I recently just finished SoR with my full Dark side Sith Juggernaut, but I have to say I'm unconvinced by the story. I mean my character has left a trail of bodies and bloodshed across the galaxy on his journey to become the Emperors Wrath, I even have explained his bloodlust in my head as if you meet the Wrath you do not survive to tell the story...as that increases the fear of me.


Then I get to SoR and I'm just fine to let Theron, Satele, etc just leave...my character would NEVER do that...NEVER...even if to defeat Revan I needed their help I would have tried to slay them afterwards, and Darth Marr for even agreeing to a truce.


On my Jedi Guardian (Full light) it makes total sense...and the story flows and fits nicely...but on a Dark Side Sith it is quite poor and disappointing.


My 2 cents.


The thing is if there was an option to fight them you would of lost for story purposes. I guess they could let you fight and then in the ending cut scene you get defeated but no one wants to lose even in a cut scene. I just think that would be more of a turn off for people then having to let someone go. Just think of it as you were tired from the battle with Reven and to fight again right then and there would of been suicide.


On a side note. If you want "everyone to fear you" then you should leave a survivor now and then so they can tell you story to the rest of the universe. After all dead men tell no tales.

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On a side note. If you want "everyone to fear you" then you should leave a survivor now and then so they can tell you story to the rest of the universe. After all dead men tell no tales.


Now you reminded me of the original PotC. :D

Pirate: The Black Pearl? I've heard stories. She's been preying on ships and settlements for near ten years. Never leaves any survivors.


Captain Jack Sparrow: No survivors? Then where do the stories come from, I wonder?

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My issue with this whole storyline is that my Emperor's Wrath wouldn't betray the Emperor.


Yes, siding with the Emperor would mean death for the Wrath and the galaxy at large, but the way I played my Wrath was, despite being a murderous, egotistical psychopath, he viewed the Emperor with the only one worthy of his loyalty, which for the large part kept me in line. He owes his position to the Emperor. I was disappointed for all my loyalty and thuggery on behalf of the Emperor, I never get to see it through to the end.


As you can tell, I'm a huge Vitiate fan. :p

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My issue with this whole storyline is that my Emperor's Wrath wouldn't betray the Emperor.


Yes, siding with the Emperor would mean death for the Wrath and the galaxy at large, but the way I played my Wrath was, despite being a murderous, egotistical psychopath, he viewed the Emperor with the only one worthy of his loyalty, which for the large part kept me in line. He owes his position to the Emperor. I was disappointed for all my loyalty and thuggery on behalf of the Emperor, I never get to see it through to the end.


As you can tell, I'm a huge Vitiate fan. :p


And doing so would result in your death or being kept in the dark, Marr doesn't want to get eaten nor anyone else. So you either never get given the info of "let's go to Yavin IV" or when you go to help the Emperor Marr breaks your suicidal neck.

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I would have liked a bit more exposition around the Wrath learning the Emperor's secret. Instead it is only hinted at in a vision sequence the Wrath has before going to Rishi, some references to "the ritual" while fighting the force-cloaked droids, and then a few quick sentences by Marr.


The Warrior class story on Rishi should have been a little more involved and centered more thoroughly on discovering this truth themselves. Especially considering the warrior is the Emperor's Wrath and all. Heck we saw Kaliyo guest-star in the Jedi Knight's companion story for Doc, why couldn't we have had Scourge show up at some point to discuss "the real story" with his successor? Or be there when Satele and Marr met in Raider's Cove?

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I would have liked a bit more exposition around the Wrath learning the Emperor's secret. Instead it is only hinted at in a vision sequence the Wrath has before going to Rishi, some references to "the ritual" while fighting the force-cloaked droids, and then a few quick sentences by Marr.


The Warrior class story on Rishi should have been a little more involved and centered more thoroughly on discovering this truth themselves. Especially considering the warrior is the Emperor's Wrath and all. Heck we saw Kaliyo guest-star in the Jedi Knight's companion story for Doc, why couldn't we have had Scourge show up at some point to discuss "the real story" with his successor? Or be there when Satele and Marr met in Raider's Cove?


There's plenty of references here and there, pertaining what the Emperor is and what he represents to the galaxy, stretching from the original class story to the one on Rishi -- vision or no vision.


I for one prefer it that way; much better that having the developers spitting in your face that the Emperor is hungry, and we are his next meal.


Which, sadly I might add, is what SoR bodes down to.

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There's plenty of references here and there, pertaining what the Emperor is and what he represents to the galaxy, stretching from the original class story to the one on Rishi -- vision or no vision.


I for one prefer it that way; much better that having the developers spitting in your face that the Emperor is hungry, and we are his next meal.


Which, sadly I might add, is what SoR bodes down to.


What made it stick out to me is I had just played the warrior storyline from start to finish. There are hints on Voss that a Dark Side entity is being fed by the conflict between the Voss and the Gormak. Beyond that there is nothing much that stuck out to me - I'd welcome references if you know of any.


Makeb had no references to the Emperor at all, other than he was believed dead by the Republic and the Hutts.


Rishi was where you get the vision and deal with the droids and then there's nothing other than Marr's offhand comment.

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Thinking about it?


I don't think the issue is that you're not allowed to kill Satele, or even attack her and Theron. There's mountains of reasons, both in-universe and out of universe why that wouldn't happen.


No, the problem is much like the Shae Vizla situation: Its never brought up as an option in-universe. There's no DS-leaning bit on either side about "Hey, after we take out Revan, we're totally going to turn on the other side, right?" There's never a chance for Satele and Marr to explain why they're not going to be doing that.


Especially after the Emperor comes back. It wouldn't surprise me if Marr was considering stabbing Satele in the back once the Revan threat was ended, but he (correctly) realized that the two sides might need to join up again in the future, and so they would have to part amicably now, or else there would be no trust for a future potentially neccessary alliance to be built upon.


Marr's not remotely cuddly, but he's not an idiot either. Backstabbing Satele would make the odds of the Emperor incarnating and destroying all like in the galaxy much more likely.


The fault lies in the story not leaving an option open for the players, one that WOULD need to get shouted down, for the sake of the future plot, but it should have been there.


This is what I have been saying...everyone is so quick to say I don't pay attention when no one has paid attention to the fact I said it felt off to not be an option or to be discussed...regardless of how my sith has arrived at Yavin he has always had at least the option to threaten or fight.


I'm saying the lack of it being mentioned or having a 2 dialogue chat makes it break immersion and is out of character for my sith.

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What made it stick out to me is I had just played the warrior storyline from start to finish. There are hints on Voss that a Dark Side entity is being fed by the conflict between the Voss and the Gormak. Beyond that there is nothing much that stuck out to me - I'd welcome references if you know of any.


That is a reference to Sel-Makor, not the Emperor.


This is what I have been saying...everyone is so quick to say I don't pay attention when no one has paid attention to the fact I said it felt off to not be an option or to be discussed...regardless of how my sith has arrived at Yavin he has always had at least the option to threaten or fight.


I'm saying the lack of it being mentioned or having a 2 dialogue chat makes it break immersion and is out of character for my sith.


So pretty much like all class stories from beginning to end? It's the nature of the game, they want to provide the player with options, but they still have to progress the story. They can't put 100 options on every conversation wheel, and record 100 different conversations, just to ensure that every player can find an option that suits their exact image of how their character would act in the situation.

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What made it stick out to me is I had just played the warrior storyline from start to finish. There are hints on Voss that a Dark Side entity is being fed by the conflict between the Voss and the Gormak. Beyond that there is nothing much that stuck out to me - I'd welcome references if you know of any.




Also, from the Foundry flashpoint:

- - - -

Makeb had no references to the Emperor at all, other than he was believed dead by the Republic and the Hutts.


; it's the Jedi who believe he is dead. Edited by Darth_Wicked
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My issue with this whole storyline is that my Emperor's Wrath wouldn't betray the Emperor.


Yes, siding with the Emperor would mean death for the Wrath and the galaxy at large, but the way I played my Wrath was, despite being a murderous, egotistical psychopath, he viewed the Emperor with the only one worthy of his loyalty, which for the large part kept me in line. He owes his position to the Emperor. I was disappointed for all my loyalty and thuggery on behalf of the Emperor, I never get to see it through to the end.


As you can tell, I'm a huge Vitiate fan. :p

If you really want to side with the Emperor, then just lose the fight with Revan at the end and never play that character again, since in that universe he'll be dead and so will everyone else :D


(of course, it's practically impossible to lose the solo version of the Revan fight, but you get my point..... )

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If you really want to side with the Emperor, then just lose the fight with Revan at the end and never play that character again, since in that universe he'll be dead and so will everyone else :D


(of course, it's practically impossible to lose the solo version of the Revan fight, but you get my point..... )


I AFK during the fight. Your team will break themselves out of the bubbles and kill Revan themselves.

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